Friends and Family
Chapter 17 Life is Not Fair Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Friends and Family: Chapter 17 Life is Not Fair

T - Words: 2,547 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 13, 2014 - Updated: Jul 13, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Character death

                       Friends and Family

                             Chapter 17 – Life is Not Fair

“Tomorrow is a big day Emma. You will be getting a new baby brother or sister.” Lindsey says as she is holding Emma in her arms. “Have you decided on a name yet?” Blaine asks as he sits in a chair with Kurt. “No, not yet, I have thought of some names but I need to see the baby before I can make it official. But I will tomorrow after I see my baby.” Lindsey says excitedly, looking forward to finding out if she is having a girl or a boy. “Bwaine dwink pwease.” Emma asks as she holds out her hand for her practice cup that Blaine gives her. “We should probably get going so you two can have some time alone and Lindsey can get some rest.” Blaine says looking at Joey. Kurt starts to pick up Emma's things while Joey moves closer to Lindsey. “What time is the c-section scheduled for?” Kurt asks Lindsey. “It's scheduled for 10 o'clock but I would like you here around 8 o'clock because I know I am going to be a nervous wreck.” Lindsey says as she squeezes Joey's hand. “We'll be here. Rachael is spending the night so she doesn't have to get up in the middle of the night or lose any beauty sleep.” Kurt says rolling his eyes and gives Lindsey a hug and a kiss goodbye. “Okay little one, give your Mommy a hug and a kiss goodbye.” Blaine says as he gets ready to pick up Emma. “Bye Mommy, wuv you” Emma says as she gives her Mom a tight squeeze around her neck and a kiss. Lindsey does the same to Emma. “I love you to Emma” She says with a tear in her eye. “Goodnight Lindsey, see you tomorrow. Okay Emma we are out of here.” Blaine says as he picks up Emma carrying her over his shoulder like a fireman and heads toward the door as Emma giggles and waves goodbye to her Mom.

“Joey thank you for making these last few months bearable. You gave me something or someone to think about besides myself.” Lindsey says with a smile. “I should be thanking you because you have brightened up my life. I can't remember the last time I felt so happy. With my cancer in remission, school going well and you by my side life is good.” Joey says as he kisses Lindsey.

“Blaine at this rate you won't get any sleep before we have to get up to head to the hospital. What's keeping you awake?” Kurt asks Blaine. “I'm just worried about Lindsey. The c-section is going to be very hard on her and her heart. I don't want anything to happen to her because she has finally found happiness with Joey and she survived the stress of her pregnancy. I don't know maybe I'm just too tired.” Blaine explains to Kurt. “Blaine you have been a very good friend and she wouldn't want you to be worrying about her. The truth is Blaine you don't have any control over what happens the next few days. Worrying is not going to help anyone. All you can do is be the friend she needs. So let's get some sleep.” Kurt says as he wraps his arms around Blaine They both fall asleep only to awake in a few hours and head to the hospital.

“Good morning Lindsey are you ready to deliver a baby today?” Dr. Jackson asks. “As ready as I'll ever be I guess.” Lindsey says as she tries to control her nerves. “Okay, we will be monitoring your heart carefully during the c-section. Once you are prepped it should only take a few minutes to deliver the baby. Once you deliver they will check the baby's vitals and then show you the baby. I will stitch you up and you will be returned to your room to start recovering. Then in a week they will go back in to fix your heart. Now before I go I need you to fill out the birth certificate information, sign the c-section release paper as well as an emergency release form in case we have an unexpected complication.” Dr Jackson explains as Lindsey signs her name to the paperwork. “Lindsey, I just want to say I am so impressed by you. You stuck to your promise and you made to the delivery safe and sound. Not every woman would have done it” Dr. Jackson tells Lindsey as she leaves the room to get ready for the c-section.

“Joey, please don't be one of those guys that faints in the middle of the delivery room. That would be totally embarrassing to our family.” Blaine teases Joey who is holding Lindsey's hand. “Don't worry I will be only looking into these beautiful eyes.” Joey says looking at Lindsey lovingly. “Okay that is enough of that, we are her to deliver a baby.” Kurt reminds Joey. A nurse walks in and asks who is going to be in the OR and they all point to Joey. “Please follow me so you can get ready please.” The nurse asks. “Alright, I guess I will see you in a few minutes.” Joey says as he exits the room. “Good luck Joey, remember to stand tall and do not fall.” Blaine shouts as Joey gives him a smirk. Blaine and Kurt walk closer to Lindsey and hold her hands reassuring her that all will be well. “Guys, I can't thank you enough for all the things you have done for me and my baby. You took me in when I needed a place to stay and showed me what love means. We became best friends and more importantly we became the family I never had but always wanted. I will never be able to repay you for all you have done. I just needed to tell you that before I go.” Lindsey says with tears in her eyes. “Lindsey we love you very much and we are honored to be your family.” Kurt says as an orderly enters the room. “Hey listen to me. As indebted you feel to us we are indebted to you because you have brought so much joy into our lives that we are connected for life. You are right we are a family and always will be. Now it's time to for you to increase the size of our family.” Blaine says as he kisses Lindsey on her cheek. “It is time to go.” The orderly says as the boys say. “Good luck, we love you.”

“Lindsey can you feel me touching your stomach?” Dr. Jackson asks as she is preparing Lindsey. “No I don't feel anything.” She informs the Doctor. “Good, I think we are ready to bring this life into the world.” The Doctor says as she begins to make the incision. “You know I love you right?” Joey asks Lindsey as she turns her head to look at Joey. “I know you do.  You know I love you too right?” Lindsey says. “Yes I do. You make my life so much better.” Joey says until suddenly they are surprised to hear the cries of a baby, the beautiful sound of a new born baby breathing in life for the first time. Tears are falling from the eyes of Lindsey and Joey. The Doctor holds up the baby for the couple to see the baby. “Congratulations you have a baby girl.” The Doctor announces to all. The nurse begins to check and clean off the newborn as Dr. Jackson continues to care for Lindsey. “Do you want to cut the cord?” The nurse asks Joey. “I'd love to.” Joey answers as he stands and walks to the baby. He takes the scissors and cuts between the two clips. They wrap the baby up in a blanket and give the baby to Joey. He carries the precious bundle to Lindsey who is still crying but wearing a huge smile. Lindsey carefully touches the soft face of her daughter saying. “I love you sweetie. You are so beautiful. There are so many people waiting to see you.” Lindsey gently kisses her daughter. They take the baby to weigh, measure, and clean up. “Joey I want you to go with the baby and make sure she is okay. Make sure you tell Blaine and Kurt about the baby. I'll see you back in the room” Lindsey says as she lies still so the Doctor can finish. Joey looks at Lindsey and says. I love you with all my heart. You are so amazing and I am the lucky guy who gets to be with you.” Joey tells Lindsey as he kisses her deeply before he turns to leave and she says. “I love you too!”

“Blaine, stop pacing. You are going to drive me crazy.” Kurt says as he finally gets Blaine to sit down. “Okay, I don't want a crazy man for a husband.” Blaine says jokingly as he takes a deep breath. “What's taking so long?” Blaine wonders. The swinging doors open and Joey walks toward them with a huge smile. “It's a girl!” Joey yells joyfully at the boys. “The baby is gorgeous and Lindsey did great. She didn't have any problems.” Joey says relieving Blaine's concerns. “That is great news.” Kurt says as the three guys hug happy it is over. “Hey, let's go to the nursery and you guys can see her. They were going to check her out but they should be done by now.” Joey suggests. The boys are quickly heading to the nursery still shouting for joy. At the nursery they are looking through the glass window. “Do you see her?” Joey asks as the boys are looking for Lindsey's name on the basinets. “There she is!” Kurt yells and points to the third basinet in the second row. “Oh my God she is so little. Look at her small hands.” Blaine comments. A nurse walks in and picks up the tiny baby and brings her closer to the window. “She's lovely. Look at her hair. She has quite a bit of hair already.” Kurt mentions. The nurse returns the baby to the basinet as the boys still stare amazed at what they see. “We should probably go check on Lindsey. She should be back in her room soon and then they will bring her the baby.” Joey recommends. The boys walk to Lindsey's room and are waiting for her return.

“That is it we are done.” Dr. Jackson tells Lindsey. “Great now I can see…. Alarms on the monitors begin sounding and the room becomes filled with medical professionals doing a dance they don't want to perform.

“Settle down Joey, it takes time to close up that size of an incision. Besides we have to be extra careful with her.” Blaine says trying to keep Joey calm. Though he thinks it is cute the way Joey dotes over Lindsey. The door finally opens and everyone exhales the breath they had been holding. “Dr. Jackson walks in, but Lindsey doesn't follow. They sense that something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong when Dr. Jackson's eyes fill with tears. She doesn't have to say it. They don't want to hear it. But she does. I'm sorry she didn't make it. “Nooooo” Joey yells and a shocked Blaine collapses into the chair he had been sitting in with tears flowing like a river down his face. Kurt can barely talk but he asks. “What happened? She was fine. She had survived the c-section.” Kurt says numb from the shocking news. “I had just finished and we were about to roll her back to the room and the monitors start going off. We believe she suffered an aneurism rupture in her brain causing her death. She felt no pain, she simply went to sleep. I am so sorry for your loss.” Dr Jackson says as she tries to comfort the boys. “I am going to give you some time alone but please do not leave the hospital because I need to talk to you about Lindsey's wishes.” Dr. Jackson turns to leave and says. “I am truly sorry for your loss. Lindsey was a special person that will be deeply missed.” She leaves the room to the boys as they start to start to deal with the death of their family member. Kurt walks over to Blaine who is staring at nothing. He goes down on his knees and simply holds Blaine in his arms and Blaine lets it out and sobs as he holds on to Kurt never wanting to let go. Blaine opens his eyes and sees Joey standing alone. He stands up and along with Blaine they go and they make a three person hug and they cry together as their hearts are breaking. “It's not fair, it's not fair.” Joey says. “She was finally going to have the life she deserved. You can't take her now. I don't want a life without her.” Joey cries. “Listen to me,” Kurt says as he gets Blaine's and Joey's attention. “We have to get control of ourselves. We have to be strong for each other because the reality of the situation is Lindsey is gone, but she is still here in the souls of two little girls who have lost their Mother.” Kurt says as the door opens. “Excuse, I need you to follow me please.” Dr. Jackson requests. The boys follow her and she takes them to her office. When they enter they see a middle aged woman who was sitting down in a chair.

“Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, and Joey Hill I would like to introduce you to Mr. Angela Thompson. She is an attorney that Lindsey hired to make sure her final wishes were followed. When Lindsey was admitted to the hospital a few weeks ago she told me that if anything happened to her in the hospital I was to call Mrs. Thompson. Lindsey knew that due to her complicated situation that if something happened causing her to die she needed her wishes to be enforced immediately. Mrs. Thompson is here to do that right now by informing you of what her wishes are. You can use my office for as long as you need.” Dr. Jackson says as she stands up and leaves the room. “Please have a seat.” Mrs. Thompson says as she motions for the boys to sit down at the table. “To start with I wish I was not here. I am truly sorry for your loss. Let me explain how this all came about. A few weeks ago Lindsey called me and asked me to come and see her. She explained that her life could be in jeopardy because of the choice she made concerning her pregnancy. She wanted to make sure that legally her wishes would be followed without issues. She was looking out for her family even though she is gone. Are there any questions before I begin to inform you of Lindsey's wishes?” She asks. “Not at this time.” Blaine says as the other boys agree. “Okay, these are Lindsey's wishes for her family.     


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