What If?
Chapter 17 Recovery Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What If?: Chapter 17 Recovery

T - Words: 3,128 - Last Updated: Sep 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 26/? - Created: Aug 05, 2014 - Updated: Aug 05, 2014
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                                 What If?

                     Chapter 17 – Recovery


“Okay Blaine, slowly sit up while I slide your leg over to the edge of the bed.” Kurt tells Blaine as they move him so he is sitting on the edge of the bed before the physical therapist arrives to help Blaine get back on his feet. During the past few days Blaine has improved a great deal and Dr. Jackson has removed the oxygen, drainage tube from his chest and the IV's, though the needle is still in his hand. The PT is going to see if Blaine can handle crutches or will need a walker with wheels to get around while his leg mends for the next few weeks. “How do you feel sitting up Blaine? Are you dizzy or light headed?” Kurt asks concerned. “Kurt, stop smothering me you are not my Mother! I'm okay. I can sit up without falling over. I need to start doing things on my own I can't rely on you forever. I just want to get out of this hospital and go back home. I hate being stuck in a hospital because it brings back bad memories. I hate the fact that I am again stopping you from following your dreams like you should be. I need to stand on my own two feet by myself. When will I ever grow up?” Blaine says as he rubs his face as signs of frustration are starting to show in Blaine's behavior.

The physical therapist walks in with crutches and a walker with a knee stand. “Hi guys. My name is Manuel and I am here to help you get up and start moving around. How does that sound? I assume you are Blaine Anderson since you are the one dressed in that fashionable hospital gown.” He says as he extends his hand to Blaine. “I'm Kurt a friend.” Kurt says as he bites his bottom lip not wanting tears to form in his eyes. “Let's get started by trying the crutches.” Manuel says as he puts a belt around Blaine so if he falls Manuel will catch him before he hits the floor. Manuel helps him stand and then hands him the pair of crutches. He puts the crutches under his arms and puts his weight on the crutches and gasps as he starts to fall but Manuel catches him. “Breathe Blaine in and out nice and slow.” Manuel says as Kurt watches Blaine struggle to breathe and use the crutches. “Alright, crutches are not the solution as he helps Blaine sit down on the bed again. Blaine looks at Kurt and sees the concern all over his face. Blaine feels guilty that he is causing Kurt to be worried. “Are you ready to try choice number two Blaine? All you have to do is put your knee on the pad and push with your good leg. Use the hand brakes to adjust the speed.” He says as he demonstrates for Blaine. After taking a deep breath Blaine stands with the help of Manuel and takes hold of the handles and squeezes the hand brakes closed as he places his knee on the pad. He starts to push as he releases the brakes and takes a step. “Any pain Blaine? Hey that rhymes.” Manuel says with a laugh. Blaine takes another step and he begins to feel more confident as he moves around the room. “Can I go into the hall?” Blaine asks Manuel. “That will be fine but remember that you have to return. If you exhaust yourself going out to a place you are going to have trouble getting back in to the place you started at. Do you understand because you have not regained your strength yet?” Manuel says sternly. Blaine heads out to the hall with Manuel while Kurt stays back in the room and gathers his things. Blaine feels good being able to move around and getting to taste the independence that he craves. “Okay, this is good. I can do this. Kurt, look at me I can get around by myself now.” Blaine says joyfully then turns around in time to see Kurt standing in the elevator with his head down as the doors close. The big smile on Blaine's face leaves instantly as he realizes he has hurt Kurt once again and his face starts to turn white. “That is enough for now Blaine. Let's return to your room I think you need a break.” Manuel says noticing the change in Blaine but not knowing the cause. Blaine lies down on his bed and Manuel leaves. He covers his eyes and cries until he falls asleep.

          During dinner time at the hospital Cooper comes into Blaine's room to see him picking at his food and not eating it. He can see that something is wrong by the look on Blaine's face. What's going on Squirt? Is the food bad? You need to eat or you'll never get your strength back and be released.” Cooper says. “So spill it.” He says. Before Blaine can say anything Dr. Robinson enters the room. “Hi guys. I have come to check on my favorite patient.” He says. The doctor does a quick exam. “As much as I love it here Dr. Robison when can I leave? I need to go home.” Blaine asks politely but weakly. “You don't like your accommodations Blaine. I'll tell you what. I will release you tomorrow morning as long as you promise not to push yourself to the point you end up back here in the hospital. Make sure you get plenty of rest so your body can heal your injuries. If you can do that then I will release you tomorrow mmorning.” Dr. Robison says. “I will, I promise.” Blaine says quickly and happily. Dr. Robinson shakes their hands and leaves to complete Blaine's release papers. “Well that is good news. Now start talking and tell me what's going on Blaine.” Coop says as he sits down next to Blaine. “I hurt Kurt again like I always do and he left this morning and hasn't been back. It wouldn't surprise me if he is on a plane flying back to New York City Coop. I don't know why or how he can still love me. After this morning he probably doesn't anymore.” Blaine tells Coop as he pushes his food away. “Right now Blaine you have one job to do and that is to get yourself back on your feet. I don't want you to worry about anything other than that. Now finish eating your dinner and get some rest because tomorrow is going to be a very busy day for you.” Coop says as he gets Blaine to finish his dinner and get some sleep not knowing a man outside heard their entire conversation.

          Cooper enters the apartment to find Sam watching television. “How's Blaine?” Sam asks. “He is coming home tomorrow. He is thrilled and he was up using a walker today.” Cooper says as he is looking around for signs of Kurt. “Have you seen Kurt I need to talk to him?” Cooper asks. “I think he is in Blaine's room.” Sam tells Cooper. He walks to Blaine's bedroom and knocks. “Kurt, are you in here? Can I come in?” He asks. “Come in.” He heard Kurt say. “I just wanted to let you know that Blaine will be released in the morning.” Cooper says as he turns to leave. “I heard you two talking this evening. I'll never stop loving Blaine, Cooper. I just wanted you to know that.” Kurt tells Cooper. “I don't know what happened this morning but I hope you take into consideration he is uncomfortable and he hates being in a hospital because it brings back his memories of a bad time in his life. He is frustrated and tired Kurt. I hope you can give him a break. His temper has a short fuse now.” Cooper tells him as he walks towards the door. “What time are you leaving to pick him up tomorrow?” Kurt asks thinking of Blaine.

          Cooper walks into the room and Blaine says. “Where have you been? I've been waiting for over an hour. Where are my clothes so I can change?” Blaine asks Cooper. “It's nice to see you too Blaine. I didn't bring your clothes.” Cooper says. “I did.” Kurt says as he walks into the room and looks at Blaine's face and a smile appears. He gives Blaine his clothes and only helps if Blaine asks for it. “I have signed all the release papers so we just need to grab my things and we are out of here.” Blaine says as he holds his belongings. Cooper pushes the wheel chair while flirting with the nurse which is embarrassing Blaine. Blaine covers his face and can't get out of the hospital fast enough.

          Blaine finally arrives into the apartment he was headed to over a week ago. “Blaine, where do you want to go?” He looks around and decides he wants to lie down on his bed so he rolls himself to his bedroom. He opens the door and goes inside and sees Kurt's suitcase next to the door. He rolls to his bed and sits down and slowly lifts his leg on to the bed and lies down tired from the trip home. “Do you need anything Blaine?” Kurt asks. “No I'm fine. Thanks Kurt.” Blaine says. Kurt begins to leave when he hears. “Kurt, I'm sorry for what I said. I should be thanking you for all you have done not making you feel bad. I just want to tell you thank you for all that you have done for me and I'm really sorry for being a jerk, before you leave for New York City.” Blaine says and then he turns on to his side and covers his eyes with his arm. Kurt closes the door and quietly walks over to the bed and lies down on the other side of the bed. He puts his arms around Blaine and whispers to him. “I would love to stay and take care of you forever if you would let me because I love you with all my heart and always will.” Kurt says as he lays next to Blaine, the love of his life. Blaine removes his arm from his eyes and holds on to Kurt's hand before falls asleep.

          After a few days at home JC comes over to visit Blaine. And give him some news. “Blaine, I am glad to see you doing so well. How is your recovery coming along?” JC asks as Blaine sits down along with Cooper, Sam and Kurt. “I'm getting there it is just going to take some time.” Blaine tells JC. I just finished talking to the people at American Idol. They're checking up on you and wanted to know how you were feeling. They also wanted me to inform you that they were going to remove you from the competition because it wouldn't be fair to the other contestants if they perform and you don't.” JC informs Blaine and waits for his reaction. “I understand their decision. I can't blame them because I can't sing for a few weeks because of my ribs.” Blaine say resigned to American Idol's decision. “They did say they would like you to return for an episode to explain the decision to the audience as well as wish you the best.” JC says. “That would be great because I would like to thank the fans for their support. Can I go tomorrow night?” Blaine asks as he looks at JC. “I'll find out for you.” JC say as he walks to the kitchen to call the producer. He comes right back and says. “They are thrilled to have you on tomorrow.” JC tells him. “Blaine I am going to start scheduling you concerts starting in the fall. That will give you a few months to recover and get your strength back. How does that sound?” JC sees everyone nodding their approval. “Okay, I am going to finalize things for tomorrow night's appearance. I'll talk to you later.”JC says as he stands and leaves the apartment.

          Kurt can we go to the park and have lunch there?” Blaine asks. “That sounds like fun. I'll make lunch while you get yourself ready. As they headed to the park Blaine says “It's nice to be outside, feel the sun shining on my face, and breathing some fresh air.” Kurt spreads a blanket on the ground and then helps Blaine to slowly sit down on the blanket. Kurt spreads out the food and says. “Blaine, I know you want to talk about something because you have this look on your face. You need to say something so say it so we can enjoy this lovely picnic lunch.” Kurt tells Blaine. “You know me too well Mr. Hummel.” Blaine says as he looks at the ground.

          Kurt, I am really glad that you came to L.A. to help me get back on my feet. I always know that you have my back. I really appreciate it Kurt but you need to go back to New York City.” You need to be attending classes at NYADA. I know you must be missed at Vogue.com. We need to go back to the way it was before the accident. You need to go back and follow your dreams and not be here in L.A. taking care of me. Look how well you were doing in New York City. I want you to go back and continue to show the world your talent.” Blaine says as tears roll down his face. “Can we talk about this?” Kurt asks though he knows the answer. “We have talked about this Kurt and my accident has not changed anything. I love seeing you but if you stay I am going to feel guilty that I am not allowing you to follow your dreams. I can't deal with that guilt Kurt. Please don't make this harder than it already is?” Blaine begs. “Okay, I promised you I would give you time and I will. I'll go back to New York City and I will wait until you call. Kurt says as he looks at Blaine with moist eyes. I will leave but I'm going to do this now.” Kurt says as he kisses Blaine passionately on his lips causing the boys to lie down on the blanket. Blaine returns the kiss as they both enjoy being with each other and being together if only for a brief time. Neither one notices the paparazzi taking some pictures. Kurt sits back up and pulls up Blaine both looking quite happy. “Enough of that let's eat.” Kurt says as he hands Blaine a plate of food. They spend the afternoon together talking, eating, laughing, and holding each other until it was time to return to the apartment, both wishing this day would never end.

          They decided that Kurt would return to New York City the day after Blaine's American Idol appearance. Kurt has his ticket and has started to pack when the doorbell rings and JC is heard shouting. “Blaine, I need to see you now!” JC says loudly. What's up JC?” Blaine asks worried. “I just got a heads up that photos of you and Kurt kissing today are going to be released by the Enquirer. Did you kiss Kurt today in public? He asks. “Yes we did and I am not embarrassed or ashamed.” Blaine tells JC. “This is going to be a big surprise to most people Blaine and American Idol is expecting you tomorrow and they will probably ask you about it on the air.” He tells Blaine. “Listen, I'm not going to hide. Kurt would you like to accompany me tomorrow on American Idol?” Blaine asks. “I would be honored to go with you but are you sure?” Kurt asks as he wonders about the affect this may cause on Blaine's career. “I'm positive Kurt.” He says. “Do you have any more questions or concerns JC because Kurt is packing and I am choosing an outfit to wear to the show tomorrow?” Blaine says as they leave the room hand in hand.

          The pictures were released and the town was abuzz about Blaine being gay, but Blaine and Kurt didn't care. They are waiting for Blaine to be introduced by Ryan Seacrest. “Tonight we are happy to welcome back Blaine Anderson. Blaine is here to make an announcement after being in a serious car accident.” He says as Blaine wheels his way out on to stage and stops next to Ryan Seacrest. The audience stands and applauds loudly as Blaine waves in recognition. “First off, how are you doing?” He asks. “I am sore and have a few lingering injuries so I am not going to be able to continue in this competition with my broken ribs so I am withdrawing.” I want to thank all the fans for their support. It will help me a great deal as I continue to recover from the accident.” Blaine says. “We are going to miss you Blaine but I am sure the world will hear from you again. Before you leave yesterday some photos of you were released with you and a friend. Would you like to explain?” He asks. “Sure, Kurt will you join me?” Blaine asks as he looks over at Kurt. Being surprised Kurt slowly walks over to Blaine and they hold hands. “Ever since the accident Kurt has been by my side.” Blaine says. “How long have you two been together? Seacrest asks. “We became friends over 3 years ago and love each other deeply.” Blaine explains. “Well Blaine we want to wish you all the best and hope you have a speedy recovery. Let's hear it again for Blaine Anderson.” Seacrest says and then they go to commercial.

          Blaine and Kurt head back to the apartment to spend their last evening together. Talking, laughing and crying for hours until they fall asleep. The next morning a taxi is waiting to take Kurt to the airport. “You stay safe and don't hurt yourself. Give yourself time to recover and I love you Blaine.” Kurt tells Blaine. “I promise I will take care of myself and you make me proud in New York City. Kurt I love you too and I don't ever want you to forget it.” Blaine tells Kurt. They stare at each other not knowing when they will see each other again until the taxi is out of sight, both men having tears in their eyes.


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