The True Power
Chapter 26 Previous Chapter Story
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The True Power: Chapter 26

T - Words: 1,827 - Last Updated: Jun 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 26/26 - Created: Jul 29, 2012 - Updated: Jun 04, 2013
147 0 0 0 1

Author's Notes:

I wake up early in the morning because it's Christmas and even though I'm not a kid anymore, I still feel the thrill of the day. I stretch a bit before looking over to my right; Blaine's still fast asleep. He looks so peaceful like this, his face relaxed and eyelids fluttering slightly as he dreams. I smile to myself, wondering how lucky I am to have him in my life and I still can't believe this isn't all a dream. I watch him until he mumbles, "You know, if I didn't love you, this would be really creepy." 
I laugh, moving closer to him and kissing him on the nose. 
"But you do love me, therefore, this is perfectly fine."
He yawns and starts to open his eyes. 
"Still a bit creepy, babe," he smiles before snaking one arm around me closing the gap between us. 
"Hi," he whispers, grinning at me.
"Hey," I whisper back, leaning in and giving him a proper kiss just because I can.
We lay like this for a few moments before a knock comes on my door followed by Finn's voice.
"Dudes! Get up, it's Christmas and my mom has made pancakes!"
As soon as the word pancakes leaves Finn's mouth, I lose a boyfriend; Blaine springs out of the bed and bounds towards the door, hand already on the handle before turning towards me and grinning sheepishly.
"Sorry, I'm just really hungry" I chuckle, getting out of bed and kissing his cheek.
"Good job, you're cute. I would have kicked your 
ass  if not," I wink before walking out my door, feeling Blaine's eyes on me as he follows.


After breakfast, we sit in the living room and exchange gifts sharing "thank you" and "you didn't have to get me anything" phrases. The latter came from Blaine when Burt gave him a gift, and then from Burt when Blaine gave him one in return. The other noise was Finn ripping paper apart and exclaiming how cool things were. When everyone is done, my dad looks at me, "Kurt, there's actually something else I want to give you." He pulls out an old wooden box decorated with a bow and places it beside me on the floor.
"Now this isn't actually from me, but from your mother," I'm tracing the patterns on the box with my finger but look up when he mentions mom. 
"She wanted me to give you this when you were 18 and well, I thought you might benefit from it now, and you're 18 soon enough. So, go ahead, open it," he says, handing me a small key. 
I take it off him and place it in the lock before opening it. I look inside and see it full with unopened letters, two leather bound journals, a small fabric bag and a larger box underneath them all. I also notice a note stuck to the lid of the box and remove it, unfolding it and reading my mother's curly writing.
My dearest angel,

If you're reading this then I must have said goodbye to you a long time ago. For that, I am sorry. I'm sorry that I couldn't have seen the strong man I know you are today. In this box I have left you some things that will help you on your journey with your powers. 
The letters are things that I wish I could have told you but you were too young to understand so I wrote them down so that sometime in the future you would finally know what I wanted to say. One journal is mine, full of my time when I was in high school and discovering my powers and when I met your father. The other journal is blank and I thought you could fill it the same way I did and pass it down to your child one day, or maybe even to your lover. In the box at the bottom, there is training equipment which I hope will be of great use to you, and in the bag Is a pendant that has been passed down my family for generations. The crystal in the centre changes colour with your mood and is believed to help harness your powers (well, that is what the legend says.)
I saddens me to not be there with you and your father, to see what has become of you but I'm sure you're both as wonderful as ever. Know that whatever happens, or wherever you are, I love you very much and will always be within your heart. I will never leave you son, never in a billion years.
Enjoy your life and have no regrets because every day is special.
With all my love,

I put the note down and wipe the tears away that were falling the whole time I read it. I felt a strong hand rubbing my back. I turned and looked up, laughing a bit before sealing the letter away again.
After watching a bit of morning TV, my dad and Carole left to start preparing the dinner and Finn went to his room to play on his new game. I moved closer into Blaine's chest, he's been holding me since I read my mother's letter. Once everyone was gone, he placed a kiss on my head and whispered in my ear.
"Can I give you your gift now?" I smile and move away slightly, nodding. 
"I was waiting them to leave before giving you yours, plus it's in my room," I reply.
Blaine chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows. "Oh, so your gift is only for when we're alone and it's in your room?" I blush a violent shade of red, ducking my head.
"That's not what I meant." I say, a little too loudly.
"Well, I guess if that's where you want me," he says, standing with a wink and walking towards my room, swaying his hips a little. I shake my head, following him.
When I close my door and turns around I see Blaine spread out sideways on my bed and raise an eyebrow at him.
"Draw me like one of your French girls, Jack," he says in a ridiculous southern accent. 
I look at him for a moment before doubling over in laughter finding it hard to breath with tears filling my eyes. When it starts to subside, after a couple of minutes, I see Blaine trying to calm down too. I walk over to the bed, sitting next to him and pulling him in for a kiss.
"I love you so much, you dork," I mutter against his mouth.
He hums against me "Love you, too, sweetie."

I pull away and stand up; ignoring the grabby hands he's using to get me to come back over.
"Stop being so impatient, I'm just getting your present," I say, opening my sock drawer and pulling out the box from its hiding place. I walk back to the bed and see Blaine sitting, cross legged now, with a box also in front of him. I sit in the same position opposite him, and hold my hand out to him box in hand. He takes it and holds a hand to his chest, "Pour
moi?" he asks.
"Yes for you, now open it," I say, biting my lip. I'm completely unsure of whether he will like it or not.
I watch Blaine pull out the leather bracelet and turn it over in his hands running his fingers along the metal symbols. I clear my throat slightly before explaining what it means.
"The top and bottom symbols are Celtic," I cough a little more, because of course, my throat would choose now to try and close.
"The top one means power, the middle symbol, which you'll already know, means eternity and then the bottom means love," I say, looking at his back wall, not trusting myself to look at Blaine's face right now. That was until I felt Blaine's hand on mine.
"I love it," he pauses, "I love you." I look and see Blaine's eyes so big, full of love and release a sigh, glad I made the right choice.
"Can you help me put it on?" he asks, holding out his wrist and bracelet. I take it, strap it around and then run my fingers over it, feeling the material. He then pulls his wrist away and holds out a box to me.
"I swear this didn't mean to happen but we obviously think alike" he says with a smile and a shrug

I lift the lid carefully. A metal bracelet lays in tissue paper, some patterns engraved into the plaque. Blaine's moved to have his arms around me, head resting on my shoulder. He speaks quietly into my ear, "They're angel runes. It's believed, that these are how angels bestow power onto us and the Gods. These," he points, "mean brave, strong, courageous, beautiful, and love." He kisses my cheek with each word. "This is what I think of, when I think of you. And," he pauses, "turn it over." 
There are words on the other side – the most truthful words I have ever seen. They make me suck in a sharp breath and tears fill my eyes. "Because, I will love you until my dying day," he quotes the words engraved there. He fastens it around my wrist and entangles our fingers. The bracelets are touching. 
"Blaine Anderson, I…" I turn to face him, "I love you, so much." 
"I love you too, Kurt Hummel." 
We kiss. 

The rest of our trip flies by in a whirlwind of wedding planning and fun, and before I know it, Blaine, Finn and I are in a taxi headed back to the academy. The school is almost empty when we arrive, chatting casually until we get to our dorms. Mine and Blaine's hands are linked – we've felt closer than ever since Christmas. 
When we reach the common room, it feels far too cold. Like all the happiness has
been sucked out of the air, we only feel panic in it's place. 

All of our faces have the same confused look and as the door opens, the room is full of sad expressions. Brittany is in the corner, crying.
"What's going on," Blaine asks, though it's really a demand. Worry is seeping through. 
Puck speaks, removing his head from his hands and looking blankly at us.
"Santana's gone," is all he says. He gestures to a note, "and this was left for you."
I grab it – what does he mean Santana's gone? Gone where? Away from the Academy?
I feel my entire body go numb as I read. Blaine's shouting my name but it sounds distant. My legs are shaking and the paper drops to the floor. 
The words bleed into my mind, ringing in my head.

'You didn't think it would be that easy, did you? - S.'

I wake up early in the morning because it's Christmas and even though I'm not a kid anymore, I still feel the thrill of the day. I stretch a bit before looking over to my right; Blaine's still fast asleep. He looks so peaceful like this, his face relaxed and eyelids fluttering slightly as he dreams. I smile to myself, wondering how lucky I am to have him in my life and I still can't believe this isn't all a dream. I watch him until he mumbles, "You know, if I didn't love you, this would be really creepy." 
I laugh, moving closer to him and kissing him on the nose. 
"But you do love me, therefore, this is perfectly fine."
He yawns and starts to open his eyes. 
"Still a bit creepy, babe," he smiles before snaking one arm around me closing the gap between us. 
"Hi," he whispers, grinning at me.
"Hey," I whisper back, leaning in and giving him a proper kiss just because I can.
We lay like this for a few moments before a knock comes on my door followed by Finn's voice.
"Dudes! Get up, it's Christmas and my mom has made pancakes!"
As soon as the word pancakes leaves Finn's mouth, I lose a boyfriend; Blaine springs out of the bed and bounds towards the door, hand already on the handle before turning towards me and grinning sheepishly.
"Sorry, I'm just really hungry" I chuckle, getting out of bed and kissing his cheek.
"Good job, you're cute. I would have kicked your 
ass  if not," I wink before walking out my door, feeling Blaine's eyes on me as he follows.


After breakfast, we sit in the living room and exchange gifts sharing "thank you" and "you didn't have to get me anything" phrases. The latter came from Blaine when Burt gave him a gift, and then from Burt when Blaine gave him one in return. The other noise was Finn ripping paper apart and exclaiming how cool things were. When everyone is done, my dad looks at me, "Kurt, there's actually something else I want to give you." He pulls out an old wooden box decorated with a bow and places it beside me on the floor.
"Now this isn't actually from me, but from your mother," I'm tracing the patterns on the box with my finger but look up when he mentions mom. 
"She wanted me to give you this when you were 18 and well, I thought you might benefit from it now, and you're 18 soon enough. So, go ahead, open it," he says, handing me a small key. 
I take it off him and place it in the lock before opening it. I look inside and see it full with unopened letters, two leather bound journals, a small fabric bag and a larger box underneath them all. I also notice a note stuck to the lid of the box and remove it, unfolding it and reading my mother's curly writing.
My dearest angel,

If you're reading this then I must have said goodbye to you a long time ago. For that, I am sorry. I'm sorry that I couldn't have seen the strong man I know you are today. In this box I have left you some things that will help you on your journey with your powers. 
The letters are things that I wish I could have told you but you were too young to understand so I wrote them down so that sometime in the future you would finally know what I wanted to say. One journal is mine, full of my time when I was in high school and discovering my powers and when I met your father. The other journal is blank and I thought you could fill it the same way I did and pass it down to your child one day, or maybe even to your lover. In the box at the bottom, there is training equipment which I hope will be of great use to you, and in the bag Is a pendant that has been passed down my family for generations. The crystal in the centre changes colour with your mood and is believed to help harness your powers (well, that is what the legend says.)
I saddens me to not be there with you and your father, to see what has become of you but I'm sure you're both as wonderful as ever. Know that whatever happens, or wherever you are, I love you very much and will always be within your heart. I will never leave you son, never in a billion years.
Enjoy your life and have no regrets because every day is special.
With all my love,

I put the note down and wipe the tears away that were falling the whole time I read it. I felt a strong hand rubbing my back. I turned and looked up, laughing a bit before sealing the letter away again.
After watching a bit of morning TV, my dad and Carole left to start preparing the dinner and Finn went to his room to play on his new game. I moved closer into Blaine's chest, he's been holding me since I read my mother's letter. Once everyone was gone, he placed a kiss on my head and whispered in my ear.
"Can I give you your gift now?" I smile and move away slightly, nodding. 
"I was waiting them to leave before giving you yours, plus it's in my room," I reply.
Blaine chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows. "Oh, so your gift is only for when we're alone and it's in your room?" I blush a violent shade of red, ducking my head.
"That's not what I meant." I say, a little too loudly.
"Well, I guess if that's where you want me," he says, standing with a wink and walking towards my room, swaying his hips a little. I shake my head, following him.
When I close my door and turns around I see Blaine spread out sideways on my bed and raise an eyebrow at him.
"Draw me like one of your French girls, Jack," he says in a ridiculous southern accent. 
I look at him for a moment before doubling over in laughter finding it hard to breath with tears filling my eyes. When it starts to subside, after a couple of minutes, I see Blaine trying to calm down too. I walk over to the bed, sitting next to him and pulling him in for a kiss.
"I love you so much, you dork," I mutter against his mouth.
He hums against me "Love you, too, sweetie."

I pull away and stand up; ignoring the grabby hands he's using to get me to come back over.
"Stop being so impatient, I'm just getting your present," I say, opening my sock drawer and pulling out the box from its hiding place. I walk back to the bed and see Blaine sitting, cross legged now, with a box also in front of him. I sit in the same position opposite him, and hold my hand out to him box in hand. He takes it and holds a hand to his chest, "Pour
moi?" he asks.
"Yes for you, now open it," I say, biting my lip. I'm completely unsure of whether he will like it or not.
I watch Blaine pull out the leather bracelet and turn it over in his hands running his fingers along the metal symbols. I clear my throat slightly before explaining what it means.
"The top and bottom symbols are Celtic," I cough a little more, because of course, my throat would choose now to try and close.
"The top one means power, the middle symbol, which you'll already know, means eternity and then the bottom means love," I say, looking at his back wall, not trusting myself to look at Blaine's face right now. That was until I felt Blaine's hand on mine.
"I love it," he pauses, "I love you." I look and see Blaine's eyes so big, full of love and release a sigh, glad I made the right choice.
"Can you help me put it on?" he asks, holding out his wrist and bracelet. I take it, strap it around and then run my fingers over it, feeling the material. He then pulls his wrist away and holds out a box to me.
"I swear this didn't mean to happen but we obviously think alike" he says with a smile and a shrug

I lift the lid carefully. A metal bracelet lays in tissue paper, some patterns engraved into the plaque. Blaine's moved to have his arms around me, head resting on my shoulder. He speaks quietly into my ear, "They're angel runes. It's believed, that these are how angels bestow power onto us and the Gods. These," he points, "mean brave, strong, courageous, beautiful, and love." He kisses my cheek with each word. "This is what I think of, when I think of you. And," he pauses, "turn it over." 
There are words on the other side – the most truthful words I have ever seen. They make me suck in a sharp breath and tears fill my eyes. "Because, I will love you until my dying day," he quotes the words engraved there. He fastens it around my wrist and entangles our fingers. The bracelets are touching. 
"Blaine Anderson, I…" I turn to face him, "I love you, so much." 
"I love you too, Kurt Hummel." 
We kiss. 

The rest of our trip flies by in a whirlwind of wedding planning and fun, and before I know it, Blaine, Finn and I are in a taxi headed back to the academy. The school is almost empty when we arrive, chatting casually until we get to our dorms. Mine and Blaine's hands are linked – we've felt closer than ever since Christmas. 
When we reach the common room, it feels far too cold. Like all the happiness has
been sucked out of the air, we only feel panic in it's place. 

All of our faces have the same confused look and as the door opens, the room is full of sad expressions. Brittany is in the corner, crying.
"What's going on," Blaine asks, though it's really a demand. Worry is seeping through. 
Puck speaks, removing his head from his hands and looking blankly at us.
"Santana's gone," is all he says. He gestures to a note, "and this was left for you."
I grab it – what does he mean Santana's gone? Gone where? Away from the Academy?
I feel my entire body go numb as I read. Blaine's shouting my name but it sounds distant. My legs are shaking and the paper drops to the floor. 
The words bleed into my mind, ringing in my head.

'You didn't think it would be that easy, did you? - S.'


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