Nov. 22, 2012, 10:50 a.m.
Nov. 22, 2012, 10:50 a.m.
It had been 2 weeks since the day Blaine told Kurt how he felt. The two met up nearly every day since, rebuilding their friendship and falling in love with eachother all over again. Blaine hadn't heard much from Sebastian lately except for when he would call or text Blaine telling him how he missed him, which Blaine knew was bullshit, Sebastian just missed the sex and how Blaine would do anything for him. After a few more days Sebastian sounded more agressive sending Blaine abusive texts. But even Sebastian's words couldn't get to Blaine with Kurt around. Blaine felt safe and protected when he was with Kurt, like nothing could ever harm him again.
It was clear after only 2 more times of them meeting up they weren't going to be just friends for much longer. They both wanted so much more.
Kurt hadn't told his family about how he had been seeing Blaine again, after all that happened he wasn't sure how they would take it. But one night when he was meant to meet Blaine later on he decided it was the right time to tell them, or at least his dad.
"Dad I have something to tell you"
"Yes kur-" there was a sudden knock on the door that made them both jump. Kurt opened it to see Blaine, looking more beautiful than ever with his old ankle high trousers, black shirt and red bowtie. Blaine looked like the teenage boy Kurt fell in love with all those years ago. So many memories came flooding back it was just like they were 18 again. Kurt stayed standing there for a couple of minutes completely lost in thoughts.
"Kurt, who is it?" Burt walked over to the door and nearly dropped his drink at the sight of Blaine standing on his doorway like old times. Blaine was like a son to Burt and even after what he did to Kurt he still felt like Blaine was a part of his family.
"Hi Burt" Blaine reached out to shake Burt's hand smiling as innocently as he could. Neither Blaine nor Kurt were expecting what Burt did next. Burt almost leaped on to Blaine pulling him into the biggest hug ever. Tears came to Burt's eyes as he tried to talk to Blaine.
"Bl-blaine what are you...why are you...how are you?" Blaine was overwhelmed at Burt's reaction towards him grinning from ear to ear Kurt realised that this was the happiest he had seen Blaine since that night they met again. Kurt decided to step in,
"Blaine, why don't you come in and we'll explain to dad what's happening?"
"Ofcourse, yes." Kurt held blaine's hand and led him in to their living room. Burt noticed Kurt do this and couldn't help but stop smiling.
Once Blaine and Kurt sat down very close to each other and went through an awkward silence of not knowing where to start Burt spoke up,
"So what is this between you two now?" Kurt and Blaine looked at each other, truth is neither of them knew.
"Erm well 2 weeks ago I was at the Lima Bean and spotted Blaine. We talked through a lot of things and worked a few things, and well I guess we realised how much we still cared for each other and that there was no one else that could make us feel the same way we did about each other. I suppose you could say we are kind of soul mates." Kurt wasn't saying this directly to Burt he was looking into Blaine's eyes. They stayed like that for a bit realising exactly that they both felt the same way.
"...wow. Kurt, Blaine, I am so glad you two worked it out. Truth is we have all missed having you in our family Blaine whatever the circumstances were."
Blaine had never felt more happy than he was right there and then.
Blaine soon realised that Kurt had helped him so much. Not only had he helped him ease off drugs and alcohol, he helped him to feel like he was wanted like he had a purpose to being alive.
Blaine couldn't express how much he loved Kurt.
aww this was so cute!
this was so good and yes i think Sebastian should be in the next chapter
This is so good! I think Sebastian would be a good idea! I feel so sorry for Blaine'