Of Pleasure and Pain
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Of Pleasure and Pain: Chapter 14

E - Words: 947 - Last Updated: Sep 11, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 49/49 - Created: Jul 18, 2012 - Updated: Sep 11, 2012
863 0 0 0 2

Chapter 14

By their nature, submissives have trouble standing up to their Dom, especially if they are scared of Them. It takes quite a lot to make a submissive act out against their Dom.

"Leave Kurt alone." Mike said suddenly, coming up behind Dave with Artie and Sam.

"You mind? I'm a little busy here." Dave snarked back.

"We're serious. Leave him alone or there'll be hell to pay." Artie threatened quietly.

"Sam, what the fuck are you doing?" Dave asked when he finally turned to face them.

"K-Kurt's my friend." He said, his voice a little quieter than usual. "You can't keep picking on him."

"Look if Hummel has an issue with me he can talk to me himself."

"We're done talking about this." Artie replied.

"Just back off!" mike finished, turning to leave. Dave shouted something and shoved mike into Artie, whose wheelchair fell backwards, the crippled boy flipping out of it. Sam moved without thinking, grabbing Karofsky by the arm and managing to push him into the lockers behind them. Dave's hand flew out and struck him across the face, making Sam fall to the ground. The resounding slap seemed to echo around the room as everyone froze.

Sam raised a shaking hand to his throbbing cheek, his fingers hitting something wet. There was a gash across his face, from the corner of his eye to halfway down his cheek. Dave's ring had torn the skin there. His mouth trembled and tears welled up in his eyes as he looked up at Dave, cringing from the look of utter fury in his eyes.

A knock on the locker room door broke the tense silence that had overcome them, and the door creaked open as a cheerful, feminine voice echoed in the room. Everyone turned as none other than Kurt Hummel came in, digging through his bag as he spoke.

"Sam, are you almost done? We're going to be late for the concert if we don't… Sam!" his voice shot up a few octaves when he finally glanced up and saw his friend on the floor, blood trickling down his cheek and the beginnings of a black eye. "God, Sam, what happened?" he screeched, skidding to his knees in front of his friend.

"Nothing, nothing," Sam mumbled, waving Kurt off and scrambling to his feet. "I- I'm fine, come on, let's go." Sam didn't look back as he grabbed Kurt by the wrist, pulling him out into the hallway. As soon as they had left the school though, Sam broke down into sobs. Kurt pulled the injured boy close, rubbing his back and letting a few tears of his own slide down his face.

"Sam what the hell happened?"

"w-we… m-me and Artie and mike, we tried to talk to Dave and tell him to leave you al-lone and he pushed mike and Artie got hurt and I just wanted to get him to stop and he h-h-hit me." Sam choked out, sobbing into Kurt's shoulder.

"Hey, we've always known he had anger issues… I'm sure it won't happen again." Kurt tried to comfort him. Sam mumbled something into Kurt's shoulder. "What?"

"Not the first time." Sam whispered hoarsely. "It's not the first time he's hurt me." Kurt pulled away, his expression carefully controlled as he looked Sam in the eye.

"Sam… did he- did he… do that?"

Sam clenched his eyes shut and nodded slowly. Kurt let out a shaky breath and wrapped an arm around his friend's shoulders, pulling him to his car and helping him in. he flipped his phone open as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Master? I'm not going to be at the concert tonight, I'm sorry."

"Why?" Blaine asked curiously.

"I…" Kurt hesitated, glancing at his friend for permission. Sam nodded. "I'm taking Sam to the hospital."

"What? Why? Kurt, what happened?" Blaine said urgently. Kurt could hear a few people muttering in the background.

"His Dom was abusing him." Kurt explained, his voice catching a little. "I found him in the locker room, and he's hurt, and I don't know how badly and-"

"Kurt, calm down." Blaine ordered, his voice firm. Kurt swallowed his words and tried to breathe properly. "Call ahead and tell them you're coming. I'll meet you there. Don't even bother." He added when Kurt started to protest. "We can pay them to leave for all I fucking care, I'm coming with you."

"Ok." Kurt sighed. Sam tapped his arm and mouthed the word Sebastian. "Master?"


"Can you see if Sebastian will come too? Sam's asking for him and frankly he seems to be the only thing that calms him down."

"Of course, give me a minute." There were muffled voices as Blaine explained what had happened to the others. Kurt could hear Wes complaining about the refunds. "I don't give a damn Wes, I'm leaving. … Nick can you please try and talk some sense into him? … Seb, Sam's on the way to the hospital and-" Blaine's voice was cut off when Sebastian's urgent sounding voice cut him off. "Yeah, he's coming." He confirmed with Kurt.

"Ok, we'll see you there." Kurt sighed before flipping his cell shut. He grabbed Sam's hand and squeezed it softly. "Everything's going to be ok." He assured. "We're getting you out of there if it's the last thing I do." Sam smiled hesitantly and turned to stare out the window. "Sam? Could you not tell them about me and Dave? I just- I have enough tension with my Master as it is, if he found out about this…"

"Ok." Sam mumbled. Kurt flipped open his phone again and called the hospital, explaining what had happened. They assured him that someone would be there when they arrived to look after Sam, and asked if he would need protection. Kurt asked Sam, but he shook his head.


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