Aug. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
Friends and Family
Chapter 12 – Party Time
Blaine opens his eyes when he feels his curly black hair being pulled by a small hand connected to a baby being held by Kurt. “Hey Sweetie, is Kurt teaching you a bad habit that he will regret in the future. Blaine says as sits up and grabs Emma from Kurt's arms. “Bwaine pway” Emma says as she wiggles out of Blaine's arms and stands on the bed starting to jump. “No you don't.” Kurt says as starts tickling Emma's stomach after she lost her balance while standing on the bed and landed on her bottom. “Let's go Blaine we've got a lot to do before the Christmas Party.” Kurt says as he takes Emma out into the living room followed by Blaine. “Here is a cup of coffee to get you started.” Kurt says to Blaine as he gives him a second cup containing tea for Lindsey. “Come on Emma let's go see Mommy. If I am up she's going to be up too.” Blaine says as he walks to Lindsey's room. “Rise and shine Lindsey.” He says as he knocks on the door. “I'm not awake. Go away.” She answers back. Blaine opens the door and says. “Too bad, if I am up so are you.” Blaine says laughing as he hands Lindsey her cup of tea. “Besides you need to start deciding on what you are going to wear to the party tonight.” Blaine tells Lindsey. “I can't go to a party. Remember I am on bed rest ordered by the Doctor.” She reminds Blaine. “I didn't forget. That's why I have reserved you a place in the living room on the couch and I won't take no for an answer because you need to get out of this room and have some fun. Besides you don't want to miss seeing Emma dancing to the music.” Blaine explains to Lindsey. All you have to do is decide on your outfit and your chariot will be back later to take you to the party. Blaine says wearing a smile. “You seem in a good mood today.” Lindsey notices. “Well I decided it is the holiday season and I am going to a party tonight. It's time to stop worrying about things and enjoy being with friends.” Blaine says as he kisses Lindsey on her forehead and leaves to help Kurt.
Blaine is holding Emma as she sticks snowflakes on the wall. Kurt is busy putting the finishing touches on the food trays and making his special punch that is loved by all. “Emma, want to try the punch?” Kurt asks as he gives Emma her drinking cup with some punch in it. She takes a sip and makes a funny puzzled face. A few seconds later she happily decides to drink some more. “Apparently that is a thumbs up as Emma finishes with a smack of her lips causing both boys to laugh. “We had better give Emma her bath now.” Blaine says. He fills the tub while Kurt gets Emma's party dress and shoes he bought her out of the closet and places them on the bed. Emma giggles as she splashes in the tub playing with her toys. “Duckie” She giggles as she puts it in her mouth. Blaine has washed her hair and is rinsing out the shampoo when Kurt walks in with a big towel to wrap around her while he blow dries her hair. “Okay Emma I think you are ready to get dressed for the party.” Kurt announces. “Party” Emma shouts excitedly kicking her legs in the air making it difficult for Kurt to diaper on her. Blaine walks in showered and gets dressed before Kurt finishes getting Emma ready. “Why don't you get ready and I will finish up with Emma.” Blaine suggests. Kurt leaves and Blaine puts on her t-shirt, dress, socks and shoes. Now he tackles brushing her hair and adds a bow as the finishing touch. He smiles as he looks at Emma a beautiful little girl and imagines the day when he and Kurt will have their own children to dress up. “Alright Miss Emma, let's go get your Mommy's approval.” Blaine say as he sets Emma down and she follows Blaine to Lindsey's room. “Knock, knock, are you decent?” Blaine asks before he opens the door. “Yes, I'm decent. You can come in.” Lindsey says. Blaine opens the door and Emma walks into the room. Lindsey screams at the sight. “Oh my God, look how cute you are. “Lindsey says with a huge smile on her face. “Pwitty” Emma giggles. “You look lovely tonight.” Blaine compliments Lindsey. “You guys wait right here while I go get my camera.” Blaine tells the girls. When he gets back with the camera he starts taking pictures of Emma, Lindsey, and the girls together. “Give me the camera Blaine.” Lindsey asks. “I want a picture of you and Emma. Wait we need Kurt too.” She says. “Kurt, come in here.” Blaine shouts. “What's going on?” Kurt asks as Blaine and Lindsey comment on how good he looks. “We are taking pictures and we need your presence.” Blaine says with a smile. For the next few minutes the four room mates are laughing and enjoying each other's company.
Kurt and Blaine finish putting out the last of the food and drinks for the party. “I think we are ready.” Kurt tells Blaine. “It looks great Kurt. You have done a wonderful job.” Blaine tells Kurt proudly as he goes and turns on the Christmas music he had already picked out. Then he heads to Lindsey's room. “Your chariot is here Lindsey.” Blaine says. “What are you going to do?” She asks Blaine. “Put Emma on your lap then put your arm around my neck and hold on tight.” Blaine says as bends down and picks Lindsey up and carries them to the couch. “Blaine what are you doing?” Kurt laughs as he takes a picture. “I'm bringing our guests to the party.” He says as he gently sets Lindsey down on the couch while Emma is laughing so hard she has tears in her eyes.
The party is in full swing with music playing and people singing. The room is filled with laughter as Emma starts wiggling to Jingle Bells. Sam and Mercedes start dancing followed by Santana and Brittany. “This is a great party.” Rachael tells Kurt. “I'm glad you like it.” Replies Kurt. “I like Lindsey, she seems very nice. It must be hard being on bed rest for months.” Rachael comments. “She doesn't have a choice if she wants a healthy baby” Kurt says. “How are you doing with a baby in the house?” Rachael wonders. “She has been great. She is very funny as you can see.” Kurt says as Emma is dancing on the floor next to her Mom.
There is a knock at the door and Brittany opens it and greets the person. “Hi, welcome to my friend's party. Food and drinks are on the table and you should enjoy yourself. Happy Easter!” Brittany says as she heads back to the dance floor, leaving the person alone to fend for himself. There is knocking at the door again so the man turns around and opens the door. Joey is shocked at the person answering the door. He grabs him and pulls him out into the hallway. “What are you doing here?” Joey says sternly. “I'm attending my son's Holiday Party. I saw your invitation.” Jack Hill says. “Listen to me and listen to me good. You get your ass out of this apartment building immediately. You are not wanted here. Do you understand? If you don't leave I will tell Blaine not to meet with you and I will tell Blaine to refuse to do whatever it is you need from him. If that is not enough reason for you to leave just know I have no problem kicking you out on the street. I heard about what you did last night to Blaine. I am not very pleased with you right now so get lost.” Joey demands. “Calm down there boy. I'll leave. I don't want you to pop a blood vessel. I'll leave but do me a favor. Tell Blaine I was here but you made me leave. “Go now and don't come back.” Joey says as he points a finger towards the exit. Joey waits until he is out of sight before he knocks on the door again. “Hello” Joey says as Artie opens the door and invites him in.“Hi, I'm Artie. Hang up your coat in the closet. Food and drinks are on the table.” “Thanks” Joey says as he looks around trying to find Blaine or Kurt.
“How are you doing Lindsey?” Blaine asks making sure she is feeling okay and not too tired. “I'm fine and having a wonderful time but I'm afraid my little party animal has boogied for the last time.” She says as Emma has crashed in her Mother's arms with her hair stuck to her forehead. “I'll take her and put her to bed.” Blaine says as he carefully picks up Emma and heads toward his bedroom. Kurt sees Blaine carrying Emma to their bedroom and decides to help but stops when he hears. “Kurt” Joey says. “Joey, I'm glad you came. I trust you are not going to upset Blaine tonight.” Kurt says. “No I'm not going to upset him but I would like to talk to him.” Joey informs Kurt. “Your timing is great because I just saw him heading to our bedroom to put Emma down for the night. It's down the hall and first door on the right.” Kurt tells Joey letting them talk by themselves.
Joey is standing in front of the bedroom door and knocks. “Come in.” Blaine says quietly. Joey walks in and sees the back of Blaine as he is changing Emma's diaper. “Can you hand me those pajamas on the dresser please?” Blaine asks as he turns around and is now able to see Joey. “Sure, I'd be glad to.” Joey says as he hands the pajamas to Blaine. He carefully puts them on Emma trying not to wake her up. Blaine picks up Emma from his bed and places her on her back on her crib mattress lying on the floor. When Blaine stands up Joey asks. “Can I talk to you for a minute before you go back to the party?” Blaine turns and motions for Joey to take a seat on the bed. They both sit down on the side of the bed and turn so they are facing each other. Both men feeling the weight of this conversation they are about to have.