Hey Soul Singer
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Hey Soul Singer: Chapter 13

T - Words: 658 - Last Updated: Jun 24, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 25/? - Created: May 23, 2015 - Updated: May 23, 2015
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Chapter 13

Kurt and Blaine arrive outside the Berry household at 7 exactly. Rachel opened the door and invited them inside.

“You know I thought for a second that you weren't going to show up” she gave Kurt a smile before turning to Blaine. I don't think that we have been properly introduced. I am Rachel, the co-captain of the New Directions.”

“Blaine Warbler Anderson, Junior Warbler member and lead soloist for some strange reason.” Rachel looked impressed.

“Well the party is downstairs in the Oscar room so feel free to join the others,” she said to the Dalton boys. She took Kurt aside however and whispered in his ear. “Does this mean your name is now Kurt Warbler Hummel?” Kurt shrugged as he had never actually heard his full Warbler title before and followed Blaine down the stairs.

All of the New Directions were downstairs in Rachel's basement looking like they would rather be anywhere else. They all brightened at the sight of their former member.

“Yo Kurt, what's up dude?” Finn saw his step-brother first and said hello over the noise of the fairly quiet music. All of the others realised Kurt was there and went over to catch up with their friend. As Kurt was smothered by his old friends. Blaine stood to one side with Rachel attached to his side.

“Dalton has been really good for Kurt, I guess you wouldn't realise how much he has changed since moving school.” Rachel said.

“Well I showed him round before he decided to transfer and even after only knowing him for a day, I saw a difference on his first day. I really admire his courage for sticking at your school for so long though, I don't think I could have been that strong.” Rachel looked at Blaine with an almost loving expression.

“Let me introduced you to the others.” She took his arm and turned around to face the group that was still gathered around Kurt. “Hey guys, this is Kurt's friend Blaine.” The emphasis of the word ‘friend' implied to the rest of the new directions that he was in actuality more than friends with Kurt. However the McKinley glee club members weren't actually listening to her.

“Guys I think Rachel was trying to introduce my friend Blaine to you.” Kurt said, and this caused his friends to turn their attention to the stranger in the room.

“Dalton boy, have you been looking after my man Kurt?” Puck said as he approached Blaine with a threatening expression. Kurt tried to move to stand in-between his two friends but Brittany caught him in an unbreakable hug.

“Of course I've been looking after him, he is my friend.” Blaine said and held his hand out for Puck to shake. “My name is Blaine.”

“Puckerman, but everyone calls me Puck, so feel free to do the same.” Puck said before taking Blaine's hand.

Throughout the first half an hour of the party, Blaine was introduced to all of the glee club members and had had one of his two allotted wine coolers. He was tempted to have the other when he and the host noticed a few people moving towards the exit.

“Uh, where are you guys going?” Rachel asked with a shocked and slightly hurt look.

“We are really sorry, but we have… Uh… reservations at Breadstix.” Artie said as he, Brittany, Tina and Mike moved towards the staircase.

“Rachel this party sucks. To get everyone to stay are going to have to let me into your dads' alcohol cabinet. I can replace it before they get back, scout's honour.”

“You were never a scout Puck but okay.” Rachel went round the back of the bar and grabbed a bottle of vodka. “Let's party!” she shouted and ran over to the stereo to turn up the volume to an obnoxiously high level.


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