The True Power
Chapter 20 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The True Power: Chapter 20

T - Words: 2,105 - Last Updated: Jun 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 26/26 - Created: Jul 29, 2012 - Updated: Jun 04, 2013
427 0 4 0 1

Author's Notes: Sorry that i haven't updated recently just been really busy over christmas and didn't have time to write i hope you all had a good christmas and a happy new year. :)I do not own Glee or any references


I think I'm drowning 
wanna break the spell
That you've created 
You're something beautiful a contradiction 
wanna plat the game I want the friction 

I suddenly become aware of everyone around me, the heat from the mass of bodies surrounding me, dancing along to Blaine on stage. No one else notices, no one else sees what I see, that's right in front of me. The person I hate and fear I'm becoming, the enemy to us all. I look around, trying to see if anyone has noticed the distress and I'm met with blank faces; not caring about anything else right now except having fun.

You will be the death of me
You will be the death of me 

The words of the song echo through my head like a taunting voice. I wish I could shake it out but it won't go. It's there, taunting me. I know I should move, get help, but I can't. The only movement in me right now is the jostling from the people dancing. Why can't I move or speak? My friend is out there right now, and god only knows what's happening to her.

Bury it 
I won't let you bury it 
I won't let you smother it 
I won't let you murder it 

It's as if the lyrics are fighting back to the voice in my head. I will not let anything happen to her. Finally finding the courage to move, I push through the crowd, rushing to the door they left through. The bass of the song is loud in my ears; at least I assumed it was the bass. I realise that it's my heart beating and try to
decipher my emotions. I break from the crowd, the light streaming from the crack between the doors catching my eye. I shouldn't go out there alone. This man has killed people, what would Blaine say if you went up against him, alone? 
But Blaine doesn't know what's happening. None of them do. My emotions finally become clear and I'm surprised to find only confidence, determination and anger. I am not afraid. I am not afraid of Sebastian, a man I've been compared to
so many times. We are nothing alike and I feel the need to prove it. I fling the doors open, the light hitting my face harshly and then I start to run.


Our time is running out 

Our time is running out 
You can't push it underground 
You can't stop it screaming out 

Three halls down and no trace of them, nothing to even give me a clue. I hear a shout and stand up from where I'd been leaning against a wall. It wasn't loud, but it was something and I listen intently to see if another noise comes. 
From the left, the same shout comes. It has to be Santana.
It was so quiet, seemed so far away. I can't stop my brain from thinking that if I hadn't noticed them, hadn't realised what was happening, anything could've happened to her. The negative images sweep into my mind but I can't think like that, not now.
Different thoughts come into my head – defeating Sebastian, however that may be. Even thoughts of killing him occurred. I should be scared, thinking like this - somewhere in my head my conscience is telling me to stop, but it is overpowered by the urge to do what it necessary, even if it results in death. A flush of power runs through me and I embrace it, running faster. 

I wanted freedom
Bound and restricted 
I tired to give you up
But I'm addicted 
Now that you know the trap sense of elation
You'd never dream of 
Breaking this fixation

After running for what feels like forever, I hear voices. A menacing, deep one, Sebastian, I think. I stop at the crossroads of two hallways; one leading to the gardens, one to a dead end. I peer around the corner and they're there. Sebastian, with a strong grip on Santana's wrist and she's pushed up against the wall, leaving her no room to escape. I hear them talking and I notice the slight waver in Santana's voice. This is the first time I've ever seen her cry. It's horrible to watch, but I can't move, too afraid of what Sebastian would do. Anger rises inside me and I swear to do anything until she is safe.

You will squeeze the life out of me 
Our time is running out 
Our time is running out 
You can't push it underground
You can't stop it screaming out 
How did it come to this 

Searching for Kurt and finding him nowhere, I notice that Santana is also missing. And Santana is the one he was going to speak too. Panic slowly builds – something just doesn't feel right. I walk to the steps leading to the stage that Blaine is climbing down and he must see my worry.

"Rachel, what's wrong? Where's Kurt?" 
I jump on the steps beside him and the height advantages confirms it; they aren't here.
"He was with me and then he saw Santana walk away with some… man and said he needed to speak to her." She bit her lip, "This was before you performed and now I can't find either of them."
Blaine's brows furrow and he walks down the steps and starts to pace. I watch, helplessly. He stops suddenly and grabs my arm.
"Come on," he orders. I follow without question. 

You will suck the life out of me

That's it, I can't take it anymore. Seeing Santana so weak, as opposed to her usual fierce self is hitting me
hard and I use the my newly-found attitude to move from the wall and stand directly behind Sebastian, as quietly as possible. "Didn't your mother teach you not to hurt women?" I spat, my fierce tone surprising all three of us. I felt little control over what I was doing. 
Sebastian merely smirked, "One of your little friends is it?" he threw Santana to the ground.
"My mother and I didn't get to know each other very well, considering my father murdered her in front of me."
Taken aback by what he was telling me, I was disturbed to see him calm and scarily happy.
"Good job too, she was a weak little thing. So, to answer your question, no, I was never told not to hurt woman. Not after they tossed my old man into a cell, forcing him to suicide. I heard he was possessed, but I wonder who would do such a thing like that?" He's moving towards me.
I'd heard that one of Sebastian's powers is mind control and to think he made his own father kills his mother is terrible.
Less than ten inches away from me now and still, I felt no fear.
"You're sick." 
He just laughed.
"You can say all you want about me, but I don't think it'll make much difference when I make you kill your friend over here."
"Somehow, I don't think that's going to happen," I say, coolly. 
Another laugh came from Sebastian, not necessarily an evil one, but an over-confident one, belonging to someone who'd gone mad with power." 
"You really think you have a choice in the matter?" He seemed amused.
I put as much venom into my voice as possible, staring into his eyes.
"I really do." 

Bury it 

I won't let you bury it 

We were out of the room now , running through the halls the distant noise of bass drums was all that could be heard.
"Rachel can you hear anything ?" Blaine asked me with a desperate tone in his voice
"no I can't I- hang one what's that?"
We both stopped and listened faint noises could be heard to the left of us , it sounded like talking and crying. Blaine once again took my arm and was pulling me in the direction of the noise.

I won't let you smother it 
won’t let you murder it

It seemed like I'd started an intense staring battle, in which Santana seemed to re-enter the world. I felt bad; I didn't even know she was out. But when she did, she cried out and pulled her hand away from her head, covered in blood. 
Sebastian left me, turning to her and slapping her across the face.
"SHUT UP!" he screamed, his voice staying strong. But, so was mine.
"Don't you dare touch her again, or else." 
He crossed the small distance to me that I'd moved – my body on autopilot, I hadn't even realised I wasn't in the same place. I could feel the real me, somewhere deep inside. 
Sebastian was barely a breath away when he looked into my eyes.
"I command you to kill her."
So, that's how controlling the mind works? He mustn't know I'm a multi-powerist. I can have a little fun with this.
If that’s what you call mind control , then I would wish for something better next time.”

The look on his face was priceless; he was so shocked that I could resist  smiling
I saw the realisation hit him. 
"Wow, took you a while to figure that one out," and I swung my fist at him
He stumbled, clutching his cheek

Our time is running out 
Our time is running out 

The closer we got, the louder the talking. Then the sound of crying. Then someone was shouting and now, soft murmurs of conversation turning into silence. We thought we'd made a wrong turn, but as a noise erupted, we started running again. Shadows of figures moved on the back wall – people were fighting, if the grunts and cries were any clue. 
I turned to Blaine in horror, "Blaine! No, don't!" but he'd already gone. 

You can't push it underground 
You can't stop it screaming out

He was using his strength against me, I could feel it. I'd soon discovered another of his powers was to inflict pain with just a glance and I'm not too fond of it. However, the pain didn't last long as it obviously required a lot of energy to use it. 

I unleashed everything I had, could see the shock in his eyes as fire formed in my hands. The dark side within me was pushing up and I couldn’t control it , didn’t want to control it– my body so busy fighting that I didn't notice Blaine and Rachel appearing. 
"Ah, you've brought some more friends. Lovely, just in time to be killed." 
I turned to see them but then focused my attention on Sebastian again sending a fire ball straight at
his chest sending him back against the wall near where Santana was cowering in the corner.

Blaine rushed up to me, tugging on my arm. I shrugged him off but he didn't give up.
"Stop," I demanded. 
He let go, "Kurt, we can help." 
"I don't need your help!" 
"Yes you do, we can work to-" he placed a hand on my arm.
"GET OFF ME, I DO NOT NEED YOUR HELP!" I shout, shoving him away. With my power already at high levels, I used a considerable amount of strength, sending Blaine crashing back into the wall. 
"Blaine!" Rachel exclaimed and that made my strong resolve crack, drawing me out of the darkness. Blaine was on the floor, clutching his head with wide, hurt eyes. 
What had I done

Sebastian seemed to take this opportunity to
send me into the wall across from him before running for the doors and into the night. I didn't care about that now. Didn't care about the gash in my head or my twisted ankle or my other injuries. Santana had gotten up and was next to Rachel, looking at me.
I hurried over to them.
"Blaine, I'm so sorry I-" I was lost for words, bending down next to him and going to place my hand on his cheek.
"Get away from me!" he had a frightened tone, curling into himself, trying to put distance between us. 
I stood up, blinking wearily at their faces – shock, sadness and what made bile rise up in my throat, fear. I made them look like Santana did with Sebastian.
I backed away slowly and did the only thing that seemed right – ran towards the garden doors and shifted. 

How did it come to this? 


End Notes: *Hides* sorrySong for this chapter: Time is running out - Musereviews please (even though i am a terrible person for doing this)


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omg! more!

Your not a terrible person for doing this in fact I like the drama here. I like to imagine Kurt being really upset and disppears for like a few days and in the meanwhile everyone is looking for him Kurt us planning on destorying Sebastian. He is in this wearhouse praticing his powers and then discovers a new power he thought he had and everyone is worried that he'll do something he'll reget. They are tracing Kurt's steps to find him. When Kurt finds Sebastian he starts to win but then gets really hurt and Sebastian kidnapps kurt and and and and wow........I am sorry for babbling on and on I just have a creative imagnation. Srry but im excited to see what you have written I JUST LOVE THESE TYPES OF STORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE SOON!PLUS I HAVE A NEW FAVORITE SONG!!!!:)

I'm glad your enjoying it and i'm going to update in about 30 minutes and it really is a good song :)