Aug. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 4, 2014, 7 p.m.
Friends and Family
Chapter 10 – The Last Straw
The man at The Train Station writes a note on a piece of paper. After Blaine's set ends he asks the bartender to deliver it to Blaine. “Blaine, this man at the bar asked me to give this note to you. He said he is your Father.” The bartender says while Blaine takes the note. “My Father didn't tell me he was coming for a visit. Why is my Father here?” Blaine wonders. Then it dawns on him. “Could it be Jack Hill? Oh God please no!” Blaine says to himself worried about the possibility. “Do I read this note now? No” he decides. “I'm going to see who it is first.” Blaine says to himself. He goes to the corner of the stage where he can look out over the patrons and see who is here without being seen. He looks out towards the bar and sees some men but none of them are his Father. He turns around and stops in his tracks. Staring at him is Jack Hill. “Hello son. Looking for me?” He asks. “Don't call me that. I'm not your son and I never will be.” Blaine says as he clenches his fists. “Excuse me I need to get ready for my next set and you are not supposed to be back here.” Blaine says as he walks by Jack Hill wanting to get to the employee's only room as soon as possible. “I'm not going away until I talk to you. I need you to do something for me. My life sort of depends on it.” He says. “I don't care.” Blaine says not turning around as he enters the employee's only room. Blaine opens the note and reads it. “Need to talk.” 1-213-555-1234 Blaine crumples it up and throws it in the trash can.
Blaine heads back on stage for his last set. He looks around trying to see if Jack Hill is still around. He doesn't see him so he performs like normal, relaxed and enjoying himself. When he finishes the set he stands and happily accepts the cheers from the patrons when he hears a man yell from the side of the stage. “That's my son. That's my son.” A drunken man walks onto the stage with a beer bottle in his hand. Blaine quickly rushes in the opposite direction going away from him as the security guards apprehend and escort Jack Hill off the stage. Blaine quickly gets his things and leaves out the back door while security still has control of him.
As Blaine is quickly walking home he takes out his phones and dials a number. “Did you know?” Blaine asks upset. “Did you know he was coming to The Train Station tonight?” Blaine demands, wanting an answer as his anger increases. “Hi Blaine, I assume you mean my Father. He said something about going but I didn't know for sure whether he was or he wasn't.” Joey says trying to explain his answer. “Did he do something Blaine?” Joey asks realizing Blaine is quite upset. “You couldn't call and give me some warning that he might be coming. You know how I feel about him! Man, I thought we were friends, we're supposedly brothers for God's sake! Not anymore though. Forget about meeting with me because there is nothing to say because I am done! I am done with both of you! Have a good life.” Blaine says before he pushes the end button. He starts running just wanting to be home in Kurt's arms.
Blaine quietly opens the door and walks into the living room and sits down on the couch needing to get his breathing under control and calm down before he does something he regrets. He puts his head in his hands and rocks back and forth. He is furious and wants to scream or throw something. He wishes he had access to a pair of boxing gloves and a punching bag. He wants to release this anger but doesn't know how. Until he feels himself being wrapped up in someone's arms, his arms as the tears just fall and he collapses into his best friends arms and his anger is released.
Kurt heard Blaine come in and expected him to come to bed soon but he never came. He waited for a few more minutes but no Blaine. Kurt wondered if he had done something to upset Blaine but he remembered Blaine was fine when he left for work. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to see what was going on so he slowly got out of bed not wanting to wake Emma. Kurt slowly opened the door and could see that the light is still on. He walks toward the living room and can hear what sounds like mumbling. He gets to the living room and sees Blaine sitting on the couch rocking, mumbling things, and his head in his hands. Instantly he realizes there is a problem, a big problem. He sits down next to Blaine and just wraps him up in his arms. Kurt just lets him cry while saying. “Get it out Blaine, get it out. I'm here for you.”
Blaine holds on to Kurt getting all his anger and frustration out, knowing he can because Kurt has him. After quite a few minutes his sobs begin to slow down and become softer. Kurt adjusts his position on the couch so he is leaning against the arm of the couch holding Blaine, whose head is on Kurt's chest. Rubbing Blaine's back gently Kurt asks. “Can you tell me what's wrong?” Kurt asks. “Can we go live some place where no one can find me? I can't deal with this mess anymore Kurt. I can't. They don't understand how terrible he makes me feel about myself, and they don't seem to care” Blaine tells Kurt. “Are we talking about Jack and Joey Hill?” Kurt asks. “Yes, he was there at The Train Station tonight. Blaine says as he begins to tell Kurt about what happened between him and Jack Hill. “You know what hurt the most Kurt? Joey knew. He knew he might be coming and he didn't tell me. I called him on my way home tonight and he told me that Jack Hill said he was coming but he didn't know for sure. He knows how I feel about the man. I thought he'd have my back, that he understood, but I guess not. He doesn't understand. No one understands.” Blaine says. “Can you explain it to me so I understand completely?” Kurt asks. “I'll try Kurt, but I am not sure there are words that can effectively explain how I feel so people can understand. Every time I hear his name I am instantly reminded about what he did and how I was conceived. The images in my mind make me so angry that my muscles tighten until they hurt. I get sick to my stomach thinking of what he did to my Mother. I feel so dirty that no matter how many times I wash I can't get clean. I tell myself that I didn't have any control over the situation, and it's not my fault but I feel guilty to be alive because I shouldn't be here. Kurt, I'm afraid that I will never be comfortable with myself again.” Blaine explains. “Does that make sense to you?” He asks Kurt. “Yes” Is all he can say since his heart is aching and he is unable to talk. After a few minutes of silence Blaine says. “I told Joey I'm done with him and I cancelled the talk we were having today. I'm tired of this whole situation. I feel like a terrible person because once in awhile I wish I had chosen not to donate my bone marrow and then I wouldn't have to deal with them.” Blaine tells Kurt ashamed. “Blaine, I think you are totally exhausted both physically and mentally and that makes dealing with anything harder. You have to admit you have been dealing with a lot of difficult issues lately. Since there is nothing that needs to be decided right now I suggest we get some sleep. We can deal with the Hills later today after we have had some time to think clearly and are not tired.” Kurt suggests. “Okay” Blaine replies as he stands and walks with Kurt to their bedroom. They quietly go in trying not to disturb Emma. They lay down one on each side of her and watch her sleep. “What a lucky little girl. She gets to sleep soundly without a care in the world.” Blaine whispers as he rubs her stomach. Kurt puts his hand on top of Blaine's and says looking in Blaine's eyes. “We are lucky too Blaine. We have each other and a smile appears on both of their faces.