Life Goes On
Chapter 3 - The Future Begins Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Life Goes On: Chapter 3 - The Future Begins

T - Words: 2,439 - Last Updated: Jan 02, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Nov 25, 2014 - Updated: Nov 25, 2014
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                   Life Goes On

                Chapter 3 – The Future Begins

“Blaine! Blaine! Blaine where are you!” Kurt yells loudly as he comes excitedly through the apartment door looking for his husband. Blaine stops practicing his new set on the guitar in the study and hurries to answer Kurt and locate him, concerned that Kurt has a problem. “Kurt, I'm in the study.” Blaine shouts his location as they both hurry towards the sound of their husband's voice when an “Umphhh” is suddenly heard. The two men had run into each other causing them to fall to the floor in the hall. They look at each other with shocked expressions before bursting into loud laughter which causes Emma and Elizabeth to stop playing with their toys and come running from their room to see what is going on.

After wiping laughing tears from his face Kurt grabs Blaine's shoulders and says. “I have been asked to audition for a major role in a new musical called Happening. It is between me and two other actors.” Blaine smiles and yells. “That is fantastic!” Blaine maneuvers his body so he can kiss Kurt proudly. Emma and Elizabeth begin to scream “Yea” as they hold hands and dance in a circle. Kurt and Blaine stand up and pick up their girls and walk to the living room where they sit down on the couch to listen to Kurt explain his news in detail. “Okay, Carmen Tibideaux called me into her office and there was a man named Alex Johnson sitting there. It turns out he is a young up and coming Broadway producer. He told me he saw me perform in one of NYADA's productions and was impressed with my performance. Anyway, he tells me he is going to produce a new musical on Broadway and he wants me to audition for a major lead. He said the role was between me and two other actors but he thought I would fit the role perfectly. I audition next week and I am so excited. I need to pick a song and an outfit for the audition as well as practice the scene he gave me to perform during the audition. I can't believe this is happening to me.” Kurt hugs Blaine and the girls tightly just to make sure he isn't dreaming. “I have an idea.” Blaine says as he breaks the hug and continues. “This is such wonderful news it requires a special celebration so I think I will call Joey, Finn, and Rachael and invite them to meet us for dinner at Antonio's and then we will get chocolate milkshakes for desert. How does that sound?” The girl's eyes get large as they yell in unison. “Yes, yes, yes!”

They met at Antonio's Pizza Palace to celebrate Kurt's exciting news. Everyone was laughing as they shared jokes, stories, and congratulated Kurt on his opportunity to reach for his dream. While eating their favorite pizza the friends were catching up on the latest news when Emma leans over towards Rachael and whispers in her ear. “I need to go to the bathroom.” Rachael wiped her mouth and politely excused themselves from the table. Rachael grabbed Emma's hand and led her to the women's bathroom. After taking care of business Emma washes her hands while Rachael waits for her on a bench in the bathroom near the door. “Rachael, can you help me solve something that is cafusing my head?” Emma asks seriously. Rachael pats a spot on the bench for Emma to sit. “Now, why don't you tell me what is confusing your head.” Rachael encouraging Emma to explain. Emma takes a deep breath and begins. “Everyone at school has a Mommy and Daddy but I don't, I have a Blaine and Kurt. My friend Penny and I talk about Mommies and Daddies and she said Blaine and Kurt act like a Mommy and Daddy. I love Blaine and Kurt soooooo much, so how do I turn them into my Mommy and Daddy?” Emma asks seriously as she looks into Rachael's eyes hoping for a solution to her concern. “Well that sounds like a pretty big worry for a little girl to be having. First, have you talked to Blaine and Kurt about this?” Rachael asks as she sees Emma shake her head no. Rachael takes Emma's hands and begins. “Emma, you know that Blaine and Kurt love you very much and you can tell them anything that worries you right.” Emma shakes her head up and down for yes. “You know Emma, Blaine and Kurt promised your Mommy before she died that they would take care of you and Elizabeth like they were your Daddies because they love you so very much. So they are doing all things that Daddies do for the little girls. Emma I suggest that you ask them if you can call them Daddy?” Rachael explains. “But what if they say no?” Emma asks concerned. “I am pretty sure that they would love to have you and Eliz call them Daddy.” Rachael reassures her and watches as Emma's face lights up like the sun and then hugs Rachael with all her might. “Thank you Rachael, I'm not cafused any more. Rachael takes Emma's hand and she walks them back to the table while Emma skips along happily. Blaine and Kurt give Rachael a questioning look, wondering if Emma is alright since they were gone for so long. She smiles at them relieving their worry.

Joey led the group out of the restaurant then he asks Emma and Elizabeth. “What do we need to complete our celebration?” The girls look at each other and scream “Chocolate milkshakes!” as they stamp their feet up and down quickly. The group heads to the ice cream parlor near Central Park to purchase their ice cream treats. They are sucking on their milkshakes as they walk to Central Park. They sit down under a tree that is near the swings hoping they won't get a brain freeze. Emma and Eliz give their milkshakes to Kurt and Blaine to finish later because Finn and Rachael asked them if they wanted to go swing. The excited girls run over to the swings so Finn and Rachael can push them while Blaine, Kurt and Joey watch from afar.

“Hey Joey, how is work going?” Blaine asks. “It keeps me busy and out of trouble. Actually, I am really enjoying working for this law firm. Rumor has it they like me too and in fact they might be thinking about making me a partner so keep your fingers crossed.” Joey says proudly with his fingers crossed. “That is great Joey. I'm proud of you Bro.” Blaine says as he pats Joey's back. “So have you met a special attorney or a judge you want to tell us about?” Blaine questions slyly. “No, but recently I have been seeing a lovely nurse that has joined me for dinner a few times.” Joey informs them. “I think a dinner invitation will be coming your way soon Joey so we can be properly introduced to this lovely nurse that appears to be taking your temperature lately.” Kurt says before they hear the girls giggling loudly as they keep going higher after every push. “You guys have done a great job raising those two girls. They are happy, healthy, and I can see the love in their eyes that they have for you guys. Lindsey would be very proud of the way you two have stepped up and made her daughter's childhoods filled with happiness and love and I'm glad I get to be part of it.” Joey says as he chokes up remembering his lovely Lindsey. “Thanks Joey. We are the lucky ones. We love them so much and I can't imagine them not in our lives.” Blaine says with love in his heart.

Kurt's eyes open quickly as he hears the alarm ringing. He turns the alarm off and looks at Blaine with a worried stare. “What's wrong?” Blaine asks concerned. “Today is my audition. I am knocking on the door to my future. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Does that make sense?” Kurt admits to his husband. “Aww, Kurt you are so cute when you are nervous. Come on Kurt, I'll make you breakfast while you brew us some coffee before the girls gets up.” Blaine tells Kurt as he pulls him out of bed.

Kurt is standing off stage when he hears his named called. He walks onto the stage and introduces himself. Kurt performs his assigned scene and then sings his audition song Come What May. “Thank you Kurt. That was a fabulous audition and we will contact you after we have made a decision.” Mr. Johnson says looking pleased, which gives Kurt a positive feeling as he heads home to report to Blaine.

Blaine walks towards the girls bedroom to check up on them and let them know that dinner will be soon when he hears Emma having a serious conversation with Elizabeth. He stops outside their door and listens intently. “Eliz, do you know what a Mommy and Daddy are? Most kids have a Mommy and a Daddy.” Emma explains. “Uh huh, dey wuv you.” Eliz replies. “That's right.” Emma says high fiving her sister. “Blaine and Kurt love us like a Mommy and Daddy love their kids. Do you want to call them Daddy since we love them like a Mommy and Daddy? We have to ask them first to make sure it is okay.” Emma says politely as she continues to play with Eliz and their toys. “Kay Emma.” Eliz says with a smile. “Me too!” Emma says as she hugs and kisses her sister on her forehead. “Tonight, after we eat dinner we will ask Blaine and Kurt if it is alright to call them Daddy.” Emma tells Eliz her plan. When the conversation ends Blaine quickly returns to the kitchen and grabs a tissue so he can dry his eyes and face before the girls come out of their room. His face has a huge smile on it and his heart is bursting with joy when Kurt comes in and wraps his arms around Blaine's waist and says. “This has been a wonderful day Blaine.” Blaine turns around and says proudly, “The best.”

After telling Blaine about his audition Kurt set the table and noticed the smile still on Blaine's face. “What's up? You have a smile on your face I can't explain.” Kurt mentions as Blaine starts putting dinner on the table. “Oh really, I didn't know I was doing anything different than usual.” Blaine states as he tells the girls to wash their hands and come to dinner. The family eats their dinner of chicken while talking about school and the happenings of the day. They discuss what they would like to do this weekend and the plans they are making for the upcoming holidays. After eating her cup of chocolate pudding topped with whipped cream Emma quietly wipes her mouth with her napkin, puts her spoon down and pushes the cup to the side and lowers her head and says boldly. “Blaine, Kurt we need to talk to you.” Emma says and then looks at Blaine and Kurt nervously. “This sounds very important Sweetie. Let's go sit on the couch so you can tell us about it?” Kurt asks, concerned about Emma. They all get up from the table and walk into the living room and sit on the couch. Kurt puts Emma on his lap while Elizabeth sits on Blaine's lap. The girls turn so they are facing Blaine and Kurt. Emma grabs Eliz hand and begins to talk.

“At school all the kids have a Mommy and Daddy. They talk about all the things they do with their Mommies and Daddies and it sounds just like what we do. I am cafused because instead of a Mommy and Daddy we have a Blaine and Kurt who love us very much and we love you two a whole bunch. I asked Rachael about getting a Mommy and Daddy and she said that you promised our Mommy to be take care of us and love us before she died and you said you would. Is that true?” Emma asks just to make sure.” Kurt looks at Blaine and answers. “Yes we did Sweetie. When your Mommy thought that maybe she wouldn't be able to take care of you until you were a grown up so she asked Blaine and me if we would be willing to love you and take care of you as if you were our own little girls and we happily said we would. We even signed some papers agreeing to raise you and Elizabeth forever.” Kurt explains carefully so Emma can understand. “So Mommy asked you to be my Daddy and Eliz's Daddy.” Emma wonders out loud. “Yes, I guess you could say that.” Blaine answers. “Good, because Rachael said I should ask you this because Eliza and I want to have Daddies. I talked to Eliz and we think we want you to be our Daddies so is it okay if we tell people you are our Daddies and can we call you Daddy?” Emma asks holding her breath to hear their answer because she sees tears in the eyes of both men and is worried. Blaine looks at Kurt and smiles appear on their faces as Blaine says. “Emma and Elizabeth we are very happy to hear that you want us to be your Daddies and we would love to be called Daddy by our little girls.” The boys hugged and kissed their girls while telling them they loved them and the girls cheered and kissed their Dads. “Wait!” Emma shouts concerned. “How can we call you both Daddy? You won't know who I am talking to.” Emma explains. “I have an idea that might solve that problem.” Kurt explains. “Rachael has two Daddies also and she calls one Daddy and the other Papa. Do you like that? Is that something you and Elizabeth would like?” Before Emma can answer Elizabeth grabs Blaine around his neck and yells Papa and gives him a big hug and a kiss on his cheek. Emma grabs Kurt around his neck and calls him Daddy as she hugs and kisses him. Tears are falling down Blaine's and Kurt's face as they hug their family tightly in one big loving embrace while Emma looks at Eliz and says happily. “Eliz we got a Daddy and a Papa.”



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