Life Goes On
Chapter 15 Assessing the Situation Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Life Goes On: Chapter 15 Assessing the Situation

T - Words: 1,419 - Last Updated: Jan 02, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Nov 25, 2014 - Updated: Nov 25, 2014
177 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Sorry it has taken so long to post this chapter. The next chapter will be up very soon.

               Life Goes On

        Chapter 15 – Assessing the Situation


Blaine and Kurt are thrilled to see Elizabeth's eyes finally looking at them. “Hi Sweetie, how do you feel?” Kurt asks as Blaine goes to find the doctor. “Head hurt Daddy, tirsty” Elizabeth answers as she tries to touch the bandage above her eye. “Don't touch Sweetie.” Kurt told his daughter. “Papa went to get Dr. Hall because you have been sleeping. You fell and hit your head. Do you remember going to the park with Papa and Emma?” Elizabeth looks at Kurt and says, “I like slide and I go boom.” Kurt chuckles, “That's right you had a big boom and ended up in the hospital.” Blaine and Doctor Hall quickly enter the room. Kurt moves away from Elizabeth so Doctor Hall can exam her. “I am glad that she recognizes you, that's a good sign. Does she remember what happen?” Dr. Hall asks as he finishes checking her eyes. “She mentioned the slide and going boom.” Kurt says and they all chuckle. “Well I am pleased that she knows who she is and others. It appears her brain is functioning properly so I am going to get the plastic surgeon in here to evaluate her head wound.” He says before leaving to find the surgeon. Blaine and Kurt stay with Elizabeth as she falls back asleep.


Kurt looks at Blaine and asks, “Are you okay?” Blaine chuckles and then replies, “I look that good huh. Honestly Kurt, I am exhausted and if I close my eyes right now I am sure I wouldn't wake up for days.” Kurt grabs Blaine's hand and suggests. “As soon as we hear from the plastic surgeon I want you to go home and get something to eat, take a shower and get some sleep. I will stay with Elizabeth.” Blaine looks at Kurt and with tired eyes agrees without a fight because he knows he doesn't have the strength too.


The plastic surgeon informs Blaine and Kurt that he believes that Elizabeth is strong enough to withstand surgery and that he would recommend the procedure to start immediately so there would be less scarring and the healing can begin. Within 30 minutes the release papers had been signed and Elizabeth had been taken to surgery. Blaine and Kurt waited in Elizabeth's room after making some phone calls to inform family about the surgery. An hour later a sleepy Elizabeth is being rolled back into her room with a large bandage above her eye and a bright pink cast on her left arm. The surgeon informs Blaine and Kurt that all went well and Elizabeth should recover completely and hopefully without any complications. In fact the surgeon said surprising Blaine and Kurt, “She can go home later this afternoon when she is more alert and eating.” Kurt and Blaine are thrilled to hear that news. As soon as the doctor leaves the room they start calling family and friends to tell them the good news.


Joey and Emma are eating a late breakfast, since they had just woken up about an hour ago, when they heard a noise coming from the door. The door opened and they were surprised to see Blaine walking through the door. “Papa,” Emma yelled as she jumped off her chair and sprinted towards her Father yelling. “Papa, Papa, you're home! I missed you so much.” She jumps into Blaine's arms and gives him a tight squeeze. “I missed you too Little One.” Blaine returns the hug and carries her back to her chair. “Hey Joey,” Blaine says as he sits Emma back into her chair. “How is Elizabeth Papa? Can I go see her?” Emma asks as she continues to eat her breakfast. “She is doing wonderful. She is back in her room and doing very well. Daddy is staying with her while I come home to take a shower, get something to eat, and take a nap before we go and pick her and Daddy up. She will be able to come home later this afternoon. Isn't that wonderful news?” Blaine says as he pours himself a cup of coffee. “That's fantastic news Blaine. Why don't you go take that shower and get that nap while Emma and I go to the park for a while after we finish our breakfast?” Joey tells a yawning Blaine who grabs a slice of toast. “Sounds like a plan. I'll see you guys in a few hours.” Blaine heads to his bedroom while Joey and Emma giggle at the silly looking man.


Kurt is sitting on Elizabeth's hospital bed holding his tiny daughter tightly in his arms as she stares up at her Daddy while she continues to wake up from the anesthesia. Kurt have her some ice chips to suck on since she was complaining about being thirsty. Kurt put a fork through some macaroni and cheese and started feeding Elizabeth knowing she had to be hungry since she hadn't eaten for awhile. As each minute passed Elizabeth became more awake and active, not wanting to be held to Kurt's disappointment. “Daddy, I need to go potty,” Elizabeth said in a whispered voice. Kurt grabbed her IV pole and rolled it to the bathroom while carrying Elizabeth in his right arm. After a successful trip to the bathroom the two came out to see some friendly faces staring at them. Blaine quickly walks toward Kurt and grabs the IV pole. He pushes it back towards Elizabeth's bed following Kurt. “How is she doing?” Blaine asks as Kurt gently sets Elizabeth down on her bed. “I think she is doing great. She's been awake for awhile. She ate some macaroni and cheese and finally she just went to the bathroom, so I think she is about ready to get out of here.” Kurt explains as the nurse walks in right on cue. The nurse checks over Elizabeth after asking Kurt some questions and then removes the IV from Elizabeth's hand. She leaves for a few minutes and then returns saying, “Here are Elizabeth's discharge papers and care instructions. You will see Dr. Hall in 10 days to have the stitches removed. If you have any problems before then call him right away. I will call for an orderly as soon as you are ready to go and he will bring a wheelchair for you.” The nurse says as she leaves the room. Kurt gives Blaine a look letting him know it is his turn and then he gets out Elizabeth's sleeveless dress from the bag they brought and starts dressing her with Emma's help while Blaine packs up all of Elizabeth's belongings and hospital stuff that she gets to keep. In a few minutes they are ready to go. An orderly walks into the room with a wheelchair and proudly says, “Your chariot awaits Elizabeth.” Blaine looks at Elizabeth and sees her making a scared face at the wheelchair. Sensing a possible problem he says, “Emma, why don't you ride with Elizabeth in the wheelchair,” Blaine suggests. “She looks a little worried.” Emma hops into the chair and waves for Elizabeth to join her. Kurt places her next to Emma who wraps her arm around her little sister and kisses her cheek lovingly. “This is going to be lots of fun Elizabeth. We get to ride in this chair and look at all the people because we are special.” Kurt whispers into Blaine's ear and says, “Not fair Mr. Hummel-Anderson, you tricky coward sir.” Blaine looked at him innocently and said, “What are you talking about Kurt?” Kurt gave Blaine a look and said, “You know what I am talking about mister. You made Emma do your job for you, when you know full well that you are the one who should be riding in that wheelchair with Elizabeth right now. You made me ride with her in a wheelchair when we brought her home from the hospital last time, remember.” Blaine looks at Kurt with a devious smirk and smile as he says, “Me, I would never do that.” Kurt chuckles and says, “Right, you just wait until I get you home because you will have to be punished for this behavior.” Blaine looks at Kurt and thinks, “I can't wait. Bring it on love, bring it on.” The orderly starts pushing the girls towards the door and the others follow happy to be leaving this place.




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