June 4, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
June 4, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
Winter is coming fast and everything is fine. Better than fine, actually. I'm no longer worried about going to my 'dark side'. I love Blaine and I still can't believe he loves me, but he does.
Everyone is busy with practise right now, fitting in everything before we head home for the holidays in a few months. I'm really looking forward to seeing my dad; we talk on the phone for an hour two times a week, but it isn't the same. I want to be wrapped up in one of his bear hugs. But, why I'm really, really excited about Christmas is because Blaine's coming with me! I was speaking with my dad about everything and he was so happy that I'm experiencing the 'true love' feeling. Of course, my dad had never experienced it, being a normal human being but my mother left him journals; how to help me, how it would feel. From what I remember, she never went a day without telling him how much she loved him. I suppose that's like Blaine and I at the minute – those three words just spill from our mouths wherever or whenever. Normally it leads to our mouths becoming attached, but only in private... sometimes in front of our friends. Only sometimes. Speaking of friends, all I hear now is complaints about how sickeningly sweet we are. The girls sighing wistfully, wishing they had what we have and the boy moaning because they aren't good enough for them. Well, with the exception of Puck, who is more with the girls, generally just sitting and sighing, a dreamy expression on his face.
Back to practises, I've been working my ass off lately, using my emotions to their best ability – making me stronger, but in a good way. I have to use Blaine as my anchor, constantly in my mind. Everyday, I feel my powers becoming more controlled and I feel proud that I'm finally doing something right. Knowing that I'll be able to help people makes you feel invincible. But then those thoughts have to stop.
As Sue always says, "Don't get cocky – Everyone has their Kryptonite”
This time, however, they smiled widely and nodded.
"What changed your minds?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Well… " Tina drawled out.
"We got dates" Rachel finished, squealing.
Blaine chuckles quietly beside me. I nudge him playfully.
"Who?" Blaine asks.
"Mike asked Tina and then… Finn asked me," Rachel tried to hide her delighted squeal but failed. Blaine only started laughing again.
We sat down and discussed plans for the dance. Then the conversation drifted. Even though we see each other every single day, we still find things to talk about and I think that's what helps us be such good friends.
After dinner we head back to our room and watch a film. When it got late, we kicked the girls out and went to bed.
I couldn't sleep right away – Blaine was out like a light, soft snores travelling from his side of the room to mine. The excitement for tomorrow was just too pronounced. I have a great tux, brilliant friends and an unbelievable boyfriend. I don't think anything could spoil tomorrow.
The Next Night
We arrived together; the girls in their dresses, Blaine and I clad in our tuxes. It didn't take long for us to be alone, the girl's dates coming over and stealing them almost straight away. The place really did look good, the dark room alight with white and blue shimmering lights. Of course, the performances were one of the best parts – After hearing Blaine and the rest of the group sing to me, Mr Schue asked if we would perform live. We agreed, obviously and now Santana was singing 'Love You like a Love Song'. I knew it was for Brittany. The love they shared is visible, though they keep it a secret. I think, for someone like me, who has had a lot of secrets, you can tell when others are keeping them.
I'm pulled away from my thoughts when Blaine tugs on my hand, pulling me to the table where the rest were sitting.
People kept excusing themselves and walking to the dance floor, taking their dates to dance and I noticed Blaine staring at me, hand outstretched.
"May I have this dance?" He couldn't be any more perfect.
"Of course," I answer, gently taking his hand in mine and letting him lead me through the mass of bodies on the dance floor, squeezing my hand softly.
In a less crowded spot, he spins me and pulls me close, arms around my waist. I respond by linking my arms his neck and we sway slowly to a song neither recognises. Then Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream' starts playing. Though this song is more upbeat, we don't move, staying in the same slow rhythm.
I feel like this song describes our relationship; it sounds cliché, but things were heavy before Blaine came and when I met him, I honestly felt like I'd been brought to life.
Blaine lets his head rest on my shoulder, humming the song quietly.
"I finally found you, my missing puzzle piece. I'm complete."
A line, so simple, yet so perfect. I lift my head, staring into his eyes, trying to convey the love I felt at that very moment. He must have understood, leaning in slowly to kiss me with nothing but love and security.
We stay like this, kissing occasionally, but mostly moving, whispering lyrics into each other's ears and it's perfect.
A couple of songs later and we're making our way back to the table. A quick drink and Blaine's heading up to the stage. He kisses me on the cheek and weaves his way through the people.
As he leaves, Rachel makes her way over with Finn.
"Hey Rach, Finn. Enjoying yourself?"
They both respond, praising the music and decorations before Finn sits next to Puck and Rachel drags me to the dance floor where Blaine is more visible.
We're close to the front, waiting for him, when I spot Santana at the other side of the room with… someone? Someone who isn't Brittany. I leave it, deciding it must be someone from another dorm that I don't recognise. But I can't help my eyes wandering over there every few minutes. I feel uneasy and I'm not sure why.
The guy – it's definitely a guy – is crowding her, going into her personal space often. She doesn't look comfortable.
I have to go. I know she can defend herself, but something just doesn't feel right.
"I'll be back in a minute," I shout over the music, my eyes never leaving the pair.
"What about Blaine? He'll be on in a second!" she replies, confused as to why I'm leaving. I quickly reassure her that everything's fine.
"I'll be back, I just need to speak to Santana!"
She nods at me hesitantly and I take that as my signal to go.
I fight my way through the mass amount of bodies and I'm only half-way there when the music stops and Blaine walks on stage. He's in his element on stage, not even singing yet but speaking to the audience. It makes me smile.
I finally manage to make my way over to where Santana was stood. Was. She isn't there anymore, and neither is the guy. I spin around, searching, and something catches my eye. The door at the side of the hall – it's dark and the lights are distracting, but I see them. The guy, pulling Santana out, dragging her.
She struggles and I move, pushing and shoving my way through. Blaine's song starts, music hanging heavily in the air, but I don't move my eyes. I can see him, now, the lights in the right place. I know his face.
Another few steps forward and the lights hitting them directly. I stop, frozen to my place.
I recognise him now. It's Sebastian.