
June 20, 2014, 7 p.m.
June 20, 2014, 7 p.m.
So, it got a little dark there toward the end, and this kind of story usually is meant for larger fics, but I just wanted a taste of "what if Kurt and Blaine were some special creatures the Winchester crew came face to face with?" I didnt think it would involve so much dialog and so little action, jeez. But I hope yall enjoyed the taste, anyway. Someone should run away with the idea and totally write a larger verse for antichrist!Blaine. PLEASE.
"Kurt...theyre following us."
"I know, Blaine. But if I go any faster, itll turn into a chase."
"Wouldnt it be better if it did? We could—"
"Blaine, I am driving us to the police station right now, theres no safer place we could be heading. This is the smart thing to do."
The two boys noticed they were being followed just shortly after leaving one of their coffee dates at The Lima Bean. It was getting hot out, even for Limas summer weather, but Kurt had grown fond of the establishment ever since Blaine and Kurt had exchanged their first "I love yous" there, just a couple weeks ago, now.
"I dont have a good feeling about this..." Blaine said, sitting in the passengers seat beside him and cradling his stomach like he was indeed feeling ill.
Kurt reached out with one hand and gripped Blaines. "Itll be okay, I promise. I wont let anything happen to you." He didnt tell Blaine that he knew exactly who—or rather, what—was following them. He couldnt honestly say what the other thing was—something like Blaine, but not. Nowhere near the same thing. But the first presence..it was weak, and it was faint, but it was undeniably angel.
Kurt just hoped getting somewhere public and safe (for humans, at least) would be enough to put the two beings back, at least until he and Blaine could come up with a better plan.
When they pulled into the police parking lot, however, the sleek Impala pulled in to another spot two spaces to their left.
Time to face the music, it seemed. But he wasnt willing to give Blaine up. Kurt had no idea why they were following them, but for the past week, Blaine had been acting strangely. And Kurt couldnt deny that Blaine was different, just like him. In a way, it made him happy. Not only could he have a wonderful boyfriend, but Blaine would just get him, in a way no one else could. In a way no one else ever will.
Unfortunately for Kurt, however, he knew this would put Blaine in a tremendous amount of danger.
Danger that would soon be staring them in the face.
He gripped Blaines hand, and pierced him with a look. "Stay here, honey."
"Kurt, no, what—why? We dont know what theyre after...I...were outside the station, we could call from our cell phones and theyd come out..."
"Blaine," Kurt said calmly. "They cant make much of a scene here. And I dont want to risk exposing you to them."
Blaine deflated. "You think Im why theyre following us."
Kurt squared his shoulders. "Im just going to go see what they want. Ill be back in a moment. If they wanted to hurt us they could have done it already. They just want to talk."
"I should go with you. I can protect you...I—I think..."
Kurt sighed. "I know we dont know much about each other yet, but...trust me, I can handle myself."
"Please, please be careful..." Blaine said, as Kurt let go of his hand and put the car in park, though not turning off the engine in case they really needed to get the hell out of there...
He opened the door, and stepped out into the bright sunlight of the afternoon.
The car doors of the adjacent vehicle opened, and a tall, handsome man stepped out first.
"Hi there," the man said. "My names Sam Winchester. Im sorry if we scared you. That wasnt our intention. I was wondering if we could talk to you and your friend, maybe someplace more private?" He had both his hands at his sides, palms open to Kurt, showing he meant no harm.
The man looked earnest enough, but Kurt knew—he was just a man, but his associates in the car were anything but. Warily, he asked, "Who are you? And—and the others. Theyre not—" human, Kurt thought, but, noting his surroundings, said, "like you."
Sam smiled sadly, and Kurt wondered what that was about. "No, theyre not. But Cas—hes a friend. And Deans...my brother. Honestly, we just want to talk. If you dont trust us, I get it, but if you would just indulge us, I swear we dont want to cause you any trouble. Can we take you out to lunch, or something, and just talk? We passed a place on our way into town—"
"Breadstix," Kurt said. "We know it."
Sam nodded. "So, will you join us? Our treat, obviously."
Kurt gave the man an amused smirk. "I dont trust you at all. But as a rule, I dont turn down free cheesecake."
Sam smiled, and nodded once again, and turned back to the vehicle.
"And Sam?" Kurt called. The tall man looked back. "One wrong move, and I will kick your ass. Dont underestimate me."
Sam grinned, his expression a little wary, but it seemed like nothing he hadnt heard before. "I wont."
"This is the worst date idea ever, Kurt," Blaine said, as they watched the three men enter the restaurant. They saw through the windows the booth the men were seated in by the hostess. It was now or never.
"I know. Lets just get this over with."
"I cant believe you made me wait in the car. Like some rabid dog," Dean huffed, getting started on his first glass of beer. Castiel knew it would never have the same effect it had before, but familiarity breeds comfort, so Castiel couldnt blame him. Hed once been human, too.
"Acting as rabid dog would be an apt description of demonic reincarnation, Dean," Castiel added.
"This is what I am now, Cas. Im a goddamn demon. There aint nothing funny about it," Dean snapped.
"I wasnt aware I was telling a joke?"
"Guys—teenagers approaching. Please act somewhat human," Sam said under his breath, before getting up to greet the two teens.
"Sam Winchester," Sam greeted, extending his hand to shake the pale boys hand, the one hed spoken to earlier. They hadnt learned their names yet, but even in his weakened state, Castiel felt Blaines energy, reaching out from where they were, a hundred miles away, on a hunt.
With Metatron locked up in heaven and order there restored, more or less, the teams primary objectives now were figuring out a way to somehow undo Deans demonic existence, even though Dean had technically already died, and stopping Castiels power and essence from deteriorating into nothing and probably, eventually, ending him as well.
So, just the normal Tuesday.
Or it would have been, if Lucifer hadnt...Well.
That was why they were here, wasnt it?
"Kurt," the taller, paler boy said, taking the mans hand. "And this is my boyfriend, Blaine."
"Hi," Blaine said, taking Sams hand next.
"Boyfriend?" Dean all but exclaimed.
Kurt was taken aback, and stared at the...well...he looked like a man. "Excuse me, sir? Do you have a problem with that?"
Suddenly, the ground felt unsteady beneath their feet, like a small earthquake that had everyone in the restaurant talking worriedly in seconds, while Dean, who was trying to say something else, appeared to be choking on nothing, his hands frozen where he was attempting to reach down into his boot for the hilt of the First Blade. But he was halted, in that moment, and Castiel knew what he had to do.
"Please ignore him, Blaine" Castiel interjected, looking past Kurt and straight at the dark, curly-haired boy that looked both angry and frightened. "Hes been very grumpy lately."
The shaking tables stopped, and the patrons around them, not paying very much attention to their table, continued on, if a bit rattled by the absurdity of the small quake.
Dean huffed out a breath that, as a demon, he probably didnt need. Familiarity breeds comfort, Castiel thought again.
The angel caught Deans hand before it found the blade, and pulled it back up to the table top. Dean glared at him something awful, but said nothing. Castiel knew hed be hearing about this later.
"Yeah, please, take a seat, guys," Sam said, appearing quite relieved after not having to reach for his own demon blade. Castiel knew Sam would hesitate in killing someone that young and, for the most part, innocent. All three men at the table knew it wasnt ones fault what one was born into. "My brothers just a little jealous he doesnt have a boyfriend. Dont mind him," Sam said, trying to laugh it off.
Dean just grumbled, but didnt say actual words. Castiel nudged him in the side. "Sorry!" Dean said, sounding not at all sorry, and not even looking anywhere near Blaine while he apologized.
Kurt turned up his nose at the group, though he was feeling far more anxiety than he care to let on. Castiel thought there was something different about this boy... "I expect better behavior in the future," Kurt said. "Right Blaine?"
The dark-haired boy looked entirely startled. "Um..."
Kurt told the group to sit together on the other side of the booth, because of course, they couldnt trust them. Not at all.
"Who are you all? What are you? Why are you here? What do you want with us?" Kurt asked, not one to mince words.
"Were hunters," Dean said simply. "My brother and I. Sometimes Cas. Hes an angel. And Im..." For the longest time, he said nothing. Then he turned to look directly at Blaine. "Im a demon."
Blaines body stiffened in his seat.
"Were here because we need your help," Sam supplied, looking at Blaine, and then at Kurt, because he must know which boy was calling the shots in this relationship. Or at least Kurt felt, for whatever reason, that he should be the one to protect Blaine.
As if Blaine really needed protecting. From them, at least.
"Why us?" Kurt repeated. Castiel wondered why Kurt was including himself when it was obvious that they were interested in Blaine. He had to have known that.
"Because we need your help to find someone. A boy, hed be about your age, Blaine. His name is Jesse Turner."
Kurt turned to look at Blaine, but there was no hidden message in the gaze. He was also awaiting Blaines response.
But the boy just shook his head. "Im sorry. I dont recognize the name."
Castiel looked at him hard. Then after a long moment, said, "Hes telling the truth." He didnt actually know if he was right, not for certain, but he had felt Blaines earnestness. It was almost palpable in the air.
"Why do you need to find this person?" Kurt asked.
"Jeeze, kid, what is this, an inquisition?" Dean asked.
Kurt scowled. "Im sorry. I thought you invited us here so we could have a discussion, not so we could be bombarded with commentary from a rude homophobe."
"Hey—" Dean started.
"Guys!" Sam interjected. "Dean, breathe. Calm. The Hell. Down. Cas, a little help here?"
Castiel was always great at expository monologues. "Kurt, your boyfriend is something of a blood relative of Jesse Turners. They both can be classified as cambions, extremely rare creatures with incredible abilities. Blaine might be the only other cambion to exist, beside Jesse. We met Jesse years ago when he was just a boy. He was allowed to escape, for a time, and none of us could track him, not that we would. He only posed a threat while Lucifer was walking the Earth, when Jesses powers had been magnified, and drew the attention of demons to him. Lucifer, however, has since been imprisoned with his brother in Hell." Castiel said. "...Until now."
Kurt held a rather impressive poker face while Castiel spoke, but after a moment, he started laughing uncontrollably.
"Oh yes, Lucifer," Kurt said. "Right, okay."
Castiel was confused. "I am being completely truthful in my account. I died putting Lucifer in his cage."
"Wait, you died?" Blaine said. "And--" Blaine shook his head. "Im sorry, but all this talk about angels and demons, its all a bunch of crap." Blaine turned to Kurt. "Right, Kurt?"
But Kurt just looked at him, a little sadly, and held the boys hand he had not yet let go of just a bit tighter. "Blaine..."
Then, Castiel knew. He could feel it, like the dull ache of memory. A young woman, a holy mission, a needed heart. A mistake. "You are a nephilim."
"Oh, no way—" Dean started. "Him too?" He pointed incredulously at Kurt.
Sam looked back and forth between Castiel and Kurt. "Are you sure, Cas?"
He nodded. "Im sure. I cant determine which angel sired him, but Im certain of his angelic parentage."
Blaine stared at his boyfriend. "Kurt?" he said softly, hesitantly, but there was a small, barely-there smile on his face as well. "Are you an angel?" he whispered, his face looking quite awed.
"Half-Angel, technically," Castiel answered casually.
"You know how to ruin a moment, Cas, Ill tell you that," Dean said with a chuckle.
Castiel frowned. He didnt get it.
"I...I am. Or, I think I am?" Kurt told Blaine. "Anyway, he thinks I am," Kurt said, looking at Castiel. "My mother, she was...different. When she was very young, maybe just one or two years old, she got very sick. My grandparents thought she was going to die, and she very nearly did, we think. But then she got better, suddenly overnight it seemed like she not only survived, but was never anything less than healthy. Everyone said it was a miracle." Kurt smiled.
"After my mother married my dad, she told him...what she thought was the the truth." Kurt looked around the table. "We didnt believe her, of course. And I was too young then to understand, really..." Kurt shrugged. "But she never hid the fact from us—my father and me—that she was an angel, and that her body was just a host body, and not her true form. The true soul of Elizabeth Warren was sent up to heaven long ago, but my mom stayed behind...said all she wanted was a human life of her own, that she was sick of the politics upstairs, my dad told me later, though neither of us knew what that meant. She didnt talk much about her former life as an angel, I guess. It just seemed too weird, and my Dad thought she was crazy for a long time, but he loved her too much to ever leave her. But then...after a while...it was okay."
Kurt looked down at the table. "Then one day...my mother died. It...it was very sudden. I was only eight. We werent living in Ohio at the time. We lived in Nevada, originally. We moved after...after my mom went out shopping one day...and she was stabbed in the parking lot."
Kurts shoulders fell, and Blaine moved closer, pulling the boy next to him and wrapping an arm around him. He dared anyone to say anything about it. He honestly didnt know what he was or what he was capable of, but he knew he would kill anyone that tried to hurt Kurt.
Blaine looked up, and found an understanding look on Sams face, and...an incomprehensible expression on Deans face. And Blaine wondered if Dean had ever gone through something similar.
"She would always tell my dad," he continued, though his voice was a little scratchy-sounding, "that I needed to be hidden away, that I wasnt safe, being what I was. For a long time I thought mom knew I was gay and didnt approve, but...that wasnt the case. I started developing...these powers...and I realized shed been telling the truth the whole time."
Kurt looked up, something hard, now, in his eyes. "So dont give me a reason to hurt any of you. Because I wont hesitate. Not if my lifes on the line, or his," Kurt said.
Dean smiled then, and it wasnt the most reassuring thing, though it did look good on him. "You dont have anything to worry about, from us, anyway. I know we look tough, but were the good guys, kid. Most of the time. Today, definitely. I may be what I am, but Im no big fan of Lucy. We wanna lock him up, good and tight this time. Jesses the only kid who can do it. Blaine here is special, but Jesses the Antichrist."
"Im sorry, what?" Blaine asked. "Are you joking?"
"Kid, why would I joke about the Antichrist? Im a demon, hes an angel, and your boyfriend is a nephilim. Can we get with the program, please? Time is of the essence, or whatever."
But the trench coat wearing angel beside him just put a hand on Deans arm, and if there was a way for a person to reluctantly relax, well, thats what Dean proceeded to do.
"What...would you need me to do? I dont know where Jesse is, or who he is."
"If we cant locate Jesse," Castiel said, "There may be another way for you to assist us. As a known Antichrist, Jesse is susceptible to Lucifers control. He might already be lost to us. Its possible, even though he is severely weakened, that Lucifer will attempt to restart the apocalypse, and we cant let that happen. Blaine, if you would join us, we would be immensely grateful. All of us together might just be able to hold off Lucifer long enough to throw him back in his cage and prevent the apocalypse. Angelic forces have been...unfortunately cut down over the years due to civil war and bloodshed, and Heaven is under heavy reconstruction at the moment. We just dont have the means to battle Lucifers army. It must not come to that."
"But this is insane," Blaine said. "Im just—Im no one. Im just some kid."
The table was silent as a woman came around and took their orders, and left again. No one spoke for the longest time.
"Blaine...your parents. Theyre not your birth parents, are they?" Castiel asked.
"What does that—Im adopted, yeah, why?"
"Your mom was a demon, thats why," Dean said. "Or your dad. Whatever. Either way, youre half hell-spawn, kid."
"Dean," Sam chastised.
"What? All this pussyfootin arounds only wasting time we could be out there, hunting Lucifer and getting my goddamn human self back!" Dean said, clearly aggravated.
But Blaine could barely think, because...no, he wasnt...was he?
"Im...a demon?" Blaine said, and his voice sounded so small and wrecked, and he didnt even want to know what his face looked like to these hardened men, these hunters. He heard Kurt take in a startled breath at his side, and couldnt bear to look in his direction and see the disgust and horror that was surely there.
"Half-demon, technically," Castiel said, seemingly blind to Blaines inner turmoil. "And since you are the only other known cambion in existence, and Jesse is off the radar, its quite possible that you are the new Antichrist. If so, we need to carefully guard you and keep you out off Hells radar."
The good news just keeps getting better and better.
"There, there, kid," Dean said, reaching across the table and clapping Blaine on the shoulder a few times. "Its not the end of the world. Well, it could be, if we dont start moving soon, but--"
"Im a demon. Im...Im evil," Blaine said blankly. He turned to Kurt. "Youre my angel, Kurt, but...its not fair to ask you to be with me, if Im this...this thing," he felt a tear rolling down his cheek, but Kurt reached up his hand to brush it away.
"I dont care about that, Blaine. I knew you were different, and I love you anyway. Im never saying goodbye to you, no matter what you are. No one can touch us, or what we have. Not Lucifer, or an impending apocalypse, or Mr. Horribly Callous Tough Guy over there," Kurt said with a small smile.
"I really dont like you," Dean muttered under his breath.
"I love you so much," Blaine whispered.
"I love you too, so, so much," Kurt replied, staring back at him. It always thrilled Blaine when he heard Kurt say those words, but now it felt less exciting and new and beautifully ephemeral. Now they were a promise of something lasting, of something that had always been there, through ages and ages of lifetimes past.
"Ahem," a voice cut in. Sam. "Im really, really sorry to interrupt. I know this has been a lot to take in today, but we really need your help, guys. Both of you."
Kurt looked back at him, "Listen fellas, as much as wed like to help, were just high school kids. We have lives here. Im sure whatever youve been doing up until this point has been good enough, and youll keep kicking the devils ass without our assistance. But you need to leave us out of it."
It was better that Kurt had spoken up for the both of them. Blaines sappy response would have been something along the lines of not wanting to see Kurt get hurt, because now he knew that they were soulmates, destined to be together.
And he really did want to finish high school before he died in a horrible battle facing off against Satan, sure. That too.
But before anyone from the other side of the table could form a proper rebuttal—probably Sam or Castiel, though Dean would be quicker to the draw with more harassment—his phone rang. Cooper.
Blaine picked up his phone. "Coop?"
"Blaine!" Cooper said, sounding worried. "Where are you? Are you safe?" he asked, something strange in his voice.
"Um, yeah, I am...why? Whats going on?"
"Blaine..." Cooper said, and that...it sounded like Cooper was crying. "Theyre gone, Blaine. Theyre putting out the fire at the house—mom and dad..." he choked. "Everythings gone."
Oh God.
Blaine was too stunned to respond, couldnt even process what he was hearing. He turned to Kurt, and just then noticed he was on the phone as well.
"Finn! Calm down! Finn, stop crying—what? I cant hear yo—oh...no...NO! FINN!"
Kurt was staring off into nothing, his hands shaking violently. He slowly looked at Blaine, tears in his eyes. "They killed my dad, and Carole," Kurt whimpered.
"My parents are gone," Blaine said blankly, his mind still unable to understand what was happening.
Kurts face was completely white. "My dad, Blaine. My dad is gone."
Blaine reached out and pulled Kurt into him, Kurt burying his face in Blaines chest, his fists gripped into the sides of Blaines cardigan.
"Demons," the angel was saying now. "They must have located Blaine by now."
"Found his home, possibly tortured his parents to found out about Kurt, tried to get at him that way, too..." Sam whispered to him, but Blaine overheard.
"This is all your fault!" Blaine barked out at them, looking quite menacingly at Dean in particular. "None of this would have happened if you guys hadnt shown up! Just get the fuck away from us!"
Suddenly, they were outside, in the small patch of wooded area behind the restaurant, and Cas was nearly fainting with the effort of having to transport them, even that short a distance. Dean immediately dove down to help his friend up.
But Blaine didnt feel like fighting them anymore. "Okay, Kurt? Baby, lets go, please..."
"No..." Kurt said quietly, pulling away from Blaine and wiping at his eyes with the back of his wrists. "No. Finn called me from Rachels just after the police contacted him...he was wreck, but he might not know what danger hes in. He cant go back to the house, they might be waiting—he-hes as target. Our families are targets, Blaine..."
"Cooper," Blaine said, mouth dry.
"We can help them," Sam cut in. "Im sorry for your losses, but right now, we need to prevent more people from getting killed, and Blaine, Kurt—youre both in a position to—"
"I want justice," Kurt said, his voice hard and clear and cold, and his eyes nearly glowing. "Can you guarantee we get the ones responsible for this?"
Sam and Castiel hesitated to answer, but Dean quickly stepped forward, his eyes black and sure. "We move out now? You can nail those suckers to the wall and watch em bleed out." It sounded like a promise.
Kurt gripped Blaines hand hard. "Lets go, Blaine. Weve got brothers to save, and demons to torture, and Satan to kick in the fucking balls."
Blaine nodded solemnly, the grief pushed back and compartmentalized in another area of his brain, useless for now.
Seemed like a very long, hot summer ahead of them.