Life Goes On
Chapter 12 Opening Night Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Life Goes On: Chapter 12 Opening Night

T - Words: 2,657 - Last Updated: Jan 02, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Nov 25, 2014 - Updated: Nov 25, 2014
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Author's Notes:

I would love to hear what you think Kurt will find when he gets home.

                Life Goes On

               Chapter 12 - Opening Night


For weeks now the Hummel-Anderson household has been humming like a well oiled machine. Blaine and the girls are happy because Kurt has been getting home in time to eat dinner. They are spending their evenings together playing games, reading books, or watching a movie. Life is good for the Hummel-Andersons. After Blaine and Kurt put the girls to bed Blaine helps Kurt memorize his lines. Blaine can see the improvements Kurt has made over the past few weeks. He can tell “Happenings” is going to be a huge success. Blaine is so proud of Kurt and his accomplishments.


Opening night is approaching quickly and will be here in a few weeks. Blaine is organizing a small family and friends party for after opening night to honor and support Kurt. He is expecting Burt, Carol, Finn, Rachael, Joey, Sally, Sam, and Mercedes and other friends along with the girls. Blaine has made a list of what he needs to do before the party as well as a plan for the menu. He wants this to be perfect for Kurt and even has a few surprises up his sleeve.


Elizabeth was taking her nap in her bed so Blaine was busy paying bills at the kitchen table when he was surprised to see Elizabeth standing next to him rubbing her eyes asking, “Papa, I'm tirsty, can I have juice pwease?” Blaine looks at her as he says, “Hey Sweetie, you‘re up already and yes, you can have some juice. Do you want grape or apple juice?” Elizabeth squished her face while deciding before finally saying, “Grape.” Blaine pours the grape juice into a small glass and sets it on the table before helping her as she climbs into the chair. Blaine chuckles as he watches her and says, “Boy Elizabeth, you must have some monkey genes in you because you climb on everything,” then he sits back down and continues paying the bills. Elizabeth puts her glass down and asks politely, “Papa, can I have cookie pwease?” Blaine gets up and walks to the cupboard and opens the door when the phone rings. He picks it up and sees it is Joey. Elizabeth watches as Blaine talks to Joey and quickly leaves the kitchen. Elizabeth looks at the cupboard and can see the box of cookies on the shelf in the cupboard so she slides down off the chair. She pushes the chair to the cupboard and climbs back on the chair and grabs the back of the chair slowly pulling herself up onto her feet. She turns around and looks up at the box. She raises her arm as far as she can standing on her tippy toes but can't quite reach the box so she tries again. She still can't reach and is getting frustrated because she is so close to the prize she wants. She decides to step on the shelf. She lifts her left foot……

“WOW, WOW, WOW Missy!” Blaine shouts as he drops the phone on the island while grabbing Elizabeth around her waist. “What are you doing? You cannot stand on chairs and never climb on the shelf. Do you understand me Elizabeth?” Blaine tells her sternly. Blaine carries Elizabeth back to the table while pulling the chair along and sits her down. Elizabeth looks at Blaine knowing she was in trouble and asks with puppy dog eyes, “Cookie pwease Papa?” Blaine looks at her biting his lip not to laugh and answers. “Not know. You're going to have to wait until Emma gets home now because you were climbing on the chair.” Elizabeth lowers her head as she grabs her glass of juice and drinks it up while Blaine turns around telling himself to be strong and not give in.


As each day goes by and opening night gets closer Kurt is getting more and more nervous. He is tossing and turning at night and his patience with people is shorter than usual and his stomach is filling with butterflies so he's not eating very much. Blaine is very happy opening night is in two days. Kurt is sitting on the couch in the living room reading Vogue when he hears. “Kurt, can you come into the girl's room, we need your opinion?” Kurt puts down the magazine and walks to the girl's room and sees the girls wearing beautiful dresses. “Papa picked out these dresses to wear to the opening night and we want to know if you think they are alright?” Emma says as she walks towards Kurt and does a slow turn so he can see everything. “How do I look Daddy? Do you approve?” Kurt looks at Emma in her teal dress with ruffles and smiles happily and says, “You're beautiful Emma,” Emma smiles as she says, “Okay Eliz, your turn.” Elizabeth walks forward and twirls around in her pink puffy dress very quickly, almost causing herself to fall and ends with a curtsy. “Elizabeth, you look fantastic in your dress. I am going to be so proud to have my two daughters attend my opening night. You two are so adorable I think everyone will be watching you instead of me.” Kurt says as he bends down and hugs his girls tightly. “Daddy you are so silly.” Emma says as they all laugh. “Now let's get those dresses, socks, and shoes off and head to the bathroom for your bath. Blaine fills the tub with warm water and bubbles while Kurt helps the girls. I think after you two have taken your baths and you are in your pajamas you deserve some ice cream.” The girls look at each other and their eyes get wide as they squeal loudly with joy.


After eating their ice cream Blaine and Kurt were tucking their two daughters snuggly into bed when Emma asks, “Daddy, does your stomach feel funny because of your show? Kurt looks at Emma surprised by the question and says, “I guess it does. I am a little nervous because Happenings is my first play that I have a lead in and I want it to be good and not disappoint anyone. Emma smiles at her Daddy and tells him confidently, “Oh Daddy, you don't need to worry because you are going to be very good and besides even if you make a mistake and forget some of your words we will still love you, just like you still love me and Eliz when we make a mistake.” Kurt gets down on his knees and hugs his daughter proudly and says, “Thank you Emma, I needed to hear that. You're right, as long as I have your love and Elizabeth's and Papa's love I have nothing to be worried about.” He kisses his girls goodnight and feels that his life is perfect.


Finally opening night of Happenings has arrived and everyone is up early because of the excitement filling the apartment. Blaine got Emma to school and is back sitting at the table as he watches Elizabeth eat her breakfast while making sure everything is set for the family celebration later this evening. Time goes quickly and before they know it Burt and Carol are knocking at the door. Blaine gives them a hug as they enter and he heads out the door to pick up Emma from school. Kurt greets Burt and Carol before Elizabeth comes and takes Carol to her room to show her a new doll. The father and son sit down on the couch and talk about Kurt's mother and how proud she would be of Kurt. Blaine soon returns with Emma. “Grandpa,” she screams and runs into his arms, hugs him tightly, thrilled to see him. They eat an early dinner so they will have plenty of time to get everyone dressed and be at the theater in time for Kurt to get ready and to meet the other family and friends who are coming.


Blaine walks backstage with the girls to wish Kurt good luck and give him something. Blaine knocks on the door that has Kurt Hummel-Anderson painted on it. “Come in,” they hear from the other side. Emma slowly opens the door and the girls yell, “Surprise!” and run to their Daddy. “We brought you something so you wouldn't get butterflies in your tummy.” Emma and Eliz unroll their sign that reads, Break a Leg, We Love You Daddy! “Oh my goodness girls, it's beautiful and just what I need.” Kurt says proudly as he tapes the sign to the wall for everyone to see. “These are for you also,” Blaine says as he hands Kurt a bouquet of red and yellow roses along with a kiss. “Come on girls we need to let Daddy get ready and we need to find our seats before the curtain goes up,” Blaine says. The girls kiss their Daddy goodbye and tell him to ‘break a leg,' as Blaine herds the girls out the door. Kurt kisses his husband before shutting the door and thinks to himself. “No matter what happens tonight, I have the best family ever.”


Blaine and the girls meet up with the others and locate their seats. Emma tells Burt, “We saw Daddy and gave him our sign. He taped it up on his wall. We told him to ‘break a leg' but I don't know why because I don't want Daddy to break a leg because that would hurt.” Blaine gets his daughter's attention to remind them how to behave in a theater. The lights dim and the overture begins as the curtain rises. Elizabeth moves to sit on Blaine's lap so she can get higher to see over some peoples heads. The play is going very well Blaine thinks and he smiles every time Kurt, who is playing the role of Bishop, is on stage. Blaine is saying the lines in his head right along with Kurt. The songs are beautifully performed and Kurt is doing fantastic. Blaine could sense that this part was written for Kurt. During intermission Burt goes into the lobby and everyone is talking about how well the play is. Burt could only smile proudly as people are saying how they love the character called Bishop. “Who is Kurt Hummel-Anderson?” Burt hears someone ask. “Isn't he is fantastic,” Is the reply. As the second act starts Blaine could see that Elizabeth's eye lids are getting heavy and within 15 minutes she was asleep in Blaine's arms and she did not wake up until the curtain came down after loud thunderous applause from the audience that rang throughout the theater. The lights came back on and there were smiles on everyone's face. “Daddy was very good Papa,” Emma said excitedly with a happy face. “We knew he would be good, right Eliz,” Emma said as Elizabeth laid her head on Blaine's shoulder trying to stay awake.


The group of family and friends happily head back to the apartment to wait for Kurt. They all want to celebrate his dream coming true with him. Once they got back to the apartment Blaine got out the food and drinks while Carol helped the girls get into their pajamas. Blaine came in to give Elizabeth her good night kiss before she falls asleep again. Emma skipped to the kitchen because she was going to have some snacks and drink some punch with everyone, while they wait for Kurt to arrive. She felt so grown up tonight because she was going to be allowed to stay up to celebrate with her Daddy.


Blaine felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and he took it out happy it was from Kurt. “Hey Kurt, we are all waiting for you. Where are you? When are you going to get here?” Blaine asks proud of his husband. Everyone is quiet as Blaine listens to Kurt. They notice the huge smile on Blaine's face disappear. “You have got to be kidding. Are you sure that is what you want to do? Okay Kurt, I'll let them know and give them your apology.” Blaine said as he ended the call from Kurt. “That was Kurt,” Blaine started. “Apparently the producer is requiring all the leads to join him at his house to wait for the reviews, so Kurt won't be coming home tonight. He told me to tell you he would rather be here but he is unable to. He wants me to thank you for your support and he will talk to you very soon.”  The apartment now felt like a balloon that had just lost all its air and was silent as they digested what Blaine had just said. Burt finally says, “Alright everyone there is still plenty of food so eat up.” Blaine looked so disappointed and everyone felt bad for him. Before anyone could say anything Blaine said, “Excuse me I need to put Emma to bed.” He picks up Emma and carries her to her bedroom. “Why do I have to go to bed Papa? Daddy isn't home yet and you said I could stay up.” Emma says confused as Blaine carries her down the hall to her bedroom. Blaine carries her into her room and says, “I know Sweetie but Daddy called and said he can't come home until sometime in the morning and I am pretty sure everyone will be going home now. I tell you what, tomorrow morning you, me, and Elizabeth will go out for breakfast, then go shopping for your new tennis shoes, and end up at the park. How does that sound?” Blaine asks. “Good,” Emma says excited but still confused. “Well then, you had better get to sleep so you will be ready to go first thing in the morning. Goodnight Sweetie, I love you,” Blaine says as he kisses her forehead gently and quietly leaves her room hoping that all the guests have left because he didn't really want to see anyone right now.


When Blaine got back to the kitchen he found everyone had left except Burt and Carol. They were starting to put the food away when Blaine says, “Hey, you guys don't need to do that. I'll take care of it, besides it is late and you two should probably get back to your hotel.” Burt looks at Blaine and sees his pain and says, “I sorry Blaine that this evening didn't work out the way you wanted but it sounded like Kurt didn't have a choice in the matter.” Blaine looks at Burt and says firmly, “Kurt had a choice in the matter Burt, and he made it.” Blaine shuts the door and locks it after Burt and Carol leave. He looks at all the leftover food and drinks on the table and starts to clean it up when he thinks, “The hell with it,” and walks to his bedroom and goes to bed not sure he will be sleeping tonight.


Kurt is cordial at the after party but he is not enjoying himself. His heart was not in it. He would rather be home celebrating with his family and friends but instead he is here, in the producers house because he was forced to come to his party. It is 6 o'clock in the morning and the reviews finally arrive. The producer starts reading them out loud and people start cheering because the reviewers are using words like great, spectacular, impressive, and outstanding. Kurt Hummel-Anderson's portrayal of Bishop was excellent, Tony worthy, and top notch. Overall, Happenings was highly recommended and they were very impressed with the performance and music. Kurt cheered and clapped but he just didn't enjoy it like he thought he would and he knew why. He is finally was able to leave and as he heads home he wonders what he would find.



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