Aug. 22, 2012, 10 a.m.
Aug. 22, 2012, 10 a.m.
Kurt was trying very hard not to think of the fact that he was sitting on a couch with Blaine, their legs practically touching, as they watched America’s Next Top Model and giggled at the funny poses the ladies struck in each challenge.
It was a stormy winter evening, snow swirling against the windows, the heat turned up full blast in the Hummel-Hudson household. Kurt’s dad and Finn’s mom were both working, and Finn had gone to Rachel’s after school, so Kurt and Blaine had the house all to themselves for the time being, but Kurt didn’t want to start anything because he wasn’t sure when anyone would be home.
Suddenly the lights flickered, and Blaine glanced worriedly out the window. “I hope you don’t lose power,” he said, furrowing his thick eyebrows. “If the storm’s that bad, I don’t know how I’ll be able to get home.”
“Wouldn’t that be a pity,” Kurt nudged Blaine’s foot with his own.
“You know what I mean,” Blaine said quickly. “It’s hard enough to convince my parents to let me spend the day after school at my boyfriend’s house, let alone an entire night.”
The lights flickered again, and then Kurt and Blaine were plunged into utter darkness, the house eerily quiet in the absence of Tyra’s loud-and-in-charge voice blaring from the TV.
“Aw, crap,” Kurt peered into the darkness. He could just make out Blaine’s face in the dim light from his cell phone.
“‘Winter weather advisory,’” Blaine read off the phone. “‘Blizzard alert. Avoid travel unless absolutely necessary.’ Well, I guess I’m not going anywhere for a while.”
Kurt sighed. “I’m sorry, Blaine. I hope your dad doesn’t get too pissed.”
“Eh, he’ll deal,” Blaine shrugged. “For now, let’s just enjoy the time we have together.”
Blaine slid over on the couch and took Kurt’s hand in his own. “You’re freezing, Kurt! Don’t you have a blanket or something?”
Kurt suddenly became aware that he was shivering slightly. “Dammit. No heat when the power’s out. Let me light a fire.” He giggled at the old-fashioned phrase, then slid regretfully off the couch and felt his way to the kitchen to retrieve the matches and a bottle of kerosene and a flashlight, which he turned on so he could get back to Blaine and the fireplace more quickly.
Blaine was sitting cross-legged in front of the fireplace when Kurt returned. He obviously had better night-vision than Kurt, to be able to even find the fireplace in the darkness, Kurt thought ruefully. He knelt down and fumbled with the matches until a warm, blazing fire had started, crackling merrily. He then scooted over to join Blaine, who wrapped an arm around Kurt to help warm him up.
Kurt glanced up at Blaine’s face, reflected in the dim firelight. “You know, sharing body heat is the best way to fight hypothermia,” he suggested before he could stop himself.
Blaine chuckled. “I sincerely doubt you’re going to get hypothermia, Kurt,” he pointed out amusedly.
“Not if you’re here to protect me,” Kurt cooed, wrapping both arms around Blaine’s waist. He couldn’t help himself, not when the fire was so warm and cozy and it was so dark and romantic like this.
It appeared Blaine couldn’t help himself either, as he quickly slipped off his winter coat, which he must have retrieved from the ground when the power went out, as well as the old Disneyland sweatshirt he had been wearing despite Kurt’s protests. Kurt always insisted that the only place for a ratty gray sweatshirt with Mickey Mouse stitched on the front was in the trash, but Blaine argued that it was warm and nostalgic, so he still wore it occasionally.
Not tonight, though.
Once the various layers had been removed, Blaine wrapped his hands around Kurt’s arms, and Kurt rested his head against Blaine’s torso, hearing his heart pound through his thin knit shirt. Blaine sighed contentedly.
“I love when you sigh,” Kurt murmured quietly.
“Do you?” Blaine sounded slightly taken aback by the sudden display of affection.
“It means you’re happy. With me.” Kurt explained, tracing the outline of a heart on the back of his boyfriend’s shirt.
“I’m always happy with you, Kurt,” Blaine assured him quietly, his thumb stroking Kurt’s forearm so that Kurt could feel goosebumps forming on his already chilly skin.
“I don’t know why.”
“Because I love you. I can’t believe you still need to hear that.”
“I love you, too,” Kurt tilted his head up to meet Blaine’s eyes, which were gazing adoringly down at him. Suddenly, Blaine leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on Kurt’s almost-numb lips, which began to warm immediately. He felt his face flush. He angled his body towards Blaine’s, placing one hand on his chest as he continued the kiss.
“I thought you were worried about your parents,” Blaine muttered quietly, pulling apart ever-so-slightly.
“Screw ‘em. It’s dark, anyways,” Kurt pointed out breathlessly, leaning into Blaine even more, so that he was practically supporting all of Kurt’s weight.
“Suit yourself,” Blaine’s voice was suddenly low, gravelly, which Kurt knew meant he was starting to get really turned on.
Blaine caught Kurt’s lips with his own, and Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine’s shoulders, locking them behind his neck and deepening the kiss. He felt Blaine’s tongue against his lips and parted them enough to let it meet his own. A low moan escaped Blaine, and he wrapped his hands in Kurt’s hair, then dragged one slowly down Kurt’s neck to his back, coming to rest right above his waistline.
It was Kurt’s turn to moan as he wriggled around into a more comfortable position, so that he was practically on top of Blaine. He pressed his face against Blaine’s, their noses mashing together, and tightened his grip on the front of Blaine’s shirt as the kissing grew more intense, more passionate, which Kurt hadn’t even known was possible.
Kurt felt Blaine allow himself to fall backwards, until Kurt was lying on the other boy, propping himself up with an elbow as their legs entangled. He heard Blaine moan again, the sound low and longing, and felt butterflies in his stomach at the noise.
This was going to be out of control in a minute.
Kurt parted their lips for a moment, panting slightly.
“Blaine… too much… slow down…”
“Sorry,” Blaine muttered, his voice almost painfully raspy in the back of his throat.
“Don’t be,” Kurt breathed, tracing the outline of Blaine’s toned abs through his shirt, which was now slightly damp with sweat from the heat of the fire and the now-perfectly-toasty Kurt who lay on top of him. “I just… needed a moment. Now, where were we?”
Blaine sincerely hoped that nobody would walk in on them, because he didn’t think he could bear to be pulled away from Kurt at the rate this was going.
Yes, this definitely makes up for the lack of PDA at school, he thought. Just because the two were terrified to go farther than a hug in front of their peers, didn’t mean the same rules had to apply at home.
Kurt pressed his soft lips against Blaine’s, apparently collected enough to have regained control of himself. Blaine kissed back, his tongue probing Kurt’s warm mouth as his hands moved around Kurt’s back, grabbing bunches of his boyfriend’s thick sweater in his sweaty hands. He felt Kurt’s elbow slide out from under him, and the other boy collapsed on top of Blaine, their chests now touching as they continued kissing passionately. He felt Kurt squirm slightly, trying to lift himself up without breaking contact, and tensed up immediately.
“Kurt,” he moaned, barely able to control himself. “Stop… stop it…”
“Stop what?” Kurt asked innocently, clearly not understand the affect his movement was having on Blaine.
“Stop… moving like that… too much… I want you, Kurt… so bad.”
Kurt stopped kissing and stared into Blaine’s eyes. “You know we can’t. Finn could be home any minute.”
“It’s not like Finn hasn’t done the same with Rachel,” Blaine murmured, hearing how hoarse his voice was.
“I know. It’s just, he’s really trying to be cool about the whole… gay thing. I don’t wanna make this harder on him than it has to be.”
“What about making it hard on me!” Blaine whispered, feeling his face redden as he realized the implications of what he’d just said.
Kurt giggled, burying his face into Blaine’s shoulder.
“I’ll see what I can do.”