Life Goes On
Chapter 2 - First Day of Kindergarten Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Life Goes On: Chapter 2 - First Day of Kindergarten

T - Words: 2,067 - Last Updated: Jan 02, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Nov 25, 2014 - Updated: Nov 25, 2014
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                 Life Goes On

        Chapter 2 – First Day of Kindergarten

Kurt and Blaine are sleeping sounding in their warm bed with their arms entangled when they suddenly feel something crawling towards them from the foot of the bed. They each feel a small hand touching their shoulders and it begins to shake their shoulders as they hear a whispering voice say. “Blaine, Kurt are you awake? I think you should wake up because I am going to kindergarten today and I do not want to be late. Kurt, wake up. I don't want to yell but I will if you don't wake up. Blaine, come on. I'm going to school and I have a lot to do before I go. Okay, I guess I am going to have to tickle you but don't get mad at me because you are making me do this.” Emma says as she prepares to start a tickle fight. But before she can Blaine and Kurt are tickling her and she is giggling uncontrollably and begging Blaine and Kurt to stop. “Good morning Sweetie.” Blaine says as he kisses her forehead. “Emma, get in here.” Kurt says as he lifts the covers so Emma can climb under and she snuggles in between them. “Emma we know you are excited about going to kindergarten today but honey it is only 5:30 in the morning. It is too early to get ready for school.” Kurt informs her. “Oh! I'm sorry. I am just so excited to make new friends and learn all kinds of stuff and wear my new outfits that I really look cute in.” Emma explains in an excited voice. “Emma lets close our eyes and sleep for another hour, then we will all get up and eat breakfast, and then we will get you dressed for school.” Kurt suggests. “I don't know if I can Kurt, but I will try.” Emma says as she shuts her eyes tight and squishes her face as she cuddles next to Kurt. Blaine extends his right arm so it is lovingly protecting both Emma and Kurt as they all fall back asleep.

“How do I look Blaine?” Emma asks as she walks into the kitchen and twirls around as she shows Blaine her new school outfit. She even lifts her right foot to make sure Blaine sees her new fancy tennis shoes that have flowers on them. “I love your tennis shoes Emma and you look fantastic Sweetie.” Blaine says with a smile as he gives her a high five. “Did Kurt help you put your lovely outfit together?” Blaine inquires. “He helped a little, but he told me I wasn't too young to start learning proper fashion so I helped too.” Emma said with a serious voice that made Blaine smile and suck his cheeks in so he wouldn't laugh out load. “What's going on in here?” Kurt asks as he enters the kitchen carrying Elizabeth who has just woken up and is hungry. “I was showing Blaine my school outfit. Oh, I need to go get my backpack.” Emma says as she runs to her bedroom. Elizabeth finishes her breakfast when Kurt asks. “Emma, are you ready for your first day of kindergarten because it is about time to go?” Emma runs down the hall with her backpack. “I'm coming. I had to make sure my crayons, scissors, and pencils are in my backpack before I put it on because I know we will need them today when we draw.” Emma explains. “Okay, time to head off to school.” Blaine announces as he heads to the door carrying Elizabeth while Kurt has Emma's hand as they head out the door with Emma's backpack hanging perfectly on her back and a huge smile on her face.

They walked to school in 10 minutes and entered the building looking for Ms. Thompson in Room 106. Ms. Thompson was standing outside the classroom and greeted the young family. After saying good morning they walked into the room and located Emma's seat. “Alright Emma, you are going to stay here for a while and then we will be back in a few hours to pick you up.” Kurt explained to Emma. Blaine kisses Emma goodbye and starts heading towards the door when he realizes someone is missing. “Kurt, come on school is about to start.” He says to Kurt. He looks at Blaine as he kisses Emma on her cheek and rubs her hair gently. Kurt finally heads to the door and Blaine could see the moister in his eyes. “Do not say a word.” He firmly tells Blaine who has a smirk on his face. Kurt passes in front of him and walks out the door taking Elizabeth with him.

Emma watches Ms. Thompson as she asks the students to sit down in their seats. She explains the classroom rules and then she takes the class on a tour of the school. They go by the office, library, and the cafeteria before stopping at the bathroom and getting a drink out of the water fountain. In line Emma has been following a girl with a pink sweater and two pigtails in her hair. When they get back to their room Ms. Thompson asks them to sit in a circle on the floor. She wants us to say our names and share something about us with the class. The girl with two pigtails said her name was Penny and she had a pet cat. Then a boy wearing a green striped shirt said his name was Andy and his Dad was a police officer. Next Emma introduced herself and said. “I have a little sister named Elizabeth but I call her Eliz and I live with Blaine and Kurt.” Emma said happily with a big smile on her face.

Penny looked at her puzzled and asked. “Where is your Mommy and Daddy?” Emma's smile quickly faded and she answered. “My Mommy and Daddy have died.” Emma said quietly as tears started to form in her eyes. The room was very quiet after hearing what Emma said. Ms. Thompson got up and went to Emma and rubbed her back gently and gave her a hug. “Emma, it is time for recess, would you like to lead the class outside?” Ms. Thompson asked. “Yup, I'd love to Ms. Thompson.” Emma answered as she stood up and walked to the door followed by the rest of the class.

          “What time is it?” Kurt asks again for the 20th time this morning. “Don't give me that look Blaine.” Kurt says as he can see the smirk that is on Blaine's face. “Kurt, I know you are worried about Emma but she is going to be fine. Don't you have some schoolwork for NYADA you need to work on?” Blaine asks trying to get Kurt to concentrate on something besides the clock. “I know I am being crazy but I am just worried about her first day. I want everything to go without a hitch. I don't want her to get hurt. She has gone through so much in her young life. I just want her to have a good experience and be happy.” Kurt explains.

Outside on the playground Emma is playing in the sandbox building a castle when Penny comes over to her and says. “I am sorry you don't have a Mommy. Do you miss your Mommy?” Emma looked at her and replied. “Yes I miss my Mommy but Blaine and Kurt love me and take care of me and Eliz.” She says as she continues to build her sand castles. “Are they your Daddy? My Daddy loves me and takes care of me with Mommy.” Penny explains. “No, they are just Blaine and Kurt. Blaine sings to me when I go to bed and Kurt makes sure I look beautiful in my outfits. They take us to the park and read us stories and sometimes we get to watch movies together and sing the songs together. Sometimes they even let me help them bake cookies. I got to be the flower girl in their wedding.” Emma tells Penny. “My Mommy and Daddy do the same things for me. It sounds like you have a Mommy and Daddy too.” Do you love them? I love my Mommy and Daddy.” Penny says looking at Emma waiting for an answer. Emma looks at Penny and thinks about her answer before she finally says. “Yup! I love them and you know how I know. When they are gone away and I have to stay at someone's house, my heart hurts until they come back because I miss them so much. They are always telling me they love me.” Emma says happily. “They sound like a Mommy and Daddy to me Emma.” Penny says and that causes Emma to begin some serious thinking.

“Blaine come on. It is time to go get Emma.” Kurt says excitedly to Blaine as he has Elizabeth in his arms quickly heading to the door. “Kurt it's not time. We are leaving too early. She won't be getting out for at least 30 minutes and it only takes 10 minutes to walk to the school.” Blaine reminds Kurt. “I'll buy you a cronut and a cup of coffee at the bakery on the way. Let's go because we are leaving now do you understand Mr. Hummel-Anderson.” Kurt informs Blaine in a serious tone along with a look that means business. Blaine picks up his keys and smiles at Kurt as he shuts the door and follows his husband knowing it would be very dangerous to argue with Kurt now.

After recess the class returns to Room 106 and drew a picture about what they did over the summer. “I knew I would need my crayons.” Emma said as she got her crayons out of her backpack. Emma filled the paper full of pictures. She drew pictures of Kurt and Blaine playing with her in the park and swimming at the lake and playing dolls with Eliz. She wasn't finished when Ms. Thompson said it was time to clean up and get ready to go home. Ms. Thompson said for the first week of school we would go home at lunchtime but next week we will be staying at school all day.

Emma was sitting next to Penny when Kurt and Blaine walked into the room to pick her up. She rushes over to Kurt and jumps into his arms and gives him a kiss on his cheek. Kurt gives her a hug and kisses her on her forehead and says. ”I love you honey.”  Blaine leans in and kisses Emma's cheek and whispers. “Love you Little One.” Blaine then asks. “Are you ready to go home?” Emma looks at Blaine and replies. “I will be ready as soon as I say goodbye to Penny.” Kurt sets Emma down and she walks over to Penny and her Mom. “Goodbye Penny,” Emma says and then gives Penny a big hug. Penny looks at Emma and says, “Goodbye Emma” and then she whispers into Emma's ear. “You have a Mommy and a Daddy.” A big smile appears on Emma's face as she says “Yup” as she lovingly looks at Kurt and Blaine as the walk out of the room hand in hand.

After they get back to the apartment Emma puts her backpack away while Kurt makes lunch for the girls and asks. “So how was your first day of kindergarten?” Emma finishes chewing her sandwich and answers. “It was great! I met some new kids and I got to lead the line outside to recess. I used my crayons to draw some pictures. I can't wait to go back tomorrow.”

The girls are napping when Blaine asks Kurt. “Are you feeling better now that you know Emma had a good day?” Kurt lowered his head and replies. “I'm sorry I was acting crazy earlier. I'll be better tomorrow. I know I was being overprotective but I only want the best for our girls. I worry about their future. I guess I am a crazy parent.” Blaine smiles and says. “Kurt, I am very thankful that you are crazy about our kids because I am crazy about you.” Blaine walks over to Kurt and hugs him tightly never wanting to let him go.


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