Jan. 2, 2016, 6 p.m.
Jan. 2, 2016, 6 p.m.
Life Goes On
Chapter 9 - Recovery
When Kurt wakes up the sun is shining through the windows. He thinks for a minute and then panics and sits up quickly saying, “Emma, get up, it's time for school.” Then he relaxes immediately as he remembers it's Saturday and there is no school. Kurt hears giggles and senses he is being watched. He looks down at the foot of the bed and sees Emma and Elizabeth wrapped up in their blanket and smiling at him. “Good morning girls. Can you please explain to me what you two are doing?” Kurt whispers. “We are sitting on your bed waiting for you and Papa to wake up because yesterday Papa promised to make us blueberry pancakes for breakfast if we were good when we went to his work, and we were very good.” Emma explains licking her lips. “Booberry pancakes, wuv booberry pancakes Daddy.” Elizabeth shouts as she starts jumping up and down on the bed. Blaine starts hacking loudly as he tries to clear his lungs. He gets out of bed quickly and heads to the bathroom. “What is wrong with Papa? He didn't say good morning. He always says good morning.” Emma says as she looks at Kurt concerned. “Papa is sick Sweetie. Last night Aunt Rachael and Aunt Santana brought you home so I could take Papa to the hospital to see a doctor who gave him some medicine to make him better.” Kurt explains. “I don't think the doctor did a very good job Daddy because Papa is still sick.” Emma states her opinion seriously with her hand on her hip. “Well last night he was very sick and he just started taking the medicine that will make him better so it might take a little while. So this week Papa has to rest and stay inside.” Kurt explains as Blaine comes back to bed and gets under the covers before he says, “Good morning girls,” and then lies down and closes his eyes. “Why don't we go to the kitchen and make some breakfast while Papa rests.” Kurt suggests as he checks Blaine's forehead to see if he is still running a temp which Kurt thinks he is because he still feels a little warm to the touch.
Kurt gets out of bed and walks with the girls to the kitchen and says. “Today we are going to be very quiet so papa can sleep okay.” Kurt starts mixing the pancake batter when Emma starts talking. “Papa was very good last night at work Daddy. I got to sit on Uncle Joey's lap and I watched Papa sing and play the guitar. When he started playing the piano we got to dance with the other people on the floor. You should have seen us Daddy we were really good. Everyone watched us dance. Papa even watched us dancing and then he smiled at us really happy. We had lots of fun and danced so much, but we got pooped and fell asleep before the next show.” Kurt listens intently realizing what a wonderful family memory he had missed out on while being stuck at work. “I dance too Daddy and had fun, fun, fun!” Elizabeth announces proudly with a big smile on her face. Kurt gets two plates out of the cupboard while he cooks the pancakes. He puts a cooked pancake onto each plate and cuts it up into pieces. “Syrp pwease,” Elizabeth asks. Kurt pours some syrup onto Elizabeth's plate and gives them each a glass of milk. Okay girls, I am going to go check on Papa and give him his medicine, so eat your pancakes and I will be right back.” Kurt says as he heads to his bedroom.
Kurt quietly enters the bedroom to see Blaine sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. Kurt sits down next to him and asks, “How are you feeling?” Blaine looks at Kurt and jokingly answers, “How do I look?” Kurt stands up asking, “Why are you sitting up and not covered up in bed?” He motions to Blaine to lie down. “I was coughing and it is easier to breathe if I am sitting up.” He says weakly as he follows Kurt's directions. Kurt puts some pillows behind Blaine so he is elevated in bed. Kurt pulls up the covers and says, “Open up please, I need to know if you have a fever and then you can take your medicine.” Kurt goes to check on the girls and then returns to see Blaine reading the thermometer. “I hate being sick,” Blaine moans as he hands the thermometer to Kurt. “It reads 100.8 degrees. At least it is going down. Take your meds and I want you to drink a lot of liquids so you don't get dehydrated again.” Blaine takes his medicine and drinks up all the water in the glass and then shows it to Kurt. “Good boy,” Kurt says as he gently pats the top of Blaine's head and takes the glass. “I'll be back with some pancakes and coffee because you are staying in bed today do you understand.” Kurt says emphatically. “Yes Nurse Hummel-Anderson. You know Kurt I have always fantasized about you being my nurse.” Blaine says with a smirk and a wink. “Down boy, you are too sick and I intend on nursing you back to health not being your fantasy.” Kurt informs Blaine as he leaves the room shaking his backside for Blaine to enjoy.
Blaine slept through the next few hours while the girls played with their toys quietly in the living room until they sneaked off into their own bedroom. “Eliza we need to make Papa a get well card because he is sick. I will get the paper, scissors, glue, and markers.” Emma says as she puts everything down on the small table in their room. The girls have been working on their cards for about an hour when Kurt comes to check up on them. “What are you doing girls?” He says from the door. “Picture for Papa, markers.” Elizabeth squeals. “We're making Get Well soon cards for Papa,” Emma explains staying focused on her work. Kurt walks over to the table to see the cards when he looks at Elizabeth and his eyes bug out. Kurt stays calm on the outside but inside he is exploding because Elizabeth has marker all over her face, arms, hands, and all over her clothes. “We're done Daddy. Can we go give them to Papa now?” Emma asks as she holds up her card along with Eliza's pictures. Kurt is admiring their work when he hears Blaine coughing again.
Kurt enters his bedroom and asks, “How are you feeling?” Kurt asks as he sees Blaine drinking some water as he sits on the edge of the bed. “Good boy keep pushing those liquids.” Kurt encourages. “Yea, you can keep saying that but I'm the one who has to get up to pee all the time.” Blaine says as he heads to the bathroom again. Kurt leaves to get Blaine a fresh pitcher of water. When Blaine returns he sees two little girls standing in the doorway. “Hi Papa, we made you Get Well cards because you are sick,” Emma said as Blaine sat on the edge of the bed so he could see the girls. “Daddy said we can't come in because we can't get your germs,” Emma explains. She looks around and takes a deep breath and holds it then she covers her nose and mouth with her little hand and runs to Blaine and gives him her card and then runs back to the doorway and takes a deep breath to get some air back I her lungs. Elizabeth just runs in and gives Blaine her card. Blaine starts laughing out loud and coughing at the sight of all the marker colors covering Elizabeth as she skips back to Emma. Kurt hears Blaine laughing and coughing and returns quickly. He sees the girls and understands why Blaine was laughing. Kurt points to Elizabeth and says, “This is all you fault. I am going to be scrubbing her for hours.” Kurt says with a smile as Blaine grabs his phone and takes a picture of the girls and a close up of Elizabeth. “Thank you girls and I can tell that your cards are already making me feel better.” Blaine says as he begins to lie down. “Come on girls let's make some dinner while Papa rests.” Kurt says as he leads the girls to the kitchen. Blaine smiles with joy in his heart as he looks at the cards and places them on the night stand. He then covers himself with the covers and falls back asleep with a smile on his face thinking about his lovely family.
The next day Blaine continues to improve and was feeling much better when his thoughts take him back to Jasper's words and concern over his music future. “Blaine, I need to talk to you about something if you have some time and are up to it,” Kurt says since the girls are watching The Little Mermaid. “Sure, come here and sit down and tell me what is on your mind.” Blaine tells Kurt as he sits crossed legged on the bed facing Kurt and pats the space across from him for Kurt to come and sit. Kurt sits down and takes Blaine's hands.
I want to explain why I was so late to your show Friday night at The Train Station. I was heading out of my office, making sure I was giving myself enough time to be there early because I wanted to talk to you before you went on for your first set. Stephanie stops me and says she needs to tell me something before I leave. We walk into her office and she begins to say something when her phone rings. She has to take it and she leaves her office. I wait a few minutes and decide I am leaving. I start leaving and she sees me and says I will be done in one minute. I need to tell you something. I go back into her office and sit down and decide I will give her five minutes and then I am gone no matter what. I look at my phone and I see you left a message and that is when I found out that you took the girls to work with you. She comes back and she finally tells me her news. I quickly leave and grab a cab and we get stuck in traffic. I finally decide to simply get out of the cab and run there. So that's what I did and I got there in time to see you struggle and then leave the stage. I am so sorry I wasn't there for you Blaine.” Kurt says apologetically. “Kurt, to be honest with you I haven't even thought about you not being there, so don't worry about it. You were there in time to take care of me and besides things happen we don't have control over.” Blaine says as he caresses Kurt's cheek.
“The other part that I need to tell you is what the news was that Stephanie had to tell me. She told me that I was being given a promotion to assistant editor and fashion consultant. This new job would start after the fashion show.” Kurt announces to Blaine and he carefully observes Blaine's facial reaction to the news. “Wow Kurt, that is wonderful news,” Blaine says happily as he hugs Kurt tightly. Blaine lets go of Kurt and continues. “It sounds like you got your dream job and you are going to be on Broadway soon. Everything is falling in place for you, congratulations. I'm so happy and proud of you. All your hard work is finally being noticed and you are being properly rewarded.” Blaine says before hugging him again. You must be thrilled and your Dad must be so proud,” Blaine says. “I haven't told him yet because I wanted you to be the first to know,” Kurt remarks. “What are you doing here, go and call him and share you wonderful news,” Blaine tells Kurt as he motions him to go call his Dad. Kurt slides off the bed and quickly heads out of the bedroom to get his phone. When Kurt is out of sight Blaine drops his head into his hands feeling good for Kurt but thinking to himself. “He makes his family proud while I'm a loser and just let my family down.” Kurt comes back quietly and stops at the doorway to see a frustrated Blaine. Kurt knows what Blaine is truly thinking and feeling though and he knows Blaine is going to put on a happy façade for him. Kurt backs up a few feet so he is not in the doorway any more. He then makes some noise before entering the bedroom so Blaine can hear him. Kurt enters the room and now sees a smiling Blaine again. Kurt calls his Dad and puts him on speaker so Blaine can hear what Burt has to say. “That's great news Kurt, I am so proud of you. I knew you would tame that city.” They continue sharing some other news and talking about the girls when Burt suddenly asks, “How did Blaine's audition go Friday night” I am sure you knocked it out of the park, right Anderson?” Kurt looks at Blaine and his smile drops and he says ‘excuse me' and is on his way to the bathroom as Kurt explains what happened to his Dad.