What If?
Chapter 16 Waking Up Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What If?: Chapter 16 Waking Up

T - Words: 2,667 - Last Updated: Sep 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 26/? - Created: Aug 05, 2014 - Updated: Aug 05, 2014
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                                What If?

                   Chapter 16 – Waking Up


Kurt walks into the hospital and notices quite a few news channels and photographers hanging around. He wonders if they are here to find out the condition of Blaine. He walks pass them and heads to the 5th floor Room 524. As he heads to the elevator he is stopped by security and they ask him his name. “I'm Kurt Hummel. I'm here to see Blaine Anderson.” Kurt says as the guard radios his name to the floor. “Can I see your ID please?” The guard asks and Kurt gets out his driver's license and hands it to the guard. “Okay I'll send him up.” He says into the radio. “You are free to go. They are expecting you.” He says as he returns Kurt license and he heads up to Blaine's room.

Kurt is standing outside Room 524. He takes a deep breath and knocks on the door not sure what he is going to find on the other side. “Come in.” He hears someone whisper. He opens the door slowly and sticks his head into the room and Cooper stands up and quickly walks towards him and says. “Hi Kurt, I'm so glad you were able to come. He will really appreciate it when he wakes up.” Cooper says as he hugs Kurt and sets his bag down by the wall. “How is he Cooper?” Kurt asks as he walks near Blaine's bed. “No change, he is stable, holding his own. Listen, I'm going to check on Sam. I'll give you some time alone with Blaine.” Cooper tells Kurt as he sees Kurt staring at Blaine not really listening to him. Kurt sits down in the chair next to Blaine's bed and looks at the person he loves but he doesn't look like Blaine. His head is bandaged and his face is swollen and bruised. He is being given oxygen through his nose. He has an IV in his left hand and a drainage tube in his chest. His left leg is lying on top of the blanket wrapped in a stabilizer bag filled with air. Monitors are beeping as they monitor his vital signs. Kurt takes Blaine's right hand and holds it gently as he says. “Blaine, it's Kurt. I'm here because I couldn't stay away after I heard about the accident. I hope you won't be angry after you wake up and see me here.” Kurt tells Blaine as he brushes Blaine's hair off of his forehead. “You are going to be fine. You have to be because we have a future to live together. Do you hear me Mr. Anderson?” Kurt says as tears roll down his face. Kurt suddenly feels a slight squeeze by Blaine's hand. “I'm here Blaine. I'm not going anywhere. You just sleep and rest and so you can get better. I love you Blaine.” Kurt says as he kisses Blaine on his cheek and lies his head down on the pillow next to Blaine and closes his eyes.

Kurt is asleep when JC walks into the room. JC is concerned that a man he doesn't know and has never seen is sleeping next to Blaine. He walks over to the man next to Blaine and taps him on his shoulder. “Hey mister, who are you?” JC asks sternly. Kurt opens his eyes and is startled to see a man next to him acting rough and tough. “I'm Kurt Hummel. I'm Blaine's b…ahhh friend. I'm Blaine's friend from high school. I talked to Cooper earlier and he'll be back in a few minutes if you need to see him. You know who I am but I don't know who you are. Would you like to enlighten me?” Kurt asks curiously. “I'm Jackson Collins and I am Blaine's agent/manager. I just got finished talking to the press about Blaine's condition.” He tells Kurt as he extends his hand. “People usually call me JC.” He informs Kurt.

Cooper walks in the room and says. “Good, I see you two met. I am assuming that you introduced yourselves to each other. “Yes we did though I am surprised I never heard Blaine mention a friend named Kurt Hummel.” JC says. “He's not just a friend JC, he's Blaine's boyfriend and one day will probably be his husband if Blaine can ever get his act together.” Cooper explains. “Whoa, wait a minute, oh my God.” JC says. “Cooper, are you telling me that Blaine is gay and has a boyfriend?” JC asks surprised. “He's been gay ever since he came out about 5 years ago. Is that a problem JC?” Cooper wonders. “No, I just didn't know or suspect. I guess I never asked him and he never volunteered the information.” JC wonders if it will affect his career and future. “Listen, it is late and I haven't slept in over 24 hours so I am going to take Kurt home with me and we are going to have dinner and then get some sleep. Is that alright with you Kurt?” Cooper asks Kurt. They both stand and grab their things before they say goodnight to Blaine. “We'll see you tomorrow morning Squirt. We'll be back before you go to surgery.” Coop tells Blaine as he caresses his cheek. “Kurt, before we leave the hospital we'll check on Sam real quick and then we'll be on our way.” Coop says. “I love you and I'll be back in the morning.” Kurt tells Blaine and then kisses him on the forehead.

Kurt is lying on Blaine's bed unable to sleep as he smells the scent of Blaine, the person he dearly misses. He can't stop thinking about Blaine lying in the hospital and the tough road he has to face in the future. He turns over thinking that will help him fall asleep. Instead he thinks about Blaine and the different things he has done with Blaine and how much he loves him. He gets up and gets dressed because he knows he won't be able to sleep here. He leaves a note to Cooper explaining where he is as he calls for a taxi. At the hospital he enters Blaine's room quietly and sees JC sleeping in a chair by the window. Kurt sits down in the chair next to Blaine's bed and rubs Blaine's hand as he starts to hum some of Blaine's favorite songs and lays his head next to Blaine's and he feels at home.

Dr. Robison enters the room and ends up waking JC and Kurt. “Good morning gentlemen. How is the patient this morning?” He says as he checks on the condition of Blaine. “The vitals look good and he looks like he is healing so we will go ahead and do surgery on his leg and then allow him to wake up. Do you have any questions?” He asks Kurt and JC. “How long is the surgery going to last?” Kurt wonders. “It depends what we find when we operate but according to the x-rays I would say a couple of hours.” The doctor says. “Okay, I am going to get the nurses and we are going to get this procedure started.” He says as he leaves the room. “Did you hear that Blaine? They are going to fix your leg and then you will be allowed to wake up. I can't wait to see your golden eyes and your smile and hear you yell at me.” Kurt says and then kisses his cheek. The nurses come in and unplug the monitors and got all the IV's meds off the pole and placed them on his bed before they roll Blaine out of the room.

After Blaine leaves the room JC asks Kurt. “Would you like to join me for some breakfast and coffee since you have been here for hours?” Kurt agrees and says. “I hope I didn't wake you when I came in. I couldn't stay away any longer.” They head to the cafeteria and get some food and much needed coffee. “So tell me Kurt, how did you meet Blaine?” JC asks curious about his relationship with Blaine. Kurt tells him a shorten version of the story of Klaine. Their meeting at Dalton, Blaine transferring to McKinley, him moving to New York and ending with them stuck in a hospital waiting for Blaine to wake up.  “That is quite a story Kurt. I better understand your connection to each other now. I can see that there is something special between you two even though Blaine is in a medical coma. Kurt, I am concerned about how the public is going to react to Blaine being gay. He hasn't said anything about it to the public or on the show.” JC says. “It's up to Blaine when he wants to say something JC. Everyone in high school knew he was gay. We didn't hide from people then and I'm not going to hide from anyone now.” Kurt tells him. “I think we should head back to his room because he should be out of surgery by now.” Kurt says as he stands and heads for the elevator.

They enter Blaine's room and see Cooper talking to Dr. Robison. The doctor leaves and Cooper tells them what the doctor said. “The surgery went well and Blaine is in recovery. He will be brought back to the room in a few minutes. His leg is going to takes weeks to heal and then he may need physical therapy to get back his strength and mobility back in the leg. When he gets back into the room he will be allowed to wake up. The doctor wants Blaine to remain as calm and still as possible because if he moves around a lot he will be in quite a bit of pain.” Cooper tells them and soon the door opens and Blaine is being rolled back into the room. The nurse plugs the monitors back in and return the bags of IV medicine to the pole and then she leaves. “JC can you take care of the press and let them know this will be the last press release until Blaine wants to speak to them.” Cooper tells him. “I'll take care of it Cooper.” JC says as he leaves. “Kurt, I'm going to check on Sam, he is scheduled to be released this morning and I am going to bring him here before I take him to the apartment to rest.” Cooper informs Kurt who is sitting next to Blaine holding his hand hoping he will wake up soon.

“You can wake up any time now Blaine. You have been asleep for a few days now. I would love to hear your voice.” Kurt says. “I saw you on American Idol and I thought you were great. I think you will probably win the show and become the next American Idol and then I will have to share you with America.” Kurt tells Blaine wanting him to wake up. “You can wake up any time now Blaine. I would love to see your beautiful eyes Mr. Anderson. You have a lot to tell me about everything you have been up to. There are a lot of people pulling for you to recover and get back to your loveable self.” He tells Blaine. Kurt feels Blaine's hand squeeze his and he noticed Blaine's eyes starting to move. “That's it Blaine. Open your eyes you can do it.” Kurt encourages Blaine. “K-Kurt” Blaine struggles to speak because his throat is dry and sore. “Don't move Blaine. Just lay still because you just had surgery. Blaine would you like some ice chips?” Kurt asks as he takes some ice chips out of the glass and places a few in Blaine's mouth. “Kurt thanks. You are here.” Blaine says softly. Then he groans because of the pain he is feeling as he tried to move. He grasps Kurt hand tightly and Kurt tells him. “Blaine, look at me. You need to lie still because you have had two surgeries in the last few days. One surgery was on your chest and the other one was on your left leg. You also have 2 broken ribs so they will make it hard for you to breathe without pain. Relax Blaine, take in small breaths slowly.” Kurt says as he breathes along with Blaine. “What happened to me Kurt?” Blaine asks.”I'll tell you in a minute. Right know I want to go get the doctor and let him know you are awake.” Kurt says as he quickly leaves the room and returns with the doctor. Cooper and Sam enter the room as the doctor starts to examine Blaine. “Blaine, I am Dr. Robinson. I am glad to see you are awake and alert. I want to ask you a few questions.” He says as he checks Blaine's eyes. “How does your head feel?” He asks. “I have a bad headache.” Blaine answers. “What about your abdomen?” He asks as the pushes into the tender area. “It's sore and it hurts when I breathe.” Blaine tells the doctor. “That's because you have broken ribs. I am going to prescribe you some pain meds that you can take every four hours. Don't wait until you are in severe pain before you ask for some meds. Do you understand?” He asks Blaine and he shakes his head yes. “Get some rest and I will check in on you later.” He tells Blaine as he leaves the room.

“Hi Squirt. I'm glad to see you are awake. I was getting tired of watching Sleeping Beauty.” Coop joked. “Don't make me laugh Coop and I love you too. Sam, are you okay?” Blaine asks. “I'm doing fine. You took the brunt of the hit.” Sam tells Blaine. “Sam I want you to sit down and get off your feet. You are still recovering from a concussion.” Cooper tells Sam. Blaine this is enough talking. I want you to close your eyes and get some rest.” Kurt tells Blaine. “I can't sleep because I hurt Kurt.” Blaine says as a nurse walks into the room. “I can take care of the pain Blaine. Give it a minute and the pain will subside and you will be able to sleep.” The nurse says as she smiles at Blaine and leaves. In a few minutes Blaine starts to blink weirdly at Kurt and tilting his head to the side and smiling at Kurt like a teenager in love. “What's wrong Blaine?” Kurt asks. “Nothing, you look sooooo pretty. Do you know that Kurt?” Blaine says to Kurt. “Oh no Blaine, I forgot that pain meds make you silly and you act very lovey and child like.” Kurt says. “You are prettier than a rainbow Kurtie. Kiss me Kurtie pretty pleeeasse.” Blaine begs. “Blaine, close your eyes and go to sleep you need to rest.” Kurt tells him. “Pleeaasssee Kurt I have waited for soooo long. Kiss me! I know you want too.” Blaine says loudly as he puckers his lips. “Blaine there are people in this room besides us. Listen, if I kiss you one time will you then close your eyes and get some rest?” Kurt whispers to Blaine. “Okay Kurtie” Blaine says in a toddler voice as he puckers his mouth waiting for Kurt's kiss. Kurt kisses Blaine gently for a few seconds. “Wow Kurtie, you are good. Goodnight Kurt.” Blaine says as he closes his eyes and is sound asleep within minutes. Kurt slowly turns around hoping that they were not watching and looks at the other men in the room. They are all staring at him with smirks on their faces after witnessing the events of the last few minutes between him and Blaine. “It's a tough job but somebody had to do it or he wouldn't go to sleep.” Kurt says proudly with a smile on his face.   


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