May 30, 2013, 8:29 a.m.
May 30, 2013, 8:29 a.m.
Chapter Eight: Puberty
Blaine made a second visit to Ray a little after a month. He was experiencing a massively bad pimple and was thrilled to notice that his voice had gotten just a little deeper. By May, he was having a bit of trouble during Warbler's practice.
"Blaine, you're flat," David said. Blaine grimaced. He knew he'd been flat- every time they ran the song. David knew it as well. That's why he called him out in front of everyone. And then he sang Blaine's part (down an octave) to him and made Blaine sing it back.
He tried. He really did. And his voice cracked, squeaking horribly. He winced, feeling his face darken immediately. "And here I was thinking you were a countertenor," David sighed. "Ah, well. There goes another soprano."
The rest of rehearsal went horribly. Blaine kept feeling worse and worse because he couldn't hit the notes he needed to hit and whenever he tried, he just made the group sound worse. Throw that on top of the sudden overwhelming urge to shag the brains out of half the guys in the room (he couldn't even look at Justin), and he was ready to lock himself in a tiny room, hide under a huge and immovable rock in that tiny locked room, and never emerge.
"Hey, Blaine, hold on a sec." Blaine turned to face David as the rest of the group filed out. The older student gestured for Blaine to have a seat on one of the couches. David took the seat opposite.
"You know we're not really upset with you that you can't hit the notes anymore, right?"
"Hey, you can't help it that your voice is changing," David reminded him and Blaine felt immediately guilty. "It's totally normal. And I'm sorry for calling you out like that. But every guy here has gone through that awkward squeaky phase, so don't worry about it. Really."
"I'm not worried," Blaine replied defensively.
"Okay." David held his hands up in surrender. "It looked a little like you were. Just thought it would be good to remind you that even if a couple guys laughed when your voice broke... It's happened to everyone in this room and it's not a big deal. Hey, maybe you'll even come back at the end of the summer sounding like Andrea Bocelli."
Blaine grinned. "I'll do my best."
"You come back sounding like Bocelli and I will personally guarantee you all of the solos, Blaine."
"You don't even have the power to do that."
"Elections are next week," David said as he stood. "Vote for me!"
Blaine laughed. "I can't think of anyone better suited."
"Well, thank you. See you tomorrow."
Blaine waved and headed out. "What did he want?" Justin asked.
Blaine felt his face heat up a little. "Just gave me some singing pointers."
Justin nodded. "Yeah, I had a rough time last semester when mine was changing. Let's just say I didn't get in when I tried out for the Warblers."
"Want to change Bocelli's newspaper?" Blaine joked.
Blaine's eyebrows shot up. "That wasn't serious... I was just..."
"Come on."
Justin grabbed Blaine's hand and started back toward his room. "I think Bocelli misses you."
"Yeah?" Blaine asked. "How do you know?"
"I think he finds me boring."
"You? Boring? Never."
Justin grinned and Blaine didn't realize he'd been staring until Justin called his name. "Yeah, I'm good. Paying attention. Definitely."
Justin only laughed and shook his head. "So. I joined the AV club yesterday..."
"Cool," Blaine said. "Warblers not keeping you busy enough?"
"That and I thought it would be great to have a key to a room where we could have a movie night?"
"Oh, my god!" Blaine exclaimed. "You are- That is genius!"
"I was thinking 'When Harry Met Sally.'"
They had reached Justin's room by that point and Blaine headed straight to Bocelli's cage and whistled happy birthday to him. Bocelli just sang back a single long note. "I swear I'm going to teach him that song," Blaine sighed.
"You can definitely try."
"Oh, come on," Blaine said and turned around to find that he and Justin were suddenly standing very, very close. "Sorry."
Neither of them made any move to step back or increase the space between them. Without thinking, Blaine closed the distance and they kissed. It was brief enough, but Blaine had to pull away because he was suddenly extremely turned on and he could feel parts of him he knew he shouldn't have.
"You alright?"
"Yeah," Blaine nodded, unable to muster a smile. "I- I forgot that I have to- finish my history paper. Can I- Can we reschedule movie night?"
"Yeah. Of course. Are you sure you're alright?"
Blaine nodded and ran out. He barely managed to take off his ACE bandage his hands were shaking so badly by the time he forced himself under an ice cold shower. No more kissing. He would bury himself in schoolwork and there would be no more kissing.
Yes. That would work.