June 24, 2015, 7 p.m.
June 24, 2015, 7 p.m.
Chapter 10
Kurt and Mercedes had gotten changed the second they had reached the Hudson-Hummel house. They were currently curled up on Kurt's bed in their onesies watching a film on his laptop, well, Mercedes was watching but Kurt's mind was elsewhere.
“How can I not have realised that my soulmate was one of the Warblers? Surely I should have noticed, anyway didn't the article Rachel show me say that once I met my soulmate that I would hear the songs in his voice? Well I don't, it's still the original.” Kurt felt like he had jumped out of a plane with a broken parachute. “What if I don't have a soulmate, what if there is no one out there for me?” Luckily for Kurt, Mercedes decided to step in as his emergency chute and broke his inevitable fall into depression.
“Oh Kurt, just because your soulmate hasn't made himself known just yet doesn't mean that he isn't out there! Maybe today was just a coincidence after all.” She stopped the film from playing and did a quick google search to find the article again. “Here, look. The article was updated only a few days ago. It now says that further research has proven that you have to know that the person is your soulmate before you hear the songs in their voice. See you do still have your perfect guy out there for you! Also the connection is definitely a two way thing so he must be able to hear you too. So he's probably out there right now wondering who you are and what you're like and what incredibly romantic gesture he is going to make when he finds you.” Mercedes knew that Kurt was a hopeless romantic and never failed to cheer him up. They continued watching the film in a relatively happy silence and the soulmate issue was dropped for the time being.
After the film was over, Kurt went back to musing over who which Warbler could possibly be his soulmate.
“It's strange, I thought I would know who it was as soon as I laid eyes on them. It could be any one of them really.” Mercedes was just as curious as Kurt to find out which Warbler was destined to make her boy happy.
“Why don't you try to narrow it down a little? Is there anyone you know that you can strike of the list of potential soulmate?” Kurt narrowed his eyes in thought.
“Well, I would bet any amount of money on Nick and Jeff getting together so they are out.” Mercedes nodded in agreement, even after only knowing the boys for a short time, she could see the connection between them. “I also think that Trent and the council members are straight. Oh all apart from Wes, who I am pretty sure is in an exclusive relationship with that damn gavel that he is inseparable from.” Mercedes looked at Kurt in confusion before they both collapsed with laughter.
“Well I guess that narrows it down a little bit. What about the other guy I met today, Blaine was it? He seemed like a really sweet guy.” Kurt's eyes glazed over.
“Yeah, he is amazing. I think Blaine is the guy who I would want it to be, but I guess you can't choose who you fall in love with, and I am fairly sure that he doesn't have any feelings for me.” Mercedes knew that this wasn't the case and Blaine was far too kind not to care about Kurt in one way or another.
“Only fairly sure?” She asked with a smirk. After seeing Kurt's sarcastic expression, she decided to change the subject and the two friends started watching their second film of the night.