Sept. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
Sept. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
What If?
Chapter 12 – Friends Being Friends
Blaine is in the guest room lying in bed wide awake. He's back in Lima to spend a few days with Kurt as friends. He decides to get up and make some coffee as he waits for Kurt to wake up. He pours a cup of coffee for himself when he hears rustling coming from upstairs. He hopes it is Kurt but soon he sees Burt entering the kitchen. “Morning Anderson, I figured you would still be asleep considering it is 4 a.m. in California.” Burt comments. “I guess my body is still on the Eastern Time Zone schedule.” Blaine jokes. “Would you like a cup of coffee and some breakfast?” Blaine asks. “Sounds good, I'll take a cup of coffee and a sweet roll, just don't tell Kurt.” Burt answers with a smile. “I heard that Dad.” Kurt says as he gives his Father a look that means his disapproves as he enters the kitchen. “Just one and we will be walking it off before dinner when you get home from work.” Kurt informs his Dad. The three men sit down at the table and Burt asks. “What are your plans for today?” Kurt looks at Blaine. “I don't think we have decided yet, but whatever it will be fun.” Kurt says as Burt stands and heads to the tire shop. “Well you guys have fun while I go to work.” He says as he leaves the house. Blaine finishes his breakfast and says. “Get dressed because we are going outside.” Blaine rubs his hands excitedly. “Wait a minute. It's cold outside and there is lots of snow on the ground.” Kurt explains. “That is exactly why we are going outside because I will be living in L.A. and I won't be able to play in the snow and build a snowman.” Blaine says. “You could if you move to New York.” Kurt suggests. “Kurt, don't go there we had an agreement. So come on get ready, last one out has to shovel the driveway.” Blaine challenges Kurt and they both start racing to be the one outside first.
Kurt opens the door to the backyard and shouts. “I win Blaine. I'm outside first Blaine.” Kurt starts doing his victory dance when he feels a snowball hit his back. “Sorry about that Hummel, but you lost. I've been out here for 10 minutes.” Blaine says as the boys start to wrestle in the snow until they are tired. The boys spend the next few hours building a snowman including a carrot nose and a scarf. They made snow angels and throw snowballs at the tree, the fence, and even at each other laughing most of the time until they were frozen like an ice cube. They went back inside and together they made hot chocolate and ate some cookies as they warmed up from the wintery weather. They are happily enjoying each other's company. They are happy just being friends.
As the days pass the boys are busy going to movies, shopping at the mall, and listening to music as they singing along. They even found time to go ice skating at Schoonover Park. They made a few trips to the Lima Bean where they sat and talk for hours always as friends and never bring up their separation that will soon be their reality.
Today is the last day of the year and the boys are getting ready to pack their suitcases for their upcoming flights. The boys have one special night left, New Years Eve. They had been invited to several parties but they have decided to stay at the Hummel/Hudson house. They knew Burt and Carol would never make it to midnight and Finn was going to spend the evening with Rachael and her Fathers who were hosting their famous New Years Eve party. Kurt and Blaine just wanted to be alone because they knew it was going to be a difficult night and they didn't want eyes watching their every move.
As the day progressed the boys were both getting nervous about the evening. Except for the time Kurt tackled Blaine and kissed him they had not been affectionate towards each other. They haven't held hands, kissed, or even cuddled. They knew at midnight tonight though, they would kiss and they were both so looking forward to that moment.
Burt and Blaine were watching the last few minutes of the college football bowl game when Kurt came in and sat next to Blaine. The game ended and Burt yawned. He soon stood up and says. “Well boys, I am leaving it to you to bring in the New Year. I'll welcome the New Year in tomorrow morning.” He announces as he walks to the kitchen and picks up Carol who was going through recipes and they go upstairs. “Was it something I said?” Kurt jokes as it is obvious why they went up stairs. “What time do we need to leave tomorrow to get to the airport on time? My flight leaves at 6:30.” Blaine tells Kurt. Kurt looks at his ticket and says. “Mine takes off at 5:45. If we leave by 3 p.m. we should be there in plenty of time.” Kurt suggests. “That sounds like a plan. I think I will go finish packing and make sure I have everything.” Blaine says as he heads upstairs not looking a Kurt. Kurt wonders if Blaine is finding it getting harder and harder to say goodbye each passing minute. He goes upstairs also and hears Blaine talking on his phone to someone when he gets near the door. He listens as he waits for Blaine to finish his conversation. “I'll be ready to be picked up around 7 o'clock Coop. I'll be waiting outside the drop off/pick up area. Coop I'm still coming back. Yes, I have loved being around Kurt but nothing has changed between us. Don't push Coop, remember the agreement we made if I came to Lima. Yes, I do love him. Coop, don't do this. I just need some time. We'll see what happens. Listen, I need to go. I'll see you tomorrow. I won't be changing my mind. Bye Coop.” Blaine hangs up and wipes his eyes as Kurt enters and asks. “How's it going? Did you find everything that belongs to you?” Blaine clears his throat and says. “Um yeah, a few things tomorrow and I'll be ready to head back to sunny L.A. Well I'll let you pack now Kurt and get ready. I'll be downstairs watching the New Years Eve specials.” Blaine says as he smiles trying to look happy as he heads downstairs. Kurt notices the trouble Blaine is having when he thinks about leaving tomorrow. Maybe he can convince him to change his plans. He'll never know if he doesn't try.
It is 11:30 and Kurt sits down next to Blaine on the couch. “Blaine, I have really enjoyed the time we have spent together these last few days. I have fallen in love with you all over again.” Kurt says as he grabs Blaine's hand. “Don't do this Kurt. You agreed when I got here that we are going to be just friends. I have enjoyed spending this time with you also but I am going back to L.A. tomorrow and you are going back to New York City. So please don't make this harder than it already is. If you love me please give me the space I am asking for?” Blaine pleads. “Okay Blaine, I'm sorry we will bring in the New Year as friends.” Kurt says as he takes his hand away from Blaine's and moves to Burt's recliner. Soon they hear the countdown start. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. “Happy New Year Kurt.” Blaine says softly. “Happy New Year to you Blaine,” Kurt says as a tear trickles down his face. He can feel Blaine starting to put his walls up again. “I'm sorry Kurt. I never should have come because I have hurt you again.” Blaine says as he stands and starts leaving to the guest room. “Blaine” Kurt says and Blaine stops. “It is worth the hurt to have been able to spend these past few days with you because I love you and always will.” Kurt says and Blaine continues to walk to the guest room.
The next morning breakfast is ready and Kurt goes to wake Blaine. He opens the door and sees the bed has been made and Blaine's carry on is gone. Kurt realizes that Blaine has left and he sees a note on the bed.
Please don't hate me but I got an earlier flight to L.A. because it is easier for me not to see you go because my heart will ache too much to see your tears. The truth is I am not strong enough to let you leave for New York City again. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to let you go without me. Please forgive me and thank Burt and Carol for letting me stay with you guys and their generous hospitality. Now go and follow your dreams.
Love You Always,
Kurt folds the note and puts it in his pocket. He is not surprised by Blaine's action because he knew he was having trouble dealing with the situation yesterday. His eyes filled with water but he would not cry. He just wished he could have said I love you before he left. After finishing his packing Burt took Kurt to the airport and hugged him goodbye. He passed through security and was at his gate in plenty of time. He decided to walk down to the gate that Blaine's plane would have been taking off from just in case. He didn't see the man he was looking for so he returned to his gate satisfied that Blaine had indeed left on an earlier flight. After reading a magazine is was time for Kurt to board. He put his bag over his shoulder and headed towards the gate. He turns around one last time looking at Lima not knowing when he would be back and he notices a man, he notices the man, his man standing by the wall. He quickly walks towards him and kisses him passionately then says. “I forgive you. I love you Blaine and keep safe.” Kurt smiles at Blaine without crying and then he turns around and he gets on his flight to New York City.