June 4, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
June 4, 2013, 9:37 a.m.
I can't believe this is happening. After all the information to take in, the letter, the song, the speech and now this! This gorgeous boy in front of me, the one I've been falling for since the minute I set eyes on him, is asking me if he could kiss me.
Of course i'm going to say yes! But, why haven't I said it yet,? Why am I not talking? I need to stop staring at him like he's a murderer. Come on Kurt, pull it together.
"Kurt? Kurt, are you-"
"Yes" I say, regaining control of my mouth.
"I'm sorry, what?" he says confused.
"I said, yes, you can kiss me"
His face lights up with a smile that reaches his eyes. There's something in there that I still can't describe or even decide what it is. Whatever, I can figure it out later because Blaine is moving closer to me, so close that I can feel his breath on my face. His hand moves up to cradle my face and he brings me closer to him. In a matter of seconds. his lips are on mine. And I have never felt anything like it before.
There's a spark, a connection between us and nothing has ever felt like this. I move my hand to clutch at the back of his neck, pulling him in and deepening the kiss. Blaine doesn't seem to mind. We stay like this, gently moving together, for what seems like hours but was in fact seconds, before we pull apart for air.
"I... Wow." is the only thing that leaves my mouth. Oh my god, that sounded so stupid.
"Yeah, wow" Blaine repeats. He looks up at me with eyes that just make me melt and matching huge smiles break out on our faces. I can't help but think that my life is pretty perfect right now.
"I suppose now, there's just one more question for me to ask you" Blaine says playfully, looking at me to signal a 'go ahead'. I nod and he continues.
"Will you, Kurt Hummel, do me the greatest pleasure of becoming my boyfriend?"
Instead of answering, I leap at him, engulfing him in a hug that catches him off balance and we both tumble off the bed, bringing the sheets with us. We untangle ourselves from the mess. Our eyes meet and I can't resist planting a soft kiss on his lips. His smile grows wider.
"Can I take that as a yes?"
"Yes! It's a yes"
"You flatter me, Mr Hummel"
I nudge him playfully in the arm before standing up to sort my bed out. Blaine grabs my hand, spinning me and kisses it.
"And to you, a good night. I wish you all the sweetest of dreams" he declares.
God, my boyfriend is such a dork. And, I can say that now. My boyfriend. Kurt Hummel has a boyfriend, and that boyfriend is Blaine Anderson. I climb into my bed and fall asleep with the biggest smile on my face.