The Truth Always Comes Out
Chapter 18 Reaction Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Truth Always Comes Out: Chapter 18 Reaction

T - Words: 1,262 - Last Updated: Jul 01, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 25/? - Created: Jun 16, 2014 - Updated: Jun 16, 2014
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                         The Truth Always Comes Out

                               Chapter 18: Reaction

          “It's Jack Hill,” Blaine says to himself. “Did he just say that about my Mother?” Blaine becomes furious and drops the chocolate milkshake he's holding in his hand. Hearing the thud, Blaine knows he needs to get away before they see him. He runs out of the building and continues to run not knowing where. He begins to slow down and then stops and bends over to get his breath. “Think Blaine, Be smart,” he says to himself. He looks around and sees Central Park. He walks there and sits down on a bench and puts his head into his hands. His phone rings and sees it's from Joey. “You've got to be kidding. No way am I going to talk to you.” and Blaine turns his phone off. “How could he? How could Joey let him talk about my Mother like that? Maybe he is the same as Jack Hill. Am I just being used by them? They act all nice and friendly not showing their true selves. They get what they want and treat me and my family like dirt. Can't happen, I can't let that happen. Run, run, run away my body keeps telling me. Ignore the problem and it disappears.” Blaine says to himself, his head spinning filled with thoughts.

          “Don't run away, face your problems,” Blaine remembers what his true Father told him. He needs time to think so he starts walking and talking to himself. “I'm not a kid anymore. Remember you shut that door when you left your room. You know Jack Hill is a jerk and he has proven it without a doubt. What hurt was Joey. I was starting to like him and wanted to be friends but I'm not sure now. I asked Joey not to have Jack Hill around while we were going through this. Now he is living with him. He didn't say anything to him when he started talking about my Mother. Does he think it is alright to make fun of an assault on a person? Maybe he thinks the same of me as his Father. Maybe I don't know Joey as well as I should. Maybe I shouldn't know him at all. Should I even give Joey my bone marrow? Is he worth my time and concern? Maybe all he wants is the bone marrow in my body and nothing else. I wonder if he would do the same for me if the roles were reversed. Stop Blaine! Stop thinking! Stop letting your mind drive you crazy with what ifs.” Blaine yelled at himself as he continued walking. Blaine is exhausted both physically and mentally and needs to rest. He looks at his watch and is surprised how late it is. He has been walking for hours. He looks around his surroundings and notices that this building looks familiar. It's his building. A small smile appears on his face and he walks home.

          Kurt unlocks the door to their apartment for the second time while looking for Blaine. He had been here earlier but Blaine was not. He went back out searching for Blaine in places they had been to. He doesn't hear anything as he sets the keys down on the table by the door. “Blaine,” he calls out again and begins to look around when his stomach relaxes because he sees him. Blaine, his Blaine is found.

          Blaine is sitting in the dark. Criss cross on the couch looking out the window. Looking like he is in his own little world. Kurt slowly walks toward him. He sits down next to Blaine criss cross. He gently grabs his hand and looks out the window at the city lights. Waiting, waiting, and waiting for Blaine to talk. Blaine simply falls onto Kurt's lap and cries while Kurt rubs his back reassuringly and whispers, “Let it out, I'm here.”  

          Blaine's tears stop and he begins to see the lights of the city again. “Kurt,” Blaine says, “I have to pee.” Kurt replies, “Well thank you for sharing. Do you need any help?” “Nope,” Blaine says as he gets up heading for the bathroom. Kurt goes to the kitchen and gets some cheese, crackers, fruit and two glasses of water. Blaine is already waiting on the couch when Kurt returns. “Thought we could use some nourishment,” Kurt says. They eat in silence just looking out the window when Blaine begins to talk.

          “He's here,” Blaine says. “I know, Joey called me and told me what happened.” Kurt said. “I understand a chocolate milkshake got wasted.” he added. “I heard them talking and some of the things they said made be furious. I don't know what to do any more Kurt. I wanted to run and I did. But I realized I have to stop running so I came home to wait for you.” Blaine admitted. “Joey wants to talk to you and explain things.” Kurt informs Blaine. “I heard him talk or not talk when he had a chance to say something,” Blaine says. “He called me when he realized you heard their conversation and is worried about you.” Kurt says. “Worried about me or my bone marrow?” Blaine asks. “What are you thinking about the transplant?” Kurt asks. “It hurts Kurt, it hurts really bad and I seriously considered refusing to do the transplant. If I don't do it, I'm afraid I will become a person I don't like. I don't want to turn into a mean, cruel, and selfish person Kurt. My parents taught me better. So I decided I will be a donor for Joey, but I do not want any contact with either Jack Hall or Joey ever again.” Blaine says. “Are you sure Blaine?” Kurt asked. “Yes,” Blaine answers.

          “It has been quite a day Kurt and I am tired so I am going to bed,” Blaine says as he picks up the plates to take them to the kitchen. “Blaine, Joey asked me to call him if I found you. He is concerned about you. Would that be okay?” he asks Blaine. You can do whatever you want. I don't want to know.” Blaine says. Kurt looks at his phone and sees he has missed some texts from Joey. He starts reading the texts when he hears the shower running because that means Blaine will be occupied for a while. He decides to call and he does. “Did you find Blaine, Kurt?” a concerned Joey asks. “I'm calling you to let you know I have found Blaine and he is safe,” Kurt tells Joey. “That's good news. I was worried.” Joey says. “How is he?” Joey asks. “He is very upset. He considered not doing the transplant but he has decided he will still do the transplant.  He has also decided he does not want to see or talk to you or your father though.” Kurt said. “Okay, maybe I'll be able to change his mind after the procedure.” Joey says. “Ever Joey, he doesn't want to see you ever again. I will be abide by his wishes, so I will no longer be in contact with you. Goodbye and good luck.” Kurt says as he punches the end button on his phone. Kurt heads to their bedroom and finds Blaine lying on his side curled up. He goes and cleans up quietly. He gets in bed and curls around Blaine wondering what the next few days could possibly hold.


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