Could I Love you
Meet the Anderson's Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Could I Love you: Meet the Anderson's

E - Words: 2,583 - Last Updated: Jul 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Jun 07, 2012 - Updated: Jul 10, 2013
584 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes:

A/N: Christ, guys I am extremely sorry for the wait for this chapter. Exams have taken over my life right now, it's really intimidatingly stressful to find time to write this. I currently have 4 exams left, I have one tomorrow and the next day (my last one is next week) Before you read, I'm sorry if it's not written well, my head has been all over the place for weeks.

For this story, I lost a little interest in it for a while and I had not inspiration to write it... so that is why it's a little poorly written plot wise for this chapter. I however started writing a new story for Klaine and I will definitely post the first chapter after a few more chapters of Could I Love You. I think it will give me more motivation if I have 2 stories to write. Means I'm not sticking to the one plot.

Enjoy chapter 10 :)


Chapter 10

Meet the Anderson's

Kurt, Blaine and Ash now sat inside one of Blaine's many vintage cars. This one happened to be, according to Ash; one of Blaine's favourites and he only used it when travelling out of their district. He had been quick on rushing Kurt and Ash to leave the house, mainly because Blaine's parents were precise on time management. Now they all sat in the beautiful car, driving to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson's manor, for the gathering ball. Blaine suspected it had been introduced, not only for an annual demon gathering but to introduce Kurt to the communities as Lord Anderson's slave.

He wondered how his parents would react upon seeing him for the first time, he had told Kurt to remain in the clothes from the day as he was going fairly casual as well and thought it would be best if they matched. Usually his parents preferred a more formal approach, but Blaine was already too nervous to care. He had not seen his parents since the last family dinner complication. In a way he was excited to see his brother, as it had been too long since they had last met.

"Are you okay?", Kurt's angelic voice brought him out of his thoughts, turning to stare into the anxious eyes belonging to his slave. 'His slave.' It sounded great in his head.

"Yes, I am fine. Just a little caught up in my train of thought."

Kurt smiled when Blaine patted his shoulder. He was surprisingly delicate but oh so fierce for a master; just the right balance. He bit his lips before asking Blaine about his parents.

"Your parents? Are they strict?"

"Fairly. They do not take any rudeness from slaves, they expect them to be seen and not heard."

"Oh.. what will happen at this ball? What is it?"

"Honestly I think my parents set it up to show you off. That finally I have a slave to show the districts demons I am still superior."

"Do I have any specific rules for this event?", he blinked and sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, nibbling on it softly.

"Yes but wait till we are in our rooms before all that. Try get some rest, you should also start addressing me in the correct manner, just to get used to tonight, it will make it easier for both of us."

In a spasmodic way, Kurt didn't mind addressing in such a way, in an irregular way it was... comforting to have something that only himself could call Blaine. At first he thought about calling him 'sir' but Kurt was sure that some others would call him that as well. He desperately hoped Blaine's parents liked him and accepted their sons choice.


Kurt blinked his eyes open, mewling softly at the brightness of the reflection from the window. He smiled, closing his eyes again and leaning closer the the person beside him. He nuzzled into the persons shoulder when he felt a warm hand around his neck; stroking at an utmost delicateness. Upon hearing his name being called once more but more softly this time, Kurt shot up, hitting his head on the car roof. He yelped.

"Kurt! Are you okay?", Kurt turned his head, nodding at Blaine while blushing. Had he really just mewled and slept on Blaine?

"I am sorry.", he murmured.

"Don't be, you were tired. Plus it wasn't like I didn't enjoy it.", Blaine said, winking.

When feeling his cheeks heat up, Kurt turned his head-holding in a giggle. He was starting to like Blaine, in a strange way. He was feeling emotions he had never felt in his whole entire life so far.

"Well, i only wake you because we have arrived. My parents are inside waiting. Come. Remember to address me and my parents properly and obey every instruction. Are we clear?"

"Yes master."

Blaine slowly got out of the car once the driver had opened his door, Kurt sat still; not knowing if he was supposed to get out himself. His question had been answered when Blaine opened his door, putting his hand in Kurt's and pulling his flaccid body out of the flashy vehicle. He smiled slightly at Blaine's sympathetic smile. Blaine carefully placed his hand at the arch of Kurt's back, delicately motioning him along. They made their way inside the Anderson manor. The place had an aura of tranquillity but an leery vibe to it. Blaine had motioned for Kurt to stand directly behind him with Ash in tow. His master's posture had changed to proper; his back straight, walking in careful and graceful strides.

Kurt slouched behind Blaine, trying desperately to shadow himself from view. The sonorous sound of various species of birds from outside was calming at first, but soon became bothersome to Kurt's ears- Blaine and Ash did not seem to be fazed by the sound.

"Blaine! Darling, how are you?", the voice belonged to Mrs. Anderson. A soft melodic sound comforting Kurt's inner self.

"I am good mother and you?.", Blaine's back tensed slightly but faltered when his mother gave him a peck to his cheek.

"I am fantastic! Preparations for tonight's dinner are under-way.", she stood on her tip toes slightly, Kurt ducked his head down; not wanting to make eye contact.

"That sounds great mother, has coop arrived yet?", the hopeful tone in his voice made his mother smile softly and wrinkle her nose.

"Yes, he is upstairs with dearest Carly.", Liliana Anderson had had no problem with Cooper's choice to stand down from lord position, she loved both of her children equally.

"Now. Blaine, Darling... I think you should be letting me take a look at your slave.", Blaine stepped aside slowly, staring into Kurt's worrisome eyes. Liliana moved closer to Kurt, lifting a hand to stroke his cheek.

She gasped at how soft the porcelain skin belonging to the boy had felt under her touch. How warming his skin was and how beautifully mesmerising he was. Her son had made a fantastic decision, the boy was perfect in every way possible: not too tall, not too small,a little too skinny but still perfect, beautiful eyes that were a mix of different shades, beautiful chestnut hair and above all, warm blood and heart. Perfect for her son.

"Blaine.. I am speechless. Such beauty! What is his name? His age? Tell me everything you know!"

Blaine smiled at his mother's excitement, he was glad she approved of Kurt. He had never seen her this excited than she was now, he watched as she lifted Kurt's head softly, telling him that it was okay to look at her. Kurt smiled a little and nodded his head. Blaine cleared his throat.

"He is named Kurt Hummel, he is 17. He came from Lima, Ohio. Blood type, AB"

"How much did you pay? Since we are splitting the price."

"75,000 dollars."

"That high? Wow. Well enough of this, come inside! Cooper wants to see his brother and your father would like a word with the both of you as well. I believe Nick and Jeff will be joining us in the morning?"

"Yes mother."

Kurt stood still as Blaine and his mother made their way further inside the manor, it wasn't until Ash nudged him that he scurried after the two demons. Once inside, Kurt's eyes widened at how spacious and beautiful the place had been designed, it wasn't as modernised as Blaine's manor but it was certainly a close second. Blaine walked over to Kurt, placing a hand around his waist and pulling him close.

"Don't wander off and stay close to me."

Kurt nodded his head, and kept himself close to Blaine's side. He clutched his masters arm, wrapping his arms around it. As they walked up a flight of stairs, they were met with a man similar looking to Blaine, his black hair slicked back - much like Blaine's, with a sturdy jawline and straight posture.

"Son.", Everett Anderson nodded towards his son and when he caught Kurt staring, he looked at him with piercing eyes, causing Kurt to snap his head downwards and cling more to Blaine.

"Father. Please try not to scare my slave to death."

"Oh come on Son. You have just arrived. Let's not start.", Everett made it seem like a common occurrence Kurt was sure glad he had more accepting and kind parents but he couldn't excuse the fact that the Anderson's were demons.

"Very well. Where is Cooper?", a hopeful tone embedded Blaine's question.

"Later son. Leave him with his precious Carly."

A sharp tongue silenced Everett, belonging to the usually calm and content Liliana. She glared at her husband in warning and went to stand between her son and husband.

"Enough of this. Everett I will not have you sneer and mock my other son. As for the both of you, tonight's dinner will go swimmingly. Do you understand?"

"Of course my dear."

"Of course mother."

Liliana clapped her hands together, startling Kurt a little. She smiled and let Blaine go to have the chat with his father, Blaine smiled and nodded but not before turning around and leaning forward to whisper a casual but warning 'Be good' into his ear.

"Ash why don't you go upstairs to Blaine's usual quarters and make sure everything is well up there. I will take care of Kurt, oh darling.. there is no need to have that look on your face, I am not my husband. He shall be fine."

"Yes ma'am."

Ash left following a different route to Blaine's and his father, leaving Kurt with Liliana. She motioned for him to come closer to her, which he did with no hesitation; not wanting to aggravate a demon woman. She lifted her hand and unreassuringly lifted Kurt's wrist and held it before turning it around to reveal the small 'K' and the carefully placed 'B' beside it. Kurt had forgotten all about the pain on his wrist, he had not remembered much from the day before.

"Lovely shade of grey. Did you suffer any pain in that slave house?"

Kurt shuffled on his feet. "Yes...sorry, but what should I call you?"

"Upon the watchful eyes of citizens or my husband, you call me Ma'am. However when alone together, you may call me Liliana. I told Carly this and you shall do the same. Understood?"

"Yes L..Liliana."

"Good. Tell me, what pain did you suffer?"

"Punishment for back chat. Well, I didn't mean it... it sort of just slipped out."

"Ah, a slip of the tongue. It has happened to me and many other before, don't be ashamed. What sort of punishment?"

"Beat with hand and paddle."

"Oh my, dear did they hurt you terribly?"

"A few bruises but I was cared for."

"Good, come to me if you feel any more slight pain."

"Yes Liliana."

"Well I think since Blaine and my husband are busy talking, why don't I take you to meet Cooper and his mate Carly."


"Well, slave but they mated. There is a lot of time for you to understand that, but dear please do say 'slave' around my husband. He isn't as...understanding as me."

Liliana had motioned for him to follow her through a few hallways to a door with a marking of 'CA' upon the handle. She turned the handle softly, calling out for Cooper. A softer toned voice called back.

"Yes mother?"

"Come and meet Blaine's slave."

"He got him!?"

"Yes, stop hiding and come meet the poor soul."

A tall brown, chestnut coloured haired man walked out from within the other room. He walked over to his mother and smiled softly, kissing her on the cheek and looking around. Kurt hid softly behind Liliana, she must have been where Cooper got the tallness from and luckily she was a good shield.

"Hey there, stop hiding... I'm not going to harm you little one.", little one soothed him, just like Blaine's mother with 'dear one'. He slowly made his way from behind Liliana, standing shyly and awkwardly.

"Wow. He picked a good looking one. Hi little one."

"H...Hi sir."

"Oh god, please don't call me that. Call me Cooper, it is my name after all."

"Yes, sorry...Cooper."

Cooper remained cheerful, placing a hand upon Kurt's shoulder and calling out the name of his slave? Mate? Kurt was too confused to pick one address for Carly. A lanky but beautifully blonde girl appeared, carefully she made her way over, her hips moving side to side as she walked. Cooper wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing her nose softly. Kurt glanced at her before gasping softly at the puncture marks that littered her neck. It went unnoticed by everyone in the room, thankfully for Kurt.

"Carly, this is Blaine's slave. Oh crap, how rude of me! What's your name little one?"


"Well this is Kurt."

The blonde smiled and walked forward and took Kurt's hand, shaking it slightly.

"Hi Kurt."


"You're beautiful. Isn't he?", it was not clear who she was asking but both Liliana and Cooper agreed.

"Thank you, so are you."

"Thank you. Liliana what is the arrangements tonight, for me and Kurt I mean."

Arrangements!? What arrangements, they aren't going to eat me are they!?

Liliana sighed softly and walked over, placing one hand on Kurt's shoulder and her other on Carly's. She looked at Kurt sympathetically and then to Carly.

"If it were my choice, you would both be at the table with us all night. I'm having a lot of trouble with Everett's mood swings as it is and I don't want Kurt to experience that. Not his first day into all this. You will both spend half an hour by your masters feet and then leave together, i will send food up for you both to Coopers suite. That way you can both get to know each other."

"That's fine Liliana, I want to get to know Kurt. Oh and Kurt will get to meet Jeff tomorrow too!"

"He will so! You will love Jeff, even though he is a little mischief maker when he wants to me."

Kurt had no idea who Jeff was but he sounded like he could become a good friend, much like Xavier and Carly could stand in for Rosie in a way, not replacing them but just giving Kurt someone to rely on. Suddenly the door was slammed open, revealing a slightly paler looking Blaine than his usual tanned skin. He was seething in rage, his eyes much darker than usual with a trim of black. His eyes immediately returned to normal upon seeing Kurt's terrified expression, his expression softened, he wrapped his hand around Kurt's neck; murmuring a soft 'sorry' to him. Despite Blaine's awful bi-polar attitude and the confusion it caused Kurt, it calmed him. In fact most of Blaine's family calmed him, except for Everett Anderson, he was something completely different.

"Hey squirt!"

Blaine laughed loudly, pulling away from Kurt and hugging his brother. The love in their eyes and the brotherly feelings reminded Kurt of himself and Finn, the tall one hugging the much shorter one. The love in their eyes was different to his and Finn's however, as they have been around for each other most of their life and Blaine seemed to cling to Cooper like a lifeline. Kurt missed Finn. The two hugged for a few moments more before pulling away and chatting between themselves. Kurt stood awkwardly in front of Carly, softly smiling at the memory of Finn.

"Kurt, do you want to come to Blaine's suite? I'll take you there and help you unpack."

"Yes Carly."

"Good, I'll let you tell Blaine, Liliana; he seems to engrossed in his brother's comedy. Bye for now Liliana."

"Bye my dears."

With that Kurt followed Carly down the halls, maybe a conversation with a fellow slave would ease his mind. She seemed nice and understanding, just the combination he needed at a time like this. Maybe then he would ask her about the marks. Hopefully this ball that Blaine had talked about would go smoothly and quickly for his sake.


End Notes:

Well i hope you enjoyed. This chapter proved to be a struggle when it's hard for you to find inspiration and motivation- Going to limit myself on how many words i write each chapter now.. Need to focus on plot for now. First chapter for my new fic will be posted soon, not now but after exams.

Please review! Do you guy's forgive me for the wait? :(

Next chapter- Carly/Kurt


Dinner (dun dun dun)




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I don't like Blaine's dad but his mom is sweet and of course so is Cooper. I like Carly too. Why did Blaine walk in the room all mad?

You will just have to wait till next chapter to find out that ;) and it was my intention for readers to dislike blaines father