What If?
Chapter 13 Dreams Start To Come True Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What If?: Chapter 13 Dreams Start To Come True

T - Words: 1,857 - Last Updated: Sep 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 26/? - Created: Aug 05, 2014 - Updated: Aug 05, 2014
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                                What If?

                             Chapter 13 

             Dreams Start To Come True


After Christmas break Kurt has put all his focus and energy into school and work. At NYADA people are noticing his talent and ambition. They have asked him to be in some of the school productions. He was thrilled and is becoming more confident after each passing day. At Vogu.com Kurt was also being seen differently as his work for Tony is excellent and some of his designs are even being sent to some fashion designers for their opinions. Kurt usually spends his nights at home working on school projects or work assignments. Every night he spends some time writing in a journal as a way to share his day with Blaine. He thinks about Blaine often and wonders what he was doing. He misses Blaine very much but he also loves him enough to wait for Blaine to be ready to be with him.

Blaine has been busy too. His first goal after returning to California was to get a job. He found a part time job at a music store as a clerk as well as their piano and guitar instructor. On the weekends he sings to the patrons as they eat their spaghetti and meatballs at an Italian Restaurant called Mama Mia. He was a hit their as the owner noticed an increase on reservations when he was playing. Even though he was busy he still missed talking to and seeing Kurt, but he had a goal to reach. He wanted to be successful and make Kurt proud. He took a major step towards that goal when he took Cooper's challenge to try out for American Idol. A few weeks after Cooper's challenge Blaine had a number taped to his shirt and was standing in front of three judges. They asked him.”Why are you here? Why are you trying out?” Blaine looked at the three and answered. “I'm following my dream and to make a special person proud of me.” The three judges listened to him and were mesmerized as he performed his song. When he finished they said in unison. “Yes, you're definitely going to L.A.” Blaine left the room with a ticket to L.A. and a smile. At dinner he left the ticket on Cooper's plate. Cooper came in and sat down in the chair in front of his plate and was shocked and thrilled when he saw the ticket. He got up and rushed to Blaine and he hugged him tightly as he picked him up and turned in a circle. “I am so proud of you Squirt. Have you told Kurt yet? Cooper asks as he sets Blaine down on the floor. “No, and I don't plan on telling him. Don't start telling me what I should do either. Let's just celebrate okay.” Blaine says.

A few months later Rachael is in the living room watching American Idol auditions. She loved to watch the people trying out and laughed at the people who seriously thought they could sing. “Rachael can you come here for a minute I need your opinion on something?” Kurt asks. “Alright but it better be fast because American Idol is on.” She says as she quickly enters Kurt's area. “Do you think I should use the blue or the yellow handkerchief as the accent color? I can't decide but either would work.” Kurt mentions. Rachael is looking at the two choices when Kurt hears something in the background that sounds familiar. “Where have I heard that voice before?” Kurt wonders. “I must be going crazy. What are you watching? It couldn't be.” He says as he runs to the television in the living room. “American Idol why do you want to know?” Rachael asks as Kurt gets to the television in time to view a commercial about a truck. “I missed it.” Kurt says wondering if it could have been. “What's going on Kurt?” Rachael asks. “I thought I heard Blaine singing. Oh my God Rachael. Am I going crazy or something? Am I going to start seeing him everywhere and hear him singing whenever I hear a song?” Kurt says worried as he flops down on the couch. ‘Kurt, you are not crazy.” Rachael says as she sits down next to Kurt and holds him closely. “You miss the person you love but I think you need to get out and be around people. Kurt you are 20 years old and you are acting like a senior citizen staying home all the time. When was the last time you went out and had some fun with people your age?” Rachael asks. “Last time I did that Rachael I lost myself, which is the reason Blaine isn't talking to me now.” Kurt explains. “Kurt, did Blaine ask you to stay home and never go out and have fun with people?” She asks concerned. “No, he told me to be happy and enjoy everything that New York City has to offer.” He tells Rachael. “Okay it's settled. Saturday night we are going to have some fun and experience NYC and I won't let you lose yourself.” She says determined. “Alright I'm in.” Kurt says with a smile. “Now Rachael, should I go with yellow or blue?” Kurt asks as they get up and head back to Kurt's area.

“Thank you, thank you very much and have a nice evening.” Blaine says as he finishes his set at Mama Mia's. He starts to pack up his guitar when a man approaches him and says. “Nice job, Blaine isn't it.” He extends his hand to shake Blaine's. “Yes it is and thanks. I'm Blaine Anderson and you are?” Blaine questions hesitantly not knowing who this man is. “The final piece you need before you become rich and famous. My name is Jackson Collins. You can call me JC because we are going to be working very closely together for many years. Blaine you are extremely talented and I want to be your agent/manager and help your dreams come true. You probably doubt me and think I am some kind of weirdo so I am going to do this for you. I will meet with you and anyone else you want to invite. I will explain my plans and vision for you. I will show you what I can do for you. I work for the management agency called Up and Coming. Here is my card with my phone number and just so you know I represent quite a few entertainers. Go ahead and do some research and check me out. Then give me a call and we will meet. It was good to see meet you Blaine Anderson and I look forward to working with you for a long time.” JC says as he leaves Blaine wondering what just happened.

The next day he tells Cooper about his conversation with JC and shows Coop the card he was given. “Blaine, I've heard of this agency. They are the agency everyone wants to get into because their clients are very successful and they get cast in lots of productions. Let me call my agent and see what he thinks.” Cooper says as he leaves the room to call his manger. Cooper returns and informs Blaine that Jackson Collins is a real agent/manager and is one of the best in town. “He said. He recommends that you call him up and set up a meeting and hear what he has to say if you want an agent/manager.” Coop tells Blaine. “Are you serious Coop?” Blaine asks overwhelmed. “If I do Coop will you be there at the meeting?” Blaine asks wanting some guidance. “Yes Squirt I'll be there. Now go call him and set up that meeting.” Coop says excited for his brother.

The next day they meet to discuss Blaine's future. “Before we get started you need to know that I have been chosen to go to L.A. to participate in American Idol. Is that going to be a problem?” Blaine asks. “Congratulations, that is wonderful and it shouldn't be a problem. I will make sure that anything I book for you will be after American Idol or any of the possible winner requirements are over because it would surprise me if you didn't win this competition. I want to get you out there and have people start to see you by having you perform with other musical groups even maybe some acting possibilities. I also want you to think about finding an assistant. This person needs to be a friend you would trust your life with because you might some day. I won't be able to be with you 24/7 but your assistant can be around when you need them. Your assistant should be a person who will keep you out of trouble. Someone who will help you keep your head on straight and be able to hold on to you when your world is spinning out of control because if you become as successful as I think you will, your life will be totally different than the life you are living right now. I expect you will be shocked how your life will change.” JC tells Blaine and Cooper. “But I don't have the money to pay for an assistant.” Blaine says concerned. “Don't worry because Up and Coming will pay for the assistant. All we ask is that we get to meet and approve of this person. We would like to explain the job requirements to them. Lastly Blaine this contract is a day to day contract. You or I can end this contract without penalty because we trust you and we want you to trust us and f it isn't working out we can part easily without hard feelings. Do we have an agreement?” JC asks. “Blaine, before you sign this contract I want you to have an attorney look at it. Cooper, I assume you have an attorney that could do that. Then if this is what you want then sign it and bring it to my office. Blaine it is going to be a pleasure working with you.” JC says as he stands and shakes their hands before he leaves.

Blaine looks at Cooper in disbelief. “You are going to be a star Blaine. I guess you are going to call Kurt and talk to him about this and tell him to pack up.” Cooper says excitedly. “No, I'm not Coop. I can't take Kurt's dream away from him just because mine may be coming true. Besides, there is no guarantee that I'm going to be a star. All I have is a chance. A chance that I will grab on to and see what happens.” Blaine explains. “I figured you would have Kurt be your assistant.” Coop says surprised by Blaine's decision. “He may be one day but I need to make a call and check with someone else while you call your lawyer.” Blaine teases Coop. “Blaine who are you going to ask to be your assistant?” Cooper asks as Blaine leaves the room with a smirk on his face.


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