Life Goes On
Chapter 4 - The Past Returns to Haunt the Present Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Life Goes On: Chapter 4 - The Past Returns to Haunt the Present

T - Words: 3,046 - Last Updated: Jan 02, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Nov 25, 2014 - Updated: Nov 25, 2014
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                 Life Goes On

      Chapter 4 – The Past Returns to Haunt   

                          the Present


Kurt wakes up to see Blaine staring at him with a smile on his face. “You are still smiling. Your face muscles must be sore or are they frozen in that position.” Kurt wonders as he kisses Blaine on his forehead. The bedroom door squeaks open and the boys see Emma holding Eliz's hand and they slowly walk towards the bed. “Daddy we are hungry. Are you and Papa going to get up soon?” Emma asks as she looks at them. “Hungwe” Elizabeth says as she stretches and rubs her eye with her left hand. The boys look at each other and smile and happily say. “Yes we are because we don't want our daughters to starve. Papa is getting up right now.” Kurt says as he tugs Blaine out of bed and then they both chase the girls down the hall and into the kitchen before picking them up and giving them kisses all over while the girls giggle happily. “Who wants blueberry pancakes?” Blaine asks knowing pancakes are the girl's favorite breakfast food.

After dropping Emma off at school Kurt, Blaine, and Elizabeth went to the grocery store to pick up a few items they need to restock their refrigerator and pantry. While standing in line to check out Kurt's phone starts to ring. He takes it out of his pocket and looks at the screen seeing a number he doesn't recognize. He answers the phone and says. Hello, this is Kurt Hummel-Anderson. “Kurt, this Tony Johnson and I am calling to see if you have some time this afternoon to come down to my office. I want to offer you the role of Samuel in my new musical Happenings. I was hoping we could go over your contract, schedule, and responsibilities if you are interested.” Kurt's jaw drops and then he jumps into the air and fist pumps as fellow customers are watching the display. “Yes, I can meet with you. What time would be good for you because I am free all day?” Kurt inquires as he stares at Blaine who has a huge smile on his face because he has figured out what the call must be about. Kurt hangs up and jumps into Blaine's arms shouting. “I got the part! I got the part!” Blaine hugs him proudly as he feels Kurt's tears roll down his neck.

Kurt went to see Tony Johnson after he finished eating lunch with Elizabeth and Blaine. He was going to sign a contract and so what his schedule and responsibilities would be. Blaine picked up Emma from school and told the girls they were going to plan a surprise party for Daddy because he got the role he auditioned for. Blaine made a list of things to do and then started calling family and friends to have them come over. “Hey Joey, what are you doing tonight?” Blaine asked as soon as Joey said “hi” his voice filled with excitement. “Blaine, what is going on?” Joey asks in a weak and nasally tone. “You sound terrible. Are you alright?” A concerned look appears on Blaine's face. “No, I think I caught this bug that is going around the office.” Joey explains as he coughs. “Do I need to come over and make you some chicken noodle soup?” Blaine volunteers. “No, I am able to warm up some soup. I am not bedridden and besides I don't want to spread this bug to you and your family. So what's going on tonight? You sound pretty excited.” Joey wonders.  “Oh, Kurt got the role he auditioned for and the girls and I want to throw him a surprise congratulations party.” Blaine tells Joey. “I'm sorry I can't be there. It sounds like fun. Please tell Kurt I am very happy for him and I am already looking forward to opening night.” Joey tells Blaine. “I will and listen Joey, if you need anything or get worse you call me and I will help you whatever you need. If you don't feel better soon you had better call your doctor and let him know what is going on.” Blaine strongly suggests. “I will. Have fun tonight and I will talk to you soon.” Joey says before ending the call.

“Papa, we need to make signs for Daddy's party.” Emma shouts excitedly as she carries her markers and paper to the table. Emma held up the finished signs so Blaine can tape them to the wall. “Daddy is going to love the signs you made girls. They are perfect.” Blaine says as he smiles proudly at his daughters.

It is 6:00 p.m. and in the apartment family and friends are waiting for Kurt to arrive. At 6:15 p.m. they hear keys unlocking the door and they all yell, SURPRIZE! Kurt is startled and he drops the keys on the floor. He quickly realizes what is happening and a huge smile covers his face and they all gather around him and turn it into one huge hug. “I'm squished! I'm squished!” Emma yells out as she grabs Kurt's legs and raises her arms to be picked up. Kurt picks her up and Emma says. “We made you a party. Are you surprised?” Kurt hears a small voice say. “Congats Daddy!” He sees Elizabeth in Blaine's arms. She leans toward Kurt and soon Kurt has both his daughters in his arms as they point to their signs on the wall that say We Wuv You Daddy! and Yey Daddy! “I love the signs. They are wonderful you did a great job.” Kurt says as he kisses his daughter's foreheads. Kurt enjoyed his party with family and friends. He turns the last light off and finally makes it to bed where he finds Blaine. He quickly falls asleep holding Blaine in his arms and he knows his life is perfect.

When Blaine returns to the apartment after dropping Emma off at school he walks into the living room and calls Joey to find out how he is feeling today. The phone rings and eventually goes to voice mail. Blaine says. “Hi Joey it's Blaine. I'm calling to see how you are feeling this morning. I hope you are sleeping and getting some much needed rest. I will call again later today.” Blaine pushes the end button and smiles as he watches Elizabeth playing with her toys on the floor.

Blaine picks up Elizabeth and her toys and heads to the study so he can practice his set for tomorrow night's performance at The Train Station as well as work on some new songs. Before he starts practicing though he texts Kurt to wish him good luck on his test he will be taking soon at NYADA. As he places the phone down on the table it beeps. Blaine looks at the text Kurt sent and smiles and then tells Elizabeth that Daddy says he loves her. Blaine walks over to the piano and sits down on the piano bench as he places the phone down on the piano. Before he can play the first chord the phone rings again. Blaine recognizes Joey's ringtone and quickly answers. “Hey Joey, how are you feeling?”  Blaine is surprised when he hears. “Are you Blaine Hummel-Anderson?” An unknown voice asks. “Yes, I am Blaine” He says confused. “You don't know me. My name is Sally Collins and Joey told me to use his phone to call you. Joey has been admitted to St Luke's Hospital and is in Room 417.” She says. “What happened to him? I knew he didn't feel well.” Blaine asks concerned. “He saw his doctor earlier today and he didn't like the way he looked so he admitted him to the hospital for observation because of his health history as well as he didn't want him to get worse and dehydrated.” She told Blaine. “I'll be there as soon as I can make arrangements for someone to watch my daughter. Will you please tell Joey I will see him soon and also how do you know Joey?” Blaine wonders curiously. “Oh, I'm a friend of his.” She answers. “That's nice. Thanks for calling Sally and I'll be there soon.” Blaine says before ending the call.

Blaine texts Kurt too tell him about Joey and that Rachael is coming over to watch Elizabeth while he heads to St. Luke's to check up on Joey. He lets Kurt know he needs to come directly home after school so he can take care of the girls.

Blaine makes his way to the hospital and takes the elevator to the fourth floor and locates Room 417. He knocks on the door and slowly walks into the room and sees Joey lying in a bed with an IV connected to his hand and an oxygen tube under his nose. Joey's eyes were closed and a lovely lady was seated next to his bed in a chair reading a book. “Hi, I'm Blaine Hummel-Anderson. Joey is my brother. The brunette haired woman stands and extends her hand and says. “Hi, I'm Sally Collins and I believe we talked on the phone earlier. It's nice to meet you.” Sally says as she moves so Blaine can get closer to Joey. “So what happened? I talked to him yesterday and he was sick but I didn't think he would be in the hospital in less than 24 hours later.” Blaine says as Joey begins to stir. “Hi Blaine, should I yell surprise.” Joey says as he opens his eyes to focus on Blaine. “Hey Bro, what happened?” Blaine asks as Sally quietly leaves to give them some time to talk. “Well after talking to you I went to bed and fell asleep. I guess I should have taken you up on making me some soup. I didn't eat or drink very much so when my fever went up I became hydrated. This morning I was feeling worse so I took your advice and called my doctor. He wanted to see me right away and the next thing I knew I am walking through the hospital doors. I called Sally to have her bring some things I will need and then I asked her to call you so you wouldn't worry if I didn't answer the phone.” Joey explains. “So exactly what did the doctor say is wrong?” Blaine asks. “I have the flu that is going around and I am dehydrated. Since my immune system is weakened a little he thought it was best for me to be admitted where he could give me stronger medicine and be able to watch me and make sure I stay hydrated and eating.” Joey informs him. “I am glad someone is taking care of you. Hey speaking of taking care of you is Sally the nurse you were talking about earlier. She said she was a friend of yours.” Yes she is. I hope you could have met under different circumstances but we can have a proper meeting when I get out of here.” Joey was saying when they hear, “And when will that be Joey?” They both look up at the man standing in the doorway. “Hi” Joey says as he looks at Blaine whose eyes are large and his body has tensed up. “I got your message and I came as soon as I could.” Jack Hill said. “Hi Blaine, I am glad to see you. How have you been doing?” Blaine's biological father says making Blaine very uncomfortable. “Listen Joey, take care and I will talk to you tomorrow.” Blaine says and then quickly starts to walk out of the room not looking at Jack Hill. “Blaine wait, Blaine don't go.” Joey says trying to get Blaine to not run away. Blaine leaves without acknowledging Joey's pleas. He gets into the elevator and pushes the first floor button as he tries to slow down his breathing. On the first floor he sees a bench and walks towards it and sits down. Seeing Jack Hill brought all the memories of Blaine's past rushing back, along with all the pain and hatred he felt for Jack Hill. Blaine finally stood up and headed out of the hospital and started walking. He got on the subway and all he could do is remember learning the truth, visioning the attack his Mother experienced, and the unclean feeling he felt about himself for so long. Blaine couldn't turn his thoughts off as he continued to ride the subway where ever it took him not realizing the time or where he was.

Kurt had just arrived home and was talking to Rachael when his phone rang. “Kurt, is Blaine there?” Joey asks. “Not yet, I thought he was visiting you. Why, is there something wrong did something happen?” Kurt questioned. Joey explained what happened and ended the call telling Rachael he needed to find Blaine. He told her what happened and she said she would stay until Kurt had located the where abouts of Blaine. Kurt called Blaine's cell phone but it went to voice mail. Kurt left a message that told Blaine to call him as soon as he gets this message. “Where could he be Rachael? He should have been here by now. Something is wrong I can just feel it.” Kurt says as tears forms in his eyes. “Daddy, where is Papa? It's time for dinner and we are hungry.” Emma says as she walks into the kitchen with Eliz. Kurt quickly wipes his eyes and turns around and starts fixing dinner. Rachael takes the girls into the living room so Kurt can get his emotions under control because he doesn't want to worry the girls. The girls, Kurt, and Rachael sit down for dinner. The girls are eating and Emma is telling them all about her day at school. Elizabeth suddenly asks. “Where is Papa? Miss Papa.” He's not here right now but he will be home soon.” Kurt answers and hopes with all his heart it is true.

Blaine finally gets off the subway and walks up the steps and looks around. He doesn't recognize the area and walks a few blocks before he looks up and sees a street sign and realizes he is miles away from his neighborhood. He looks at his watch knowing it must be late since it is almost dark outside. He sees his wedding ring and touches it. He can feel the connection. He needs Kurt. He knows Kurt will find him and help him. He takes out his phone and calls Kurt.

Kurt's phone rings and he realizes it is from Blaine as he looks at Rachael with panic in his eyes. He walks to the living room as the girls eat some fruit for dessert. “Blaine, Blaine, are you okay? Where are you?” Kurt asks not giving Blaine a chance to answer. “Kurt, I need you.” Blaine says with choked voice. “I have just been riding the subway and when I got off I was miles away from home and I'm in a strange neighborhood.” Blaine tells Kurt. “Blaine, I want you to walk back to the subway stairs and when you get there tell me the street name it says. I'm not hanging up. I'm not letting you go.” Kurt says calming Blaine as he walks back to the stairs. Kurt grabs his coat and starts heading out of the apartment knowing that Rachael will watch the girls until he returns. Kurt starts walking down the street looking for a cab. He finds one and quickly gets into the cab as he continues to talk to Blaine. “Kurt, I'm at the stairs to the subway. It says 15th Street-Prescott Park.” Blaine tells Kurt. He tells the cab driver where to go and Kurt is on his way to Blaine. “I'm coming Blaine but it is going to take a while because you are quite a few miles away, but don't go anywhere, just stay there and we will keep talking.” Kurt tells Blaine as he talks to Blaine about all the things Emma said about school and his classes at NYADA. “I'm sorry Kurt. I don't know why I lose control when I see him. I'm just a messed up person.” Blaine laments as he sits down on the steps with his head in his hands. “Blaine, do me a favor and tell me about your favorite times with the girls.” Kurt asks Blaine so he will focus on something positive in his life not negative. The taxi was getting closer but to Kurt it felt like they were hundreds of miles from their destination and it would take forever to get there. The taxi finally stopped at the address and Kurt told Blaine he was here. Kurt looked at the subway entrance as he walked towards it but he didn't see Blaine. “Blaine where are you?” He asked over the phone. Blaine stood up and Kurt finally saw him and ran to him and wrapped his arms around him. He looked at Blaine and saw he was alright but he could tell by the look on his face and in his eyes something was severely troubling Blaine.  Kurt led Blaine over to the taxi and they both got inside. Kurt directed the cab driver to return to the place where he had picked Kurt up. They were quickly on their way heading home. Kurt was holding Blaine as he called Rachael and informed her that he had Blaine. Rachael informed Kurt that the girls had their baths and were sound asleep in their beds and as soon as he got home she would leave so they could have some privacy to try and figure out what had happened to Blaine.

The apartment door opened and Blaine and Kurt walked in. Rachael put her coat on and left while Blaine took off his coat and walked to his bedroom. He sat quietly on the bed staring out the window as Kurt entered and sat down next to him. He held Blaine tightly in his arms as he let Blaine cry letting his anger leave his body. Tomorrow they would talk.



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