Life Goes On
Chapter 1 - Where Did the Time Go? Next Chapter Story
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Life Goes On: Chapter 1 - Where Did the Time Go?

T - Words: 1,337 - Last Updated: Jan 02, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Nov 25, 2014 - Updated: Nov 25, 2014
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                  Life Goes On

            Chapter 1 – Where Did the Time Go

        “Emma, what are you doing?” Blaine asks as he sits down on the couch next to Emma kissing her temple gently. “I'm looking at the pictures in this book that was sitting on the table.” She tells him as she continues to turn the pages. “That's not just any book Emma. It's a very special family photo album. It's filled with pictures of our family and friends. Those are pictures from Kurt's and my wedding Sweetie. That was a wonderful day. Do you remember being there Emma?” Blaine asks as he remembers that day as if it happened yesterday. “Yup,” Emma replies as she continues to look closely at every picture. “What was a wonderful day?” Kurt asks as he carries Elizabeth down the hall after getting Eliz cleaned up after eating dinner. “Our wedding day was a wonderful day.” Blaine repeats with a smile on his face. Kurt comes into the living room and sits on the couch on the other side of Emma holding Elizabeth on his lap while the family looks at the pictures in the wedding album. “That's a picture of me and Eliz. She was just a baby.” Emma comments. “I'm big girl.” Elizabeth says loudly, wanting everyone to know. “We're dancing altogether in this one.” Emma says as she points to the picture. “Blaine, why are you wearing that funny coat?” Emma asks while Kurt snickers. “It's not a funny coat Emma. It's called a blazer and all the Warblers were wearing a jacket like that.” Blaine explains proudly. “Can you believe it has been more than three years since we were married? Emma is about to start kindergarten and Elizabeth is going to be four in the spring. Kurt, you are going to be graduating from NYADA this December.” Blaine states in disbelief. Kurt thinks about it and he continues to mention some more events that have happened since their wedding. “Rachael and Finn are engaged as well as Sam and Mercedes. Dad, Carol, Tom and Angela are happy and healthy living in Ohio. The Train Station gave you a nice contract to perform weekly because people fill the place when you sing and best of all these two angels are growing up happy with lots of love.” Kurt reminds Blaine as he tickles the girls causing them to wiggle and giggle. “Don't forget we went to Hawaii for a wonderful honeymoon as well as we went on that family vacation to Disney World that was a blast.” Blaine interjects with a smile. “I remember seeing Mickey Mouse.” Emma says as she points to the picture of Mickey Mouse and her kissing his cheek. They continue to look at the photos when Eliz points to a picture and giggles. “Joey look funny.” Joey was dancing around with Donald Duck while making a funny face on their family trip. “Joey is almost at five years of being cancer free. We will have to celebrate that anniversary big time when it happens.” Blaine announces happily. “I am sure that chocolate milkshakes will be required.” Kurt jokes. “Mmmmm, I love chocolate milkshakes!” Emma and Elizabeth squeal in unison as they lick their lips.

          “Well girls, I hate to break up this lovely evening of walking down memory lane but you girls need to get baths taken and into pajamas. Later we can watch a movie before bed if we have time.” Kurt informs the girls. Blaine closes the photo album as the girls slide off the couch and race to their bedroom to grab their pj's and head to the bathroom where they meet Blaine filling up the tub with warm water, bubble bath, and toys while Kurt grabs the towels, wash cloths, and shampoo. When the tub is ready the girls hop into the water and start splashing and playing around as Blaine washes Emma and Kurt washes Elizabeth. After washing the girl's hair the boys carefully rinse the girls off making sure to keep the shampoo out of their eyes. Blaine dries off the girls and cleans up the bathroom while Kurt is busy blow drying the girl's hair and brushing it out.

          The girls run to the living room and look through their DVD Disney collection and decide that they want to watch Beauty and the Beast tonight. The girls put the DVD into the DVD player and then skip to the kitchen when they hear a popping sound. Blaine lifts the girls and sets them on the counter as they watch Kurt make the popcorn. When it is done the girls help pour the popcorn into a big bowl. The family walks to the living room and curls up on the couch. The girls snuggle between Blaine and Kurt with the popcorn bowl securely sitting on their laps so everyone can reach into the bowl. “Eliz, push the button to start the movie please.” Emma says and the family begins to watch their movie. “Why did you girls decide on Beauty and the Beast?” Kurt asked politely. “We love Belle. She is sooo… pretty and her yellow dress is beautiful.” Emma tells Kurt while Elizabeth says. “Belle sing nice and dance with Beast.” The movie starts and the boys start singing along with the songs. Soon the girls start singing along also to the parts they know. As the movie comes to an end Blaine sees Elizabeth sound asleep laying on Kurt's lap while Emma is struggling to keep her eyes open as she is leaning against Blaine curled into a ball. The boys carefully stand and take the popcorn bowl to the kitchen. They go back to the living room and pick up the girls and carry them to the bathroom to brush their teeth and get ready for bed. They direct the girls to their beds and gently help them lie down. They cover them up and kiss them tenderly on the cheeks. “Love you girls.” The boys whisper. “Love you too.” The girls mumble as they curl up into balls and close their eyes and quickly fall asleep into the world of dreams. Before leaving the girl's room the Blaine and Kurt turn around with smiles on the faces and stare at their girls and watch then sleep safe and sound.

          After doing some work and laundry Blaine and Kurt locked the apartment door, turned off the lights, and headed to their bedroom tired after a busy day. Snuggled in bed Blaine says. “Kurt, does it seem like we have been married for over 3 years ago? Where did the time go? Elizabeth's walking, talking, and getting into things and Emma is starting kindergarten. They are growing up too fast. You are about to graduate and I am working on performing. Time keeps moving on and I want it to slow down so I can enjoy everything a bit longer. Does that sound crazy?” Kurt turns over to see Blaine's eyes. “No, it doesn't sound crazy because I understand what you mean Blaine. It seems like yesterday we were worried about winning Nationals and couldn't wait to start our future together. But it also feels like a long time ago. I guess we are getting older and we are living our future instead of dreaming about our future. But Blaine, we are still pretty young and we still have a lot of living to do. We have so many more wonderful experiences to share with each other and our family. We have dreams to dream and goals to reach. I think our future will be very exciting. When I think of us and our family Blaine, I truly believe we have been blessed with something very special and precious. I promise you we will do whatever it takes to keep it safe and protected. Now let me show you how very special you really are to me.” Kurt says with an interesting spark in his eye.  



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