What If?
Chapter 19 An Interesting Lunch Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What If?: Chapter 19 An Interesting Lunch

T - Words: 1,856 - Last Updated: Sep 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 26/? - Created: Aug 05, 2014 - Updated: Aug 05, 2014
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                               What If?

         Chapter 19 – An Interesting Lunch


“Kurt, what are you doing? You have clothes all over the place.” Rachael wonders. “I'm choosing my lunch outfit, my suit for opening night, and an outfit in case I spend the night.” Kurt says as he finishes his packing and zips up his bag containing his suit. He places them by the door as he sits down in a chair in the kitchen waiting for Sam to arrive. A few minutes later he hears a knock at the door and Sam appears with a smile.

“Hi Kurt, are you ready?” Sam asks as he carries one of the bags down to the street and the waiting taxi. They are heading to Blaine's apartment when Sam says. “Blaine would have picked you up except he's busy going over some lines and songs for the tonight's performance. I think he is a little nervous. Except, I don't know if he is more nervous for opening night of Big Dreams or seeing you after a couple of years of you being apart.”  

“After finishing his rehearsal Blaine goes into the kitchen and starts cutting up some carrots, broccoli, and cucumbers for their vegetable plate when the knife slips and Blaine yells. “Damn” He looks at his left index finger and sees blood flowing from the cut. He quickly grabs a dish towel and squeezes his finger trying to stop the bleeding when he hears the front door open. Sam shows Kurt to the living room and then he leaves the apartment so Blaine and Kurt can have some time alone. “Crap” Blaine yells from the kitchen trying to get the bleeding to stop. Kurt gets up and walks towards the kitchen and sees Blaine standing in front of the sink squeezing a towel. “Blaine, is there a problem?” Kurt asks and Blaine turns around. He quickly sees Kurt's eyes get wide because he sees a towel turning red in his hands. “I cut my finger.” Blaine says as Kurt runs towards him and says. “Let me see.” Blaine removes the towel and Kurt sees a nasty cut that he knows will need some medical attention. “Come on Blaine. There is a clinic just down the street. You are going to need some stitches I am pretty sure. Come on.” Kurt tells Blaine as they quickly walk down to the clinic. Kurt starts filling out the forms since Blaine is busy holding his hand. “I can't believe I did this. Of all the days to hurt myself I pick today. I am such a klutz. I can't even cut up some vegetables without cutting my finger off.” Blaine says disgusted with himself as he tells Kurt the answers to the health questions on the form. “Blaine Anderson” A nurse calls and everyone looks at Blaine as he stands up and they follow the nurse. She takes him into a room and he sits on the exam table while Kurt asks him for his insurance card. Blaine turns so Kurt can pull his wallet out of his back pocket. “What time is it? I need to be at the theater by 5:30.” Blaine says as he looks at this watch. “Kurt, I'm sorry. This is not how I planned our lunch date to go. I wanted to sit down and enjoy lunch and have an honest conversation with you. Instead we are in this clinic, hungry, and not talking about us.” Blaine says as he is beginning to get frustrated. “Blaine, calm down. Accidents happen and I would enjoy spending time with you no matter where we are. Besides can't you imagine us telling our grandkids about your opening night? They are going to laugh so hard and think we are dorks.” Kurt tells Blaine. “You see us having grandkids?” Blaine asks. “Don't you?” Kurt asks Blaine. “Yes I do. I just didn't know you felt the same way.” Blaine states. “It's hard to know what I think if you don't talk to me Blaine. Does your finger hurt very badly?” Kurt asks as he can see the pain in Blaine's eyes. “Yes, it hurts a little. Where is the doctor I don't have all day?” Blaine asks as his nerves are getting more on edge. The door finally opens and the doctor walks in. “Hi gentlemen, I'm Dr. Applegate and I understand you cut your left index finger.” He says as Blaine lifts his left hand to show the doctor. He takes the towel off and looks at the cut. “It looks like you are pretty lucky Mr. Anderson because you almost cut the tendon and that would have meant surgery. You do need some stitches though. I will sew this cut together and then you can be on your way to your opening night Mr. Anderson.” The doctor says as he gets out a needle and numbs the finger. Then he cleans it out before using ten stitches to close the cut. “Thank you Dr. Applegate I really appreciate your help.” Blaine says. “You are welcome just keep it wrapped for a few days and avoid hitting it on anything. If it starts to bleed come on back and we will change the bandage and add a few more stitches. One more thing Mr. Anderson, break a leg tonight, I have tickets.” The doctor says as he leaves followed by the boys. When they get to the waiting area they see that some paparazzi with their cameras are waiting for Blaine. They must have heard Blaine was here. They take some pictures as he leaves quickly. They follow the boys down the street but are stopped by Blaine's apartment doorman from following them any further.

“Thanks Kurt for helping me out.” Blaine says as he looks at the clock and then lowers his head in disappointment. “I need to get ready to go Kurt. I had imagined this perfect lunch with you and we would have time to be together. Instead you end up having to take care of me like always. Listen Kurt you don't have to stay I am such a los….” Blaine can't finish his sentence because Kurt has his hands on Blaine's face kissing him with all his love. “Listen to me Blaine Anderson. I love you very much and I have been looking forward to accompanying you to this opening night for days. So you go get ready and I will get ready and I'll meet you here in 30 minutes. Then we will go to the theater and I am going to watch you become the star I know you are. After the play we will come back here and have our own celebration while we wait for the reviews. Do you understand?” Kurt asks as Blaine nods his head yes. “Do you have anything to say?” Kurt asks. “No, I'll be back in a few minutes. Kurt, I love you too.” Blaine says as he turns and walks to his bedroom. Both men return in 30 minutes and admire how handsome they look. Both wishing they didn't have to leave.

          Blaine takes his final bow to a standing ovation and cheers from the audience as he looks at Kurt with tears in his eyes. Kurt greets him in his dressing room with a hug and a kiss. “You were fantastic Blaine. I still have goose bumps after some of those songs. I loved it Blaine.” Kurt praises Blaine as people came in to congratulate Blaine on his performance. Kurt stands next to the wall smiling with pride. Blaine finally finishes his meet and greet with people and Blaine and Kurt get into a taxi and head back to Blaine's apartment. Blaine unlocks the door and he asks Kurt. “Are you hungry because I am starving?” Kurt takes off his jacket and hangs it up as he answers the question. “Yes, I could eat something since we haven't eaten in a few hours.” Blaine went into the kitchen and brought out some fixings for sandwiches along with some raw vegetables and fruit. “Start making your sandwich and I'll get us something to drink.” Blaine says. Kurt makes a turkey sandwich for Blaine and a ham sandwich for himself. Kurt hands Blaine his sandwich and Blaine says. “Thanks, you know what kind of sandwich I like?” Kurt answers. “I have made them for you since high school.” Kurt replies. “Let's sit down Kurt. Tell me Kurt, how have you been doing these last few years?” Blaine asks. “Honestly, I did very well at school and graduated at the top of my class. At Vogue.com I am moving up the corporate ladder quite quickly. So it looks like my future will be pretty bright. I've enjoyed living in New York City but I wasn't totally happy. I couldn't share my life with my best friend.” Kurt tells Blaine. “What about you? You have been pretty successful these past few years. I have seen you perform on a lot of You Tube videos. Did you enjoy it?” Kurt asks. Blaine looks down at his sandwich and says. “I enjoyed the ride but I will admit that I missed sharing it with you. But I will also admit that I enjoyed watching your success. I know if I had been in your life, you would not have had the focus you did on following your dreams. So I am not sorry I was out of your life. Kurt, I also needed time to grow up a little and learn to be myself and accept me for who I am.”  Blaine explains as he speaks from his heart. “So what are you trying to tell me Blaine? Because I am not going to allow my life to be controlled by you telling me what I can and cannot do. I am an adult now and I have to be responsible for my life choices. I want to be together with you as a couple but if you don't want that then I will accept your decision and I will stop dreaming about a life with you.” Kurt says as he explains his feelings and opinions. “Kurt, I asked you here today because I wanted to ask you to be my boyfriend again. I love you and I want to share my life with you if you want to share your life with me.” Blaine says as he looks at Kurt's blue eyes, the eyes he has missed seeing for years. Kurt stands and walks towards Blaine and takes his face with his hands and Blaine stands. Kurt kisses him passionately and Blaine returns the kiss with the passion he has always had for Kurt. “I am going to take that as a yes.” Blaine says as he kisses Kurt again. Blaine picks up Kurt and carries him to his bedroom. “Blaine, don't you want to go get the newspapers and read the reviews from opening night of Big Dreams?” Kurt asks. “I've already heard the review that counts to me.”  Blaine says as he lays Kurt gently on his bed.    


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