July 28, 2011, 4:48 p.m.
July 28, 2011, 4:48 p.m.
'Right back at ya ;)'
"Nauseating. Independence, Kurt; what happened to us being strong, independent stars?" Rachel scowled.
"Aren't you here to see Finn?" Kurt sighed. Rachel had stormed down the basement stairs and laid down on her back beside Kurt only moments earlier.
"We're in the middle of a misunderstanding." Rachel glared over at the empty bed.
"And what pray tell, has been misunderstood this time?" Kurt's eyes drifted from the ceiling to Rachel's profile beside him.
"He has misunderstood, yet again, that I am right and he is wrong." Rachel huffed.
Kurt didn't bother asking what it was that Finn was wrong about- with Rachel it didn't really matter. "And I'm sure, yet again, he'll come to his senses soon enough."
Rachel launched into a tirade on Finn's many flawed moments, her hands flapping out the entire drama above their faces. Kurt listened in silence.
Finally Rachel ran out of breath and had to pause. She frowned and propped herself up on an elbow to stare down into Kurt's face. "That's it?"
"What?" Kurt frowned back.
"No sarcastic comments about me talking too much? No scathing observations about Finn's IQ? You're just going to lay here and listen to me?"
"Would you like me to conjure up a few pithy remarks?" Kurt quirked an eyebrow.
"Well, no, but…" Rachel studied his face. "Do you miss Blaine? Is that what this is about?"
"I saw him on Monday," Kurt replied mildly.
"Yes, but its Saturday. You two never go that long without seeing each other."
"That's only one day longer than we don't see each other during the school year, Rachel. And weren't you just tooting the importance of independence?"
"That's in the past," Rachel waved the comment aside with a hand, "It's okay to miss him. He's the person you love. I still love Finn; he's just being incorrigible right now."
Kurt sighed, "I do miss him, but it's more… I'm worried about him."
Rachel lay back down and, for once, didn't voice an opinion. "Why?"
"Remember how I told you about seeing those guys in the park? I think it really got to him…he's just not himself."
"But you haven't even seen him this week. Maybe you're just worrying over nothing."
"It's just a feeling… forget it. I'll see him tonight and we can see how things go," Kurt shook his head, trying to rid it of his darker suspicions, "Do you plan on amending things with Finn before going to our little soir�e?"
Rachel sighed. "I suppose I could help him through the process of understanding why he's so wrong…later."
"No time like the present, mon ami." Kurt smiled absently at her.
"No; right now my fellow star on the rise needs some cheering up," Rachel seated herself at Kurt's vanity, "You can do my make up."
Kurt smiled despite himself. He could never resist a good make over.
"I bought you the damn wine coolers. If you wanted them cold, you should have put them in the cooler when you got here." Puck snapped at Santana.
"But they're coolers already…don't they just stay cold?" Brittany looked to Artie for an explanation.
"Shut up and just take a few shots instead; you won't notice the coolers are warm when you drink them then." Lauren glowered at Santana.
Kurt basked in the familiar griping, but kept an eye on the side of the house.
"Isn't Blaine coming, Kurt?" Mercedes queried from the other side of the fire.
"On his way." Kurt replied, trying to sound casual. Despite his reassurances to Rachel that six days without Blaine was no problem, he still longed for the familiar hand in his.
"I miss that guy." Sam glanced toward Kurt, "Not like in a gay way or anything."
"Thanks for the reassurance." Kurt rolled his eyes.
"I miss him in a very straight way." Rachel chimed from her place on Finn's lap.
"She is not already drunk." Quinn looked to Sam incredulously. "She needs to drink less; the music is already so loud someone is definitely going to call a noise complaint in and it won't help if she's stumbling around when the police come."
Sam looked at Rachel and then shrugged toward Quinn. "Maybe you just need to drink more."
Before an argument could flair, Brittany suddenly clambered off Artie's lap to run toward the side yard. "Blaine's here!"
"How can she even see over there?" Puck squinted into the darkness where Brittany had disappeared.
It turned out Brittany had been correct; a few moments later Blaine rounded the house, his pink sunglasses in place despite the twilight, and Brittany piggy backed behind him. He dropped her down lightly beside him as they approached the fire, one arm casually slung over her shoulders and her arms wrapped tight around his middle. "Kurt, your boyfriend is here."
"Thank you for letting me know, Brittany." Kurt smiled up at them.
Brittany turned her attention back to Blaine's face, "I like your glasses."
Blaine took them off and placed them on her. "I like yours, too."
"These aren't mine. These are yours." Brittany frowned.
"Right, sorry." Blaine winked. "Hold onto them for me for awhile, would you?"
Brittany went back to Artie while Blaine said his hellos to the group before sitting down on the bench beside Kurt. He squeezed his hand briefly and smiled. "Hey, you."
"Hey yourself." Kurt smiled back, but was immediately concerned.
Dark rings were visible in the orange glow of the firelight below Blaine's eyes, and even his posture seemed fatigued. Still, he smiled. "Been awhile."
"It most certainly has. Miss me?" Kurt nudged Blaine's shoulder with his own.
"Couldn't sleep, couldn't eat," Blaine winked.
Kurt couldn't help but wonder if that was partially true. "I believe the couldn't sleep part. You look tired."
"I'm fine. Long drive over." Blaine shrugged.
"You, go talk to Tina about a new wardrobe or something. I need to chat with your boy toy." Santana stood in front of them, her hands on her hips and a glower directed toward Kurt.
"Santana, I really don't think—"
"I don't think I asked what you thought and I'm pretty sure I don't care. Move it." Santana hitched a thumb over her shoulder.
Kurt glanced at Blaine and shrugged helplessly as he made his way to go sit in a vacant chair by Mike. He groaned to himself when Santana immediately straddled Blaine's lap.
"I think Santana's putting the moves on your boyfriend, Kurt." Tina watched too as Santana held Blaine's face between both of her hands while she talked.
"Forgive me if I'm not wracked with jealousy." Kurt laughed slightly, seeing Blaine's despairing smile directed up at the woman in his lap, before turning his attention back to Tina and Mike.
"Hey, Lance Bass." Kurt glanced over upon hearing Santana's voice. She was waggling a finger to indicate he could return.
"Nice chatting with you." Kurt rolled his eyes toward Mike before moving back toward his previous place around the fire.
Before getting up, Santana kissed Blaine full on the mouth and whispered in his ear.
"Thanks for that." Kurt said flatly.
Santana looked him over and smirked. "Welcome to the Big Kids' table, Hummel. Let me know if you and your man want company some time."
Kurt tried to keep a blush from spreading over his face, but Blaine just laughed, stretching an arm out around Kurt's shoulders once he had reseated himself. "Are you planning on making out with all of my girl friends, or just exposing our sex life to them?"
"I was thinking we could just give a hands on demonstration, so we could skip the boring conversation. I know how much you like to multi-task." Blaine grinned.
Kurt blushed and smiled back, leaning on Blaine's shoulder to murmur in his ear. "Speaking of which, are you staying here tonight?"
Blaine shook his head. "Nah, my mom knows I'm in Lima. She'd freak if I didn't come back."
"You think you'll be able to drive back all right?" Kurt looked over Blaine's tired features again.
Blaine nodded adamantly. "Absolutely."
"You wouldn't let me drive back Sunday night and that was earlier than you'll be leaving here." Kurt retorted.
"Would you like me to just go now then?" Blaine snipped, surprising himself and Kurt.
"Of course not." Kurt's voice was soft. He found Blaine's hand and squeezed it in his own.
Blaine's eyes drifted around the group for a moment before he let a breath out of his nose. "I didn't mean to snap at you like that; I'm sorry."
"Nothing to apologize for." Kurt lowered his voice. "Are you sure you're all right?"
"I'm-" Blaine suddenly flashed a smile, his eyes not on Kurt.
Kurt followed Blaine's gaze to find Rachel stumbling toward them, Finn's hand holding the edge of her shirt to keep her from falling into the fire pit before making it across the short distance. "Oh, for the love of God."
Rachel dropped down into Blaine's lap—why all women felt the need to be in such physical contact with him was beyond Kurt. "Blaine the Warbler, I am so glad you're here."
"Rachel the Superstar, I am so glad to be here." Blaine retorted with a laugh.
"Kurt, Kurt Hummel." Rachel turned her gaze toward Kurt, her arms still tangled around Blaine's neck.
"Yes, Rachel Berry." Kurt raised an eyebrow.
"He is so wonderful. I am so glad he is gay for you." Rachel smiled blithely.
"Thank you, Rachel, for the charming sentiment." Kurt exchanged a look with Blaine.
Rachel's eyes turned back to Blaine's face. "He's got really good teeth. That's important."
Blaine snapped his teeth at Rachel a few times for show, making her giggle with delight.
"And great hair. If you two could have kids, they would have perfect hair." Rachel twirled a wavy lock around her finger, then leaned in closer to Blaine's face, squinting. "What's this from?"
Kurt felt his breath catch as Rachel ran a finger along the scar.
Blaine didn't even flinch. "Epic showdown for male lead in Wicked against Norbert Butz. I won, but they took him anyway. His publicist was better."
"You would have been better," Rachel giggled, "and Kurt could be Elphaba, have you heard him sing Defying Gravity? It's amazing. You are both amazing!"
Blaine had to make a quick grab to keep Rachel from tumbling off his lap as she threw both arms in the air. "Does that mean you would be Glinda?"
Blaine threaded Rachel along in casting them in various Broadway shows, a game everyone was soon involved in.
When it got late enough and the others started drifting into the house, Kurt walked with Blaine to his car. "A Broadway fist fight, hmm?"
Blaine smiled at Kurt. "Part true, right?"
"Blaine, I'm worried about you." Kurt sighed.
"What's there to worry about? I'm fine." Blaine kissed Kurt on the mouth before climbing into his car. "I'll see you Tuesday?"
Kurt frowned. "I guess so."
"What's wrong?" Blaine frowned up at him, his car door still hanging open and his feet on the pavement.
"Why are you just brushing me off right now?"
"In what way am I brushing you off?" Blaine's face fell, sensing an argument.
"I'm trying to talk to you and you're acting like you can't get out of here fast enough."
"First you want me to go so I won't be driving late, then you want me to stay. How am I supposed to win here, Kurt?" Blaine pinched the bridge of his nose briefly.
"By telling me what's going on." Kurt knelt down on the asphalt, his hands on Blaine's knees. "When was the last time you slept?"
Blaine rolled his eyes. "Last night, if my memory serves me right."
"For, what, five minutes?" Kurt pressed a hand to Blaine's cheek. "You look exhausted, Blaine."
For a moment, the dark haired boy leaned into Kurt's touch, his eyes closed. He pressed his hand over Kurt's. "I do sleep. Just not well."
"You're having nightmares." Kurt said softly.
Blaine flinched, and then opened his eyes. "It'll pass. It's just a phase."
Kurt knew that tone; it was the tone Blaine used when he was echoing one of his parents. "What do your parents think?"
Blaine shook his head. "I always had sleep troubles as a kid, Mom thinks it's acting back up. She's right though, Kurt, it's nothing."
"It is not nothing, Blaine. Have you ever thought about seeing someone to talk about this?"
Blaine let out a short laugh. "Jesus, Kurt, I got shoved around a bit when I was younger, I don't need a shrink to cry to about monsters under my bed. Besides, I don't see you splayed out on a therapy couch."
"I'm not the one avoiding going to bed at night."
"It's a phase." Blaine repeated.
Blaine's hand drifted toward his forehead, but Kurt caught it in midair before it could reach its destination. "Is that a phase, too?"
Blaine opened his mouth, but ended up just closing it again, his eyes drifted away from Kurt's.
Kurt sighed, lowering their hands to rest on the space where their knees touched. "I've been trying to figure out all week how I can undo what I did last Saturday-"
"That wasn't your fault." Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand briefly.
"It was though. You can say it wasn't, but it was." Kurt looked away. "I just need to figure out what to do."
"Kurt, look at me." Blaine lifted his free hand to turn Kurt's face back toward his. "Do not mess with this- with them. I mean it."
"But, I-"
Blaine stared hard at him. "Promise me you will not go near them."
"Oh, please, Blaine, when would I even ever see them again?" Kurt rolled his eyes, but then squeezed Blaine's hand. "And I doubt you'll be seeing them anytime soon, either, so relax and get yourself some sleep."
Blaine dropped his hand from Kurt's face and sighed. "You're probably right…"
"I am always right." Kurt smiled reassuringly as he rose to his feet.
Blaine shut the door and started the car. He rolled his window down, "So is it safe to say now that I'll see you on Tuesday?"
"Yes, you can say that now." Kurt smiled. "And Blaine?"
"One more thing." Kurt leaned down and pressed his lips against Blaine's. "No more nightmares. I love you."
Blaine smiled, "I love you, too."
Kurt stood in the street, watching Blaine's car until it disappeared out of sight before rejoining the others inside Puck's house. He climbed into bed with an already slumbering Mercedes. He watched the minutes tick by on the nightstand table until the red, glowing numbers read 3:19; the time Blaine should have arrived at home. Sure enough, Kurt's phone vibrated a minute later.
'Made it home safe and sound. Sweet dreams. Xoxo'
Kurt tapped out a response; content in knowing Blaine hadn't accidentally driven off the road somewhere during the commute. He should have closed his eyes to sleep, but instead he studied the red glow of the clock, wondering if Blaine was doing the same in his own bed. He picked up his phone once again.
'Are you awake?'
The response came a couple minutes later. 'Will you be angry if I say yes?'
'Then yes. Can't you sleep?'
Kurt sighed out loud. 'No. Can't you?'
'…Avoiding it for now. What's keeping you up?'
'The idea of you avoiding sleep.'
'You worry too much.'
'I don't think I worry enough.'
'I wish you wouldn't.'
'I know. That's what worries me.'
His phone rang so abruptly to signal an incoming call, that Kurt nearly dropped it in surprise. He silenced the ring tone before answering in a whisper. "Hello?"
"Go to sleep." Blaine's voice was teasing.
"You go to sleep." Kurt glanced over at Mercedes who was still soundly dreaming.
"Kurt." Blaine sighed.
Kurt lay in silence for a moment. "I wish I could see you earlier than Tuesday."
"I know, I do too, but we both have work, there's not really a way round it. We've made it longer than three days in the past without being together. We can do it."
"Do you plan on going to bed anytime between now and Tuesday?"
"Kurt, you really do need to stop worrying. I'm fine."
"Just promise me you'll try, Blaine."
Blaine let out a long sigh. "Trying is what I do best, Kurt. Get some sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you."
Before Kurt could respond, the call was ended. He put his phone back on the nightstand and stared into the darkness. Maybe Blaine's trying just wasn't good enough. If that were the case, Kurt would just have to try harder for both of them. He finally felt a wave of sleepiness overcome his mind, but not before one last thought plagued him. Try what?