Jan. 2, 2016, 6 p.m.
Jan. 2, 2016, 6 p.m.
Life Goes On
Chapter 18 – Making a Decision
“Good morning love.” Blaine hears Kurt say as he slowly opens his eyes to see the most beautiful face with a radiant smile staring at him. “Good morning to you my love.” Blaine responds and kisses Kurt's lips softly. “I'm sorry I fell asleep on you last night. I guess I was more exhausted than I thought. The last thing I remember before I conked out was you saying that you wanted to tell me about something. I'm awake now and ready to listen if you still want to tell me.” Kurt informed Blaine as he turned onto his side. Blaine remembered his news and excitedly turns so he was facing Kurt. He leaned on his elbow and placed his chin in his hand and begins to say. “Yeah, I need to tell you about why it took me so long last night to get packed up after my second set. You won't believe this. I'm still having trouble believing it even happened.” Kurt squishes his eyebrows and says. “This sounds very intriguing, spill the beans, what happened?” Kurt listens intently as Blaine begins. “Well, I was putting away the sound equipment when this man knocked on the door saying he is looking for Blaine Anderson.” The pitter patter of tiny feet can be heard when. “Daddy, Papa,” the girls shout outside the bedroom door. “Tell you later.” Blaine tells Kurt as the girls push open the door and rush in running towards the bed. Emma lifts Eliz on to the bed before climbing onto the bed herself. Both girls begin jumping up and down between Blaine and Kurt while saying between jumps. “We're hungry… and we have waited… a very long time… like forever…! Forever!” Eliz repeats causing both Blaine and Kurt to chuckle. “Really?” Kurt asks doubtingly. “Okay,.. maybe not forever…, but a longtime… before we came… and got you up… I would have gotten breakfast… for us myself… because I am a big girl… Papa… But you say… I can't… because I'm not old enough… and I am not supposed… to climb on the chair… to reach the cereal.” Emma explained with her arms extended. “That is correct young lady.” Kurt reminds her as he watches the girls continue to jump up and down like pogo sticks. “Alright girls, let's head to the kitchen so I can feed you before you starve and melt away into thin air because you haven't eaten in forever.” Kurt teases with a smile. “Oh Papa, you are so silly.” Emma says as she plops down next to Kurt on the bed, grabs his neck, and kisses him gently on his cheek. Kurt grabs her around her waist and gives her a raspberry on her cheek as he sets her down on the bedroom floor and stands up. He picks up Elizabeth and places her on his hip as he carries her to the kitchen with Emma close behind. Blaine smiles as he watches his family head to the door and shouts. “Hey, wait for me! I'm hungry too!” Blaine quickly gets out of bed and follows the group as they head to the kitchen.
After making plans for the day the family finishes their breakfast. The girls head off to their room to get dressed while Kurt looks at Blaine and says. “Okay Mister, finish telling me about what happened last night. You said some guy was looking for you.” Blaine puts his coffee cup down and continues. “Yea, this guy came into the backroom looking for Blaine Anderson and I told him that I was Blaine Anderson. Anyway, to make a long story short this guy's name is Tom Capler and he works for T. C. Entertainment. Get this, he is producing Phil Collins European Summer Concert Tour and he wants me to be the opening act.” Still shocked by the offer Blaine says. “Can you believe that? He said I was perfect and the gig was mine. I just have to let him know my decision by Wednesday. So what do you think?” Kurt's eyes are as big as saucers now and his mouth is wide open as he comprehends what Blaine has just told him. Kurt rushes over to Blaine and hugs him tightly saying. “Oh my God Blaine, that is unbelievable. I am so proud of you. That is your dream.” Kurt kisses Blaine on the lips and asks. “What did you tell him?” Kurt sits down still holding onto Blaine's hands and Blaine says. “I told him I needed to talk to you because it will affect you and the girls. Kurt rubs his face and asks. “When and how long?” Blaine looks puzzled as he explains, “I don't know. I was so blown away I just sort of sat there not believing what I heard. I'm an idiot not to ask.” Blaine thought. Kurt looked at Blaine with a reassuring smile and said. “It's alright Blaine. First question, do you want to do it?” Blaine thought for a moment and answered. “I think I do as long as we can work it out because my family always comes first. “Congratulations Blaine Anderson Hummel, you are the opening act for Phil Collins European Tour!” Kurt shouts proudly before he kisses Blaine passionately. “I'm going, I can't believe this.” Blaine says as he hugs Kurt. “Oh wait a minute Kurt. Tom Capler said he would also pay for you and the girls to come along too.” Kurt's shocked and says in disbelief as he shakes his head. “What, he said what?” Blaine grabs Kurt's hands and informs him. “Yea, he said he would pay for you and the girls. So you guys could come on the tour too.” A concerned look forms on Kurt's face as he says. “But Blaine, I have a show to do. I'm under contract. I can't just take off on a whim. It would affect my reputation and my career. I would love to go but I don't think I can and you won't have time to care for the girls.” Kurt looks at Blaine's face and watches as a frown begins to form. “Hey, listen, we will work something out but today we are celebrating your wonderful news.” Kurt tells Blaine as he hugs and kisses him again.
On Monday Blaine calls Tom Capler and informs him that he happily accepts the job as the opening act for Phil Collins. Tom was thrilled with the news and asked Blaine to come in to sign contracts and get the tour details. Blaine was there a couple of hours later and took care of all the required business and gathered all the information about the tour he could. He was so excited to show Kurt the information when he got home.
“The tour is four months long Kurt. It starts on May 25th and ends on September 24th. We are going to be in 40 different cities all over Europe. I wish you guys could share this experience with me. It looks like there will be quite a few down days between concerts. Look at all the places we could show the girls.” Blaine states with pleading eyes. “Blaine, don't do that with your eyes. I would love to go with you on tour you know that, but my contract isn't up until July, 31st. Please don't make this harder than it already is. We decided the best solution would be for the girls to stay here with me until my contract expires and then we will join you for 3 weeks in August. Then the girls and I will return back to New York because school will be starting and Emma will be entering first grade this fall.” Though Blaine is disappointed he understands and is happy that Kurt and the girls will be able to join him in August though he isn't as excited about the tour anymore.
They have about one month left before Blaine heads out on tour so they spend lots of time doing things together as a family. They walk to the park for picnics and playtime. They visit the zoo where they laugh at the monkeys swinging through the trees and hear the lions roar loudly which made the girls cover their ears before enjoying some ice cream cones. They tour museums looking at pictures and participating in hands on activities. They play games, watch movies, and sing together trying to get in as much family time as possible before the family separates for a few months. With only a week left Blaine begins to pack for the tour. Kurt and Blaine have both noticed that the girls have become overly clingy to Blaine. The girls are never too far from him and are always asking. “Do you have to go Daddy?” Telling him, “We don't want you to leave. We are going to miss you very much.” With tears filling their eyes it is breaking Blaine's heart and making it very hard to go.
One afternoon Kurt asks the girls to go with him to their room because he needs to talk to them privately. “Girls, I need to talk to you so you can understand something.” Kurt says as they sit with their legs criss-crossed on Emma's bed. “Have you girls ever dreamed about doing something that you think would be so fantastic you are all excited inside?” Kurt asks the girls as they gave him all their attention. Emma squished her face and takes a few seconds to think about it and then an excited expression appears on her face. “I think going to Disney World would be wonderful. I would be very excited to go on all the rides and see the Princesses Papa.” Kurt smiles and says. “Exactly Sweetie, I agree with you and it would be great. Well Daddy's dream is to go on a stage and sing songs for all the people in the audience. Girls, this tour that Daddy is going to go on is making his dream come true and he is very excited about it. That is good right?” Kurt asks. The girls shake their heads up and down quickly. “But girls, Daddy is not going to enjoy his dream if we are sad because he is going and we keep asking him to stay. We need to show him how happy we are for him so he is will enjoy the tour and remember we are going to go see him in a few weeks. Do you understand what I am trying to say?” Kurt asks looking for understanding. “Yes Papa, we will be happy for Daddy and try not to make him sad but my dream isn't to go to Disney World by myself. If we didn't all go together it wouldn't be my dream. So promise me that when we go to Disney World, we will go altogether so my dream will be perfect.” Emma informs Kurt as she grabs Eliz's hand. They slide down off the bed and go play with their dolls. Kurt smiles at his daughters as he watches them play and thinks to himself “Out of the mouths of babes comes so much wisdom.” He proudly walks over to the girls and kisses them lovingly on the tops of their heads before he heads to the living room.