June 4, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
June 4, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
Winter break is coming up and, for the first time since being at this school, things seem to be going right. For four weeks now, Blaine and I have been back together, pushing the past behind us and concentrating on the now; I couldn't be happier. He's even attended my training sessions with Finn, helping me a lot. I also have my friends. Rachel and Santana took a while to convince, but when they saw Blaine and I, they came around. I gained some new friends, too, that helped me through the dark time. I make sure to see Quinn frequently, a sleepover scheduled every two weeks, talking about anything and everything. I'm really starting to adore her.
Lessons have finished and many are going home for the break. I'm both nervous and excited about going home – excited about seeing my dad because it's been so long, but nervous because he recently revealed that he's been seeing a woman and things are getting pretty serious between them. I can't wait to meet her. The nervousness comes more from the fact that Blaine is coming home with me, as well. His parents are in Italy for two weeks and instead of him spending the time at school, alone, we arranged for him to come with me. I wasn't sure if he'd still want to go, after what happened, but when he asked me for packing tips the other day, I realised that things have gone back to how they were. No, they haven't. It's better now.
The majority of us leave tomorrow, so the entire dorm decided that we would spend the last day together and head to the next town over. I saw this as a chance to catch up on last minute Christmas presents that are being swapped later that night; however, I was more organised than that. I have had everyone's for weeks now, though Blaine won't be getting his until Christmas day. I'll actually see him then and I have to admit, I'm pretty pleased with what I found for him. The bus is driving along the streets, and none of us have decided what to do yet - a shriek from Rachel two seats in front gives me an idea that she knows. I see her lean, whisper something into Tina's ear and Tina nod in response. They both turn, facing the rest of the group.
"Guys," the conversations stop, everyone looking at Rachel. "I know what we can do today."
She points out of the window, and suddenly I'm being crowded as everyone tries to see what she's talking about. I have to wait for a hole in the mass of bodies, and when I find one, I see it; The Grangeville Roller Rink. Everyone seems to agree that this is a great idea and I can't help but join in the excitement.
"Since when did Rachel get such good ideas?" Blaine whispers and I can't help but laugh.
Someone hits the bell and we pile off the bus. Blaine takes my hand and instinctively, I look around to see if anyone cares, if anyone's giving us horrified looks. There isn't. People can see, they just don't seem to care. I keep forgetting this isn't Lima; we may be in a small town, but that doesn't mean it's homophobic. I look over at Blaine and he's looking ahead, oblivious to my staring. He's wearing a carefree smile and swinging our arms enthusiastically. If he doesn't care, I think, why should I? I let a smile take over my face and Blaine leans in, planting a kiss on my cheek. I could really get used to this. We enter the building, get in line to hire some skates and pay. Through the glass walls I can see people already there, skating to the music that is booming from the overhead speakers. It's our turn and we hand over our money and say our shoe size. There are big benches for us to sit and put them on, so we head over. People seem to be pairing off; there's Finn and Rachel, of course, who have been dating for about two weeks and for whom I am very happy for. Mike and Tina, and everyone knows they like each other but they won't admit it to the other. Then there's Santana and Brittany. Now, these two aren't together, but a fool could see the love in their eyes. There's some fear, from Santana, about admitting it, but that isn't present now. The group keeps shrinking, especially as Artie and Quinn already left for the break.
"Ready?" Blaine extends his hand to me and I take it, gratefully. To the rink, we go.
An hour has passed and we've taken up, just about, the entire rink. We're all having a good time – even Finn, although his power that usually makes him graceful doesn't seem to be working on roller skates. A laugh escapes both Blaine and my mouth's when we pass him. Talking amongst ourselves, we skate in a little group, humming to the music, until a particular song comes on.
"Dude! I love this song!" Puck nudges me on his way to the front, singing.
There will be no rules tonight
If there were we'd break 'em
Nothing's gonna stop us now
Let's get down to it
Santana breaks off from Brittany, skating to Puck and doing a circle around him, joining in.
Nervous hands and anxious smiles
I can feel you breathing
This is right where we belong turn up the music
We all share looks – this is going to turn into a full blown performance and we don't care what anyone else thinks.
Oh, oh, oh, oh
This is the dance for all the lovers
Takin' a chance for one another
Finally, it's our time now
More space is taken by us when Mike and Brittany let their inner dancers out, performing tricks on their skates.
These are the times that we'll remember
Breaking the city's hearts together
Finally it's our time now, it's our time now
People seem to be moving to the sides, watching us with smiles on their faces. I feel so energetic and happy with Blaine beside me. I decide to take the next verse, turning to skate backwards, in front of Blaine, singing to him.
This is more than just romance
It's an endless summer
I can feel the butterflies leading me through it
He moves, taking my hand and spinning me. He drags me around the corner and picks up where I left off.
Take my heart, I'll take your hand
As we're falling under
This is an addiction boy
Let's give in to it
Alone or with a partner, we're all dancing and singing, just because we can. We're young, no-one is telling us no and we're determined to have a good time.
Oh, oh, oh, oh
This is the dance for all the lovers
Takin' a chance for one another
Finally it's our time now
These are times that we'll remember
B-b-breaking the city's hearts together
Finally it's our time now
It's our time now
The song finishes, and the people around us clap and cheer. We take bows and Puck blows a few kisses out to them.
Eventually we get our shoes back and go to a diner across the road before heading back to school to say goodbye. There are many 'Merry Christmas' wishes and 'be careful' warnings to Puck, Mike and Brittany, as they're the clumsiest and are most likely to break something whilst away.
We leave The left-behinds (a name given by themselves) and head to bed, eagerly awaiting the morning for early flights to go home. I get into bed and Blaine wraps his arms around my middle, pulling me close and placing a kiss at the back of my neck. I shiver, slightly, at how good it feels and he moves closer to my ear.
"Good night," he whispers, "I love you."
"I love you, too." I say into the dark, a smile on my face when I think of how it's going to be like this for the next few weeks.
I love they are back together! So's what's gonna happen with Sebastian? Will there be an conflict for him and Kurt and if so I know im gonna love it!!!!!I want Kurt to kick SOME ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!