Blaine needs help
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Blaine needs help : Chapter 1

E - Words: 1,922 - Last Updated: Nov 22, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Nov 19, 2012 - Updated: Nov 22, 2012
469 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes: First fanfic, enjoy

Blaine didn't know how he ever ended up like this. An alcoholic, working for his homophobic dad, still living in Ohio and going out with an abusive boyfriend. Or maybe he did know, after kurt had removed him from his life Blaine fell into depression. Regretting everything he ever did except falling in love with kurt. Blaine soon dropped out of McKinley, it wasn't the same there anymore everyone knew about the terrible cheating slut he was and wanted nothing to do with him. The guilt and feeling of being worthless took over blaine's whole being, he turned to drugs and alcohol as a way of forgetting who he was. He had a few boyfriends since, if you can even call them that, more like hookups. He would go to this gay club every night until one night he met someone, someone called Sebastian. It was all going well at first, of course he was nothing compared to Kurt but Sebastian made Blaine feel good about himself.
But 2 weeks ago was when everything went wrong Sebastian started hitting Blaine, the relationship was getting more and more violent everyday but Blaine couldn't end it neither did he have anyone to tell. He was alone. 

2 hours away from Ohio Kurt was coming back from a very long day at work, he had the perfect job, a high fashion designer for Vogue. In fact he almost had the perfect life, a handsome boyfriend, Lewis, that adored him and a big apartment with his best friend, Rachel berry.
The only thing missing was Blaine. 
As soon as he got through the door to his home Rachel was running towards him holding her phone out to him saying something kurt couldn't make out through all her sobbing.
"Kurt, Kurt! It's C-c-Carole" Kurt took the phone off Rachel not knowing what on earth was going on. 
"Carole, what's the matter?! What's happened?!"
"It's your dad. He's had a heart attack he has been rushed to hospital but the doctor won't tell me if he is alright. Please, please come burt and I need you." As soon as Carole mentioned his dad he was out of the apartment calling for a taxi to take him to the airport. It was a frantic rush and Rachel couldn't quite keep up with Kurts pace.
The minute they got to Ohio Kurt was practically running to the hospital leaving no time for calling a taxi. He only cared whether his dad was alive or not.  When he finally got there Carole informed him that they couldn't see his dad yet. They comforted each other till the nurse came over and showed them to his fathers bed. Burt was alive. 

3 weeks later Burt was back at home, Kurt hadn't gone back to New York yet he wanted to be with his dad for as long as he could. Soon after his dad got out of hospital Kurt realised that he hadn't been back to Ohio in 4 years. He didn't class this as home anymore he classed it as the place where he lost his bestfriend, his true love. Kurt had thought about Blaine a lot since he got back, wondered where he was and what he was doing. Part of Kurt wanted to see Blaine again check he was okay but he knew it would only bring back feelings he has only just began to get over. 

Blaine was oblivious that Kurt was in the same state as him, until one day.

Blaine was purposefully going out of his way to avoid Sebastian that day, he worked all through the night and only left to go get a coffee at the Lima Bean at 8am. He was feeling run down and tired of everything, he needed attest 5 cups of coffee to keep him up.  Blaine ordered 2 cups of his usual coffee order and went to sit down in the far corner of the room away from everyone. 
Kurt was woken up by Carole telling him she had to be at work for the next 4 days and that he would have to look after Burt. Kurt didn't mind this but did she really have to wake him up at 7 in the morning? Unable to get back to sleep Kurt decided to visit an old favourite place of his, The Lima Bean.  When Kurt arrived at the cafe he was pleased to see it had not changed at all, still the same cosy little place that he had spent most of his teenage years in.  Kurt went inside and ordered the coffee he used to get every time he went there, non fat mocha with extra whip. 

At that moment something caught Kurts breath. That something was the beautiful man with the overly gelled hair and triangle eyebrows sitting in the corner. Staring straight back at him. Kurt almost didn't recognise Blaine, he looked like he had been beat up and was lost. He was no longer the happy Bow tie wearing boy that Kurt loved, the glimmer in his eyes had gone. 
Kurt had no option but to go join him, he couldn't stay standing there forever.  

Oh my god this cant be happening Blaine thought. He had been waiting for this day for 4 years he couldn't believe he was less than 4 feet away from Kurt. Fucking hell Kurt is more beautiful than ever. Blaine was snapped out of his thoughts at the high pitched voice that came from Kurts mouth.
"Erm....hi" Blaine didn't reply he was still in shock.
"Blaine are you okay?" Blaine realised he was staring and looked away instantly. "S-sorry, I-i.....what are you doing here?"
"My dads been in the hospital I had to see him."
"Oh, is he okay??"
"Yes, yes he's alright now" For a moment it felt like everything that had happened between the two boys was forgot, like they were just meeting up for a coffee but then the silence that followed broke the atmosphere.
"Would you like to erm sit down?" Kurt nodded slightly and awkwardly sat beside Blaine. Kurt couldn't help but notice something was wrong, the way he spoke the distant look Blaine had. He was worried for him and had to know if he was alright.
"Bl-Blaine are you okay? I mean you don't look very good."
"Me? Oh yeah....I'm fine."
"Something tells me differently." Kurt pointed to Blaine's black eye.
"Oh that, I erm fell over." Kurt was seriously worried now, Blaine wouldn't lie to Kurt unless it was really serious.
"Blaine please tell me what happened."
"I can't Kurt, he will hurt me...I mean I just can't."
"Blaine who is he, please tell me I am worried about you." Blaine hadn't received this much attention or caring in years, he didn't know whether to tell Kurt or not. Why would Kurt care anyway? I hurt him he shouldn't even be talking to me, Blaine thought.
For some reason Blaine started crying, it was all too much, seeing the man he loved after such a long a time, being questioned about his bruises for the very first time. Blaine knew If he stayed in that room he would tell Kurt everything and Sebastian would kill him for it. So he got up fast and made for the door as quickly as he could ignoring Kurts shouts to stay and come back.
Kurt ran after Blaine as quickly as he could. When he got outside he saw Blaine sitting on the floor sobbing into his hands. The sight of this broke Kurt's heart.  "Blaine? Blaine, you have to tell me what's wrong. Here, come with me we will go back to mine and you can tell me everything. Okay?" Kurt had no idea what he was doing, he had just invited his ex boyfriend, that he was trying to get over still, back to his house. But Kurt couldn't care about himself right now, it was Blaine he needed to be there for.
Blaine took Kurt's hand without thinking and agreed to go back to his. 
When Blaine stepped inside kurt's old house, he broke down. He hadnt been there in years, he realised how much he had missed this place and Kurt. 
"Blaine it's okay, I'm here for you. Come, sit down." Kurt cautiously led Blaine to the sofa being careful not to over step any boundaries they had formed over the years.  
Burt must have still been in bed because by now he would've been down here checking what all the noise was.
"Blaine, please you know you can tell me anything.
"Kurt was begging Blaine to explain.  After 5 long horrible minutes Blaine started to talk.
"It's Sebastian..."
"my boyfriend..." That one sentence hurt Kurt so much because it meant Blaine had moved on, that he didn't care for Kurt anymore. But in fact Blaine felt the complete opposite.
"Oh." And that was all Kurt could get out before tears were streaming down his face. Kurt sniffed which made Blaine look up from his hands.
"Kurt are you-" Kurt didn't want this to be about him so he interrupted Blaine. "Blaine why are you going out with S-Sebastian?" Kurt hated saying that name. Blaine debated whether or not to tell him the truth, that the reason he's with Sebastian is because he gets him drugs and takes his mind off of Kurt. He decides to keep quiet for a minute not knowing what to say.
"I d-don't know." Blaine couldn't tell him the truth. Kurt would never look at him the same again.
"Blaine please. You do know,you just aren't telling me. Please I want to help you." Kurt could see Blaine was hiding something.
"Kurt, I have to tell you something, the truth. You have to promise me you won't tell anyone though." Kurt nodded understanding how serious Blaine was about this. 
"Kurt, the reason I am with Sebastian is because he takes my mind off of you. I know what you're thinking, it's been 4 years right? Well those 4 years have been hell. There hasn't been a day that I haven't thought about you. I can't sleep, I can't eat. I got involved in drugs and alcohol, started sleeping with random men for money. That's how I met Sebastian, if I do what he says he gives me drugs if I don't he beats me till I'm unconscious. Sometimes I think what's the point? I've attempted suicide twice, but nothing ever fucking works and I'm sick of it. I left McKinley, I left my family and I have no where to go. I miss you so much Kurt it is physically and mentally killing me."

There was such a long silence that Blaine instantly regretted what he had told him. Blaine wanted to just drop dead right there and then. He finally looked up at Kurt. Blaine had never seen someone look so distraught. Kurt didn't know how to deal with everything Blaine had just told him, it felt like someone was ripping his heart apart. He had no idea what to say except a whispered
"I love you"
And Kurt really did love Blaine. More than he could ever imagine.

The two boys were hugging each other tightly now, clinging on to the other like there life depended on it. Neither of them wanted to let go so they stayed there until they both drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each others arms and legs.

To Blaine right there, in kurt's arms it felt like home.

End Notes: Hope you liked it, I will try to update soon


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this was so good! i wan't to know what else happens now!

your first fic? wow, you should write more

this was so emotional but so good, are blaine and kurt going to get together then? what about kurt's boyfriend?? can't wait for chapter 2.

This was really good. I hope Kurt is able to help Blaine and that they are eventually able to be happy. I hate seeing Blaine sad and in pain. I can't wait to see what happens next.