July 28, 2011, 4:48 p.m.
July 28, 2011, 4:48 p.m.
I want you so bad
It's driving me mad, it's driving me mad
"I may be into women, but I would tap that without a second thought." Santana leaned over Kurt's shoulder to stare down at the video he had just received from an old classmate at Dalton.
"Do you mind?" Kurt glowered at Santana. The two had study hall together, and- being the last day of school- even the teacher had resigned to staring at the clock, allowing the students to do as they pleased.
"No, and if you do, that's too effin' bad, let me watch." Santana demanded.
Kurt sighed and tipped his phone back up for her to see the Warbler's most recent project. Blaine's usual ability to lay it all out for a song was in rare form for the Beatles number. Kurt should know, he'd already received a private showing of it, so the video of the group practice, compared to the in person performance, wasn't quite as…. steamy.
Santana apparently felt otherwise, she moaned aloud, ignoring the classmates who glanced up from their own conversations to stare at her. "Seriously, I always miss out on the best ones. Just tell me one thing."
Kurt quirked an eyebrow at her, "What?"
"On a scale of one to ten- one being holding Rachel Berry's hand and ten being getting with me- how mind blowingly amazing is the sex?"
Kurt felt his cheeks burn. "Personal, Santana. Too personal."
Santana snapped her gum a few times in irritation and studied Kurt's face. Suddenly her eyes went wide. "Oh my God."
"What?" Kurt checked to make sure his outfit was okay and then touched his hair, not sure what had caused Santana's shock.
She didn't bother following his attention to his clothing; she had her eyes locked on his. "You haven't done it yet!"
More people glanced toward the back of the classroom to stare at them. Kurt tried to act calm under their scrutiny before glowering at Santana. "Shush!"
Santana pried Kurt's phone from his hands and restarted the video, shoving the screen within inches of his face. "I will not shush, you stupid, frigid loser. You are telling me that you have not tapped that YET?"
Kurt tried to snatch his phone back, but the Latina girl would not let him touch it. "Personal, Santana."
"No. This is a crime against humanity." Santana pointed at the phone's front screen. "It is morally wrong to not be getting some of that at least twice a day every day. There is no excuse for that not happening. What's the matter with you?"
"Santana, listen-" before Kurt could even form a sentence, she clamped her free hand over his mouth.
"No, you listen, Harvey Milk," Santana snapped.
Kurt was surprised enough that she even knew the name Harvey Milk to maintain his silence when she let go of his mouth.
"You are being given a summer project. You tap that by next week, or I will. And don't tell me he's gay so he wouldn't be into it. Everyone wants a piece of this and if you don't put out, I will." Santana shoved Kurt's phone back into his hand, shaking her head in disgust. "Seriously, you are so lucky you have me to guide you."
"So very, very lucky." Kurt replied dryly, his eyes drifting up to the clock. Ten minutes and he would be done with McKinley for three wonderful months. With Santana quiet, he was able to let his mind drift.
He and Blaine's relationship had steadily heated up- Blaine's silliness being replaced more and more frequently with bedroom eyes, and low, suggestive murmurings in Kurt's ear. But, Santana was right, they hadn't progressed so far as to…do the deed.
Good lord, I can't even think the word. Kurt rolled his eyes at his own prudishness. Maybe Santana was right; maybe he just needed to bite the bullet… the minute hand lurched forward to the twelve, the ringing of the bell was drowned out by a cheer from the class, a sound that could be heard echoing from the other rooms lining the hallway. Kurt allowed himself to be pushed along with the crowd until he emerged in the parking lot, the hot May sun beating down on the top of his head.
"I mean it, princess. Get it done!" Santana shouted in his direction as she made for her car.
Kurt laughed despite himself, too blissful at the notion of freedom to be embarrassed by Santana. Finn had arranged to ride with Puck, so Kurt could make the nearly two-hour drive to Blaine's home in New Albany. Blaine had finished classes the previous week, but with his finals two weeks earlier, and Kurt's own hectic schedule the following week, the two hadn't seen one another in ten days (not that Kurt was counting or anything like that). Euphoric at the notion of being reunited so soon with his boyfriend, Kurt turned on the radio and even cracked the windows (though not enough for the wind to ruin his hair) as he sped down the road. When he got near the exit for Dalton, he felt a light sadness, but he continued on toward his lover's hometown. When he pulled into the driveway, he had to remind himself not to be intimidated by the massive home in front of him. All that mattered was the person inside. Still, he took a moment to stare up at the red bricks, the navy shutters… Blaine's place at Dalton was most definitely well secured; he would never have to fear the funding for tuition running dry. Kurt shook himself from his reverie and strode to the front door. He rang the bell and listened to the barking of Tucker, Blaine's big yellow lab, which secretly scared Kurt a little. He could hear Blaine's voice shouting for Tucker to be quiet as he neared the door.
When the door finally opened, Blaine was half bent over, trying to shove the big dog backwards. "God, Tuck, chill- Kurt!"
Blaine gave up on the dog, letting him bolt out the door and into the yard, preferring to hug his boyfriend close. "What are you doing here? Why aren't you at school?"
"I wanted to surprise you- I may have told a little white lie about the fact that we had early release today." Kurt smiled, pleased with himself. He looked over Blaine- his jeans were grass-stained at the bottom, and his white t-shirt was damp with sweat. "What have you been up to all week without me?"
Blaine nodded his head toward the lawn where Tucker was currently lounging. "Mowed the lawn, counted the hours until I thought you'd be done with school, wowed the world with my musical talents, solved world hunger, cured cancer; the usual… so, if you're done for the day, does that mean it's officially summer?"
Kurt gathered a handful of Blaine's white t-shirt and pulled him into a kiss. "It is officially summer."
Blaine's mouth curved into a lascivious smirk and his hands ran a path up and down Kurt's sides. "All mine for three months. What to do, what to do?"
"I'm sure we can come up with a few things." Kurt purred back. With the fistful of Blaine's shirt he still held, he pressed the other boy backward through the front door. "Your parents home?"
"Dad's on a golf weekend with clients; Mama left for a spa retreat with her book club. It's just me here all by myself until Monday." Blaine kissed his way from Kurt's mouth toward his ear; his fingers toyed with the hem of his Alexander McQueen t-shirt.
"How lonely for you. I guess I'll just have to keep you company." Kurt murmured back, lifting his chin when Blaine's kisses trailed toward his neck. He could smell Blaine's damp hair as it rubbed against his jaw—fresh grass and hot sun. His phone vibrated in his back pocket.
Blaine shifted a hand from the bottom of Kurt's shirt to his pocket and retrieved the device as it beeped again in an irritating reminder to Kurt not to ignore it, "Santana texted you. She says 'tick tock'. What's that mean?"
Kurt took the phone from Blaine's hand as casually as possible and tucked it back into his pocket. "My oh my, aren't we nosey."
"Sorry." Blaine murmured, Kurt could feel his mouth curve into a smile from its place still trailing kisses over his neck, his hands brushing the small of Kurt's back below his shirt. "So what's it mean?"
"…like the Kesha song." Kurt murmured, his thoughts going fuzzy with Blaine's fingers tracing the top of his jeans.
"Mmm." Blaine's mouth came back to meet his own, nipping lightly at his lower lip before murmuring, "I need to shower."
Santana's text seemed to burn Kurt's skin. Maybe there really was no excuse for not pushing things further, and she was right- who wouldn't want to with someone as sinfully delicious as Blaine? "Mind if I join you?"
Blaine looked surprised for a moment, but then that slow, fervid grin slid back into place. "I'd like that."
Kurt felt a rush of adrenaline laced with pride in his own forwardness, and anxiety over his na�vet�. Blaine pulled him up the stairs toward the bathroom, pausing occasionally to suddenly pin Kurt against the wall and steal a fervent kiss. Blaine's fingers slid from Kurt's when he bent over to twist the knob of the shower-giving Kurt a few seconds to panic that he has no idea what the hell he was doing. But when Blaine turned back around, his chin angled down, his eyes lustful, Kurt forgot his fears. He had no sooner closed the space between them than Blaine had pulled Kurt's shirt off with lightning speed. Kurt did not care that the designer fabric was in a pile somewhere on the floor, he did not care that he would have none of his skin care or hair products to put himself back together, he did not care that his body moved from some instinctive place he didn't know he owned. All he cared about was skin touching skin and the hot steam that curled around him as he stumbled backward into the shower.
I want you
I want you so bad
It's driving me mad, it's driving me mad