The Truth Always Comes Out
Chapter 7 Rebuilding A Life Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Truth Always Comes Out: Chapter 7 Rebuilding A Life

T - Words: 1,096 - Last Updated: Jul 01, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 25/? - Created: Jun 16, 2014 - Updated: Jun 16, 2014
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            The Truth Always Comes Out

             Chapter 7: Rebuilding a Life

“Blaine, Blaine, listen to me,” Kurt says as he can hear the sobs through the phone. “We will get through this together. I am on my way. Do you hear me? I am coming home.” Kurt can hear Blaine starting to get control as the sobs slow down. “Listen to me Blaine and do what I ask. Can you do that? Kurt asks. Blaine answers softly, “Yes.” Kurt relaxes and says, “First, take a couple of deeps breathes.” Blaine does as he is asked. Kurt continues, “Blaine, I want you to stay at the house with Dad and Carole until I get there. Will you do that? Blaine thinks for a moment and finally says, “Yes.” Kurt smiles and says, “I will be there around 3 o'clock. Until I get there you can rest in my room, you sound pretty tired.” Blaine answers, “Okay, Kurt, I love you and I am so sorry.” Kurt replies, “Love you too. You will be in my arms very soon so get some rest. Before I head to the airport I need to speak to my Dad. Will you give him the phone please?” Blaine calls, “Burt, Kurt needs to talk to you,” he hands Burt the phone while he starts to eat his breakfast. Kurt repeats what he has told Blaine. “Please take care of him until I get home,” Kurt asks. “Will do buddy, will do.” Burt assures him.

“He's at Burt's! He's at Burt's! Angela yells as happy tears fill her eyes. Tom and Angela hug each other tightly as Tom whispers, “Our prayers and been answered.”After talking to Kurt, Burt starts to talk to Tom again. “Thanks for waiting but Kurt needed to talk to me. “How is Blaine?” Tom asks as he puts them on speaker phone so Angela could hear. “He is physically okay except for a sore ankle, but he is not the Blaine we are used to. I think this information has thrown him for a loop. He is struggling trying to deal with everything. But, now that he has been found we will be able to help him. “Burt answered “We would like to come over if you don't mind. We need to see and talk to Blaine.” Tom asked. “Listen,” Burt said, “I won't stop you from coming over but whether he sees or talks to you will be his choice. Right now he has agreed to stay here and wait for Kurt. After that we have no guarantees and I don't know what he will do.” Tom replies, “We understand Burt. But we will be there as soon as possible and we'll wait for Kurt, and Burt, thank you for all you have done.” “Glad I could help.” Burt responded.

Burt and Carole walk back into the kitchen to see Blaine with his head in his hands and his breakfast half eaten. “Tired kid?” Burt asked. “A little,” Blaine answers. “How about we get you upstairs and then Carole can look at that ankle.” Blaine looked at Burt and said, “Okay.” When Burt goes over to help Blaine up he hears Blaine say, “I'm sorry Burt. I'm sure you are disappointed in me. I'm not worth helping. I didn't mean to cause you any concern.” Burt looked into Blaine's eyes and said, “I'm not. You are. And I'm always concerned about the ones I love. It comes with the territory. Now let's get you upstairs.” Blaine smiles and says, “Okay.” Blaine stands and takes a step towards the stairs when his right ankle gives out and he begins to fall. Burt catches him in his arms and a second later they are holding each other tight, not wanting to let go. Burt is relieved that Blaine is back and safe, while Blaine feels the warmth of being wanted and accepted for who he is. Blaine can feel that the rebuilding of his life has just begun, as he cries on Burt's shoulder.

Burt gets Blaine upstairs into Kurt‘s room. Blaine removes his shirt, pants, and shoes and puts on a pair of Kurt's pajama bottoms that Burt had gotten him. Blaine lies down on the bed and Carole comes in to look at his ankle. Carole decides it is probably a severe sprain so she wraps it up and tells Blaine to stay off it and keep it elevated as much as possible. She also gave him some aspirin to help him deal with the pain. Burt tucks him in just like he did with Kurt for so many years and lets him know they will be downstairs if he needs anything. Burt says, “Blaine, before I go I want you to know that I have talked to your parents. They are coming over because they want to see you. I told them it will be up to you. You are not going to be forced to do anything you don't want.” Blaine says, “Thank you.” Burt gently ruffles Blaine's curly black hair and starts to leave. He says, “Get some rest now and we will figure this out when Kurt gets here.” Blaine closes his eyes and falls asleep while Burt leaves and closes the door behind him.

A little while later the door bell rings. Burt answers the door and lets the Andersons enter. He lets them know that Blaine is sleeping upstairs in Kurt's room. They sit down in the living room and Burt tells them about finding Blaine. They all agree that they will not force Blaine to do anything he is not comfortable with. Burt reminds Angela and Tom that Blaine is confused. He is struggling trying to deal with the situation. He has not said much about what has happened other than he was sorry. “Burt,” Angela asks, “Would you mind if we went up and saw him? I promise we won't wake him. We just need to see him to know he is here.” Burt agreed and walked them to Kurt's room. He quietly opened the door. Angela and Tom walked in and stood at the foot of the bed. They lovingly stare at their son who is sleeping. He looks worn out and older than usual because of his beard. They are so thankful he is safe. Tom puts his arm around Angela who has tears in her eyes and whispers, “He will be okay we will make sure of it.” They slowly turn around and walk out not wanting to wake him and shut the door.



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