Far From Here: A Klaine Tumblr AU
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Far From Here: A Klaine Tumblr AU: Chapter 4

K - Words: 1,150 - Last Updated: Mar 12, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Jan 07, 2012 - Updated: Mar 12, 2012
1,541 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: This chapter is just...fun. Let it stand alone! Next chapter is...a little intense, so I just wanted you guys to see more of Kurt and Blaine's interactions, to get a sense of where they are :)
“There’s got to be a reason for the humming.”

Kurt had hardly noticed his father walk in as he stood at the counter making cupcakes. This time it wasn’t to calm down, but actually to take to school tomorrow for Mercedes’s birthday. It was nearly ten at night, and Kurt had demanded that Blaine go to sleep a few hours ago, which had actually been a difficult task seeing as Blaine had refused to for quite some time. The hours he didn’t speak to the boy went by slowly, but Kurt always found time to fill them.

“I always hum,” he said, raising an eyebrow and turning to look at his dad. Putting the mixing bowl down, he moved over to his cupcake tray, putting in a decorative cupcake paper holder in each.

His father shook his head though, and nudged him lightly as he answered, “Yeah, but not lately. And not so frequently. You haven’t hummed this much since you found that authentic Alex Wang bag for under 100 bucks on Ebay.”

His smile widened at the memory, and Kurt literally let out a small sigh. “It’s Alexander Wang, dad. And that bag was beautiful. And cheap, but the good kind of cheap. And I was happy…and I guess I am now too.”

But before Burt could say anything about the smile on Kurt’s face, and the way he slightly looked out the window as he spoke, Kurt had poured the cupcake mix into all the individual places and popped it into the oven. Setting the timer, Kurt smiled quickly before tapping Burt’s arm as he walked out of the kitchen, calling behind him, “Call me when it rings!”

There was only one message the next day, and Kurt raised an eyebrow. Now a days, it was more typical of Blaine to literally spam him while he was gone, using up all ten of his asks every couple hours. Not that Kurt ever answered all of them, seeing as most of the messages were Blaine spamming Broadway songs, but he was used to it. So one, like how they had started, seemed off.

Clicking on it, Kurt looked at the message for a very long time.

‘Kurt! You know what I just realized? Remember that day when we just kept missing each other (like, I mean, we were never on at the same time) and it pissed us off? Well, I realized…we should exchange Skype names! So just reply with yours and well, I should be online :) I hope the cupcakes worked out, by the way! I bet they were delicious and I am almost really jealous I couldn’t have them.’

It was Blaine. It was typical Blaine. Happy, exclamation points, and friendly. It was the Blaine that put a smile on his face. But this wasn’t the problem. The problem was that Kurt didn’t have a Skype name, seeing as he didn’t need one. Or at least, hadn’t needed one. He took a deep breath and panicked for a second, before realizing there was nothing to be afraid of.

Downloading Skype took less than ten minutes, and after signing up, Kurt was ready to actually respond to the dark haired boy. His heart was racing, and he had no idea why. Blaine simply wanted to talk to him more. But now, now they could talk without gaps, they could talk and it would be completely instant. Kurt felt a slight blush creep onto his cheeks as he hit in his name to Blaine and waited, not knowing at all what to expect.

He told himself to relax. He was Kurt Hummel, and he could do anything he wanted to, he had convinced himself of that. There was a small little blink at the bottom of his screen then, accompanied by a ‘ping’. Kurt switched the window, and bit down hard on his lips as he saw the message.

‘Blaine Anderson has a friend request for you’

Kurt’s cursor hit the large, green button for accept quickly, and within two seconds, Blaine had already messaged him.

Blaine Anderson: Kurt! Hey!

He took a breath, reminding himself that this was completely normal and that he knew Blaine. He knew who the boy he was speaking to was.

Kurt Hummel: Hey yourself.

Blaine Anderson: How did the cupcakes go? You didn’t answer me on tumblr~

Kurt laughed, rolling his eyes at the words. Of course he would mention them, again. Blaine had practically wept (or so Kurt had imagined him in his head) over the fact that he couldn’t have Kurt’s cupcakes himself. Kurt had promised to send some to him through the internet whenever that technology was available, and although Blaine seemed happy after he had said that, the thought that that technology probably would never exist seemed to fill Kurt’s heart was sorrow.

Having a best friend a couple hundred thousand miles away was difficult.

Kurt Hummel: Mercedes loved them! She only had two, though. Puck and Finn took most of them, though. They were a hit, as always.

Blaine Anderson: Ugh, I’m still so jealous. But I’m glad they were good, I really am. Not that a doubted they would be, just that I’m glad everyone liked them.

Kurt Hummel: People always like my baking, Blaine ;)

He practically blushed as he sent that. Smileys, especially winking ones, weren’t his thing. But he could tease, he supposed. That was alright, right? Kurt teased enough with his actual friends, that he figured there was no reason to feel like Blaine would take it any differently.

Blaine Anderson: I never said I doubted it!

Kurt Hummel: Oh boy, but it sounded like you did!

There was a lapse, longer than the other messages, and Kurt panicked again. Had he said something wrong? But then there was another ‘ping!’ and Kurt breathed out.

Blaine Anderson: Oh boy? Who says ‘Oh boy’?!

Kurt laughed out loud at that one, imagining the way Blaine’s thick, triangular eyebrows would frown as he typed that. He had tried to memorize his features from the few videos he’d seen, and yet still he found himself wondering how some things would look like on Blaine’s face. He sighed to himself at the thought, but didn’t linger on it.

Kurt Hummel: I do, because I’m awesome and live in the United States of America, Rome kid.

Blaine Anderson: That’s why you said you wanted to go to Europe, right, Lima kid? ;)

Rolling his eyes, Kurt looked at the letters fondly. He didn’t know where this was going. He didn’t know where they wanted this to go. All he knew was that Blaine Anderson put a smile on his face without even trying. That simply reading his name made a smile spread onto his lips. He knew that this boy was singlehandedly making things a lot better for him. There was something special about Blaine that he couldn’t pinpoint at all.

But he smirked and let his long, graceful fingers move over his laptops keyboard as he typed out.

Kurt Hummel: Oh, shut up and go to sleep, insomniac.


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