What If?
Chapter 4 Reality Sets In Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What If?: Chapter 4 Reality Sets In

T - Words: 1,772 - Last Updated: Sep 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 26/? - Created: Aug 05, 2014 - Updated: Aug 05, 2014
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                             What If?

                       Chapter 4 – Reality Sets In


Kurt's busy working at Vogue.com as the assistant to the Fashion Editor Tony Applegate. He has Kurt going to fashion shows, talking to designers all around the world and even asked him to design some clothes that Tony thought were pretty good efforts. When he wasn't working, he was helping Rachael with her rehearsals for a production at NYADA. He spent some of his free time with his co-workers relaxing at local establishments after a hard day's work.

Blaine is busy at McKinley too. He finds his day scheduled down to the minute. He is Senior Class President and that means he is also President of the Student Council. Besides that he is involved in numerous club activities and he still has to find time to keep up on his school work. He is usually tired at the end of a day, but never too tired to talk with Kurt.

Blaine and Kurt continued to try to keep up their skype dates but Blaine begins to feel that most of the time he is just a listener. He listens to Kurt talk about his work or the plays he has attended. He tells Blaine funny stories about the things that his friends did when they were out together. Now Kurt is starting to talk about his upcoming NYADA audition and the song he is going to sing or what he would be doing during the performance. Blaine knows all about Kurt's life in New York City. Kurt doesn't know much about Blaine's life though. He doesn't know that Blaine is a 4.0 student. He doesn't know that Blaine started a Super Heroes Club that raising money for the homeless and cleaning off the graffiti on some local buildings. He doesn't know Blaine has a solo for sectionals or that Cooper got the lead in a major movie. He doesn't know that he has lunch with Burt every Wednesday just to make sure he is alright. Kurt doesn't know because Blaine never found the time to tell and Kurt never asked.

Kurt and Blaine are skyping when Kurt tells Blaine.

Blaine, I'm not going to be home for the next few days so we won't be able to skype. Tony is sending me to Florida to meet and gather some information about some new models we might be hiring. I don't really want to go but I'm the new kid so I don't have a choice.  

I understand Kurt you have an important job. I am a big boy I should be able to survive a few days without skyping with you. Besides, the weather will be nice and I am sure you will have a good time.  

As long as I am telling you about missing some skype dates I have a few more you should be aware of. After I get back next week I am going to be rehearsing for my audition at night. I can't rehearse during the because I am working.. Oh and on the 23rd  Vogue.com is having a big birthday bash for Tony and since I am his assistant I need to be there so we can't skype that night.

Kurt, why don't you just text me the day that you think you might have time to skype because I know you are just so much busier than me. Kurt doesn't pick up on Blaine's sarcasm.

Blaine that is a great idea I'm glad you thought of it because Rachael thinks I need to mingle with some people she knows. They might be able to help me get accepted into NYADA as well there are some people who might be able to help me move up the ladder at Vogue.com. I am so glad you understand my predicament. You are so great to me Blaine.

Kurt I need to log off. Have fun and I'll talk to you soon.

Night Blaine  

Kurt says though he is concerned about Blaine. “I'll talk to him later and get him to talk to me.” Kurt decides.

Blaine grabs the picture of Kurt and him at Junior Prom and he starts talking to Kurt. “Your heart has changed Kurt. You are in love but it's not with me and sadly you don't even see it. You my love are in love with a city. You are in love with New York City and the life it gives you and there is nothing I can do about it. I don't want to hold you back from pursuing your dream. Blaine returns the picture back to his night stand after kissing Kurt's face and begins to cry as he sees his life with Kurt begin to fade away.

It's been weeks since Blaine's revelation to himself. He attends school but his heart isn't really in it. He is having trouble focusing on his classes because every where he looks he sees Kurt and it only reminds him of what he has lost. He calls and texts Kurt a few times each day. Sometimes Kurt answers but most times he doesn't.

Blaine walks into the choir room when Finn walks up to him and says. “You must be happy for Kurt?” Blaine looks puzzled and asks. “Why, I don't know what you are talking about” Blaine sets his backpack down and Finn says. “He got accepted into NYADA. He aced his audition so well that they offered him a place right there on the spot.” Blaine is stunned as he asks. “When did he audition?” Finn answers. “Rachael called me yesterday afternoon and told me auditioned in the morning.” Blaine puts a smile on his face and says. “I am glad for him and I am sure he is very happy.” Finn pats Blaine shoulder as he says. “I can't believe Kurt didn't call you.” Blaine feels a pain in his heart as Finn turns his attention to the rest of the students and says. “Okay everyone we need to start warming up.” The group follows Finn's directions since he is taking over for Mr. Schuester until he returns.

“Oh my God,” Tina shouts as she notices the empty space in the trophy case. “It's gone! Our trophy is gone. Someone stole it.” Tina continues. They run to the case and see that a computer has replaced the trophy. They open the laptop and press place. They watch the video and soon realize that the Dalton Academy Warblers are behind the heist. Blaine's head drops to his chest as he is ashamed because he once was a Warbler and he has a soft spot for them in his heart. He has also feels guilty about how he left them to join Kurt without any warning. The group turns and looks at Blaine and he says. “I'll go talk to the Warblers after practice.” Sitting in his car alone after practice Blaine yells. “Can this day get any worse?” Before heading to Dalton he checks his phone and frowns when he sees he has no messages or texts from Kurt. “I guess the writing is on the wall.” Blaine says to himself thinking that this saying expresses how he feels about his relationship with Kurt as he heads to Dalton.

When Blaine gets inside the building memories of his time at Dalton come flooding back into his thoughts and a warm feeling enters his heart because he misses those days. He runs into Sebastian who takes him to see Hunter Clarington. “Blaine Anderson, your reputation precedes you. I knew you would come for the trophy so let me get right to the point. We want you back with the Warblers. Now I know you went to McKinley to be with Kurt be we have heard he left you behind and has moved to New York City. We are your brothers, your true family. Some of us have known you for 3 years. Don't you think it is time to come home where you are wanted and respected? A place that wants you around and the place you really want to be if you are honest with yourself.” Hunter tells Blaine. “Listen, I'll be honest with you. I miss Dalton every day it's like a home to me. But I have friends at McKinley too. I don't want to hurt them. I will think about your offer and that's the best I can do.” Blaine say as some of the Warblers walk in excited to see Blaine. They help him put on a Warbler blazer and the Warblers start singing. Pretty soon Blaine joins them and eventually he takes the lead and it feels so right. He felt like he was home and that he had never left.

The next few days pass with Blaine totally confused and unfocused at school. Kurt hasn't called Blaine and Blaine hasn't called Kurt. He doesn't know whether he should return to Dalton and the Warblers. He hasn't discussed the possibility with anyone. Sitting in the choir room waiting for the rest of the glee club Finn sees Blaine and asks. “Blaine, how is it going with the Warblers? Are they going to return our trophy or do I need to get the administration involved?” Blaine looks at Finn and says. “I'm still working in it. I'm sure I will have it back in the trophy case very soon Finn.” Finn gives Blaine thumbs up and turns around and says. “Okay everyone let's warm up and start practice.” Blaine has too much on his mind and he is struggling during the practice. He is flat on some of the notes and he wasn't in sync with the group during the dance routine. The other members are looking strangely at Blaine and he is frustrated with himself. “Come on Blaine, we'd like to go home today.” Kitty comments and receives a glare from Blaine that makes her stop talking. After practice Tina and Blaine are leaving the school building and stop at Blaine's car when Tina says. “Man, you had an off day. Are you alright? I know you miss Kurt.” Blaine looks at Tina and lies. “I'm fine Tina. You don't have to worry about me. All I ask is that you leave me alone right now.” He gets into his car and drives off. Tina stares at Blaine's car as it leaves the parking lot wondering what is going on with Blaine. She doesn't know that he hasn't talked to Kurt in days and is hurting because he on the verge of losing his best friend.



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