Friends and Family
Chapter 24 Getting Ready Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Friends and Family: Chapter 24 Getting Ready

T - Words: 3,650 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 13, 2014 - Updated: Jul 13, 2014
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                       Friends and Family

                             Chapter 24 – Getting Ready


Blaine and Kurt are pulling into the Dalton Academy parking lot after eating breakfast with Emma and feeding Elizabeth her bottle of formula. Grandma and Grandpa Hummel will be taking the girls to the park while Blaine and Kurt are going to check out things at Dalton. The boys are walking down the staircase and stop at the bottom and remember their history at this spot. The first time they met was here, on this staircase, the place where Blaine asked Kurt to marry him was on this staircase, and soon this staircase will be where they say their vows and become one. They gently kiss then head to Head Master Andrews office. They enter his office and his assistant lets them wait in his office since he just stepped out. “This place hasn't changed a bit Blaine. We could put on our uniforms and we would fit right in.” Kurt tells Blaine as they look around and remember their days at Dalton. “Blaine, Kurt Welcome back!” Head Master Andrews says as he hugs the former students he is happy to see. “We are all set for Saturday. Are you guys?” He asks. That's why we are here. Just wanted to check in and finalize everything.” Kurt says. “We will be returning Friday morning to decorate the hall and staircase and have one rehearsal.” Blaine informs the Head Master. “That will be perfect because we are blocking off the staircase and hall Thursday after school ends. It is so wonderful that you are coming back here for your ceremony and that so many of the Warblers are returning also. The whole school is abuzz.” He tells the boys as he stands so he can take them to see the hall. They enter the hall and the boys are pleased to see that the tables are up and already covered with the white table clothes with the red Dalton insignia in the middle and the chairs under the tables. “It looks impressive.” Blaine says with his right hand over his heart. “All we have to do is add a few decorations and we are good to go.” Kurt mentions as they walk around the hall deciding where the main table will go, where the band will play, and where the dance floor is best located. Kurt gets it all decided while Blaine is sharing past memories of Dalton with the Head Master. “Are you ready Blaine? We have to get back to Lima in time to check on flowers and food.” Kurt reminds Blaine. They thank Head Master Andrews for his time and head back to Lima happy that Dalton is set for their marriage ceremony.

Carol and Burt have fed the girls lunch and they are both taking their naps when the boys return. “How did it go boys?” Burt asks as he sits in his recliner. “It went very well, we met with Head Master Andrews and he showed us the hall and everything looks great.” Kurt says. “How did the girls like the park?” Blaine asks Carol. “They loved it. Emma laughed the whole time she was swinging and I think her favorite part was going down the slide with Grandpa. They went down it like ten times and she squealed each time. She also loved digging in the sand.” Carol answered. “She's going to be an architect I think because each pile had to be perfect and in a certain way or else she'd knock it down and start over.” Burt laughs as he explains his opinion. “Oh no, I think we are going to have a perfectionist on our hands Blaine.” Kurt says. “I wonder where she is getting that from.” Blaine jokes, though not really with Kurt. From the top of the stairs they hear. “Bwaine, Gwammy” Emma shouts letting them know she is done napping. “Coming Emma,” Blaine says loudly as he runs to the top of the stairs and gives her a kiss before checking her diaper. After being changed Blaine brings Emma downstairs and gives her to Kurt as he heads back upstairs after hearing Elizabeth start to cry. “Hey there Elizabeth, are you ready to get up Angel?” Blaine asks as he checks her diaper and ends up changing it. “Emma, would like some Cheerios?” Grammy asks. “Pwease” She says as she sits snuggly in Kurt's arms. “How is it being a Father Kurt?” Burt asks as he looks at his son. “To tell you the truth I thought it would be difficult having to adjust to full time care of the girls and getting them on a schedule but it has been amazing. I mean it has been hard but all the sacrifices that we have made are all worth it. We are tired most of the time. We don't see each other as much as we want. We can't be as spontaneous about doing somethings like we used to. But it doesn't feel like we've given up too much because those faces, hugs, kisses, and laughs make it all worthwhile if that makes sense.” Kurt explains to his Father. “It makes total sense Kurt. I remember feeling the same way when we brought you home.” Burt tells his son. Blaine comes down the stairs with Elizabeth flying her through the air as she smiles happily.

The next few days race by and before they know it the boys are moving their family to Westerville and the Anderson's residence. Bright and early Friday morning everyone in the wedding party meet at Dalton Academy. They go through the wedding rehearsal first and make sure everyone knows there place. Santana is going to be responsible for carrying Emma down the staircase and helping her drop rose petals. Puck will be responsible for carrying Elizabeth down the staircase with the rings in a bag that will be tied to her wrist. Brittany is paired with Tina, followed by Mercedes and Joey. Rachael and Finn will lead Kurt and his parents in while Sam and Cooper will lead Blaine and his parents in. After the rehearsal is complete the group spends an hour decorating the hall with a few flowers and ribbons. “Perfect” Kurt says after they have finished. They pile into the cars and head to the Anderson household to start the pool party. The boy's parents left after the rehearsal so they would be at the house when guests start arriving. Some friends not in the wedding party were arriving already. They were catching up with the latest news and what everyone is up to when the wedding party pulls into the driveway. When everyone was inside Blaine and Kurt took the girls into the kitchen and fixed lunch for the girls. Blaine warmed up some macaroni and cheese for Emma and a bottle of formula for Elizabeth. Kurt was holding Elizabeth while Emma was trying to use a spoon to eat her lunch. “Eliz eating too?” Emma says. “Yup, she is drinking her formula.” Blaine says as he wipes cheese off Emma's cheeks. Emma gets frustrated picking up macaroni with a spoon and decides to use her hand. Blaine was talking to Kurt and didn't notice. When he looked back at Emma he saw a little girl covered with cheese all over her hands and face. She was smiling because she was full. They all giggled at Emma before Blaine took her to the sink and cleaned her off. They rocked the girls for a few minutes and soon they were down for their afternoon naps. The boys then change into their swim trunks admiring each other's body for a minute before they headed downstairs and out to the pool carrying the baby monitor with them. The boys are near the pool when their family and friends yell. “Surprise” The boys stop in their tracks and look at each other confused and wondering what is going on. Tom stands and begins to speak. Blaine and Kurt will you please have a seat? I'm letting you know now that your parents are taking over this party for a while. We are turning this get together pool party into a wedding/baby shower. Since you guys now live in New York we never had the opportunity to throw you a wedding or a baby shower. So we are having a combination shower now with all your family and friends who love you guys dearly because tomorrow you are getting married and time is running out so we are doing it today.” Everyone is sitting down on the grass as Tom continues. “Blaine, I know you thought at times that I didn't accept you being gay. It's not that I didn't accept you being gay, it was that I was very worried about the struggles I knew you would have to face and endure and I knew I wouldn't be able to protect you. I witnessed the struggles you had to deal with up close when were hurt by idiots and the pain you suffered during your teen years. Then Kurt came into your life and you changed before my eyes and I felt good about your future. You became a stronger person because you found a partner who would stand up and fight the battle with you and be there for you when you needed a hand up when life knocks you down. Together I see you two men making a big difference in this world.” Tom concludes with moister in his eyes. Blaine stands and goes to his Father and hugs him tightly and says. “Thank you Father, I love you.” Burt stood in front of the group and says. “I remember the day when Kurt came home and something was different about him. He had an expression on his face and a smile I hadn't seen before and I knew something was up. He had told me he had been to Dalton Academy to spy on the Warblers and he met this guy he thought was nice.” Burt is telling the group as Kurt begins to turn red. “I remember the first time I saw Blaine.” Burt continues. “Oh no please Burt don't go on.” Blaine begs silently. “He was lying on Kurt's bed not knowing where he was after a party at Rachael's. I actually had a conversation with him a few days later. He asked me to have “the talk” with Kurt. I knew then that Blaine was either a weirdo or someone who really liked Kurt and would look out for him. Now we know which one he was.” Burt tells the group as they start to quiet down from laughing at Burt's story. Angela takes the floor and looks at the couple and says. “We figured something was up with Blaine and Kurt when one day Blaine comes up to us and tells us he wants to help us out financially. He explained that it costs too much money to send him to Dalton Academy so he would be willing to go to McKinley High School. He had a list of reasons and read them all off except he neglected to tell us the real reason.” As Angela retells the story Blaine is covering is face hoping it would start to rain so she would stop. “He wanted to be with Kurt but didn't want us to know. So we let him transfer not telling him we really knew the truth. Their relationship thrived and we saw two people share a love that is rare. They continued to be harassed, made fun of, and slushied because of who they are but their love and support for each grew.” Angela says as Blaine and Kurt hold each other's hand as they remember McKinley High. Carol moves forward and begins to talk. Kurt had graduated high school and was going to go to community college but Blaine saw the unhappiness in Kurt's face and Blaine told him he needed to leave and go to New York. Kurt went to New York and loved it. In fact he thrived there and got lost in the allure of New York leaving Lima behind. He was finally accepted into NYADA and we were so proud of him. But as we know long distant relationships are very difficult and that was true for Kurt and Blaine. They both made mistakes causing a break up that caused both boys to be miserable and suffer without their best friend to talk to. It took a few months of being separated and being alone when they started rebuilding a friendship, along the way rebuilding a relationship that would be even stronger and now they want to spend a lifetime together. Kurt and Blaine you are going to be joined and become one tomorrow before family and friends. We couldn't be happier for you and we are so proud of the young men you have become.” Angela states as Kurt and Blaine stand and say “thank you,” as they get up and hug their parents.

“Wait a minute.” Is heard coming from a voice that Blaine recognizes immediately as his head drops to his chest. “Take a seat Squirt, I have something I want to say to everyone.” Cooper says as he makes his entrance with people cheering and clapping for the commercial star. “I have a few things I want say about my brother and brother-in-law. I remember being in California or working when I would get these phone calls from Blaine. One I remember particularly well is a call Blaine made to me where he couldn't stop talking about a kiss. I kissed him and he kissed me back and it was wonderful he went on and on about it. Then I got a call from him and he was walking home because he and Kurt had a fight outside Scandals” Cooper tells everyone as he is enjoying embarrassing his baby brother in a loving way. “Don't Coop, please Coop don't do this to me.” Blaine says as he covers his face with is right hand and the groups eggs Cooper on wanting to hear more stories.” He called one time lamenting about how Kurt had moved on and then on Thanksgiving he was yelling into the phone so excited because Kurt had called him even though the New Directions had lost Sectionals to Dalton Academy. The weirdest one was the night he had been zonked out sick with a cold and he woke up but his shirt was unbuttoned and opened and he had vapor rub on his chest and he didn't remember how it got there. That call was so confusing I laughed the whole time.” Cooper says as members of the New Direction yell out, “Tina.” “Then he called excited because he and Kurt hooked up at Mr. Schuester's almost wedding and they were back together though Kurt said they weren't. I really enjoyed the call where he told me he bought an engagement ring for Kurt even though they were still apart. But I will always love the phone call where Blaine told me that Kurt had said yes. Yes, on the Dalton staircase. He was so happy and I was so pleased for him. You made him so happy when you said yes Kurt that I thought he was going to rip his face open because his smile was so big. I am so looking forward to watching Blaine and Kurt grow into an old married couple who songs to each other. I love you guys.” Cooper ends and walks toward the boys hugging them tightly.

Angela and Carol come out with the two girls dressed in their bathing suits and hand the girls to the boys as Angela says. “Not only are we celebrating their wedding, we are celebrating the two new additions to their family. As most of you know Blaine and Kurt were asked by their good friend Lindsey who had health issues to raise her children if she was every unable to. Unfortunately, Lindsey passed away unexpectedly a few weeks ago. So today we are also celebrating the arrival of the babies. So that being said lets' turn on the music, start eating some food and let the party begin. The group cheers as some jump into the pool while others start dancing and others begin eating.

Blaine and Kurt thank their parents for their words and their support. They walk around talking to their friends before they take Emma and Elizabeth into the pool. Emma starts splashing and is squealing because she is having so much fun. Elizabeth is simply enjoy lying in the water while being held in Kurt's arms until Rachael comes over and takes her over to show her to the girls while Tina takes Emma from Blaine. Blaine walks over to Kurt and sees if he wants to go eat before they feed the girls. As they are talking Tom asks Blaine if he would follow him, he wanted to tell him something. “I'll be back in a minute Kurt so wait for me.” Blaine tells Kurt as he gets out of the pool and wraps a towel around his waist.

Blaine follows Tom into their house and says. “Blaine according to the rules of your trust fund you can't get access to the money without my approval. You do not have access to the money until you are 30 years old. I don't think your Grandfather was thinking that you would be raising two small children at 20 years old so I just want you to know that I am giving the bank a letter that says I give my approval to any request you have. In other words you have access to you trust fund immediately so you can use it to help raise your children.” Tom informs his son. “Thank you Father. I promise I will not abuse the privilege.” Blaine tells his Father. “Come on Blaine, there is a party going on and we are missing it.” Tom says as he grabs Blaine and they head outside.

After feeding the girls they hear Angela announcing that they are opening gifts. The group joins the boys on the grass and the gifts are handed to the boys to unwrap. For the girls the boys receive clothes, diapers, toys, and gift cards. The boys receive a blender, bath towels, bedding and gift cards. Tom and Burt stood and told the boys they are also receiving a family trip to Disney World at a date to be decided because we know you guys love Disney. You won't need a babysitter because the whole family is going. Blaine and Kurt are very thrilled with the gift because they have talked about taking the girls to Disney World one day.

Blaine and Kurt turn to speak to their family and friends. Blaine starts by saying, “Four years ago I was lying in a hospital bed wondering what my life would be like in the future because my present life was pretty lousy. I never in my wildest dreams imagined having a day like today. I am blessed to have a partner in life who supports and accepts me and loves me for who I am including my many faults. I am blessed to have two little girls who I love unconditionally and they make my life complete. I am blessed to have two brothers who are happy to drive me crazy but who I love dearly and are always there when I need a shoulder to cry on, though I may no longer be calling Cooper. I am blessed to have so many people in my life who I call friends. I am truly blessed to have two parents who decided that they loved me more than they loved themselves and chose to let me be born. They have loved me unconditionally even though I am a constant reminder of a terrible part of their lives. Blaine concludes as Kurt continues. I want to thank you for coming because without you guys in our lives we wouldn't be complete and we wouldn't be together. Puck you told me to go spy on the Warblers. Little did we know you would be responsible for all of this?” Kurt says as he holds his hands out showing the union of both families. To the Warblers you took me into the group and I felt safe in a school for the first time. To the New Directions you got me through the up and downs of high school and better yet you became my lifelong friends. To my Father we went through a lot together. We were and still are there for each other, we grew up together. To Carol and Finn you became part of a family that I always wanted and support me with your love. To Blaine, you saved me. You are the person that makes me feel safe, loved, and complete. You gave me courage to stand tall and climb mountains I never thought I could, but you did. I know you will always catch me when I fall. You and I are raising two little girls that we adore and will do anything for. I can't imagine our lives getting any better as long as we are together. So thank you everyone for making this a wonderful and unforgettable day that we will cherish for the rest of our lives. We love you, thanks.” Kurt says as he hugs and kisses Blaine. Emma runs up and grabs Blaine's leg. Before Blaine picks up Emma Carol gives Kurt Elizabeth. “This has been a perfect day.” Kurt says. “We are a wonderful family and with you I'll have a perfect life.” Blaine says as the young family walks inside the house looking forward to tomorrow.



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