I thought that I heard you cry
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I thought that I heard you cry: Chapter 3

T - Words: 2,499 - Last Updated: May 11, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Apr 18, 2012 - Updated: May 11, 2012
639 0 1 0 0


The day seemed to drag on forever, by the time the household was finally empty of non-glee club related guests, it was well into evening. Most of the girls as well as Kurt, were all in the kitchen helping Carole clean up the last of the dishes. The boys walked in through the backdoor, having put the extra chairs away in the garage when Kurt refused to allow his father put them away himself. His heart had already suffered enough stress for one day, heavy lifting could wait. "We should get going if we want to get rooms." Artie said from where he had parked his chair next to the table, boxing up the Hummel's good silver cutlery that Carole had taken out for the wake.

"Room?" Burt questioned.

"The motel fills up pretty quick." Quinn nodded.

"You aren't staying with your families?" Carole asked the group mulling around her kitchen.

"My mom's on a wine cruise." Quinn said.

"Visiting family." Mike added, Tine nodding in agreement.

"I just hate mine." Puck shrugged, getting a wave of chuckles in response.

"No, I'm not having you all stay in some flea bitten hotel." Carole shook her head. "Those of you who don't have places to stay can stay here. We have a fold out in the living room and a second in the basement, and Kurt has a double bed, he can share with someone." She said, Kurt not even blinking at the fact that she had just offered his bed to someone.

"We're staying at my dads." Rachel said, motioning to Finn.

"Good, cause I sure as heck ain't giving him his room back." Veronica said, making a little face at Finn, who just stuck his tongue out at her, because he was so very mature obviously.

"Those of you who have places, that's fine, but any who don't can stay with us." Carole continued, as if her children hadn't just spoken.

"Thank you Mrs. Hummel." Quinn said with a polite smile.

"Oh please, call me Carole." She said with a little smile as she wiped her hands on a tea towel. "Now that that's taking care of, I think I'm going to turn in." She said, the woman usually went to bed before 8pm just because of the crazy work hours she kept.

"I think I will as well, it's been a long day." Burt said, standing up. "Veronica, no later than 9:30 okay?" He pointed at his daughter sternly, who just nodded, like she was use to being reminded when to go to bed even though it was the same every weeknight. Once the adults were out of the room, their footfalls getting fainter as they ascended the stairs, everyone looked at one another awkwardly. The silence hung heavily as they all fidgeted, unsure what to do to break the tension from the day. "I call Kurt's bed." Puck randomly piped up.

"What!?" Kurt looked at the larger man, aghast. "I'm not sleeping with you Puckerman."

"Well I'm not sharing with any of the girls, that's a sure way to get punch in the face by one of them." Puck nodded toward the other men the room. "And unlike my bros, I know you've actually bathed in the last twelve hours." He smirked like an ass, which only got a chuckle in response from most of the girls and the guys all calling him a name.

Kurt huffed even though he was smirking, crossing his arms over his chest. "Fine, but if I catch you spooning with me, I'm kicking you."

"Even if I let you be the big spoon?" Puck teased, which got a series of laughs in response. "Okay." He clapped his hands together. "Halo tournament?" At Puck's offer, once again all the boys save Kurt jumped at the idea, as well as Santana for some odd reason.

"She plays Halo?" Rachel looked at Brittany in question once the other group were out of ear shot.

"I bought it for her as a way to still be violent now that we're not around you guys anymore." The blonde said with a shrug.

"That's... almost endearing in a terrifying way." Kurt said as he sat down at the table, Tina putting on some tea as they all lapsed into conversation. 





The next morning, Kurt managed to untangle himself to Puck's arms, who did end up spooning him, and padded downstairs to start the coffee. He knew his parents would already be at work, Verionica at school, so he wasn't expecting to see his family, but he did stop for a moment at the bottom of the stairs when he heard the sound of someone humming from the kitchen. He walked in to see Blaine standing with his back to the door as he made the very coffee Kurt had been planing on making. He was still in his black dress pants, but his feet were bare and his undershirt left this arms and the broad expanse of his shoulders visible. Kurt swallowed thickly, managing to tear his eyes away from the other man's skin, instead clearing his throat softly. "You slept here."

Blaine managed not to jump, but he did whirl around rather quickly, obviously having been startled. "Yeah." He chuckled, running one hand through his messy hair. "Halo ended up lasting longer than any of us expected." He nodded toward the living room, Kurt turning around to look from one doorway to the other. He could see Mike, Artie, Sam and Finn all sort of squished together on the pull out sofa. Santana was curled up in the large armchair that Burt usually watched games in, there was a pillow on the floor with a blanket, which was obviously where Blaine had slept.

"You were on the floor?" Kurt asked.

"I didn't start out that way, but Mike kicks." Blaine chuckled. "I think he practices dance moves in his sleep."

"You could have crawled into the girl's bed, only Quinn, Tina and Brittany stayed over." Kurt told him.

"I didn't know that at the time."

"Mercedes and Rachel said goodbye when they left... right, video game, never mind." Kurt chuckled, knowing better than to expect them to have paid attention to what anyone said outside the living room laat night.

"How'd you sleep?" Blaine asked, going back to making to coffee.

"Okay." Kurt shrugged, sitting at the table. "I wasn't molested by Puck nearly as much as one would expect." He smirked.

"I didn't expect him to very much, he's never seemed the kind to switch hit."

"But he has no boundaries."

"Point." Blaine nodded, walking over to sit at the table as well, waiting for the coffee to perk.

"Are you staying with your parents while in town?" Kurt asked, only to get a nod in return. "Oh that'll be fun." He smirked, Blaine chuckling.

"It'll be fine, it's only for a week. I have a couple plans with the guys and I promised to help Mike with someone later on today, plus Rachel is demanding I come over and talk music with her."

"Anything to stay out of the house huh?" Kurt smiled gently, almost apologetically.

"You know it." Blaine smiled with a little one shoulder shrug.

"Well if you ever need time away, you can come back here for more Halo." Kurt offered.

"Thanks, maybe next time I'll drag John along."

"John?... Oh, that man I saw with you at the funeral yesterday."

"Yeah, he's a big video game nerd, he's who got me playing them." Blaine explained.

"He's cute." Kurt offered, ignoring the twisting clench of jealousy in his stomach which he had no right to feel anymore.

"He is." Blaine nodded. "His girlfriend would agree."

"Oh! He's not... I mean, you're not..." Kurt trailed off, not even sure why he cared.

"No, he's my roommate. He and his girlfriend Tanya share an apartment with me, they're really good friends. Tanya wanted to come with us, but she had this huge project to work on and couldn't take the time off, but John's under firm orders to make sure I don't wallow." Blaine said fondly, thinking of his friends. "I should call him, in case he's suicidal enough to show up at my parents house looking for me."

"That might be a good idea." Kurt nodded. He knew the Anderson's well, which made sense considering he and Blaine had dated for just over two years. While Cooper was sort of a tool, their mother was pleasant enough, prim and proper. Kurt's first thought when he met her was that she tried way too hard, which sort of fit the families well off lifestyle. Mr. Anderson was completely odd to meet though, after hearing some of the stories Blaine had told him about his father, Kurt had honestly expected this horrible bigoted homophobe. But he wasn't actually that difficult of a man, yes he was stern, extremely so. But he never looked down on Kurt and Blaine when they were at the house together, he simply acted as if they weren't there. And when he did bother to speak to them, it wasn't entirely unpleasant. He spoke classic movies with Kurt as well as the occasional conversation about music, turned out that was where both Cooper and Blaine got their musical talent from. Yes, Mr. Anderson was an enigma, he didn't approve of having a gay son, but he loved him enough to accept it, albeit begrudgingly. "Couldn't imagine what they would think if suddenly your friend showed up looking for you and they assumed he was your boyfriend." Kurt smiled. "A black gay man, the horror." He joked.

"I know right, what would the country club think?" Blaine joked right back.

Kurt laughed as he grabbed the cordless phone, handing it to Blaine. "He call John." He smiled, his breath hitching as their fingers brushed slightly....





"Oh my god, would you just stop it!?" Blaine snapped at Kurt, sliding off the bed in a huff.

"Stop what?" Kurt asked, leaning up on his elbow, watching Blaine from his lounging position on his bed.

"Every time I touch you, you freeze up." Blaine said, motioning with his hands as he spoke, something he did when he was well and truly upset. "You think I don't notice it? How your entire body seizes up the second I lay a hand on you, like your waiting for the bottom to drop out or something."

"I don't!" Kurt argued as he sat up fully, his voice betraying him because he did, he knew he did.

"You do!" Blaine snapped. "How many times do I have to tell you I didn't have sex with him!? But you won't believe me, so instead you are letting this imaginary affair you've invented in your mind, come between us."

"You don't understand! I'm trying to just get my head around this, having you around all the time again, you moving to New York with me next month, it's just a lot."

"I don't... Oh my god Kurt, could you be any more self centered?" Blaine said with a wry laugh.

"Self centered!? How am I self centered." Kurt asked, standing up, because now he was getting angry as well.

"Do you hear yourself anymore? In fact have you not heard yourself for the past two years? I've given up everything for you-" 

"For Christ sake, you changed high schools, I didn't ask you too, get over it!" Kurt cut in.

"It's not the high school!" Blaine shouted. "It's everything, don't you see? You wanted New York, you wanted NYADA, you just had to have that damn school. Even when I tried to tell you to weigh your options, but no, because you heard it was the best so screw what everyone else thought. And look where it got you, the school was insane, full of Rachel Berry clones who all looked down on you because you're a countertenor. All you ever did was go on and on about what you wanted and what you dreamt, and I just went along with it because I thought hey, it's what a good boyfriend does. But even now, all you think is how this is going to be for you. I'm moving to a place I don't even like for you, because I want to be with you, and you can't even find it in your heart to believe me when I tell you nothing happened?" Blaine's face fell. "How do you think that makes me feel?"

Kurt just stared at Blaine for a moment, knowing he should say something instead just looking off to the side, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth. Blaine sighed, defeated. "I don't wanna do this."

"What?" Kurt's eyes snapped back to him.

"This, the fighting and the distrust. How am I suppose to move to New York with you, to live with you when you won't let go of something that didn't even happen?"

"I just...."

"It's like you're trying to find a way out." Blaine huffed, hands on hips. When Kurt didn't deny it, he looked at the other boy oddly, something dawning on him. "You are aren't you?" He asked softly.

Kurt sighed, sitting down heavily on the edge of his bed. "No... ye-yes... maybe, I, I dunno." Kurt stuttered over his words before scrubbing his hands across his face. "All I know is that we never use to fight and in the last six weeks all we've done is argue, we're not in the same places we use to be."

"You wanna leave me?" Blaine asked, his voice betraying how he really felt, the question seeming small and timid.

"I love you...."


"But I don't know you anymore." There it was, the truth. Kurt was confused, lost and was desperately attempting to turn Blaine into the bad guy so he wouldn't feel horrible for being the one that did the breaking. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

Blaine just stared at him, standing in the middle of Kurt's old bedroom, his eyes glistening in the dim lamp light. "Yeah, well..." His voice caught, hitching slightly. "So am I." Blaine finished with a terse nod before turning on his heel and walking out of the room, refusing to allow himself to cry in front of Kurt.





As Blaine spoke on his phone to his friend, Kurt made the coffees, the house slowly filling up with the sounds of the other people waking up. "You kick dude." Finn could be heard saying to Mike as they two shuffled into the kitchen. Soon followed by Artie and Sam, Santana dragged herself after them, the woman looking barely awake, which is why she probably didn't say anything when Brittany turned her into a seat once the rest of the girls joined them. The room soon filled with voices as the friends started chatting about old times, Kurt, Quinn and Tina working on making breakfast. Throughout the entire time, Kurt caught himself stealing quick glances at Blaine, who was sat between Santana, Brittany and Puck, the blonde girl using his lap as a foot stool. At one point, Kurt realized he had been openly staring when Quinn elbowed him in the side, the taller man quickly turning back to the pancakes he was suppose to be flipping. Thankfully missing the small sideways glance that Blaine shot him, a ghost of a smile gracing the slightly younger man's lips.


End Notes: That's all for now, I'll hopefully update again soon :)


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I thought i'd already reviewed... whoops. I love this. Please continue