Blaine needs help
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Blaine needs help : Chapter 3

E - Words: 1,102 - Last Updated: Nov 22, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Nov 19, 2012 - Updated: Nov 22, 2012
244 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: i know its a bit grim at the beginning but it gets all cute and fluffy towards the end:)

Blaine left Kurt's house late that night after spending time with him and Burt. He was in a such a good mood that he was certain nothing could bring him down, well that's what he thought. 

Blaine was pulling into his drive singing along to teenage dream on the radio when he saw someone standing in his doorway. Sebastian, barely being able to stand up straight.
The minute he got out of the car Sebastian was dragging himself towards Blaine, obviously drunk as usual. As he got close he could smell the stench of alcohol on his breath and after having been off it for a week now it made Blaine feel instantly sick.

"What are you doing here Sebastian?"
"What? I can't visit my own boyfriend" Blaine was trying to make out what he was saying but seen as it was all mostly slurred he was finding it difficult.
"Not when you're drunk! Go home Sebastian." 
"Don't tell me what to do!" And there it was just like that Sebastian had a different tone in his voice. Blaine was instantly regretting coming home. Blaine tried to get him in the car so he could take him home. He knew what this would lead to if he didn't get Sebastian back quickly.
"Get off me! I don't want to go in that tacky car." Slapping and kicking Blaine away from him he fell back on the floor, accusing Blaine of pushing him.
He tried to get up but couldn't and when he reached out for blaine to help him Blaine refused.
"Sebastian I am done with you. All you do is treat me like shit and I'm sick of it. You're a bad influence and I don't need you in my life, now you can stay here on the floor all night for all I fucking care just don't be here in the morning!" Blaine knew that Sebastian didn't take half of that in but was just proud that for the first time ever he had stood up to him and didn't have to put up with him anymore.
"Goodbye Sebastian." 

Blaine was walking away proud of himself when at that moment Sebastian tackled blaine from the back pushing him to the floor. sebastian sneered a few abusive words before saying
"Ha, you wont leave me. You know what will happen if you do"
Sebastian punched blaine in the face, the ring he was wearing catching his eyebrow and making a cut. Showing Blaine a part of what he would do.

Blaine, unable to see out of the eye Sebastian hit, tried to get free of his hold. With the poor sight he had he ran into his house, leaving Sebastian lying on the floor in his drive. The pain of Sebastian's hit was unbearable, he ran to his bathroom grabbing a wet towel and putting it to his eye. Blaine struggled to get his phone out of his pocket before ringing Kurt's mobile.
"Ku-Kurt..."he could barely eat his words out, the throbbing in his head was getting worse.
"Blaine! Are you okay?"
"Kurt, it's Sebastian, he's at my house. Please come, I need you."
"I'll be there as fast as I can! Blaine hang on."
Kurt was out of his house and on the way to Blaine's as fast as he could. Blaine had never sounded so distressed and a million different thoughts were going through Kurt's head. 

As soon as Kurt pulled into Blaine's drive he could see Sebastian passed out on the floor. Kurt had to stop himself from kicking or punching him as he ran past him and into the house.
"Mmphhh" Blaine couldn't talk properly now, he felt so light headed that he had to lie down on the floor, his breathing was so bad and it was clear he had lost alot of blood out of the cut on his eyebrow.
Kurt ran through to the bathroom and flung the door open. Kurt's breath caught in his throat at the sight if Blaine on the floor.
"Oh my god. Blaine are you okay?! What happened?" Kurt was holding him in his arms, wiping the years and blood from Blaine's face.
Before Blaine could say anything his eyes fluttered shut and the last thing he could remember was Kurt's soft pink lips pressing against his own before he awoke in a hospital bed.

As Blaine came around he felt someone lying next to him, it was Kurt looking as beautiful as always. He wondered how long he had been there. As Blaine was lost in thoughts he didn't realise Kurt was waking up.
"Blaine!" Although Kurt hadn't said it all that loudly you could tell he was so happy that Blaine was awake.
Kurt pulled him in to the most passionate kiss they had ever shared. Everything in that moment felt right, to both of them. The ways their lips fitted together, the way their hands found each others.
In that moment Blaine forgot about his surroundings and why he was there, all that mattered then was the love of his life that was sharing that moment with him. 

When they parted it felt like they were coming back to reality, though neither if them wanted to.
"Oh Blaine, I am so glad you're okay. I don't know what I would've done without you."
Blaine let out a satisfied sigh.
"Kurt, how long have you been here?"
"I've been here since you had to come in but I had to leave yesterday to get your clothes and stuff for when you woke up, which reminds me your things are over there when you need the-"
Kurt was cut off by Blaine's lips pressing firmly against his own. Blaine couldn't believe that he had been there all that time it felt like the perfect moment to tell Kurt...

"I love you."

Those three words meant more to Kurt than Blaine could imagine.
"I love you too Blaine."
They lay there for about an hour, not wanting to leave each others side, though they knew they had to talk about the other night and Kurt had something exciting to tell Blaine.

"Blaine, I know you don't really want to talk about it but I have something to tell you and i think you'll like it...after you were rushed here the police went to your house to get Sebastian, they arrested him for abuse. Blaine you won't have to see him ever again."
The biggest smile came to Blaine's face he couldn't express how happy he was. Now he could go on and live with Kurt, hopefully, without having to worry about his EX-boyfriend. 

Blaine couldn't believe how far he had come with Kurt's help. He had got off drugs and alcohol and dumped his abusive boyfriend. 

How was he ever going to repay Kurt?

End Notes: hope you liked it next chapter should be up in a couple of days


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