Life Goes On
Chapter 19 - Making a Dream Come True Previous Chapter Story
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Life Goes On: Chapter 19 - Making a Dream Come True

T - Words: 1,969 - Last Updated: Jan 02, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Nov 25, 2014 - Updated: Nov 25, 2014
171 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Sorry it took so long to put up. i hope you enjoyed this story.

               Life Goes On

    Chapter 19 - Making a Dream Come True

Blaine has placed his luggage by the front door along with his guitar. “Do you have everything Blaine, like your passport, credit card, phone, and wallet?” Kurt asks as Blaine pats each pocket that holds the item Kurt mentioned. “Yes, I'm good.” Blaine answers before he takes a deep breath knowing he is leaving his family for months in just a few minutes. The doorbell rings and Blaine opens the door. “Anderson-Hummel, you called for a taxi to take you to JFK airport.” The taxi driver says and starts to take down Blaine's luggage. “I'll be down in a minute as soon as I say goodbye.” Blaine informs the taxi driver. “I'll wait for you by the taxi.” He says as he closes the door. Blaine bends down and hugs Emma and Elizabeth and says. “I love you girls very much and I will see you in a few months. Until then we will skype every day. Promise me while I am gone you will help Papa take care of things and be the best you can be for him.” The girls squeeze him tightly and say. “We love you Daddy and sing pretty. We are going to miss you sooooo much.” Blaine kisses them on their cheeks before standing up. Blaine looks at Kurt with pained eyes and says. “Remember Kurt, I'm only a plane ride away if you should need me.” Blaine wraps his arms around Kurt.  “I love you so much Kurt.” Blaine whispers into his ear as he hugs and kisses him lovingly never wanting to let him go before he finally pulls away from Kurt “I'm going to miss you guys so much.” Blaine says again. “I had better go or I will miss my flight to London.” Blaine says as he lets go of Kurt's hands. He looks at his family one more time while biting his bottom lip. He then turns and opens the door and leaves as tears begin to form and fall from his eyes.

Kurt decides to take the girls to the park for a picnic lunch. Kurt made sure to fill the picnic basket with the girl's favorite foods hoping to lift their spirits. They slowly walked to the park and found their spot under their tree. Together they spread out the blanket on the ground. Then they slowly opened up the picnic basket and carefully set out the food. The girls took only a few bites of their chicken legs before putting it down. Most of the food is left untouched and uneaten. The girls didn't even beg to go play on the toys or in the sand box. They simply crawled to Kurt's lap and laid their tiny heads down on Kurt's chest. They sat under the tree holding each other tightly trying to make their sadness in their hearts disappear. Kurt gently rubs the girl's backs trying to console his daughters. The girls finally fall asleep though they are still wearing their sad faces. Kurt stares at his beautiful daughters hoping that his happy-go-lucky kids will return soon.

Blaine lands in London but his heart is still in New York. He spends the first few days getting to know Phil and his band members as well rehearsing his set for the concert tour. Everyone tells him that he sounds great and is the perfect opening act for the concert. He is thrilled that they like his set and he is excited about performing but deep down inside he wasn't happy. He knew something was missing.

Kurt was in the living room when he heard the distinct bleeping sounds coming from his computer letting him know that Blaine was calling to Skype with them. “Come on girls, Daddy is calling.” Kurt shouted excitedly and he quickly heard feet running down the hall as well as voices screaming, “Daddy, Daddy's calling!”  Kurt accepted the call and on the screen Blaine's handsome face soon appeared. “Hi Daddy, we love you and miss you.” The girls say in unison with huge smiles on their faces. “I love you girls too.” Blaine replies with all his heart. “Are you singing pretty for the people Daddy?” Emma asks. “I will be in a week sweetie. Have you been good for Papa?” Eliz leans closer to the monitor and says, “Yup, he take us to park everyday and I pway in sand. I make castle Daddy.” Blaine's eyes start to tear up as he listens to Eliz and then says, “That's good. I am glad you are having fun.” Kurt sees the strain on Blaine's face and quickly says. “Girls why don't you go play with your toys for a few minutes. I need to talk to Daddy about some grown up things. I promise I will call for you to come and talk to Daddy again before we disconnect.” The girls agree and follow Papa's suggestion and start to head out of the room when Emma stops quickly and turns around and heads back to the computer and looks at Daddy on the screen and asks. “Daddy is your dream as wonderful as you thought? I am sure you must be really excited and happy. Bye.” Emma blows him a kiss and gets down and takes Eliz's hand and walks out of the room.

Kurt watches the girls leave and then looks back up at the monitor to see Blaine with his head down and Blaine rubbing his face with his hands. “Blaine, what's going on?” Kurt asks concerned about his husband. “I don't see the sparkle in your eyes.” Blaine makes a half hearted attempt to smile and says. “I'm fine. I think I am still feeling the side effects of jet lag and not sleeping well. Kurt, you would like Phil Collins. He asked about you and your show. He thinks you are very talented.” Kurt noticed how Blaine quickly changed the subject. As Blaine continues to talk about the band and the tour Kurt could sense that Blaine was covering up his true feelings but he wasn't going to push him about it. Kurt knew his family was hurting but what could he do, his hands were tied because of his contract with the show. He just hoped that these few months would pass quickly so his family could be whole again.

The first concert date of the tour finally arrived and Blaine was in his hotel room feeling nervous. He was going to perform in front of thousands of people today and he was having trouble getting his brain to grasp that fact. He wished Kurt was here to calm his nerves but that is not possible. He is going to be the one responsible for calming his own nerves now. Thirty minutes before leaving for the venue Blaine's phone starts playing Kurt's ringtone.  A smile appears on Blaine's face. He pushes the accept button and says. “Hey Kurt, just the person I need to talk to. I am so nervous Kurt you need to calm me down so I can at least do a reasonably fair set. Tell me everything will be fine and thousands of people won't hate me and throw tomatoes at me.” Kurt begins to giggle at Blaine before he says. “Blaine, calm down, they are going to love you. You were born to do this, to share your gift. You will be fantastic tonight I promise you. So take a deep breath, walk out that door, and head out for a night you will never forget. A night where you dream will come true.” A big wide smile forms on Blaine's face and he says. “Thanks Kurt, you are the best husband, you always know just what I need to hear. I'll call after the concert to let you know how it went. It's time to go so I guess I had better head off and start the first leg of my journey. I love you Kurt and give the girls a kiss and tell them I love them.” Blaine touches the end button and puts the phone in his pocket. He grabs his bag filled with the things he will need and walks towards the door. He turns and looks around the room one more time making sure he has everything. He turns and opens the door.

 “SURPRISE!” Blaine is startled and drops his bag. He must be dreaming because standing in front of him are Kurt and the girls. “Did we surprise you Daddy?” Emma asks as she hugs Blaine's leg. “You sure did.” Blaine answers before quickly hugging and kissing Kurt. Then he bends down to hug and kiss his girls as tears flow down his face. Blaine touches then all again saying. “You are here, you are really here. I love you guys so much. I don't know how or why you are here but I am so glad.”

Kurt and the girls watch Blaine's set from the wings of the stage and cheer the loudest as they show their support for Blaine like nobody else could. Blaine sang his set for them as he looked and smiled at them through his performance. Blaine sounds great and the audience was going crazy for him and his performance. They scream loudly and beg for an encore song that Blaine happily provided after Phil Collins told him to, “give the people what they want.” When Blaine got back to his dressing room he was greeted by lots of hugs and kisses from his precious family.

“Blaine the audience loved you. How did it feel to sing in front of so many people?” Kurt asked. “Totally awesome,” Blaine responded with a face that is glowing with pride and love as Phil Collins singing ‘You'll Be in My Heart' from Tarzan could be heard in the dressing room. “The best part of all is my family being here and sharing this moment with me. It means the world to me that you were here. How long will you guys be able to stay?” Blaine asks knowing the answer will not be long enough. “Blaine, I hope you don't get mad, but you are stuck with us until the end of the tour.” Blaine starts to smile and his smile becomes so big Kurt is afraid Blaine might break his face. “My understudy will be taking my place for now and my permanent replacement has agreed to begin his run early. The producer agreed to let me out of my contract early because he saw how miserable I was. He said as a gift for my work on the show and making it such a success he told me to pack up the kids and follow my heart. He didn't want to be responsible for an unhappy family.” Kurt explained happily. 

“Our daughter here,” looking at Emma lovingly as he rubs the top of her head with pride in his eyes “reminded me that for a dream to really come true your family needs to be there to enjoy it and see it as well and I have learned through experience that a family is the most important and precious thing in the world.”  Kurt shares with Blaine before Blaine says. “Family circle, hands together.” Blaine and Kurt both kneel down on one knee so they are eye level with the girls. The family places their right hands together in the middle of their circle. They raise their hands together and shout loudly, ‘FAMILY!' Blaine and Kurt stand and pick up the girls and they have a family hug, arms entwined and heads touching. They hold each other tightly knowing they will never let this precious love go or take it for granted because they are a family.


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