Life Goes On
Chapter 14 Beginning to Mend Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Life Goes On: Chapter 14 Beginning to Mend

T - Words: 2,142 - Last Updated: Jan 02, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Nov 25, 2014 - Updated: Nov 25, 2014
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                 Life Goes On

               Chapter 14 – Beginning To Mend

Kurt walks into the ICU waiting room feeling like a jerk. He looks around the room until he finds Blaine, sitting in a chair looking at a magazine along with Emma who is on his lap. He walks over to them and sits down in the chair next to Blaine and says, “I'm sorry Blaine. I screwed up again… “Elizabeth Hummel-Anderson,” a nurse yells from the ICU door. Blaine, Emma, and Kurt stand up and walk towards the nurse. “I'm sorry but only adults are allowed in the ICU so this lovely young lady will need to stay in the waiting room,” the nurse informs them as she rubs the top of her head. Blaine walks Emma to the empty seat next to Joey and explains to Emma the hospital rule about visitors and why she will not be allowed to go with Daddy and Papa to see Elizabeth. “Do you understand Emma?” Blaine asks and she nods her head yes as she sits back in the chair and her feet hang down not touching the floor. “Want some ice cream Emma?” Joey asks and Emma smiles and they head to the cafeteria for the treat. Blaine walks back towards the nurse and Kurt. “Okay, we are ready to see our daughter,” Blaine says and the two follow the nurse until they are outside her room.


They walk into the stark white room and they instantly see their little girl connected to machines and tubes. They keep their fear in check because they know she will get better, she has to. “Hey Elizabeth, Daddy and Papa are here with you and we're not going anywhere because we love you very much. Can you open your eyes for us?” Kurt asks as he rubs her face and cheek while his eyes fill with tears. “Blaine she has to wake up. She has to be alright,” Kurt says hopefully as his throat tightens.


An hour later Kurt's phone starts to buzz, meaning he needs to leave for tonight's performance. Kurt rises from the chair he was sitting in and looks at Blaine who continues to looks at Elizabeth. “I know you are going to hate me Blaine but I need to leave now. I don't want to leave but I don't have a choice. I promise I'll be back as soon as the show ends.” Kurt says as he walks towards the door then stops and says. “I hope you will talk to me when I come back. I love you Elizabeth. I love you Blaine.” Kurt opens the door. “You always have a choice Kurt,” Blaine states as Kurt exits and the door closes. He looks at Elizabeth and picks up her hand and kisses it gently as a tear falls down his cheek.

Kurt walks back into the ICU waiting room. He says goodbye to his Dad and Carol and he can see the shock and disappointment on their faces. “I'll be back after the show, I promise. Please understand that I have to do this,” he tells them as he leaves.


A few minutes later Blaine walks out to the ICU waiting room to talk to Joey, Burt, and Carol about Elizabeth and Emma. Blaine first updates them about the latest news about Elizabeth before he asks, “Joey, will you take Emma home and put her to bed and stay with her until Kurt or I get there?” Blaine then looks at Emma and chuckles as she is curled up sleeping on two of the chairs. “Burt and Carol why don't you go see Elizabeth while I get Emma on her way. I know you have a flight home to Lima tomorrow afternoon and it's getting late.” Burt looks at his tired and hurt son-in-law and asks, “Blaine, are you okay? We know these last few days have been hard. Please don't be afraid to let us help you through this whether it's an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. Blaine, just remember we are here for you too, don't forget that,” Burt says as he hugs him tightly. Burt turns and invites Carol to join him as they go to see Elizabeth.


After Burt and Carol disappear behind the closed doors Blaine walks over to Emma and gently wakes her up and says. “Emma, Joey is going to take you home and stay with you until Daddy or I come home. I want you to sleep in your own bed and get a good night sleep alright.” Emma mumbles “okay” then hugs Blaine as she whispers, “I love you Papa. Tell Eliz I love her too and give her a kiss for me.” Emma slowly stands and Blaine helps her gather up her things and they walk over to Joey who grabs her tiny hand. They wave goodbye as they walk into the elevator and the door slowly closes.


Blaine decides he needs a few minutes of fresh air before returning to Elizabeth's side so he takes the elevator down to the first floor and walks out into the connecting outdoor garden and sits down on a bench by himself. He puts his head into his hands and before he knows it his pent up tears are flowing. A few minutes later Blaine feels someone sit down next to him on the bench and pull him into a warm embrace. Blaine feels like he is safe and at home so he finally breaks down. All his emotions that he has held at bay are finally being released as he sobs uncontrollably for awhile, as soft strong hands gently rub his back showing support. Blaine finally starts to get himself under control when he hears a voice say, “She's a strong little girl and she's getting the medical care she needs. She is going to be fine and she'll be climbing that slide ladder again in no time.” Blaine sits up and looks at the man who is comforting him and smiles. The man takes a tissue from his shirt pocket and wipes the tears from Blaine's face and says, “Come on Mr. Hummel-Anderson, I want our daughter to see us the second she wakes up. Let's go wash your face and clean you up a little bit.” Kurt suggests as they stand. He grabs Blaine's hand and they walk out of the garden together.


After being with Elizabeth for some time Burt and Carol head back to the ICU waiting room. Smiles form on their faces when they see Kurt sitting next to Blaine rubbing his shoulder and back. “Hi,” they say as they walk towards the boys. “She hasn't woken up yet but I think she seems restless so maybe she will wake up soon,” Carol says. “We're going to head back to the hotel and we will be back in the morning. If you need anything or have any news call us no matter what time it is. Do you hear me?” Burt asks as he looks directly at the two boys. “We promise,” Kurt says as he hugs his Father goodbye. Burt tightens his hug with Kurt and whispers in his ear. “Right choice, I'm proud of you.” Blaine and Kurt watch them leave before they walk into Elizabeth's room to stay the night with their daughter.


Blaine and Kurt are sitting in two chairs that are next to Elizabeth's bed, staring at her, wishing she would wake. They haven't spoken to each other in a while and the tension in the room is obvious and unbearable. Kurt knows he needs to do something to make this situation better. Kurt knows without a doubt that he desperately needs Blaine in his life but now he needs to convince Blaine that he can trust and rely on him. Kurt turns towards Blaine and takes his hands into his own and says, “I know you are angry, upset, and pissed off at me and I understand why and I take full responsibility for it. I have made some choices lately that you see as me choosing my work over my family. You think that I believe my work is the top priority in my life. Blaine, that is so far from the truth and I should have talked to you weeks ago to thoroughly explain why I made the decisions I did. I know this is not the place to have this conversation but I have realized the longer I wait to talk to you the further we are growing apart. I want our daughter to wake up to see her Fathers united and on the same page.” Kurt rubs the top of Blaine's hands as he looks at Elizabeth or the machines, but never at Kurt. Kurt presses on though. “Blaine after the argument we had after your audition, when you were sick, we talked and we got back on the same page. I understood what you were thinking about my choices and why. I made sure to put all my effort into showing you and the girls that you are my life and our family was going great. We were doing great. Then you talked to me about you staying home to care for the girls and home fulltime. When we decided that you wouldn't work I felt an enormous amount of pressure to make enough money so my family would be comfortable. I felt like I had to work and do what they want, no matter what because if I lost my job or upset my employer and they fire me my family would suffer. I felt that if I wasn't bringing enough money home I would have let my family down and disappointed you. I envisioned my family homeless and hungry and it would have been my fault. So I made choices that I didn't want to make but I felt I had to. I wanted to be with you after opening night but I was afraid to say no to the producer. I was coming to the park today when Stephanie called and I went because I was afraid if I didn't I might lose my job. Tonight I felt like I had to go to the theater or get fired. But tonight I stopped outside the theater. I started to cry because I felt like I had lost my family and for what, money. I felt sick to my stomach so I went inside and I told them that I couldn't go on tonight because my family needed me and I wanted to be there for them no matter what, even if it cost me my job. So I came back here to be with you and Elizabeth. I had just walked through the doors when I saw you in the garden and I knew instantly that this is where I needed to be. I know it will take time until you believe that this family, my family is the most important thing in my life but I will prove it you from now on. There it is Blaine. I have explained to you why I made the choices I did and expressed my true feelings. I hope you can forgive me and give me another chance because you guys are my life Blaine.” Kurt looks at Blaine waiting for a reaction when Blaine takes his hands and starts rubbing his face up and down as he decides what to do and say. Kurt stands and turns to face Elizabeth. He gently rubs her cheeks and pats her hair as he says, “We're here Elizabeth, we're waiting for you to open your eyes so we can take you home and be the loving family we are.”


Kurt feels two strong and safe arms wrap around his waist and a head rest upon his shoulder as he hears the beautiful voice of his husband say, “Kurt, I love you with all my heart and I appreciate your sense of feeling responsible for your family but you are not alone in this journey. I don't expect or want you to carry the full load of caring for our family. Kurt, we are supposed to do this together and if we do I can promise you that our lives will be wonderful.” Blaine gently kisses the soft spot on Kurt's neck that he knows so well before he continues. “Right now let's focus on Elizabeth and then we will work together to get us back on track. Kurt's eyes are moist as he turns around and kisses Blaine passionately on his lips as he holds Blaine tightly not ever wanting to let him go. Blaine and Kurt stare at each other lovingly until they hear, “Daddy, Papa I'm hungry.”




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