Friends and Family
Chapter 5 Grey Clouds Appear Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Friends and Family: Chapter 5 Grey Clouds Appear

T - Words: 1,061 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 13, 2014 - Updated: Jul 13, 2014
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                       Friends and Family

                             Chapter 5 – Grey Clouds Appear


Blaine opens the door to the apartment surprised to see Joey. “Hey bro, what brings you to this side of town?” Blaine asks. “Do I need to have a reason to come and see you guys?” Joey asks jokingly to make Blaine feel guilty. “Come on in. It's good to see you. How are you feeling? Blaine says as he motions for Joey to sit down at the table. “Where's Kurt? Joey asks as he looks around the apartment. “He's working at today.” Blaine informs him. “Can I get you something to eat or drink? Blaine asks. “I'm good.” Joey says as his nerves are starting to show. “Alright Joey, spill, you are acting strange so just tell me. What is going on or should I ask. What does Jack Hill want now?” Blaine asks a little concerned. “I want to let you know he is in New York. He arrived last week and I talked to him yesterday.” Joey is telling Blaine when he says. “Stop Joey, I don't want anything to do with him. I don't want to see him, talk to him, or hear from him. I don't want you to mention him when we are together.” Blaine tells Joey as his anger for this man increases. “I know he is your Father and I want you to be able to tell me anything. But I can't hear his name because it makes me angry and then I don't like myself. Jack Hill brings out the worst in me.” Blaine explains as his breathing rate has increased. Joey starts to see the anger in Blaine. “I understand Blaine. I think I should leave.” Joey announces as he stands walking to the door. “I just found you, but right now I feel like I am about to lose you. You're going to walk out of my life.” Blaine confesses to Joey. “I don't know what I am going to do. I need some time. You saved my life but he is my Father.” Joey says. “I understand because I have been there, so I will give you as much time as you need. Take care of yourself.” Blaine tells Joey as he walks out the door. Blaine shuts the door and leans against it wishing Kurt was here.

Blaine gets ready and heads to the Train Station still worried about his relationship with Joey. The Train Station was rocking tonight. Everyone seems to be getting into the holiday spirit early. Blaine finishes his first set and sees Lindsey. She doesn't look right. He goes over to her and says. “Lindsey are you okay? You don't look very well.” Blaine says. “I think I have the flu. My muscles ache, my stomach is upset, and I have a throbbing headache. Other than that I am fine.” Lindsey says quickly as she is getting a drink refill for some patrons. “Thank goodness we are closing soon.” She adds. “After my last set I'll take you home.” Blaine tells her. Blaine goes back on stage and goes through his set of songs quite quickly. When he finishes the set he talks to Tom the manager. He explains that Lindsey is sick and he will be taking her home now since Kathy agreed to close for her. After Tom approved Lindsey leaving early Blaine went to find Lindsey. He told her she was leaving now. He was taking her home and wanted no argument from her.   

They got to the apartment and Blaine sent the babysitter home while Lindsey rushed to the bathroom. She went to her bedroom and changed her clothes and took her temperature while Blaine checked in on Emma to make sure she was still sleeping. When she came out to the living room Blaine asks. “What is your temperature?” “The thermometer says 101 degrees.” Lindsey reports. “Alright Lindsey, I have a suggestion. You are going to go and get in your bed and get some rest. If you are not feeling better by tomorrow morning you call me and I will take you to the doctor. I am going pack some clothes for Emma and then I am going to take her to my place so she doesn't get the flu. You are too sick to care for Emma. You need to take care of yourself and get better.” Blaine tells Lindsey. She agrees to the plan and heads to her bedroom and falls asleep while Blaine quietly goes into Emma's room and packs everything she will need while she is gone. Blaine gets Emma's coat and puts it on her trying not to wake her and wraps her in a blanket. He grabs her bag and gets the key to the apartment and heads out the door after he checks on Lindsey who is still sleeping. On his way home he texts Kurt to let him know he was bringing Emma home.

Kurt is waiting for Blaine to arrive with Emma. He hears a knock on the door and quickly walks to the door. He opens the door to see Blaine carrying Emma in one hand and bags in the other. Kurt takes Emma who is still asleep from Blaine and carefully takes her coat off. “How is Lindsey?” Kurt asks. “It looks like a bad case of the flu. She looks terrible, running a temperature, upset stomach and aching all over. I told her if she is not better by tomorrow I'm taking her to the doctor. “Did Emma wake up?” Blaine asks Kurt. “No, she's still sleeping. She can sleep with us tonight. I'm afraid she might roll off the guest bed.” Kurt explains. “I'm going to go put her down on our bed then I will be right back.” Kurt says. Blaine gets some water to drink and when Kurt came back he put his arms around Blaine's waist. “I hope you are not upset I brought Emma home but I didn't want her to get sick and I didn't think Lindsey would be able to take care of her.” Blaine explains. “No, I totally agree with your decision. Come on Blaine it's getting late and Emma will be getting up before we know it.” Kurt says as he grabs Blaine's hand and they walk to the bedroom together.


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