Friends and Family
Chapter 18 Lindseys Wishes and a Family Unites Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Friends and Family: Chapter 18 Lindseys Wishes and a Family Unites

T - Words: 2,882 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 13, 2014 - Updated: Jul 13, 2014
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                    Friends and Family

Chapter 18 – Lindsey's Wishes and a Family Unites

Mrs. Angela Thompson opens up her briefcase and takes out some large envelopes and places them on the table. “Lindsey's main concern was making sure her children were living in a home that is filled with love. A home that felt safe. A place where her children would receive the proper guidance they need and unending support they deserve as they grow from babies to adults. It seems like an impossible place to find if you ask me, but she did. She told me about this home and I envy the people who live there.” She says as she opens up the first large envelope and takes out some papers. “This document gives guardianship/adoption of Emma Green to Blaine Devon Anderson and Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, if they are willing to accept this responsibility?” Mrs. Thompson adds. Blaine and Kurt look at each other and without talking they both agree. “Yes, we will accept the responsibility of being the guardians and Fathers to Emma.” Blaine and Kurt say as they squeeze each other's hands. “Now, if I can get your signatures on these documents you will become her legal guardians immediately, since the child is a minor who is totally dependent upon an adult for survival and her Mother signed her rights over to you while alive. “Are you ready to do this? It's a big responsibility and we'll have to make quite a few sacrifices.” Blaine asks one more time to make sure Kurt is on board with this. “Loving a child and having a family with you is not a sacrifice. It's a dream we have had for many years and it is coming true.” Kurt says as he takes the pen and signs his name. Blaine smiles lovingly at Kurt and signs after Kurt. “Wait a second. This is for Emma but what about the baby?” Blaine asks concerned looking at the attorney. “Lindsey already took care of that. When you get a copy of the baby's birth certificate look at the line that says Father, you will see the name Blaine Devon Anderson. So you are already the legal Father. But wait, I'm not the Father, how can that be legal?” Blaine asks. “I understand that the other possible Father is deceased and his family did not know about Lindsey. Since we are not able to question Lindsey about the Father why would I doubt what she wrote on the birth certificate. I assume she knows who the Father is and I doubt there is anybody who will question it.” She explains with a wink. This document is Kurt's adoption papers of the baby once we have a name for the little girl. Which is the step we are at now, does anyone know the name Lindsey was going to name her. “She told me she knew it but wanted to hold her to make sure it was perfect before she officially announced the name. She never got to hold her. So I never heard the name.” Joey says sadly as Kurt grabs his hand for support. “Okay that means you need to name her.” Mrs. Thompson says. “I will give you a few minutes to discuss the name while I make a phone call.” She says as she leaves the room. Blaine looks at Kurt and Joey for any ideas or suggestions. “I think Lindsey should be part of her name.” Joey says quietly. “I agree. That is a very appropriate suggestion.” Kurt says approvingly. “Alright we have her middle name. What about her first name?” Blaine wonders. After a few minutes of names being tossed out Blaine says. “I've got it. I think we should name her Elizabeth Lindsey Hummel-Anderson. She will be named after two Mother's who died too early and left children behind. “Are you sure?” Kurt asks Blaine and Joey. “I think it is perfect and it fits her. She is an Elizabeth Lindsey. You could always call her Liz, Beth, Eliza for short if you wanted.” Joey says agreeing with the new name. The boys are all smiles for the first time since the devastating news, feeling good about their decision. Mrs. Thompson returns with some drinks for everyone. “We have a name Mrs. Thompson.” Blaine says happily. “What is it?” She asks. The boys say together. “Elizabeth Lindsey Hummel-Anderson.” They say and then explain the meaning behind her name. She writes the name down and verifies the spelling then sends it to the nurse to put on the birth certificate and she puts her name on Kurt's adoption papers. “Okay Kurt, all I need is a signature and Elizabeth will be legally adopted by you. Kurt signs his name and says. “This moment is surreal. I mean I should be thrilled, and I am, but I am also sad because of the circumstances.” The look on everyone's face shows Kurt they understand.

Mrs. Thompson opens the next envelope. These are the accounts that Lindsey had. Earlier she added my name to all the accounts so you would not have to go through the court to get access. All you have to do concerning these right now is be aware they exist. When you are ready we can either close them out and you will be given the money or you can keep the accounts open and I will add your names to the accounts and mine will be removed. Lindsey said you can use the money to help raise the kids whatever way you think is best. Her possible thoughts were using it to pay for the kid's bills, setting it aside in a college/wedding fund or putting it in a trust fund for them. She figured you would do what is best. We can take care of the accounts when you are ready. It's not something we have to rush. As far as her apartment is concerned I plan on ending the lease at the end of the month unless you want to live in the apartment.” Angela asks. “We already have an apartment and it is larger than Lindsey's so ending the lease will be fine.” Kurt says and Blaine agrees. “Can we go through the apartment and get Emma's things and any baby supplies that Lindsey has? Blaine asks. “That would be fine. In fact I have no problem with you going through her things and keeping what you want and then disposing of anything not wanted. It needs to be empty by the end of the month.” Mrs. Thompson says happy for the help emptying the apartment.

The third envelope is opened. “This envelope deals with Lindsey's wishes for her burial. She wants to be cremated and her ashes spread under a special oak tree in Central Park that you guys know about. I told her that you may not be allowed to do that but she gave me a smirk thinking you guys would take care of it. So I'm not getting involved in that.” She says confident the boys understand. “She always loved to sit under this oak tree. She said she was able to think clearly there.” Joey says sharing this information. Blaine remembers the time she took him to the tree and told him it had magical powers that allows you to think and solve all your problems. “I'd like to take care of the funeral arrangements if you don't mind.” Joey says while looking at Blaine and Kurt for approval. “Okay Joey we'll leave that in your capable hands.” They say giving their approval.

Mrs. Thompson opens the last envelope. She takes out six smaller envelopes and says. The last thing Lindsey gave me were these six letters that she recently wrote. She wrote one for everyone here and one for Emma and one for Elizabeth. The last was is a joint letter to Blaine and Kurt. You can read these whenever you want. There is not a set day or time to read them and you are not required to share what she said to anyone else. It is up to you what you do with these letters.” She says as she passes out the letters to the owner. “Do you have any questions? I know this is a lot to take in on an already difficult day. You have my number if you do have any questions later. Blaine and Kurt call my office to set up a time to deal with the accounts. Again I am very sorry for your loss.” She says as she closes her briefcase and exits leaving the three men alone in Dr. Jackson's office.

The three men sit still feeling numb are trying to accept and understand the events of the day. Suddenly Blaine speaks. “Okay guys we need to make a promise to Lindsey, her children, and to each other. We promise we are going to spend the rest of our lives working together as a family to raise Lindsey's two daughters to the best of our ability. Providing all the love, support and guidance we can to the girls and to us.” They put their right hands on top of each other's and say.” PROMISE”

There is a knock heard on the door and as it opens a hospital official enters and he says. “Excuse me. I don't want to bother you during this time of grief but I need to know what your wishes are for the body of Lindsey Green. “Are you going to request that we perform an autopsy on her and do you have the name of a funeral we can contact for you? The man asks with respect. “No, we will not be requesting an autopsy and I will contact the funeral home and let them know about Lindsey and her request.” Joey answers the man and then looks at Blaine and Kurt. Their faces show Joey that they agree with his decision. The man says he will relay the information to the appropriate people as he exits the room. “Before you leave to handle the funeral home Joey I think we need to discuss what we are going to tell Emma. No matter what we say she isn't going to understand.” Blaine says asking for guidance on this issue. “I think we should be honest with her. We'll tell her that Mommy is gone and she won't be back, but she loves her very much.” Kurt states his thoughts. “I agree with Kurt.” Joey says. “The truth is she will move on a lot faster and better than we will. I think the girls will be the ones helping us move on.” He adds as he takes a drink of water.” Knock, knock” Dr. Jackson says as she opens the door and comes into her office. “Can I talk to you about Elizabeth Lindsey Hummel-Anderson?” She asks. The boys look stunned and she is concerned. “Did I say something wrong?” She wonders. “No, it's just that was the first time we have heard anyone call her by her name. It sounded wonderful.” Blaine says with a smile and the others agree. “Great, I'm glad I was the first. I want to tell you that Elizabeth Lindsey weighed in at 6 lbs 8 ounces and is 22 inches long. Here is your copy of the birth certificate.” She says passes the certificate to Blaine and also gives Blaine and Kurt green plastic bracelets that they need to attach to their wrists so they are allowed to have access to the baby as her parents. Blaine picks up the birth certificate and looks for the line that says Father. He touches Blaine Devon Anderson with his finger. It's true, it's there, he is Elisabeth Lindsey Hummel-Anderson's Father and his heart has a feeling of warmth that he has never felt before. “Elizabeth can go home tomorrow. I know that seems quick but that will at least give you this afternoon to get prepared for the new arrival.” Dr. Jackson says happily. “Before we go can we see Elizabeth and we would also like some time to say goodbye to Lindsey if that could be arranged? Blaine asked on behalf of the three. “I will have that arranged and I will call the nursery. They will bring Elizabeth here for you to see.” Dr. Jackson says as she leaves the room to make the calls needed to start the visitation plans in motion. “Kurt, how are we going to get things ready for our baby to come home as well as be with Emma?” Blaine wonders out loud. “This is why having lots of friends is a good thing.” Kurt says and he texts their friends to meet them at Lindsey's apartment at 3 o'clock. The door opens and a basinet is being rolled into the room. After checking their bracelets they hand Blaine his daughter. He holds her gently not wanting to break her. “Hi Elizabeth, you are so beautiful.” He says as he kisses her cheek. “It is her feeding time if you'd like to feed her.” The nurse says. “Are you ready to start feeding her Kurt?” Blaine says as he walks her over to Kurt who has the bottle in his hand. They watch Elizabeth drink quickly. “She is a hungry girl.” Kurt says and they all laugh as the nurse leaves so they can bond with their daughter. Blaine goes and stands by Joey and asks. “Are you okay with all of this? I know you and Lindsey were in love and I am sure you imagined raising Emma and Elizabeth with Lindsey. This can't be easy for you and I want you to know I want you to be as involved as you want to be in their lives.” Joey's eyes fill with tears and he hugs Blaine. “I love them too you know and I want to be involved in their lives if you will let me.” Joey says as he wipes his tears. “You will be their favorite Uncle I am sure and I bet they will both be addicted to chocolate milkshakes before too long.” Blaine jokes with Joey. “Hey chocolate milkshakes cure everything.” Joey says emphatically and they both chuckle. “Joey” Kurt says. “She needs to be burped and I know you are an expert in that area so are you up to for the task?” Kurt asks as he stands and walks toward Joey. “Are you kidding? This will be a piece of cake. Joey says as he takes the baby and her burp cloth and starts patting her back gently as he talks to her. Blaine and Kurt are making a list of things they will need from Lindsey's apartment when they hear a very loud burp and look in Joey's direction. “What can I say, I'm good.” Joey says as all three men start to laugh. After a while the nurse returns so she can take the sleeping Elizabeth back to the nursery while the three men go and pay their respects to Lindsey.

The hospital staff has returned Lindsey's body to her hospital room. She is lying in bed and looks very peaceful as the three men enter. Blaine, Kurt, and Joey walk towards the bed together. Blaine takes her hand gently and says. I'm sorry Lindsey. This is not fair to you or your daughters. This is not fair for your life to end like this. You deserved better in your short lived life. But we promise you Lindsey, we will raise your children to be adults that you would be proud of.” Blaine says with moist eyes. “They will learn all about you. They will see your beautiful face and wonderful smile every day because we will display pictures of you proudly around the apartment. They will be loved so much by so many people. You gave us the most precious gift possible and we will cheerios them with all our hearts.” Kurt adds whole heartedly. “Can I have a few minutes alone with Lindsey please?” Joey asks. “Goodbye Lindsey, I love you.” Blaine says as he kisses her on the cheek. “Keep an eye out for my Mom. I'm sure she will be looking for you.” Kurt says as he kisses her forehead. Both boys leave the room hand in hand. “Hi there, I'm so glad my last words to you were I love you. I am happy you didn't suffer and are at peace now. I miss you already though and it hurts terribly. You will always have a piece of my heart that no one will ever be able to fill. I will see you through your daughters as they grow from being children to responsible adults. I promise they will know about their special Mother. I will always love you. Joey says as he bends down and kisses Lindsey goodbye. He leaves the room and finds Blaine and Kurt waiting for him. All three men embrace each other and cry together. “Okay” Blaine says. “We have a promise to keep and it starts now.” The three men wipe their tears away and start walking down the hall ready to embrace their future whatever it may be together as a family.



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