The Fire is So Delightful
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Story
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The Fire is So Delightful : Chapter 2

K - Words: 1,218 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 2/2 - Created: Aug 22, 2012 - Updated: Aug 22, 2012
439 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Okay and here's the rest of it, about 5 or so minutes after Chapter 1!

Kurt tilted his head up, peering at Blaine’s flushed face in the flickering darkness. His boyfriend’s head was leaned back at an angle, allowing Kurt better access to his neck, but he could just make out the twinkle in his eyes if he squinted.

“Kurt…” Blaine sighed as Kurt ran his hands over his chest, reaching his head up to catch Blaine’s lips once more. Kurt shifted on top of him, settling between his legs and leaning over for better access to Blaine’s blissful face. Blaine kissed back, the two settling into a familiar rhythm as the fireplace snap, crackle, POPPED next to them.

“Kurt… stop… your family…”

“Mmm, they can wait, baby,” Kurt muttered, pressing his lips to Blaine’s chin. “Nobody’s going anywhere in this storm,” he reminded the other boy.

Blaine hummed contentedly, rolling them over so that he was on top of Kurt, whose legs locked around Blaine’s waist as his boyfriend’s breath ghosted over his face. “You’re so beautiful,” Blaine murmured into Kurt’s hair, sliding his hands down to cup his face. “I really love you, Kurt.”

Kurt’s breath hitched. He never got tired of hearing that, no matter how many times Blaine repeated himself. The idea of someone loving him so wholly and unconditionally still made his head spin. “I really love you too,” he replied, sliding his hands up and down Blaine’s back and bunching up the fabric of his thin Henley. He felt Blaine’s hips press into his as his boyfriend settled down between Kurt’s legs, allowing his full weight to rest on top of Kurt, warm and comfortable and perfect.



Kurt shifted underneath Blaine, doing his utmost to ignore the buzzing phone vibrating against his pocket.


“You gonna get that?” Blaine interjected.

“It can wait,” Kurt breathed, letting out a breathy moan as Blaine sucked on his collarbone.



“It’s probably your dad,” he pointed out.

Kurt exhaled sharply, pushing himself upright as Blaine slid off of his lap, making room for Kurt to fish the phone out of his pocket. He was right.

Incoming Call: Dad

Kurt tapped the “Receive” button and pressed the phone against his ear.


“Hey, Kurt.”

“Hi, Dad.”

“Listen, Son, we’re completely snowed in. The roads are blocked off and it’s still snowing up a storm out there, so it looks like we’re not coming home until tomorrow. Are you okay there?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. The power’s out, but we lit a fire.”

Kurt heard Burt make a small “mhm” sound, as though his suspicions had been confirmed. “So Blaine’s still with you?”

“Yeah,” Kurt nodded even though his dad obviously couldn’t see through the phone (it was a habit of his). “We’re completely snowed in on this end, too. He can’t get home.”

“Alright,” Burt sounded resigned. “I guess it’s better for you to have someone with you, anyways. I don’t suppose Finn made it home from Rachel’s?”

“Nope. I haven’t seen him for hours.”

“I should probably call him too, then,” Burt noted. “You two be safe, okay? No… shenanigans.”


“Just be respectful in my house, okay?”

“Okay, Dad.”

“Love you, Kurt.”

“Love you too.”

Kurt hung up the phone, tucking it safely back in his pocket. “Sorry about that,” he reached for Blaine’s hand, linking their fingers together. Blaine scooted back over to Kurt, who planted a kiss on his cheek. “Where were we?”

“What’d your dad say? Does he want me to leave?”

Kurt shook his head. Blaine was still not used to having a father figure who was in any way okay with his son and his son’s boyfriend spending extended periods of time alone. “Of course not! That’s crazy, you’d get killed out there!”

“Are you sure?” Blaine’s eyebrows were scrunched together, his eyes staring imploringly into Kurt’s.

“I’m sure,” Kurt said, rubbing Blaine’s arm reassuringly. “He actually said he’s happy I have someone to make sure I’m safe here.”

A smile took over Blaine’s face as he realized what Kurt had said. But then his eyebrows knitted together again and his lips formed a little pout. “Wow, I’m a real buzzkill,” he noted.

Kurt giggled. “Maybe a bit,” he admitted. “But we have…” he yawned hugely, “hours alone together.” He leaned back against the coffee table, eyes drooping of their own accord.

It was Blaine’s turn to yawn as he watched his boyfriend. “You tired?”

“Not at all,” Kurt muttered sleepily, sliding down so that he was using his own arm as a pillow. “Just… a few minutes… and I’ll be wide awake.”

“Me too,” Blaine agreed, lying down on the floor against his better jugment. Kurt immediately rolled over so that his head was on Blaine’s chest, yawning even larger than before (if that was possible) as he curled his own body against his boyfriend’s.


The sharp screech of the fire alarm turning on awoke Kurt several hours later. He sat up, blinking rapidly in the suddenly bright lights. Checking his phone, Kurt saw that it was 2:45 AM.

Blaine pushed himself up sleepily. “Kurt? Wassamatter?”

“The power’s back on!” Kurt noticed, shaking out his arm which had fallen asleep from the awkward angle they had been lying at.

Blaine shuddered, wrapping his arms around himself. “It’s freezing!” he complained. Indeed, the fireplace must have gone out long ago without anyone awake to stoke it, and the heat hadn’t yet kicked in since the power had just turned on. Blaine’s winter jacket and faded sweater were in a heap across the floor, and in the absence of Kurt at his side, Blaine must have been icy.

“Here,” Kurt stood, grabbing a soft blanket off the couch and tossing it at Blaine. “Hold on, I’ll go make cocoa.”

“You don’t need to-”

“I want to,” he interrupted. “Besides, we have those little mini marshmallows that you like,” he beamed, delighted with the domesticity of it all. One day, I’ll be making hot cocoa with little marshmallows in our own kitchen, in our own apartment, Kurt thought.

He practically skipped to the kitchen, preparing the Swiss Miss as quickly as he could, so anxious was he to get back to his warm, adorable, sleepy boyfriend. He grabbed Blaine a "Hummel Tire and Lube" mug, choosing for himself the bowtie mug Blaine had given him as a Christmas present, of course. Finally, after a quick spray of whipped cream on top of each mug, and a hearty sprinkling of mini marshmallows for Blaine’s, the cocoa was ready.

As he headed back to the TV room, another thought struck Kurt. This is the first time we’ve slept together without… sleeping together, he realized. And it had been perfect, too. All warmth and snuggles and shared body heat while the embers glowed in the fireplace.

“Yum!” Blaine enthusiastically sipped the hot cocoa that was presented to him, grinning up at Kurt, who couldn’t help but notice that a dollop of whipped cream had ended up on his boyfriend’s nose. That combined with his messy head of morning curls and the puppydog grin on his face was almost too much. Kurt leaned over on impulse, kissing the whipped cream off of Blaine’s nose, and then kissing him again square on the lips. Blaine’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “What was that for?” he wondered amusedly.

“Oh, nothing,” Kurt sighed dreamily. “I just really, really love you.”




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How adorable :) The cutest ever!!