Aug. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
Friends and Family
Chapter 22 – Celebration of Life
It is a beautiful spring day in New York City when the doorbell rings at the Hummel-Anderson residence. Kurt walks to the door followed by Emma. He opens the door and Joey walks into the apartment carrying a box he picked up from the funeral home earlier this morning. “Hi Joey, you can set the box down on the kitchen table.” Kurt says as he closes the door. “We are still trying to get the kids ready. There is coffee in the kitchen if you want some.” Kurt tells Joey as he picks up Emma so he can put on her socks and shoes. “Emma, sit still so I can finish getting you dressed.” Kurt tells Emma who is extra wiggly this morning and doesn't want to sit still. He finally gets her shoes on then starts brushing her hair and adds a couple of barrettes to keep her hair out of her face. “You look beautiful sweetie.” Kurt says as he kisses Emma on her cheek. Emma gets down and runs to her bedroom. “Bwaine, Bwaine looky me.” Emma says as she shows Blaine her outfit. “You look beautiful Emma.” Blaine compliments Emma as he finishes dressing Elizabeth. He brushes her hair and says. “Okay missy time to go.”
Blaine carries Elizabeth out to the living room and places her in the basinet. “Kurt, are you ready? People should be here any minute now.” Blaine says he walks into his bedroom and checks his hair and sees Kurt finishing up also. They head back into the living room and see a small shoe on the floor and a sock near it. “Emma!” Blaine says. “Emma, come here please.” Blaine asks and then sees a small child with no socks or shoes on. “Where is your other sock and shoe Emma?” Blaine asks as the doorbell rings. “I'll get it.” Joey says as he tosses the lost shoe and sock to Blaine. Emma starts running to the door as Joey lets Tom, Angela, Carol, and Burt inside. They can hear Blaine saying. “Emma, come here right now. I don't have time to play this game young lady.” Burt catches the toddler as she runs toward him with her arms up. “Hey Emma, I think Blaine needs you. Come on let's go see.” Burt says with a smile. “There you are. You need to leave your socks and shoes on.” Blaine says as Burt sits down on the couch holding Emma while Blaine gets her socks and shoes back on. “A busy morning Blaine?” Burt asks with a knowing smile. “You could say that. Our children are not exactly cooperating this morning.” Blaine explains as he stands. “What are you laughing at?” Blaine asks Burt. “Nothing, I'm not laughing at anything am I Emma.” Burt says lifting Emma so it covers his mouth. “Yea, right, your smile is giving you away.” Blaine says as the doorbell rings again. “I got it.” Carols says as she lets Finn and Rachael in. “Hi everyone. How are things going?” Rachael asks as Elizabeth starts to cry. “What's wrong Elizabeth?” Tom says but figures out the problem quickly. “Blaine, someone needs a change.” He tells his son. “I just changed her.” Blaine says as he goes to check it out and immediately realizes his Father is correct. “Come on Elizabeth you need to be changed. There is coffee in the kitchen if you want a cup and we'll be right back.” Blaine mentions as he heads to the girl's bedroom. “Hi everyone,” Kurt says as he notices Emma sitting on the floor with her socks and shoes off. “Emma Ann Green” Kurt says with authority and his hands on his hips. The guests watch with interest and concern for Emma as she receives her first Kurt glare in her life. She immediately understands the mean of the glare and knows she has done something wrong. She stands up and picks up her socks and shoes and walks over to Kurt. Sits on her bottom and falls back as she sticks her feet up in the air pointing at Kurt. The guests are covering their mouths tightly so their laughter doesn't escape and interfere with the lesson being taught. Kurt is biting his bottom lip very hard and turns his head to the side so Emma doesn't see him start to laugh as he puts on her socks and shoes on again. He waves for Emma to get up. After she stands up Kurt picks her up and hugs her tightly whispering. “I love you sweetie.” Emma kisses Kurt on his cheek and lays her head on Kurt's shoulder holding him tightly. Kurt's eyes are moist when his Father puts his hand on his other shoulder and lovingly says. “Welcome to fatherhood Kurt.”
The group is finally ready and they head out to Central Park. They follow Joey as he walks toward the special oak tree. When they arrive Blaine and Kurt spread out some blankets so everyone can sit down on the ground. Emma sits down and starts eating some cheerios while Elizabeth is being held by Grandma Anderson. Everyone is seated so Joey begins. We are here today to celebrate a life. The life of Lindsey Green whose life ended too soon. She had just started to have the happy life she dreamed of. After losing her parents at a young age she was raised by her Grandparents that didn't love her like they should have. She fell in love with a loser but gained a wonderful daughter. She fell in love with a good man who lost his life in Iraq. But their love was going to be carried on by their child. That is enough misery in any one's life but fate dealt her a life ending blow. I few months ago I got the chance to meet this amazing woman. She was lying on Blaine's and Kurt's couch because she was on complete bed rest due to her heart. During the time we were together she never complained about her lot in life. You never heard her say why me. She accepted her fate and would do anything to protect her unborn child even if it meant she may lose her life. Fortunately for me I fell in love with her. The time we had together was wonderful even though it ended too soon. She fell in love with me so her life ended with Lindsey feeling love. The reason we are under this oak tree is because this is Lindsey's favorite spot. She would sit under this tree and was able to think and make tough decisions. She said this tree had magical powers because sitting under it everything is seen clearly. Lindsey requested that her ashes be spread under this tree. Blaine, Kurt and I decided to adjust her request a bit. We are not going to spread her ashes but we are going to dig a small hole and place her ashes in the hole so her children will have a place to come and talk to their Mother. So that is why we are here. To make Lindsey's last resting place.” Joey finishes and Blaine and Kurt stand and begin to speak. “Lindsey and I worked at The Train Station and she was always there supporting me when I was dealing with some issues. We became great friends and she told me her sad story. She told me how she wouldn't let the bad things in life stop her from living. She didn't want the bad things to control her life she was going to be the one in charge. She made mistakes and made some wrong choices but she never let them control her life. When she would fall down she would stand back up and brush off the dirt and start living again. A lesson we will teach her daughters. Lindsey is a friend who we will forever be indebted to. We promise you Lindsey that we will raise your beautiful daughters to be responsible women who you would be proud of.” Blaine says with tears in his eyes. “I got to know Lindsey when she started living with us because of her health. She never complained and did whatever she could to make her stay easier on us. She had an excellent taste in fashion and was a great listener which I to advantage of often. She will always be in our hearts and we are very appreciative of the precious gifts she left us to care for. These two girls will know about their special Mother and how much she loved them.” Kurt says holding Blaine's hand tightly.
Joey takes out a small hand shovel starts digging a hole near the base of the tree. He takes her ashes and places them gently in the hole as tears fall from his eyes. He covers the hole with the dirt he removed then pats it down with his hand. He then takes out a pocket knife and carves seven small letters into the base of the tree. When he is finishes he gently touches each letter. The L.I.N.D.S.E.Y. then kisses the name. Blaine and Kurt place two roses over Lindsey's resting spot. Emma has two flowers in her hands and does what she saw Blaine and Kurt do. She gently lays them down over her Mother's new home then runs to Blaine to be picked up and hugged. With Kurt holding Elizabeth he embraces Blaine and Emma. Joey comes over and embraces the little family. Soon the others follow and there was one huge embrace of love. They stayed that way a few minutes until they hear a small voice start to giggle because she is being squished in the hug. She continues to giggle causing everyone to laugh so hard they have tears in their eyes. “Thank you Lindsey.” Blaine says. “She is here and happy.” Joey says as people wipe away their tears of sadness and laughter. People start opening containers filled with food. They spread out the food and enjoy a lovely picnic together. A picnic filled with love and laughter that Lindsey would want in her favorite spot. “You know what Kurt.” Blaine says. “This truly is a magical oak tree because it brings families together and that is the best magic of all.”