Friends and Family
Chapter 9 Moving In Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Friends and Family: Chapter 9 Moving In

T - Words: 1,943 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 13, 2014 - Updated: Jul 13, 2014
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                        Friends and Family

                              Chapter 9 – Moving In

Blaine wakes up early because he has too much on his mind. He goes to the kitchen to make some coffee and give himself some time to think about Joey. “Do I want to have a relationship with Joey? Is he worth me hearing him talk about his Father?” Blaine asks himself. He puts his head into his hands trying to figure out the answers thinking. “I do want a relationship with Joey, he's my half brother. I can let him talk about his Father and hope it is only once in a while not all the time. I need to talk to Joey though and better explain how I feel when Jack Hill is discussed in my presence. I'll call him later and invite him to meet me for a chocolate milkshake.” Blaine decides, making him feel better about the situation with Joey. “What should I do about Jack Hill? The thought of him makes me so angry. He wants to talk to me about something. Not that I care what he has to say. It doesn't seem like he is going to leave me alone unless I do. So I will listen to him one time. I need to make sure he understands that this is a onetime deal and this meeting will also include Kurt and Joey. I want them there to hear what he is saying. That sounds like that a good plan and hopefully it should work. If he refuses those conditions at least I made the effort to solve this situation.” Blaine decides. Suddenly Blaine feels two arms around his neck and Kurt's cheek touching his. “Do you know it is 5 o'clock in the morning? The sun isn't even up yet. Can you tell me why you are up drinking a cup of coffee all by yourself instead of keeping me warm in bed?” Kurt asks as he sits down in the chair next to Blaine holding his hands. “I couldn't sleep. I have too much on my mind. Really I just needed some time to think and I did. In fact I made some decisions. Tell me what you think.” Blaine says as he explains his decisions. “I made these decisions because I don't want to lose Joey as my friend and I figured I could man up one time to let Jack Hill say his peace. Kurt, the truth is I really want to run away from the whole situation and never face it again. But I have learned that running away doesn't get me anywhere so I can't do that.” Blaine says. “I think you have grown up a lot and your decision is a wonderful compromise. If they can't accept it then that is there problem. You have at least made the effort.” Kurt tells Blaine who is happy with Kurt's opinion. Hey, we have some free time. Do you want to move to the couch and I can show you how much I love you?” Kurt asks. Blaine doesn't answer because Kurt knows the answer.

The boys move to the couch and start kissing each other passionately, when seconds later they hear a cry coming from their room. “You are being paged Mr. Anderson.” Kurt says. “To be continued at a later time Mr. Hummel.” Blaine says as the cries get louder. The boys get up and quickly head to check on Emma.  

Dr. Jackson is making her rounds at the hospital and stops in to check on Lindsey. “How are you feeling?” Dr. Jackson asks. “Pretty good actually, so when can I go home?” Lindsey asks. “I won't release you until I approve of the arrangements you have in place for you and Emma. Since you are on complete bed rest you are going to need some help.” The Doctor says. “Give me some time and I will come up with something.” Lindsey says. “Let me know when you do and then I'll release you.” Dr. Jackson says as she moves on to the next patient.

Blaine, are you going to see Lindsey this morning and discuss our proposal?” Kurt asks. “Yes I'm leaving as soon as I take a picture of Emma to show Lindsey. Kurt, before I leave I want to ask you one more time. Are you sure you are okay with Lindsey and Emma staying with us over the next few months?” Kurt takes Blaine's face in his hands and says, “Yes, I am fine with Lindsey and Emma staying here. Now go and tell Lindsey about our offer.” Kurt says. “Don't forget you need to be back here by 2:30 so I can go to class. But it would be nice if I could eat lunch with you.” Kurt says. “I'll be back no later than 1 o'clock.” Blaine says as he kisses Kurt goodbye and walks out the door.

Lindsey hears a knock at the door and says. “Come in.” Blaine walks in and asks. “How are you feeling?” He walks toward Lindsey and sits down in the chair next to her. “I'm feeling much better and I am bored. Dr. Jackson came in and said she would release me if she approved of my home arrangements.” Lindsey was saying until Blaine interrupted her. “Unless you already have a plan, I have a possible solution to your home arrangements. I know you don't have family in New York, so Kurt and I were wondering if you and Emma would like to stay with us in our apartment until you are back on your feet. We can help you take care of Emma as well as help you with your needs since you are on bed rest.” Blaine explains to Lindsey. “I don't know what to say. You and Kurt are making a huge sacrifice. Are you really sure?” Lindsey asks feeling overwhelmed. “If we were not sure I wouldn't have suggested it to you. Kurt and I discussed it and we both agreed. We want to do this if you are okay with it.” Blaine says trying to relieve some of Lindsey's concerns. “Okay Blaine, Emma and I will come. You don't know how much I appreciate this offer.” She says with a huge smile on her face feeling like a weight has been lifted off of her shoulders. “You get Dr. Jackson to start the release papers and I'm going outside to call Kurt to let him know we are on our way.” Blaine says while Lindsey calls for the nurse.

Two hours later Blaine is holding the door open to the apartment so Lindsey can walk through, entering her home for the next few months. Kurt greets Lindsey with a hug then directs her into the guest room. “After you get settled in your room I'll bring in your lunch. I'll bring Emma in after she wakes up from her nap so you can see her.” Kurt says making Lindsey feel at home. “Thanks Kurt, but I don't want to be a burden to you guys.” Lindsey says. “Lindsey you are a good friend. We want to help you get through this.” Kurt says as he leaves to make lunch. In a few minutes Kurt returns with Lindsey's lunch. Kurt informs Lindsey that they are trying to mesh their schedules so someone will be home with her at all times. Lindsey's eyes start to water. “I feel guilty that you guys are changing your lives for me.” She says. “Listen to me. Lindsey, you area carrying a precious baby and we are very happy to be able to help you out. We want that baby to be born strong and healthy. We want you to be okay until your health issue can be treated safely. You are pretty important to us.” Kurt says. “Thank you. Alright then, I will not feel guilty anymore.” Lindsey says relieved. “Where's Blaine I haven't seen him since I got here?” Lindsey inquires. “I'm right here.” He says as he walks into the room carrying two suitcases filled with Lindsey's things. “If there is something I didn't bring that you need just write it down and I will pick it up next time I go to your place.” Blaine says as a noise can be heard coming from the other bedroom. Lindsey's eyes open wide and a smile appears on her face. I'll be right back with someone who has missed her Mommy.” Kurt says as he leaves the room. After a diaper change Kurt brings Emma who sees her Mother and yells. “Mommy, Mommy” and wiggles in Kurt's arms wanting down. He places her on the foot of the bed and she quickly crawls up to her Mother and they hug tightly. Blaine goes to the living room to get Emma some toys and leaves them on the bed. Kurt and Blaine leave the room giving Lindsey some alone time to be with her daughter.

Kurt has gone to school and Emma is hanging with Lindsey so Blaine decides he will call Joey. The ringing phone is answered by Joey. “Hello” “Hi Joey.” This is Blaine. I didn't like the way things ended between us the other day and I was wondering if we could meet over a chocolate milkshake. I would like to discuss a possible solution to our dilemma.” Blaine tells Joey. “I would like that.” Joey answers. “How would tomorrow around 2 o'clock at Tastey's work for you?” Blaine suggests. “That sounds like a plan. I'll meet you there. Blaine, thanks for calling it means a lot. See you tomorrow.” Joey says as he hangs up feeling better. Blaine goes and checks on the girls. He smiles when he finds them cuddled together both sound asleep. He decides he will work on his set list for tonight until Kurt returns. Kurt gets home from school in time to share dinner with his fiancé. Blaine tells him about the phone call with Joey. Kurt tells Blaine about his Improvisation class where they were playing charades. Dinner was over too quickly as far as the boys were concerned. But it was time for Blaine to leave for The Train Station.

Kurt was doing some work for in the living room when a little one walked up to him. “Dwink pwease.” Emma asks. “Are you thirsty?” Kurt asks as he gets up to get Emma her training cup. When she finished she hands the cup back to Kurt and lifts her arms straight in the air wanting to be picked up. She sits with Kurt for a while playing with his papers until Kurt can see her eyes getting heavy. He gives her a bath and puts her in clean pajamas. Before putting her to bed he takes her to see Lindsey. “Goodnight sweetie.” Lindsey says and gives her a kiss. Kurt lays her down on the bed and sings a lullaby to her until she falls asleep.

A man walks into The Train Station. He heads toward the bar and sits down on a stool. He watches the patrons as they dance, sing along with the performer, and appear to be really enjoying themselves. He sees and hears the performer. A man with black curly hair is singing on stage. He turns to watch him. “What can I get you? The bartender asks the man. “I'll take a beer.” The man says not taking his eyes off of the performer. “He is pretty good. Do you know him?” The bartender asks since he notices the man is mesmerized by Blaine. “Yes I do. He is my son.” The man says.   


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