Jan. 2, 2016, 6 p.m.
Jan. 2, 2016, 6 p.m.
Life Goes On
Chapter 6 – An Unexpected Opportunity
Blaine ends his phone conversation with Joey after make sure Joey was feeling better and not over doing it now that he was out of the hospital and back home. Blaine was thrilled to hear that Sally was keeping a watchful eye over him. Joey's concern for Blaine were also lessoned when Blaine told him he was doing better after his severe reaction to seeing Jack Hill. He credits his improvement to talks with Kurt and the girls showing him how much they love and need him.
Blaine and the girls had just finished cooking dinner and were now setting the table when Kurt walks into the apartment. They eat dinner while the young family shares the news of the day. Dinner was barely over when Blaine starts kissing everyone goodnight saying, “See you later and love you,” to Kurt and the girls as he heads off to The Train Station for his performance this evening.
Blaine's name is announced and he walks on stage to thunderous cheers at the packed Train Station. The place is jumping tonight with new and old customers as well as many holiday visitors that are in town to see the lighted Christmas tree in Rockafeller Center and other New York City attractions.
Unbeknownst to Blaine was a man sitting at the back table who is holding his phone recording Blaine's set. Blaine finishes his set but the crowd is shouting for an encore. He returns to the stage and begins to sing Katy Perry's Teenage Dream. During the song Blaine thanks the crowd for being his teenage dream. As Blaine leaves the stage the man asks his waiter to ask Blaine if he would come by and talk to him about a possible job opportunity. “Blaine,” the waiter shouts. “There is a man at Table 17 that wants to talk to you about some job opportunity.” Blaine looks at his watch and sees that he has 15 minutes before he is due to start his 2nd set so he walks over to Table 17. A brown haired man is eating a sandwich when he hears. “Excuse me, I am Blaine Hummel-Anderson and I was told you wanted to speak to me.” Blaine said as he extended his hand towards the gentleman. The man motions for Blaine to sit down as he swallows the food in his mouth. “Thank you Blaine for giving me a few minutes of your time. My name is Jasper Williams and I watched you perform earlier. I think you are very talented and by the reaction I witnessed from the crowd tonight I am not the only one. I work for Evergreen Records and I think you can be a star in the music industry. I would like to set up a meeting to go over some ideas if you think you might be interested?” Mr. Williams asks as he looks at Blaine who looks totally shocked and speechless. He finally answers, “Um, I don't know what to say. Yes, I would like to talk with you further about this but I have another set in a few minutes.” Blaine replies. “Listen Blaine, I understand so maybe we could meet tomorrow at my office. How would 1 o'clock work for you?” Jasper suggests as he hands Blaine his business card. Blaine accepts the card and tells Jasper he will see him tomorrow as he stands and heads back towards the stage for his second set. Blaine's head is spinning wondering if that just happened or is he dreaming.
Blaine quietly unlocks the apartment door and goes to the kitchen and makes a cup of tea for himself. He walks into the living room and sits down on the couch and begins to remember the happenings of this evening and the conversation he had with a man named Jasper Williams. “Is this real? Did he really mean what he said about me being a star in the music industry?” Blaine wonders. After thinking for several minutes he finally turns off the lights and walks to his bedroom and quietly opens the door and changes his clothes. He slowly slides into bed not wanting to wake Kurt since it is early in the morning. He is facing Kurt and looking lovingly at him when he hears. “Blaine, what's wrong? You have been home for a while and it took you so long to come to bed. That always means that something is bothering you so spill it Mr. Hummel-Anderson.” Kurt says encouragingly but forceful as he opens his eyes and stares at Blaine. “Kurt, I didn't mean to wake you. Let's go to sleep and I will talk to you about this in the morning. I promise you it is nothing bad or terrible. In fact it may be very good. Besides, the girls will be up in a few hours and we will need to be rested.” Blaine whispers. “Alright, but I expect to hear about it, do you understand me?” Kurt replies. “Yes sir,” Blaine answers as he salutes with his hand towards Kurt and a smirk on his face. Kurt quickly falls back to sleep while Blaine stares at the ceiling dreaming of what the future may hold him and his family.
Blaine returned home after dropping Emma off at school and found Kurt sitting on the couch in the living room with two cups of warm coffee sitting on the end table and Elizabeth playing with her toys nearby on the floor. Blaine hung up his coat and saw Kurt's eyes telling him to come and sit beside him so they could talk. “Alright Mr. Hummel-Anderson, I am ready to hear about this news that kept you awake last night.” Kurt tells Blaine as he pats the couch next to him, asking for Blaine to come and sit down beside him. Blaine walks by Elizabeth and rubs the top of her head before sitting down. “Kurt, last night at The Train Station between sets this man named Jasper Williams asked to speak to me. It turns out he works for Evergreen Records and he said he thought I could be a star in the music industry. He told me he wanted to meet with me to discuss possible ideas if I am interested. I was sort of shocked and I must have sounded like an idiot but I told him yes, I was interested. Do you think I am being foolish? I am happy the way things are right now Kurt. Anyway we are meeting today at 1 o'clock.” Blaine says as he sees a big smile appear on Kurt's face. “That is fantastic Blaine! There is nothing wrong hearing him out and seeing if this is something you would be interested in and willing to do. This is the next step in your dream. The world needs to hear you and find out how wonderfully talented you are.” Kurt says with pride. “Do you think you could come with me and listen to what he has to offer?” Blaine asks sheepishly. “I would love too.” Kurt says before he leans over to kiss and hug Blaine. The kiss is shortened because a tiny stuffed dog flies towards them and lands on their heads. They pull apart and both turn to look at Elizabeth who is looking at them with a huge smile on her face and giggles causing everyone to start laughing.
“Mr. Williams, there is a man named Blaine Anderson out here and he says he has an appointment with you,” a young woman announces over the phone. “Yes, I am expecting him. Please send him in,” she is told. The secretary opens the door and Blaine walks in along with Kurt. “Blaine, good to see you again.” Jasper Williams says as he extends his hand to Blaine. “Hi Mr. Williams, it is good to see you again also. I would like to introduce you to my husband Kurt. I want him to hear what you have to say. I hope you don't mind him joining us.” Blaine says. “Not a problem Blaine. It is a pleasure to meet you Kurt. I am Jasper Williams and I am sure I don't have to tell you that Blaine is a very talented artist. After hearing Blaine's performance last night I knew I wanted to help him become a major talent in the music industry.” Jasper explains as they sit down around his desk. Blaine and Kurt listen to Jasper's ideas about recording some songs and maybe touring. His vision of the future for Blaine sounded too good to be true. Blaine and Kurt asked many questions concerning the time requirements because they are a family with young children and they made it very clear to Jasper that they are their top priority. They also talked about a possible schedule and financial concerns during the meeting. As the meeting comes to a close Jasper explains one last detail. “Before we sign a contract and make this agreement legal, my boss is required to see Blaine perform live. Unfortunately he is currently out of town on business and won't be back for a few weeks.” Jasper explains. “Not a problem,” Blaine thinks to himself, because while Jasper's boss is out of town he will use that time to perfect his skills and vocals. Jasper told him he will let him know the date for his audition later. The three men stand and shake hands as the meeting ends. Blaine and Kurt leave the office looking forward to working with Jasper and the Evergreen Record Company as they head home ready to spend the evening with their girls.
For the next few days Blaine busied himself practicing and rehearsing his songs. He wanted his performance for Jasper's boss to be perfect. His future success was dependent upon ‘wowing' the man. During this time, Kurt was told he would be required to work some additional hours every day because Vogue.com needed him to help them get ready for the new fashion season coming up as well as a highly anticipated fashion show. Kurt was thrilled about the possibilities and hoping it would help him move up the fashion ladder. Kurt's increased work load though forced Blaine to adjust and add responsibilities to his daily schedule. Blaine now has to split his time up between caring for the girls, practicing set songs on both piano and guitar, and still be the best husband possible while keeping their house a home. Unfortunately, it felt like he was raising a family and keeping a home more or less by himself. He thought it would only be for a few weeks and he'd make the sacrifice for Kurt and his family without complaining.
It had been snowing for a few hours so Blaine decided to take the girls to the park to make snow angels and build a snowman. They were having a great time outside and it pained Blaine thinking that Kurt couldn't be with them enjoying this fun because he would have loved this. All three laughed at their snow angels and making the snowman was the best. The snow was perfect for building a snowman. Elizabeth had trouble pushing her ball once it got to be as big as a basketball. They decided her ball would be the head. Blaine's ball would be the bottom since his was the biggest and Emma's was the body. Blaine helped the girls lift their balls and when they had built their snowman they all smiled with pride. They found two sticks for arms and some stones to use as eyes, a mouth, and buttons. Blaine had the girls hug their snowman as he took their picture. Then he asked a passerby to take a picture of all three of them with the snowman. Blaine thought to himself that this is a memory he will never forget as smiles happily. He soon realizes he needs to get his daughters home because their clothes are wet, tired, and it is getting dark outside.
Once they get home he quickly gets their snowsuits and boots off. He ignites the gas fireplace and has the girls go stand by it so they can warm up while he makes some hot chocolate with marshmallows. He brings in three cups of the warm delicious liquid and they sit down in front of the heat and warm their tummies as they talk about their fun day together. The girls fall asleep early tonight so Blaine uses this quiet time to practice his music and then picks up around the apartment though he is also tired, as he waits for Kurt to arrive. Kurt finally arrives late at night and notices the wet snowsuits drying and sees Blaine asleep on the couch. He gives Blaine a kiss on his cheek and Blaine awakes to see his beautiful husband. “Hi there love.” Kurt says as he kisses him again this time on his soft lips. “Blaine, you should be sleeping in bed, not on the couch.” Kurt tells him as he brushes his hands through his hair. “Though I do love seeing and talking to you when you I get home. How was your day and how are the girls?” Kurt questions. Blaine tells Kurt about the day's events and even shows him the pictures. Kurt looks with envy at the pictures on Blaine's phone realizing he has missed out again on a fun day with the girls because of work. Blaine sees Kurt's sad face and says, “Kurt, we can go back to the park this weekend and do some more building. I know the girls would love it.” Kurt stares at the picture and says disappointedly, “I have to work.” Kurt looks at Blaine and says, “Sorry.” Blaine stands up and starts walking around as his anger begins to rise. “When is this going to stop Kurt? Lately, you are always working these endless hours which means we never see you. When was the last time you have even seen the girls when they weren't sleeping or eating or talked to them about their days? It feels like I am doing all the work around here alone. I need some uninterrupted extra practice time because I am trying to get ready for my performance for Jasper's boss but I can't find the time.” Blaine says upset with the current arrangements. “Blaine, I know it is hard for you. It is hard for me too. I want to be here with you and the girls more and it will happen, as soon as this fashion show happens in a few weeks. This is my dream Blaine and hopefully my future career, which means a steady income for our family. You used to support my dreams and you told me to follow them and never give up on my dreams.” Kurt states. Blaine looks sternly at Kurt and replies slowly and forcefully. “Kurt, I remember a time when I, we used to be your dream and future.” Blaine slowly walks away and heads to his bedroom and quietly shuts the door.
Blaine changed into his pajamas and slid into bed, his back is facing Kurt's side. His eyes are filled with moisture when several minutes later he hears the door slowly open. Kurt enters the room and quietly changes into his pajamas using only the light from the moon to see. Kurt walks to his side of the bed and slides under the covers. He turns so he is facing Blaine's back. Kurt takes his arms and wraps them around Blaine's chest and pulls him closer and whispers into his ear. “I'm sorry Blaine. I promise you and the girls I will try to be around and help out more and just so you know, you and the girls are my top priority and you will always be my biggest dream and my future doesn't exist without you in it.” Blaine slowly turns so he is facing Kurt. Looking into his eyes he gently rubs Kurt's cheek and says. “I'm sorry too Kurt. I know you are working very hard to guarantee that life will be good for the family you deeply love and cherish. I just love you so much it hurts when I can't see you and talk to you.” Blaine slowly leans in and places a loving kiss onto Kurt's lips. Kurt replies with a passionate kiss that means one thing to Blaine. It's going to be a late night tonight.