Friends and Family
Chapter 14 Change of Heart Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Friends and Family: Chapter 14 Change of Heart

T - Words: 1,945 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/? - Created: Jul 13, 2014 - Updated: Jul 13, 2014
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                      Friends and Family

                           Chapter 14 – Change of Heart


Blaine is sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee in his hands while he is staring into space. After spending hours debating with himself he has come to the conclusion that he can't live his life afraid that Jack Hill is going to pop up at anytime. He is going to man up and meet with Jack Hill, the only person in the world that he hates. Kurt sits down next to him causing Blaine to focus back on the real world. “What are you thinking about? I bet I know, deciding on whether or not you should meet with Jack Hill.” Kurt says concerned about his fiancé. “You are very good at reading my mind Kurt. Should I be afraid?” Blaine says as he pushes his shoulder into Kurt's. “Maybe you should post a mind reader for hire sign up because you would make a million I'm sure.” Blaine says trying to show some humor even though he doesn't feel funny. After a few minutes of silence Blaine says. “Today Kurt.” “What's today?” Kurt asks confused. “I'm going to see him today. I can't keep living like this, expecting him to jump out at anytime and being on edge unless I'm home in my apartment.” Blaine explains. “Where and when?” Kurt asks. “I don't want him in our house so let's meet at Joey's and the time will depend on when Rachael can come and be with the girls.” Blaine says. “I'll call her right now.” Kurt says as he gets up to get his phone. “Bwaine, Bwaine” Emma shouts as she runs to the couch with her arms up high wanting to be picked up. “Good morning little one. How are you doing?” He asks as he hugs and tickles her. “Let's go change your diaper then fix you some breakfast.” Blaine tells her. “Pancakes pwease.” Emma says with a smile and a laugh.

“Rachael will be here in an hour and stay as long as we need her.” Kurt informs Blaine. “Good, I'll call Joey and verify if it is alright to meet there and set up the time.” Blaine says as he adds some syrup to Emma's pancakes before he calls Joey. “Hey Blaine, what's up?” Joey asks. “Is your Father there?” Blaine inquires. “Yes, he'll be here all day.” Joey informs him. “Please tell him that Kurt and I will be over before noon today so he can tell us what he needs from me and this is a onetime conversation for him to explain himself. If he says anything that is rude or inappropriate we will leave and I will never see him again.” Blaine tells Joey. “Okay, I'll tell him Blaine. See you soon.” Joey says as he ends the phone call and goes to look for his Father.

“Do you need anything?” Rachael asks Lindsey as she sees Emma playing with her toys on Lindsey's bed. “We are good Rachael. Thanks for asking though.” Lindsey says as she hands Emma her doll. “When will the boys be back? Blaine seemed really uneasy when he came in to say goodbye earlier.” Lindsey says as Rachael picks up the ball that Emma threw off the bed. “I'd be afraid too if I was going to talk to that man. I couldn't do it.” Rachael tells her. “Who is he?” Lindsey asks curiously. “If you don't know you'll have to talk to Blaine. It's his life story to tell. I think I will go and make you guys lunch. I'll be back in a few minutes with some soup and sandwiches.” Rachael says and quickly leaves the room feeling bad, but she couldn't tell Lindsey the story.

Blaine and Kurt are standing outside Joey's apartment waiting for Blaine to knock. I'm here for you. If he says or does something insulting or upsets you we are gone. We'll just hear what he has to say and leave. If you get nervous just hold on to my hand.” Kurt says as Blaine quickly grabs his hand, takes a deep breath, and knocks on the door. Joey opens the door and the boys enter. “Hey guys, we can sit in the living room if you want.” Joey says as they see Jack Hill already sitting in the living room. They take off their jackets and hang them up on the coat hook.

Blaine and Kurt go and sit down on the couch with their hands still entwined. The four men sit in silence for a few long seconds. Blaine's head is looking down at the floor when he takes a deep breath, raises his head and looks directly at Jack Hill and says seriously. I'm meeting with you not because I want to or because I care what you have to say to me. I'm meeting with so you will stop bothering me and my family. I am giving you this one opportunity to say your peace so if I were you I would be grateful for the opportunity and take advantage of my generosity. When we are finished with this conversation today I expect you to abide by my wishes. You will not try to contact me in any way and if for some reason you need to contact me you will go through Joey, and if we happen to see each other since you are both in New York we will act cordial towards each other but nothing else. I decided to meet with you today because you said you needed to tell me something. That I need to do something that will affect your life. Now is the time to say your peace.” Blaine says waiting to hear his comments. “Blaine your hatred for me is obvious. Lighten up or you will be dead before you are 30.” Jack Hill states while Blaine's facial expression stays the same. “Okay, I can see you don't have a sense of humor. You must have gotten that from your Mother.” He says as Blaine starts to stand. “Wait, wait, wait, I'll get to the point of this meeting. As you know I work for Reaching for the Stars talent agency in Los Angeles and they are expanding into New York. Blaine I have seen you perform a few times and you are very talented. The world needs to see you and hear you. You have a connection with your audience that most artist don't have. I want to sign you to a performing contract that will allow me to showcase your talent around the world.” Jack Hill says as he takes out a contract and hands it to Blaine as everyone is stunned. Blaine holds the contract in his hands as his eyes begin to fill with moister. He tears the contract in half and in half again and throws the pieces back at Jack Hill and stands to leave. “No! I'm done with this.” Blaine shouts exasperated by this whole game Jack Hill is playing. I came here because you said you needed to talk to me. That I needed to do something that would save your life. You have stalked me to the point that I contemplated getting a restraining order against you and all you wanted was for me to sign a contract with your company so they would make money. So you would make money off of me. You put me through hell for my signature. Have a nice life and stay permanently out of mine.” Blaine says as he moves to get his coat. “Stop, Blaine, please stop!” Jack Hill shouts as he stands up and walks after Blaine. “Come back and sit down please and I'll tell you tell you the truth.” He says begging. Blaine stops and looks at Kurt wanting to know what to do. “You are here. You need to complete this conversation so you can move on without always wondering.” Kurt reminds Blaine as he rubs his face with his hands trying to decide what to do. “Alright talk.” He says as they all walk back to the living room and sit down.  

I needed to get some talented performers under contract. I haven't signed up very many performers because there aren't many who can meet my talent requirements. But most have refused to sign a contract when I inform them that I am on the sexual offender list which I am required to do. Apparently most people don't feel comfortable around a sexual offender so they refuse to sign with me.” He says nonchalantly as Blaine squeezes Kurt's hand remembering who he offended. “If I don't get a good performer with lots of talent signed to a contract soon I have been told that I will be fired from the company for low performance. My probation which is for 20 years, states because of my early release that I must be employed fulltime or I will be sent back to prison to complete my time not served. I don't want to go back there, it is no fun. I don't want to give up my freedom so I thought if I could get you to sign with my company I could save my job and help you out with your career.” Jack Hill confesses to Blaine. Blaine closes his eyes and thinks about what he wants to say. “First of all I don't believe you care a damn about my career. So don't use me as your excuse. Besides I don't care if you get sent back to prison or not. After what you have done to my Mother you should probably still be there. But I do care how it will affect Joey.” Blaine says. “Stop Blaine, I'm not going to do this.” Jack Hill stands and starts to walk around saying. “I take back my offer of a performing contract. This situation is selfish on my part and for the first time in my life a feel ashamed. You don't deserve to be treated like this, especially by me. I'm going to deal with this problem by myself and solve it. I have made some bad decisions in my life and I realize I have to take control of my life and accept the consequences of my decisions.  I'm sorry.” He says to everyone as his face looks shocked. The others look at each other not knowing what to do when Joey gets up. He walks over to his Father and gives him an accepting hug. “Excuse me I need to make a call.” Jack Hill says as he leaves the living room and heads toward the kitchen. He dials a number and talks for a while as the boys talk amongst themselves discussing what has just happened. He returns with tears in his eyes and a stunned look on his face say. “The agency is extending my contract.” He says surprised. The agency and my probation officer were trying to decide if I had changed my attitude toward things. They told me this was a test and because I didn't use Blaine like I had planned to they think I am making progress. They are pleased with my decision to accept the consequences of my choices. That it is a big step forward.” He said happily as he sat down. Blaine and Kurt put their coats on when Jack Hill says. “Blaine I will abide by your wishes but I hope one day you will change your mind.”  Blaine says. “Goodbye to Jack Hill and tells Joey they will talk later as they leave the apartment and head back home.


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