May 22, 2012, 9:16 p.m.
May 22, 2012, 9:16 p.m.
It was the first week of summer and New Directions found themselves hanging out once again, even though Santana had been so sure that they all would be so glad to be rid of one another come the end of the school year. Seemed she was wrong, if anything they were spending more time together, clinging to that sense of familiarity that they gave one another. In a matter of months and for a few, weeks, they would all be scattering to the wind. That sense of home and love that they gathered when they were together, gone, broken, and it scared them. Originally they were only suppose to hang out for that morning, all saying they had other things to do later in the day. But soon the morning morphed into afternoon and then evening. The group of friends found themselves sitting at outside patio of a fast food restaurant, taking up four tables, everyone talking animatedly over their meals. Sure the fifteen people were normally loud and boisterous, but there were new additions as of late, a group of Blaine and Kurt's old Warbler buddies had started to hang around as well. It initially was just because they wanted to see Blaine and to a lesser extent Kurt, but after a couple days of two sets of people meshed into one, the now group of nearly twenty were their own little party everywhere they went.
"No no, come on!" Santana laughed from where she was sitting on Brittany's lap, the dark haired girl leaning over the table to grab something from Rachel. "You've never, seriously?" She asked.
"No, I've never." Rachel insisted, pulling her phone out of reach.
"I don't believe you, lemme see your cell."
"You just wanna see me naked don't you?" Rachel joked.
"Hardly Berry, but I still don't believe you've never snapped naked pictures of yourself to send in a dirty text." Santana said as she reached for the phone again, which just made Rachel lean back farther, allowing the person behind her at the next table to turn and grab the phone.
"Oh! Jeff, give it back!" She squeaked at the Warbler, who just chuckled and tossed the phone to Rory, who tossed it to Puck and then Quinn followed by Trent, then David. Rachel pouted at them as they played keep away with her phone until Santana finally got it, the girl turning it on to look through it, which got Rachel jumping up to start a little tug of war over the phone.
Kurt was sitting next to Blaine, his arm draped over the back of the other boy's chair, they were sandwiched between Sugar and Mike. Kurt chuckled at the two fighting over the phone, leaning in close to Blaine to talk so he wouldn't be overheard by their friends. "How did this even start?"
"I think someone brought up sexting." Blaine muttered fondly, rolling his eyes as Santana exclaimed loudly. "Damn Berry!" Seemed like she had finally found the pictures that Rachel insisted she didn't have. "Santana lay off, everyone has sent naked pictures to their partners at least once." Blaine said in a playful exasperated tone, not even realizing he had just basically admitted to doing so himself.
"Oh really?" Santana arched an eyebrow, ignoring Brittany who took the phone from her hands and idly handed it back to Rachel, the other girl sitting back with a huff, slapping Finn against the chest for not helping her get the cell back. "You willing to put your phone where your mouth is?"
"Not on your life." Blaine chuckled.
"Aw come on."
"Since when do you wanna see dick?" Puck asked.
"Since it'll make Hummel squeal like a little girl." Santana smirked at Kurt, who gingerly picked up a slightly ketchup ridden french fry and pointed it at the girl. "Don't even think about it." She warned, pointing at Kurt who just smirked before flinging the fry at her, the bit of food sticking to the side of her face with a wet slap. The entire group of teenagers paused, staring at the two in shock. Santana had a stunned expression on her face, looking over at Kurt slowly, the boy just quirking an eyebrow at her in challenge. Normally Kurt wouldn't start something like this, but his clothes were already ruined from when Puck and Sam picked him up and tossed him into a lake that afternoon, so he really didn't care about stains. "You are so dead." She said, picking up her own soggy fry to toss at him, it sticking to his forehead, Blaine laughed brightly before he could stop himself. Both Kurt and Santana looked at him at the same time, the two had matching smiles on their faces. "No.. no, don't." Blaine said quickly, putting his hands up in surrender only to be ignored when they both tossed food at him.
"FOOD FIGHT!" Puck shouted, which seemed to break the spell over the group, everyone throwing food at the exact same time. They all laughed and shouted brightly, running around the nearly empty parking lot and completely bare patio dinning area, throwing food and drinks and milkshakes at one another. After a while the fight ended, leaving everyone filthy but giggling. "I wanna thank you for keeping that outside." The manager said, everyone turning to look at the older man who had suddenly spoken up from just outside the front door. "Here's the keys to the hose, don't traipse that shit through the store." He said with a little smile before tossing his keys to Finn, who caught them easily.
Even though they were told to stay out, the girls managed to convince the manager to allow them in to the bathrooms provided they took off their food covered shoes and tip toed to the restrooms as fast as they could without leaving a trail of muck behind them. All of the boys expect for Kurt and Blaine, went around the get the hose, to both clean off under the cold water and to clear off the pavement. Jeff and Trent went to the cars to grab the towels from the trunks that the group had bought that afternoon when the bright idea to go swimming in a lake came up. "I can't believe you did that." Blaine chuckled, standing in front of Kurt, the other boy sitting on one of the tables, his head turned up as Blaine wiped his face with a couple of napkins. "I can't either." Kurt laughed brightly. "Now if only I could find you under that later of strawberry shake." Blaine teased. "Who's handy work was that?"
"Sugar's." Kurt smiled.
"Why does it not surprise me that she would drink the most gag worthy milkshake there is." Blaine joked before leaning in and kissing Kurt chastely on the lips. "Hmm, on you it doesn't taste so bad." He smiled.
"Kinky." Kurt laughed.
"Hey." A voice sounded suddenly from behind Blaine, the boy tensing suddenly. Kurt gave him an odd look before peeking around his shoulder to see a group of guys about their age all standing a foot or so away from them. "Long time no see Anderson." The one closest to Kurt and Blaine quipped, although from the sneer on his face it was obvious that the two were not friends.
Blaine turned around slowly, making sure to keep his body completely in front of Kurt, which did not go unnoticed. "Richard." Blaine said tersely.
"We were told you moved." Richard said, he was tall and loomed over Blaine. But to be fair, that wasn't exactly difficult. The unwelcome newcomer and obvious leader of the group had to have been six feet easily, which still made him shorter than Finn but somehow he still more imposing. It could have been how broad his shoulders were, his shirt pulled taut over large muscles. Or it could have been his eyes, Kurt had seen some very hateful eyes in his life but none seemed so cold and ruthless as Richard's. They were dark and calculating, Kurt didn't know why, but those eyes caused a scared shiver to go running down his spine.
"To Westerville." Was all Blaine said in return. It was no secret that the Anderson's had moved from Columbus to Westerville after the insanity that happened to Blaine in junior high.
"Hmm." Richard hummed thoughtfully, his smile pulling at the edge in a sociopathic way. "Seems like that move wasn't far enough." He said. "See, I was just standing over there talking to my boys about what a shit hole this place is, and how thankful I was that we were only passing through when I heard someone shout out the name 'Blaine'. And you know, I thought, nah, that couldn't be him could it? But, I don't know of many people named Blaine so I thought I'd take a peek, and yep, sure enough here you are. Awake, alive and well.... and still as queer as ever." He actually had the audacity to sound disappointed, it made Kurt want to slap him, but something about the boy kept Kurt in place. Silent, watching, fearing.
"We don't want any problems." Blaine said, his eyes flashing with anger and terror.
"Too bad." Richard said with a click of his tongue as he walked forward in a lazy manner, cocky, stalking his prey. We're in trouble, Kurt thought to himself just as Blaine was grabbed by the collar, the boy pulling him close, speaking right into Blaine's face. "Cause I'm gonna finish what I started back when I tried to teach you your first lesson." The boy said, smiling like he was about to have the time of his life. He then pulled back and punched Blaine in the stomach, causing him to double over, winded. Kurt gasped, jumping up even though he knew he was useless in a fight. His movement caught the attention of the other boys, two rushing forward and grabbing him by the arms, forcing him to watch as Richard and Blaine fought.
In his defence, Blaine put up a good fight, his boxing skills keeping him standing much longer than probably anyone else would have against someone like Richard. But when two more joined in, the three quickly had Blaine on the ground, kicking him roughly repeatedly. Kurt called out to him, tears stinging his eyes, his voice seeming to catch Richard's attention. The large boy stopped his assault on Blaine to walk toward Kurt, who was still being held in place by two thugs. "Kurt!" Blaine yelped, attempting to get up only to be kicked in the back of the knee by one of his other attackers, which caused him to crumble to the ground. He just barely managed to catch himself on his hands, keeping his face from hitting the pavement. "Don't you fucking touch him!" He ground out through his teeth as he struggled against the hold that he found himself in, his arms being held behind his back by one boy, the other standing over him. "Oh, you mean like this?" Richard said as he pulled back and punched Kurt roughly in the face, his head snapping to the side. "No!" Blaine shouted as he looked up into Kurt's shinning blue eyes, attempting to let him know exactly how sorry he was before Blaine was very suddenly kicked in the stomach, groaning in pain.
"FINN!" Kurt screamed at the top of his lungs, tears streaming down his face. Where the hell was everyone!? What, did Trent and Jeff stop to make out in the back seat of the cars!? Did the boys start having a water fight with the hose? Hell, at this point he even the girls showing up would have been a god send, cause he was pretty sure Santana and Mercedes would kick these bastards asses on their own. "No, stop, Blaine!" He cried as he watched his boyfriend slump over, being kicked repeatedly and viciously, his attackers laughing. Kurt struggled against the hold the other two boys had on him, trying to get to Blaine, which just made one of them punch him again. His arm twisted behind his back at a painful angle, Kurt knew that if they twisted any farther it would surely break.
"Kurt, you should see what Artie did...." Finn's amused voice could be heard as he rounded the corner of the building, his thumb jammed over his shoulder to point toward Artie. "What the!? Kurt!?" Finn shouted as he took off in a run toward his brother and friend, calling for Puck, who swore loudly when he too rounded the corner.
"What the fuck!?" Finn ran into the mess, shoving one of the guys off of Kurt as Puck grabbed a hold of Richard's back just as Blaine let out a loud wail and a snap was heard. Sam grabbed one of the boys who was standing over Blaine, the one that had been holding his arms before he fell, Mike taking the other while David pushed the second one off of Kurt. The girls ran out then, all of them exclaiming when they saw the scuffle going on between their friends and the newcomers. "Kurt!?" Rachel and Brittany ran over to him as Santana and Tina rushed over to Blaine's limp body. "Blaine?" Tina said quietly, placing a hand on Blaine's shoulder to roll him over, seeing blood in the corner of his mouth. "Blaine?" Just then the boy in question gave a wheezing cough, the red liquid sputtering up from his mouth, leaving small specks on Santana's cheeks from where she was leaning over him. "Sugar, go get the manager to call 911!" She ordered, the younger girl nodding quickly and rushing off.
"Stop it! Stop it all of you!" Rachel shouted at the brawling boys. "Stop it!" She grabbed at one of them, Richard, who turned and accidentally backhanded her across the face. The girl yelped, grabbing her cheek. Mercedes quickly pulled her back when it seemed Puck and Finn decided that they where going to make sure Richard never walked again for not only doing what he did to Blaine and Kurt, but for hitting a girl as well. It wasn't until a loud banging sound echoed through the air that they all froze, looking over to the front of the store where Sugar was standing next to the mangers, the man holding a metal baseball bat. "Only a coward kicks." He said firmly, pointing the bat at Richard, who's nose was bleeding. "You get your friends and you get the fuck off my property."
"Or what?" Richard sneered, wiping his nose on the back of his hand.
"Or I trade this bat in for the rifle under my counter." The manager said in a matter of fact sort of tone.
"Pfft." Richard huffed, rolling his eyes. "Fine." He tossed his hands up in mocker surrender. "We're gone." And with that the five turned and walked off into the quickly creeping night.
"What the hell!? Why'd you just let them go!?" Puck demanded.
"Because, gay bashing ain't exactly a punishable offense around these parts. Not for privileged little bastards like that anyway." The man said.
"Blaine!?" Kurt pulled out of Brittany's grasp finally, rushing over to Blaine, leaning over him. "Baby? Please, open your eyes." He cried.
"I don't know where the blood is coming from." Santana said softly, looking into Kurt's eyes, the girl obviously terrified. Her face was speckled with Blaine's blood, a large smear across her left cheek where she had run the back of her hand through it when he brushed some of her hair off her face.
"I think it's inside, he's bleeding internally or something." Tina whispered in a shaky voice.
"No, nononono, Blaine? Please, honey, please open your eyes!" Kurt begged, holding Blaine's face in his hands. "Please." He cried, tears slipping down his cheeks and splashing against Blaine's. Their friends all huddled around, all of the boys expect for Artie, Trent and Jeff were bloodied or bruised in some form, and Rachel had a large welt on the right side of her face. "Blaine?"
"I hate hospitals." Kurt muttered from where he was sitting, bouncing one of his legs up and down in a nervous fashion.
"I know buddy." Burt said from where he was next to him, putting a firm warm hand on Kurt's shoulder. He had been called by Finn the second they got the the ER, the man rushing over as fast as he could. Carole, who had been on call, hurried to find the children when another nurse had spotted Kurt, telling the woman that apparently her children were in the hospital. It had been a while since Blaine was taken away through those stupid doors that only medical personnel were allowed behind, Kurt wasn't sure how long, but long enough for him and everyone else who needed some first aid to have already gotten it and returned. He had a small bandage on his cheekbone where his skin had split from the impact of a punch, his cheek and eye were quickly bruising and his lip was bloodied from where his teeth had caught it when he was hit. His right arm was in a cast and sling, the whole right side of his upper body was throbbing from both the spiral fracture in his arm as well as from the kidney punch he had taken. Rachel had an ice pack on her cheek, both Puck and Finn had their knuckles wrapped on their right hands, holding ice packs as well. Sam had a couple stitches in his right eyebrow and Mike's left wrist was twisted, leaving him in a sling as well. David had a butterfly bandage over the bridge of his nose, both of his eyes blackening. Rory and Joe had ice packs as well, Joe's nose bloody from where his nose ring had been caught. They all had various cuts and bumps over their faces and bodies, but for the most part the boys had come out unscathed. It could have been so much worse, and they all knew that.
Kurt looked up suddenly when he heard the voice of someone asking about Blaine, seeing a tall man with dark slicked back hair standing at the nurses station. He was in a three piece suit that probably cost more than Kurt's car and Kurt knew for a fact that his watch did cost more than his car. "Mr. Anderson." He said, standing up slowly.
Charles Anderson walked quickly down the hall when he saw Kurt, the boy walking slightly toward him when the man slowed down, his eyes darting to Kurt's arm. "What happened? Where's Blaine?" He asked, his honey colored eyes looking worried. No one said anything, although Burt did stand up. He hadn't met Blaine's father yet, but he did remember what the teen had said about thinking he was 'trying to make him straight'. Kurt had assured him more than once that the Anderson's were perfectly nice people, just old fashioned, but Burt wasn't going to put anything to chance.
"We were out to dinner with our friends when we were attacked." Kurt said, doing his best not to flinch when the large man reached out to grasp his chin firmly yet gently, and tilted his head to the side to survey the damage on his face. Just as Burt was about to open his mouth to say something, he stopped, surprised by the next words out the man's mouth.
"Are you alright Kurt?" He asked, sounding genuine.
"I'm fine, we all are for the most part." Kurt nodded, looking over his shoulder to his friends, Mr. Anderson's eyes following his. The man took in the group of children, all of them covered in what looked a lot like fast food, the majority of the boys hurt in some form. That and one girl. "Someone hit you?" He asked, looking at Rachel, walking closer to the rest of the group, Kurt trailing behind him.
"Yes." She said with a nod, looking down, almost timid under the man's gaze. None of them knew anything about Blaine's family besides that Cooper was sort of famous, but that was about it.
"It was Richard McConnell, sir." Trent spoke up, looking at Charles.
"The McConnell boy? Again?"
"Excuse me." Burt cut in, holding a hand out to the other man. "I'm Burt Hummel, I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances."
"I am too, we should have met long before now." Charles said with a nod, shaking Burt's hand.
"Want to tell me who this kid is?" Burt asked.
"Richard McConnell was the ringleader of the group of boys who had beat up Blaine and his date to the Sadie Hawkins dance back in Columbus." Charles explained. "He put Blaine and that poor boy in the hospital for weeks."
"Where there no charges pressed?" Burt asked.
"Well for starters, they were underage." Mr. Anderson explained. "Secondly, they're parents are all high powered attorneys, and while I may be one as well, my son was the less credible witness."
"Because he's gay?" Burt asked, his voice taking on a gruffer tone.
"Dad." Kurt said softly, placing a hand on his father's arm.
"While I understand why you might make such an assumption, I can assure you that it was not because of that." Charles said, actually sounding amazingly calm considering he had just basically been called a homophobe. "No, it was because the second boy, his date, retracted his statement under the pressure of his family, which left it Blaine's word against theirs. And while I attempted to get a reasonable judge to hear us out, we ended up dealing with one that was... less than sympathetic." He finished with a sigh, Burt's eye's softening slightly. "I know I'm old fashion Mr. Hummel, I'm stern and I expect respect and order in my household. I made disagree with many aspects of my children's lives, but I could never hate my son. I have been in the hospital twice because of people who have a problem with Blaine's sexuality, I've lost jobs because of it, we've had to move because of it. He lives in fear, fear that this will happen again. I know this is not a choice for him, or anyone like him. Because if it was, no one would choose to be hated." Burt paused for a moment before giving a little nod, in a way he understood. It was true, Blaine and Kurt were born to be who they were and no one else, but that didn't mean it was easy.
"Are they going to get away with it this time?" Kurt asked, sounding truly upset, his eyes tearing up.
Charles looked from him to the other children, all staring at him with the same fear and worry in their eyes. "No." He said, shaking his head, looking at Kurt again, placing a hand on his unharmed shoulder. "They're not."
The waiting room slowly filled up as the time went on, Rachel's fathers showed up, Mike's parents as well as Tina's mother. Sugar's father even, while she might not have been hurt, she was still sure that he could do something to help. She and Blaine had gotten close during the time that he had been off school because of his eye and she had spoken very highly of him to her father, and she knew that he would do anything to help make this right. By the time Carole walked into the waiting room from checking on Blaine's status it was standing room only. "I missed something didn't I?"
"Mom?" Finn asked, taking a step forward with Kurt.
"It was a punctured lung, when one of his ribs broke, it jabbed into the lung, which is why he was coughing up blood." She said, motioning to Santana, who had managed to wash most of the blood off her face, but still had a stain here and there. "There was also damage to the back of his skull from what I can only assume was a foot, but he should be fine, he's just leaving surgery now." She said, pulling Kurt into a hug when he started to cry, Finn hugging her as well.
"Are you sure he'll be okay?" Charles asked, sounding a little breathless now that he had heard the extent of his son's injuries.
"You can trust her." Burt said, placing a hand on Charles' shoulder. "She's the best damn nurse in the whole hospital." Carole just smiled at him from over Kurt's shoulder before she kissed the teen on the side of the head. "Shh, sweetie, it's alright." She soothed Kurt who was just reeling, how had everything gone so bad so quickly?