June 4, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
June 4, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
It's the afternoon of Christmas Eve and everyone is in the family room, enjoying a film on TV. It's weird, Finn being Carole's son, but her and Dad were the most confused – they had no idea that we knew each other. They must have left out the part where their sons have super powers.
It's all out in the open now, though; we explained, and when my dad asked Finn why he was helping me train, I shook my head frantically but subtly at him. He came up with a lie ("We decided to help each other out because we became… such good friends.")
I haven't told my dad about the trouble with controlling my powers. He knows that Blaine and I had a fight and then a break but he doesn't know why. I'd like to keep it like that.
We spent hours that night, catching up on school and then life at home for them. It felt good.
My dad also followed Blaine and me down to my room, dragging Finn too and asking us what we thought of him proposing to Carole.
Normally, I'd be hesitant. I've only just met the woman. But my dad has never been serious about someone, not since my mom. He'd been to dinner a couple of times but always said "It didn't feel right," or "I'm not ready."
Yet here he is, in a happy relationship, smiling the most I've seen him do since my mom. I exchange a glance with Finn and we both smile, telling him that we think it's a great idea.
And now we're sat watching a film. Dad keeps looking at us in turn – it's happening tonight. We're going out for dinner and then, earlier in the week, Carole had said she has always wanted to go ice-skating around Christmas and I persuaded my dad to agree. Him and Finn weren't too keen on the idea, but mostly because neither of them can really skate. Or, as Finn mumbled, "You saw how bad I was at roller skating," and Blaine doubled over, laughing and choked out, "I'm getting flashbacks, sorry."
I shook my head at him but couldn't stop my own laughter and Finn left in a huff.
The credits roll and Blaine has fallen asleep on me, at some point. It's the most adorable thing ever. My dad stands, rubbing his hands together and clapping, which startles Blaine awake. Finn and I chuckle and Blaine gives me his sad puppy eyes. I place a kiss on his cheek to make him feel better.
"I think it's time for some dinner," my dad suggest and we all nod, moving to get our coats. Blaine follows me down to my room, yawning.
"How can you be tired? You just slept."
He finishes yawning before replying, "After effects of having a nap. And I'm hungry."
I roll my eyes, shrugging my coat on. When I turn, Blaine catches my face in his hands and kisses me deeply. It's only for a few seconds and then he pulls away.
"Love you," he mumbles, sighing happily and letting his eyes fall shut for a second, before looking into mine.
"Love you too," I reply, taking his hand away from my face and intertwining our fingers, pulling him up the stairs.
My dad is jittery through the whole meal – he can't sit still because he's so nervous. Carole picks up on it, asking if he's okay.
"I'm fine, just a little nervous about the whole ice-skating."
"Sweetie," she kisses his cheek, "I'll hold your hand and keep you safe."
I'm so glad Carole is in my dad's life, I think as I watch them. I feel a hand creep into mine, under the table. I take a side glance at Blaine, who's happily eating and holding my hand at the same time. It's so natural that I can't help but grin more. I watch him for a while and think, I am so glad you came into my life.
We finish and head over to the busy ice-rink. We pay and grab our skates and head to the benches to put them on; I look out onto the rink and see families and couples laughing, talking, and enjoying themselves. This is what I love about this time of year. Everyone seems so happy and care free. Blaine stands and offers his hand to me. I have a sense of déjà vu sweep over me, it's the same offering as when we were at the roller rink.
I look around because this is Lima, Ohio. People aren't so happy about me and Blaine being together, especially holding hands. But then, I think, it's Christmas. Who cares what other people think? We're allowed to be happy, just like they are. I accept his hand and he leads me over to the ice, getting on and keeping us linked. We start skating with Carole and Burt closely behind us, because hey who knew my dad could skate? Certainly not me. We pass Finn a couple of times, some of the times he's on floor but after trial and error he seems to pick it up and is skating with ease.
They're blasting Christmas music through the speakers and I hear Blaine hum along, until one comes on and he stops pulling me with him. I stumble a little.
"Blaine what are you-" but before I get to finish, he starts singing.
"But baby, its cold outside." I laugh and tug him along.
"I am not singing Blaine."
"But baby, it's cold outside."
"You're just going to sing one half of a duet by yourself?" I ask, lifting and eyebrow. I get the sad puppy expression again, and a couple skates past. They've obviously heard our conversation because they laugh. I'm glad that's their reaction.
I sigh and listen to what part of the song is playing.
"My mother will start to worry," I sing and Blaine's face lights up. He breaks away from me, turning to face me and trying to dance,
"Beautiful, what's your hurry?"
I laugh, trying not to fall.
"My father will be pacing the floor,"
"Listen to that fireplace roar!"
We continue singing and flirting around the ice, skating past people as they smile at the singing. Then the song stops abruptly and an announcement comes over the speakers.
"Ladies and gentlemen, if I could please have your attention for a minute."
Everyone stops skating to listen and I think this is it. I can see them, a little way in front and grab Blaine's arm. He's looking too, a smile on his face.
"There's a man here, who would like to ask someone a very special question."
My dad drops down to one knee and I can hear Carole's gasp from all the way over here. We move forward so we can hear and see Finn stumble beside us. He's just finishing a short speech and we hear those five crucial words,
"Carole, will you marry me?"
She squeals and leaps on to him, making them both topple over on the ice as she kissed him and shouts "Yes!"
A tear rolls down my face and the whole rink bursts into applause.
I'm so glad he has someone and I have a full family again.
We stay at the ice rink a little while, before heading home where we all say goodnight and head off to our separate rooms. Blaine and I change into pyjamas before falling into bed and holding on to each other, like every night.
I'm tired and can feel sleep trying to drag me under but I want to hold onto the day a little more.
"Blaine?" I whisper and he kisses my jaw.
"Yes love?" he moves to kiss my neck.
"Can you sing to me?" he looks at me and settles himself so his head is near mine. I can feel his every breath.
"Of course," he answers, before starting to sing quietly.
“So excuse me for forgetting, but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway, the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes, I've ever seen”
I close my eyes and let Blaine's voice go through me and send me to sleep,
And you can tell everybody that this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is now your in the world
"I love you," he says, finishing the song and planting a kiss into my hair before wrapping himself tighter around me.
"I love you, too" I manage to get out before letting sleep take over me completely.
It's the afternoon of Christmas Eve and everyone is in the family room, enjoying a film on TV. It's weird, Finn being Carole's son, but her and Dad were the most confused – they had no idea that we knew each other. They must have left out the part where their sons have super powers.
It's all out in the open now, though; we explained, and when my dad asked Finn why he was helping me train, I shook my head frantically but subtly at him. He came up with a lie ("We decided to help each other out because we became… such good friends.")
I haven't told my dad about the trouble with controlling my powers. He knows that Blaine and I had a fight and then a break but he doesn't know why. I'd like to keep it like that.
We spent hours that night, catching up on school and then life at home for them. It felt good.
My dad also followed Blaine and me down to my room, dragging Finn too and asking us what we thought of him proposing to Carole.
Normally, I'd be hesitant. I've only just met the woman. But my dad has never been serious about someone, not since my mom. He'd been to dinner a couple of times but always said "It didn't feel right," or "I'm not ready."
Yet here he is, in a happy relationship, smiling the most I've seen him do since my mom. I exchange a glance with Finn and we both smile, telling him that we think it's a great idea.
And now we're sat watching a film. Dad keeps looking at us in turn – it's happening tonight. We're going out for dinner and then, earlier in the week, Carole had said she has always wanted to go ice-skating around Christmas and I persuaded my dad to agree. Him and Finn weren't too keen on the idea, but mostly because neither of them can really skate. Or, as Finn mumbled, "You saw how bad I was at roller skating," and Blaine doubled over, laughing and choked out, "I'm getting flashbacks, sorry."
I shook my head at him but couldn't stop my own laughter and Finn left in a huff.
The credits roll and Blaine has fallen asleep on me, at some point. It's the most adorable thing ever. My dad stands, rubbing his hands together and clapping, which startles Blaine awake. Finn and I chuckle and Blaine gives me his sad puppy eyes. I place a kiss on his cheek to make him feel better.
"I think it's time for some dinner," my dad suggest and we all nod, moving to get our coats. Blaine follows me down to my room, yawning.
"How can you be tired? You just slept."
He finishes yawning before replying, "After effects of having a nap. And I'm hungry."
I roll my eyes, shrugging my coat on. When I turn, Blaine catches my face in his hands and kisses me deeply. It's only for a few seconds and then he pulls away.
"Love you," he mumbles, sighing happily and letting his eyes fall shut for a second, before looking into mine.
"Love you too," I reply, taking his hand away from my face and intertwining our fingers, pulling him up the stairs.
My dad is jittery through the whole meal – he can't sit still because he's so nervous. Carole picks up on it, asking if he's okay.
"I'm fine, just a little nervous about the whole ice-skating."
"Sweetie," she kisses his cheek, "I'll hold your hand and keep you safe."
I'm so glad Carole is in my dad's life, I think as I watch them. I feel a hand creep into mine, under the table. I take a side glance at Blaine, who's happily eating and holding my hand at the same time. It's so natural that I can't help but grin more. I watch him for a while and think, I am so glad you came into my life.
We finish and head over to the busy ice-rink. We pay and grab our skates and head to the benches to put them on; I look out onto the rink and see families and couples laughing, talking, and enjoying themselves. This is what I love about this time of year. Everyone seems so happy and care free. Blaine stands and offers his hand to me. I have a sense of déjà vu sweep over me, it's the same offering as when we were at the roller rink.
I look around because this is Lima, Ohio. People aren't so happy about me and Blaine being together, especially holding hands. But then, I think, it's Christmas. Who cares what other people think? We're allowed to be happy, just like they are. I accept his hand and he leads me over to the ice, getting on and keeping us linked. We start skating with Carole and Burt closely behind us, because hey who knew my dad could skate? Certainly not me. We pass Finn a couple of times, some of the times he's on floor but after trial and error he seems to pick it up and is skating with ease.
They're blasting Christmas music through the speakers and I hear Blaine hum along, until one comes on and he stops pulling me with him. I stumble a little.
"Blaine what are you-" but before I get to finish, he starts singing.
"But baby, its cold outside." I laugh and tug him along.
"I am not singing Blaine."
"But baby, it's cold outside."
"You're just going to sing one half of a duet by yourself?" I ask, lifting and eyebrow. I get the sad puppy expression again, and a couple skates past. They've obviously heard our conversation because they laugh. I'm glad that's their reaction.
I sigh and listen to what part of the song is playing.
"My mother will start to worry," I sing and Blaine's face lights up. He breaks away from me, turning to face me and trying to dance,
"Beautiful, what's your hurry?"
I laugh, trying not to fall.
"My father will be pacing the floor,"
"Listen to that fireplace roar!"
We continue singing and flirting around the ice, skating past people as they smile at the singing. Then the song stops abruptly and an announcement comes over the speakers.
"Ladies and gentlemen, if I could please have your attention for a minute."
Everyone stops skating to listen and I think this is it. I can see them, a little way in front and grab Blaine's arm. He's looking too, a smile on his face.
"There's a man here, who would like to ask someone a very special question."
My dad drops down to one knee and I can hear Carole's gasp from all the way over here. We move forward so we can hear and see Finn stumble beside us. He's just finishing a short speech and we hear those five crucial words,
"Carole, will you marry me?"
She squeals and leaps on to him, making them both topple over on the ice as she kissed him and shouts "Yes!"
A tear rolls down my face and the whole rink bursts into applause.
I'm so glad he has someone and I have a full family again.
We stay at the ice rink a little while, before heading home where we all say goodnight and head off to our separate rooms. Blaine and I change into pyjamas before falling into bed and holding on to each other, like every night.
I'm tired and can feel sleep trying to drag me under but I want to hold onto the day a little more.
"Blaine?" I whisper and he kisses my jaw.
"Yes love?" he moves to kiss my neck.
"Can you sing to me?" he looks at me and settles himself so his head is near mine. I can feel his every breath.
"Of course," he answers, before starting to sing quietly.
“So excuse me for forgetting, but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway, the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes, I've ever seen”
I close my eyes and let Blaine's voice go through me and send me to sleep,
And you can tell everybody that this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is now your in the world
"I love you," he says, finishing the song and planting a kiss into my hair before wrapping himself tighter around me.
"I love you, too" I manage to get out before letting sleep take over me completely.